There's bunch of fate projects awaits us in the near future, so I thought we might discuss about them

There's bunch of fate projects awaits us in the near future, so I thought we might discuss about them.

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Ofcourse ProtoType Athur Ma Boy !!!

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Really want lost belts to get adapted, they're actually pretty interesting and crypters are great antagonists

I want all Lostbelt (+ December Prologue maybe?) to get animated too.
Btw top 5 most favorite main story chapters according to Famitsu survey
>What's your favorite main story chapter?
>Babylonia-> 2931
>Camelot -> 1028
>Solomon -> 995
>Shimousa -> 827
>Yuga Kshetra -> 648

You are teleported to a different dimension where Fate Grand Order never happens. What does the Nasuverse look like in 2019 there?

Proyotype, case files, extra, Requiem, strange fake, cc, Tsukihime, apocrypha, knk, maho, hf, are mistakes.

So you're saying that Extella is the next anime?

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Rail Zeppelin adaption will be starting from ep 7 next week

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Fate/Dragon*Idol would be the only good Fate anime but it will never be made.

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No the overwhelming vast majority of heroes are stronger as Servants because Heroic spirits aren't the actual soul, they are an existence shaped by the human perception of them. Basically their legends determines what conceptual powers they can get. But since they are the gestalt existence that encompasses multiple timelines, there was no way that a Servant container can hold all those copies of their legends.
That's why Servants are 'lesser' than the Heroic Spirits.

>Fate/side material - Encyclopedia: Heroic Spirits [Circumstances], p.056
>Heroic Spirits [Circumstances]
>The Heroes who achieved great deeds and were worshiped after death became Heroic Spirits.
They were the greatest existences amongst the forces that safeguarded humanity. In terms of classification, they were not Wrath, but closer to Faeries.
>Faeries were materialized forces using the imagination of humans as framework, while Heroic Spirits were woven purely from the ideals of humans through and through.
>Amongst Heroic Spirits, there were ones who existed in legends, ones who actually lived, and ones who were never observed. Those who were rarely worshiped were included in the classification of "Counter Guardians", and were utilized as an unconscious Counter Force.
>In the Heroic Spirits in this story, only Archer functioned as a Counter Guardian.
>Other Heroic Spirits were aligned with the planet rather than humanity, due to their high divinity. Counter Guardians were not within this category.

Fuxx Batori , Kamila is Best

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>There's bunch of fate projects awaits us in the near future
Like? The only ones I know about are Heaven's feel and the Babylonia movie.

babylonia show
camelot movie in 2020

Also Camelot.

Oh, right. I forgot that they are also adapting Camelot.

I'm mostly just excited for that because I want animated Nicotoris.


Extella is under the extra banner and yes it's going to be next cause Nasu loves pushing his shit ideas.

EOPs whining for a tsukihime remake translation

Recently their was a poll in Japan to see which characters they wanted to be added to FGO the most and here it is

>1. Arcueid Brunestud
>2. Shirou Emiya
>3. Muramasa Sengou
>4. Charlemagne
>5. Shinji Matou
>6. Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald
>7. Kirei Kotomine
>8. Bazett Fraga McRemitz
>9. Archimedes
>10. Nobukatsu Oda

Maybe this will influence which character to focus on in future projects

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. Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald
>wanting to add an idiotic jobber whose claim to fame is getting NTR'd by his own servant and dying like a bitch in the grail war
but why

japs are just as much of memelords as us

I'm quite surprised about Shinji. I knew that Heaven's Feel and Last encore increased his popularity but not by this much. Who knows, maybe we'll get heroic Spirit MATOU in FGO

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tsukihime remake
new melty blood
mahoyo continuation

everything starting with red saber was a mistake

Hollow Ataraxia is literally impossible to adapt

Every thing that started with a boring not vampire was a mistake

Is there actually a Prototype adaptation plannd?

Not yet, but considering fate prototype has some really popular servants like Arthur, female Merlin, ozy etc. I think it's quite possible

>implying FGO is the problem
There's 3year between Mahoyo and fgo, Nasu could have release Mahoyo 2&3 and Tsukihime remake if he wanted but he didn't because he's a lazy shitter.

Could someone please feed Grey? Her legs looked like it could snap from the slightest touch.

Parseus is a shinjiface right? They should've add him in LB5.

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to be fair, Shinji was always incredibly cool and extremely popular but his imouto's prior unpopularity was always dragging him down into the mud.

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>new melty blood
But thats already a thing

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Kadokawa steals the idea of Servants, twists it and sweeps the rug under Nasu's feet.
We still get another FGO, just not from Fate.

During FGOFes they had a big banner and I believe something about releasing a soundtrack compilation for it. Doesn't exactly mean much but considering one of the upcoming Lostbelts is implied to be Prototype-related it's not a long shot to guess they might have something in mind. Wouldn't hold my breath though.

The same five people complaining about no Mahoyo or Tsukihime while Nasu continued to do absolutely nothing, without any of the recent spin-off adaptations having happened and TM remaining borderline indie devs.

I love how subtly villainous he is without being outright evil.

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It was their birthday yesterday. I hope you wished that bloodthirsty serial killer a happy birthday!

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>4. Charlemagne
>9. Archimedes

See? Extella/Link didn't flop!

>>wanting to add an idiotic jobber

Ah, so you understand.

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His bad sides just haven't been shown yet

British food sucks though.

idiots, they canceled prototype already, They're shilling Proto Arthur in FGO because he will be in the FGO anime not prototype because it no longer exist.

yeah, didn't they removed all references of Prototype in FGO and changed his personality?

Well, he's still embarrassed about how he was unwittingly doing Manaka's evil bidding and refuses to meet Arash, Ozymandias, Paracelsus, Jekyll/Hyde, Serenity, or Bryn for precisely that reason

Wait it's canceled? Why?

All I care about.

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Fate can go die in a fire.

I'm just happy we're getting Case Files.


Not in London.


It was never a priority. First off, Nasu and Takeuchi don't really involve themselves much with Prototype-related projects anymore, not since the short made for Carnival Phantasm. It's almost all been Sakurai up to now. She wrote Fragments of Blue and Silver, which is meant to be a prequel to Fate/Prototype, but she hasn't written anything for the "original story". There's really nothing to adapt; they only have a bare-bones scenario written up for it and that's the way it's been for years.

I suppose if Nasu and Takeuchi have Sakurai write an actual Fate/Prototype novel, it may happen.

Also, they really need to call it something other than "Fate/Prototype". Too many details changed from the original. How is this the original prototype anymore? They even changed Rider's identity.

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Let Narita finish the series before animating it.

what do you mean
that's a pic

did F/HA get confirmed for an anime somewhere?

That'd only take, what, a decade? The series started in 2015 and STILL none of the Servants are dead yet.

gil died

He's barely hanging on. Which means he'll survive somehow. There's still a Noble Phantasm in his status page that hasn't been revealed yet.

>Hating on SF
Objectively wrong.

The wait is fucking killing me.

Fate/strange fake is the worst Fate. Why, there's not a single genderswap OR a Knight of the Round Table! Not even a Saberface! How dare he! This is a disgrace to all things Fate! This franchise was built on three sacred concepts: Saberface, shady priests and swords! There's not a single Saberface, nor an evil mastermind priest and the only one who appears to be fulfilling the sword quota is Gilgamesh! This is disgusting, absolutely disgusting!

i just finished fate route and i'm gonna start ubw next, is the route the same length? because it took me like 40 hours just to beat fate route.

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This was my clear time for the VN, all endings, every Taiga Dojo stamp, while listening to dialogue on first play through of a route (I skipped when replaying scenes for Taiga Dojo completion). In general I think UBW is the shortest route. HF can be pretty long I think.

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Whoops that didn't have the clear time on it. Here it is.

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I'm STILL waiting for the Taiga route, fags.

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I know you're joking, but I'm sure there are people that would actually believe that and it's depressing.

>evil mastermind priest
>sword autist
doesn't lionheart walk around with a dollarstore sword?

I'm genuinely upset about the lack of swords, though.

Faggots getting mad over Extra series being the mainline project. Face it user, even without FGO, Nasu still won't be going back to Tsukihime or making more Mahoyo.

You know what botters me about Strange/Fake? The lack of true assassin relevancy. That... thing is literally the most misterious character show until now, to the point where he has a higher presence concealment than gramps, and yet we don't even know about the rest of his abilities. I fear that he is going to end up as a jobber just like fake assassin and this really bothers me.

honestly kill yourself

>Richard turns anything into Excalibur
>Dumas is a weapon factory

You've got plenty.

I mean, F/SN was pretty dumb about having 5 (6 if you count Shiro as separate from Redman) characters across 4 classes all using swords. There were too many swords.

I don't think so. Narita is really good at juggling large casts without diminishing relevancy. He probably has a good reason he's saving him for later.

King Hassan has the worst Presence Concealment of the known Hassans, at A. All the other Hassans have A+. It's referred to as "the vestiges of a skill he once mastered", which seems to imply that it's actually deteriorated since its prime. King Hassan doesn't use Presence Concealment, partially because he doesn't need and and partially because it's useless. Due to a curse, the moment he intends to kill someone, they'll be alerted of it. Even if he's on the other side of the planet, the moment he decides you're gonna die, you'll know it.

>There were too many swords
Get out. Get the fuck out. You fucker. You motherfucking stupid fucker. Fuck you. FUCK. YOU. I swear to God I'll never forgive you. You disgust me. You disgust me so much that the idea of living in the same dimension fills me with hate.

We don't know that it's King Hassan (unless it's in an untranslated part of the newest book that I don't know about).

Just pointing out that
>to the point where he has a higher presence concealment than gramps
means nothing. Everyone has higher Presence Concealment than King Hassan.

>Why, there's not a single genderswap
Does Prelati count?

My dream of a remake of Monty Python's Holy Grail featuring Fate characters is slightly more feasible.

You know that would be too sad and pathetic. Saber would increasingly blame herself for all the silly things that went on while her knights grossly misunderstood her and her issues and by the end of the movie, Lancelot would slaughter a lot of police officers in a blind rage while Saber just kind of gives up and moves to Japan to get away from it all.

I mean a shot for shot, line for line remake with Fate characters in place of the normal characters. Gil would be the Black Knight as King of Jobbers and Jeanne would shout insults to Arthur in a bad French accent.

Would Shiro be Patsy?

Well that's just less interesting.

Yes. Each knight's patsy would be their master.

But four times as entertaining than the same tired Saber plot told for the 8th time.

why do nips eat this trash up?
cute girl designs? there are cute girl designs everywhere, better designs
and the battle system is garbage too. maybe the action is good?

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>battle system

summoning historic figures, but not really because many of them are just cute girls

yeah, but more than that "proto" characters are basically FGO property right now, hense they removed Ayaka from bonds lines etc so they can pander self-insert fangirls. Nasu won't bother it any and he definitely don't care about continuing it. which leave Sakurai alone to handle project which she abandoned not once but twice, the final CD of Fragment is being delay to the end of the years. There will never be such thing as a Prototype anime, Sakurai and Nasu just dont want to be part of it anymore. The most you will probably get out of it is being a side story event in FGO to have excuse to install proto Gil and Proto Perseus. Ayaka is removed for the player's sake.

You seriously have to look at it from Nasu's perspective. Most of the plot points of Prototype were ultimately still used for Fate/stay night. If any thing, he refined those plot points, got rid of the parts he was no longer interested in by the time he started writing Fate/stay night in full and more or less did most of what he wanted to do. It's not just Fate/stay night. He also reused the "girl who is connected to the Root" concept for Kara no Kyoukai. And then he used the concept of Beasts for Fate/Grand Order. There's nothing in the original Prototype of Fate that he wants to revisit, hence why he gave it all over to Sakurai and gave her free reign over it.

>Yes. Each knight's patsy would be their master

So Bedevere would have F/GO master, Lancelot would have Bugman, and I'm guessing Galahad would have Mash.
Tim would be Merlin, the rabbit would be Fou, the green knight the Black Knight kills can be Cu. Zouken and Shinji could be king and prince of swamp castle, with Medusa as the bride with the huge tracks of land.

But that leaves the question of who would be Sir Robin?

I dunno, BL has their monopoly on translations and releases them when they feel like it, if we’re lucky, leaving us to shitpost over the scraps

Not gonna lie, this made me love the Catholic Church that much more.

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I'm enjoying Rail Zeppelin far more than I ought to.
Call me nufate.

Who could Kayneth possibly be a pseudo servant of?


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It's not about servants and therefore it's a refined work for Type/Moon connoisseurs and not Fate shit.

Well in Prisma Ilya, he used the Cu Chulainn card.

>be Sir Robin?
Benkei, obviously. While Ushi sarcastically and smugly sings about brave sir benkei

He's draining the swamp in Washington right now, give him time

I was assuming he was gonna be QSH until we actually got the real QSH(not really) in fgo. But they could always just have him in another class, which still wouldn't make any sense but eh it's fgo there's no rules

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fastwheels class

Concealing your presence is passe, Charlotte Corday has an NP where her chance of success INCREASES the more she’s noticed

>Kara no Kyoukai
other way around, KnK was used as a origin for everything. KnK is what got Takeuchi to be Nasu’s biggest fan

Nope. The original Fate, or most of it, was written while Nasu and Takeuchi were in high school. Kara no Kyoukai wasn't written until years later when they were already adults and they started a web blog together, the Bamboo Broom, which was where Kara no Kyoukai was first published.

Ideally from here on out:
Hollow Ataraxia, Fragments of Blue & Silver, Prototype, Strange Fake
rest of Lord El-Melloi II Case Files
rest of FGO if they actually keep up the quality of Initium Iter which they seemingly aspire to do

Strange Fake should not be ufotable lol.

Secondaries would literally gobble it up as "2nd Zero"

>2nd Zero
Beyond the fact that Zero is still the only actually good anime adaptation, the second Zero are Case Files. Just look how people are reacting to it everywhere online.

Who then? Brain's Base like Narita's other works?

It could be third Zero then, since SF has members of Case File's cast.

SF doesn't have any of those muh philosophy musings and moral dilemmas that the zero fags like so much. SF is basically just a bunch of overpowered characters messing around, just like you know, Narita's other works.

It's pretty cool how much they designed Corday's lore to reflect the IRL assassination of Jean-Paul Marat. Like inventing a whole new skill Haphazard Planning D+ and making Luck her highest ranked stat, to represent how her keikaku was so weak and improvised but everything just fell into place anyway, and pairing that with Iron-Willed Determination (the only other Servant to have this is Dantes) because damn this random girl with no experience in killing decided that she was going to go assassinate a dude to stop the Terror and the Jacobins and she fucking did it. And her NP reflects how she managed to talk her way into this guy's house and his bathroom to stab him with no suspicions by pure bullshit and acting.
As for her character design, pic related

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>muh philosophy musings and moral dilemmas that the zero fags
Oh man, the normalfag opinion is changing. People no longer like Zero because it's so serious. They like it because it's a Waver origin story now.

I think normies liked Zero because it was anime GoT. Strange Fake is far more GoT than Zero ever was.

Except that any time zerofags turn up, it's always to jerk off about butcher's fetish for failures of heroism. CF isn't for casuals even if it stars Waver since most of it requires you to have some basic idea of TM mage lore.

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>since most of it requires you to have some basic idea of TM mage lore
I think you're overestimating the audience. People like to see mysterious things happen and then nod when a smart anime character explains it even if they don't get it.

Actually, I'm thinking CF will be a boon for T-M because it'll be a manual to get casuals to look deeper than Fate. Enjoy the new rush of newfags, I guess.

>Enjoy the new rush of newfags, I guess.
We literally already have FGO for that. There are plenty of people whose first entry into TM is FGO. Even fucking Nasu admitted that.

>when Babylon airs, there will be newfags who get into Fate via Babylon anime and get into the mobage when they want to dwell further into the franchise
Can you feel it, Yea Forums?

Fou is Primate Murder, renowned as the being created by Gaia for the specific purpose of murdering humans and can do it better than even Type-Mercury and Angra Mainyu

Fou looks like a rabbit now because of Merlin

That's wrong. Cath Palug originally looked like that. The more it comes into contact with humans, the more it might change. In the Tsukihime world, it would become the Beast of Gaia Primate Murder. In the Fate world, it would become Beast IV, who governs the dominion of "Comparison" and feeds on humanity's regrets and envies.

Separating Turkeyhandle and Fate was a mistake

wow less then 400 votes for shitella truly is was not a flop /s

Don't see any issues with it. There was never gonna be a crossover anyway.

yeah something that would let Narita juggle all his characters and hold the OP and overdramaticness

The obvious answer is Zhou Yu for poetic purposes

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More Extraverse bullshit. I'm sorry but in reality Nasu don't care about Tsukihime, just like said.

>4 fucking fate threads

5 actually

When the anime airs, the board will be flooded in fate threads like the chaos tide

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Because it's fun

CF is the comfiest Fate anime thus far. Hope this gets an S2.

Will other Servants in Chaldea be mad if I cuddle with Jeanne Alter Santa Lily every night, always have Jeanne Alter Santa Lily in my lap whenever I sit, shower with Jeanne Alter Santa Lily every time I feel dirty, and hug Jeanne Alter Santa Lily whenever I feel cold?

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Are you counting the retard SEAnigger threads?

Comfy, huh? Personally I'm already sick of this "whodunnit howdunnit" shit. If he actually explains this shit again in the next arc, I'm gonna be really pissed.

Tsukihime, Mahoyo 2-3, Girls' Work

Possibly, yeah

Nasu said FGO is going to be doing collabs every Golden Week, and Type-Moon only collabs with their own properties as a rule. Which series do you think will get the next Golden Week collab? Keep in mind that it has already gotten:
>Fate/Extra CCC
>Case Files

No, I'm counting the granbelm thread.


dead after Mahou2 bombed even harder than 1

>Fate/GUDAGUDA Order: Fate/GUDAGUDA Honnoji, Fate/GUDAGUDA Meiji Isshin, GUDAGUDA Strange Tales of the Imperial Capital Holy Grail, ALL Nobunaga Attack - GUDAGUDA Final Honnoji
>Kara no Kyoukai: The Garden of Order
>Fate/Zero: Fate/Accel Zero Order
>Prisma Illya: End Sacrifice - Magical Girl Diaries ~Prisma Corps~
>Fate/EXTRA CCC: Deep Sea Cyber Paradise SE.RA.PH
>Learning with Manga: All the Statesmen - Learning with Manga USA Development History
>Fate/Apocrypha: Inheritance of Glory
>Lord El-Melloi II Case Files: Lady Reines Case Files

Major titles that haven't been used yet:
>Tsukihime: Probably won't be used until Tsukihime R is released. So never.
>Kagetsu Tohya: Would probably fall under Tsukihime. So never.
>Melty Blood (ReACT/Act Cadenza/Actress Again): Would probably fall under Tsukihime. So never.
>Fate/stay night (Realta Nua): Nasu probably has plans for this one further down the road.
>Fate/hollow ataraxia: Would probably fall under Fate/stay night.
>Fate/tiger colosseum: Hahahaha
>Fate/EXTRA: Would it even be necessary? They already did CCC.
>Fate/Prototype - Fragments of Sky Silver: Mayyyyybe? I really don't see this one happening.
>Fate/strange fake: Won't happen until the series is completed.
>Fate/Extella: To be honest, I can see this one happening since Velber would make an excellent enemy for FGO.
>Fate/Requiem: I dunno. Seems super-niche.
>Fate/School Life x Himuro's World: Honestly, this one almost sounds like it could happen.
>Decoration Disorder Disconnection: Hahahahaha
>Mahotsukai no Yoru: Hahahahahahaha

camelot, baby and temple of time are very rewarding

Singularity F was the Fate/stay night collab.

Actually, come to think of it, it's possible that they might use Fate/Prototype as the backdrop to fight Beast VI/?.


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Hah, maybe it's one of the Lostbelts.

Is a Mahoyo collab really that much of a joke? It would be the perfect way for advertising something that is recent enough to still be relevant, and Aoko and Alice are natural shoe-ins for characters who would get people interested to play/open their wallets.

Probably ? Right in this year we got Arthur's interlude, GudaGuda Final Honnoji (Nero Alter) and Nero Bride's SQ (enemies are Hydra, Kama and Kiara) and all of that foreshadow Mother Hatlot.

The only way it could happen is if Nasu made the next chapter of the story. Even if that did happen, it's way too long a ways off.

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Did the collab they did with KnK coincide with any new releases for that property?

>Ash and Pepe in the background

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No. But the difference is that Nasu does seem to intend on continuing Mahoyo someday.

How did the man die in a giant shoe?

Dead lmao
Imagine wanting a nasuverse where the biggest thing to look forward to is Extella 2

Why is young Elizabeth bathory a vampire dragon idol loli? Theres also a regular Elizabeth Bathory?

There's two Charlemagnes and Vlads too user

Think of the difference between Liz and Carmilla as the difference between Young Gil and Older Gil.

The reason she appears that way is because Elizabeth Bathory (young)'s legendary obsession with appearing youthful got parodied into her being an idol, a profession that has a similar obsession with appearing youthful. She is unfortunately not a very good idol due to having zero talent for singing and dancing, and she is mainly used as a joke character/minor villain. When Fate wants to use Elizabeth Bathory for something more serious, they will instead use Carmilla, who is much closer to the Blood Countless of legend in her behavior.

>Most of the plot points of Prototype were ultimately still used for Fate/stay night
Just how much changed really, we dont really know that for sure but from what I have collected from his interview etc is that the Original Fate didn't share the same beginning and end with Stay Night. Illya and sakura routes were out of the questions because they dont have any origin in Prototype to take after. Proto was meant to be a solo romance novel with no routes then end with destroying the holy grail war forever. I agree that he took and expanded prototype concepts but the basis of the story structures are still completely different from S/N. I don't think Proto need a new concept to exist, but an actual independent holy grail war drama is enough.

>When Fate wants to use Elizabeth Bathory for something more serious, they will instead use Carmilla, who is much closer to the Blood Countless of legend in her behavior.

Go read CCC

He took most of the basic story elements of Prototype and applied them to Fate/stay night. Many of the characters were broken apart and recycled into the characters that we know. Character elements like Gilgamesh being attracted to the main heroine and Saber turning dark were utilized. Character motivations like Rider being an antihero who would do anything for his/her Master were also recycled. Half the Servants are basically the same, including Heracles and Sasaki Kojiro.

Do you actually believe that the final product is completely different from the original? When Takeuchi's brother read Fate/stay night, he was almost in tears because he finally got to see the finished product of the unfinished draft that Nasu wrote in high school.

The whole deal with the Holy Grail was completely changed going from Prototype to FSN. I like how FSN handled it, but the Prototype take was pretty interesting:

>Each of the masters are given a seal based on the orders orders of angels
>Holy grail Christian symbolism more overt
>It feels more in place
>Arthur seeking the grail fits within Christian symbolism
>Priest watching over the grail makes more sense
>But when you take a closer look at the system everything seems backwards
>Then it gets revealed that the Prototype grail is really the Whore of Babylon's Cup of Abominations
>This becomes more obvious when you realize that a cup that unconditionally grants any type of greedy wishes if of course not the cup of Christ at all. Christ didn't endorse materialism and hedonism.
>Christ's cup in lore just gave eternal life.
>And it makes sense because the system didn't truly seem to be Christian, there were signs all along that it was backwards
>Command "seal" = seal of the beast
>The seven seals of the Book of Revelations
>When each seal is broken/master is killed, beast gets closer to emerging.

Sakura, Rin, and some parts of Saber are all part of Ayaka's dismantled personas according to Nasu.

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Didn't he get rid of many of those concepts because he no longer found them worth pursuing? A lot of that doesn't really fit in with the world that Nasu's created over the years.

Fuyuki is such a fucking boring place. There literally no reason why I should care when it gets burned down again. Its most unique thing is that it somehow has a forest with a European castle and there are wolves in the forest.

The castle was transported there from Germany.

Don't forget servants who technically aren't servants. Like fucking Merlin and Scathac

How much of the actual Prototype storyline do we know about? Not Fragments, Prototype

I take issue that we'll never get to see Bazett actually fight an honorable war with Cu at her side.
Could you imagine going out of your way to try find a grail war so you could summon Cu only to get cucked out of it at the last minute?

All of that shit in that post.
King Arthur's goal was to restore Camelot, but he gave up on it after meeting Ayaka when she was a child because something something a child's wisdom. He responds to her accidental summons in order to repay his debt to her.
Ayaka's sister was connected to the Root and knew everything and found everything really boring. But then she met Arthur and was completely enamored with him, so she decided to complete the Holy Grail to grant his wish by sacrificing a shitload of kids. When she tried to sacrifice Ayaka, Arthur stabbed her in the back. Ayaka's sister wasn't even mad, just completely shocked.
Ayaka practices witchcraft but since witchcraft requires blood sacrifice, she's shit at it. She has to sacrifice pigeons for it, but she can't bring herself to do it so she keeps using her own blood. Eventually Arthur suggests that she uses formalcraft (which is a branch of thaumaturgy basically designed for normies who can't use thamaturgy), but it turns out she has insane talent for it. Like she can do shit with formalcraft that literally no one else could do.
Gilgamesh totally falls for Ayaka and fights Arthur to prove that he's better so that he can make Ayaka his bride. Apparently, there was no one in Uruk who was as beautiful as Ayaka. I dunno.
At one point Ayaka gets poisoned. Gil has the antidote and is totally willing to save her, but he still makes Saber fight him for it anyway.
At one point Saber gets corrupted by Manaka and turned into Saber Alter. Ayaka teams up with Cu Chulainn to get him back.
Cu Chulainn's master was cursed by her dad to win the Holy Grail War or she'd die. She dies.

Rider Perseus (originally Theseus) was a little boy who used up all his Commands Spells so that Rider could survive without him. Rider decides that he wants to bring the boy back to life, and is willing to do anything to achieve that. He infiltrates Ayaka's school as a transfer student.
Priest is evil.
Berserker Heracles is basically the same as Fate/stay night's version, only instead of God Hand, he has some conceptual thing where he can never lose. Gilgamesh has a conceptual thing where he can never die. When they fight, Berserker manages to win but dies, while Gilgamesh loses but survives.
Assassin is still Sasaki Kojiro and his gimmick is basically the same thing. When Nasu originally wrote Fate, he stopped around the point when Saber fights Kojiro.
Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon isn't as powerful here as there's a limited number of weapons he can use at a time. He can't just open fifty portals and open fire endlessly. Also, instead of Ea, he has Enki, two shortswords that turn into a bow which allows him to summon the Great Flood.
Excalibur Proto's basically the same except it has thirteen seals on it. In order to bring out its full power, he needs to undo at least seven of the seals.

Bazett isn't really that honorable. She'll use just about any tactic to achieve her goals.

Not him, but Nasu wrote it up all the way to saber vs regend. Then the ending is a lot more different where half of Tokyo is destroyed or flooded. Battles in the original fate are in a bigger scale than in sn as Nasu wanted it to be. Medea and her tragic love story didn't change when it was transferred to sn, but since he can't use the same plot so he will have to replace her with another servant. As for prototype which is an edit of the original fate, he added in perseus and that evil pope.

I am 100% confident she would let Cu fight the fights he wanted if she actually got to use him considering her entire reason for joining the war was for Cu.
Her escapades in FHA were entirely because Avenger was only good at defensive play and her loli rampage was because some fool thought it would be funny to not hand over the class cards.

Probably better, but I doubt all the things we were promised would be done or in production.
Lead work would still be Fate in some form because Aniplex are asshats.

So you only like Fate, UBW and Zero?
Hmm, kill yourself.

Nope. She was a coldblooded, ruthless Executor. She did everything quickly and efficiently. During the little time they were together, she and Lancer clashed quite a bit due to their polar opposite methods. That said, Cu Chulainn's a consummate professional, and if Bazett tells him to do something, he'll complain a bit but still do it faithfully.

>things that didn't happen

The original Fate idea in high school was pre-Nasuverse.
Mahoyo's draft was the root work, followed by Notes establishing the world-building.

Mahoyo wouldn't be done because Nasu knows it would ruin Mahoyo.
He'd finish all 3 parts before considering it.

Everyone makes fun of Deen Stay Night, but it made the series popular even among casuals who didn't play the game so it must have done something right surely.

One thing to add to all of this Ayaka seems like a total wallflower, but that's mainly because she has a massive inferiority complex due to her sister being both a genius and conspicuously beautiful. Ayaka is apparently extremely hot when she isn't dressed like a frumpy nerd. She is apparently the Vivian to her sister's Morgan in terms of both personality, powers, and looks.

Yes, she is totally a shoujo manga heroine, and I can see where the memes about Nasu being a woman come from when you look at the original concept.

>but it made the series popular even among casuals who didn't play the game
You say that as if this is a good thing.


The problem is that she gets lauded so much she puts down how awesome the magi from the 5th really are, even though they are kids, their potential is great. Prisma she was fighting literal middle schoolers, and Hiroyama wanted to give her Terminator vibe of not going down, so there you go. Even had Baz and Saber smugly try to size each other up, but it's obvious if Saber wanted to beat Hershey would get stomped.

Oh, and the punk from the last thread that said Sakura wouldn't train magi? That happens in HF Normal, where she trains Rin's granddaughter, so you can eat shit my man.

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>rest of Lord El-Melloi II Case Files

This please. I just want to see more magus stuff instead of the servants fighting servants nonsense.

It pisses me off how she was able to tank Crane Wing. That shit cut through Saber's armor, and Bazett was able to tank it? Fuck you Hiroyama.

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Prisma world, Prisma rules. The powerlevel doesn't have to be the same, especially since Illya herself manage to tank ENUMA ELISH.

It was a half power Enuma Elish.

Again, Prisma is a mahou shojo anime. It's part of the Fate franchise, but it's still a spin off. At the end of the day, you're not meant to take it seriously with respect to the 'main' TM stuff.

Literally no one has died in Strange Fake so far and the story is at least halfway

What's the plot in Lost Bell? I remember people complaining about it.

Bokurano, except with servants instead of giant robots.

I think people complain about the Lostbelt/Pruning system rather than the story of Arc 2

I've never read bokurano.

It's just a damn shame she's not a Tawawa.

>another chink pseudo
No. Chen Gong is pretty great because he's not a pseudo.

I kinda want a "G-Sakura and Kaiser Loli Rin take over the universe at the head of a Sakura mecha army" anime to be made. That seemed like a good way for Nasu to get his sci-fi jollies off.

Noco is pretty based, but who's that?

It's too bad Hidari didn't produce as much Fate art as Noco.

Ah wait, that's the Mahoyo girl and worst sister.

The pruning system (and the multiverse concept as a whole to a lesser degree) makes it feel nothing really matters since the world will fix it anyway.

Only somebody who actually took time to figure out who they are would have such an opinion.

Nah the fact that those people lived should give you pause to think of the bigger picture, regardless of whether it was "fixed", the memory you had of them and their accomplishments/failures is what matters. All it proves is that people are capable of anything, for wealth or woe, that's worth keeping in mind. Kinda like how diminishing slavery has a chance of having it make a total resurgence, since people already knew it was bad ages ago, but we had ages where some thought of it as normal even with that knowledge.

How very otome. Now I wonder what the deal with SF Ayaka is. Both the blonde and Waver's student that's in Romania(?).

>All it proves is that people are capable of anything
Except actually controlling their own destiny because the world "fixes" it

I want someone to just say fuck it and do a full on mecha spin off. There's already plenty of mecha and toku references in FGO anyway, so clearly there's enough interest among the staff.

>Waver's student
Probably the one that actually experienced the whole ghost story business, studied under Waver etc
>Blonde Ayaka
Some fucked up Zelretch clone

>Probably the one that actually experienced the whole ghost story business
Meaning one that's not involved in Prototype business right?

>Some fucked up Zelretch clone
I wonder if this one is more involved in Prototye, probably not.

I hope they'll adapt Prototype stuff after Babylon/Camelot. Maybe they'll do Fragment first.

El Melloy mage adventures is more interesting than Servant waifu wars and powerlevel discussions

Neither was involved with Prototype-business. However Fake!Ayaka has memories of the Fuyuki HGW and she apparently met Kotomine at least. So I assume those things happened to real Ayaka as well.

Fucking dead

Even the threads are much better quality. That said, SF threads are pretty chill too (when they do get threads, that is).


The original concept does sound INCREDIBLY shoujo. Wonder if it would have crashed and burned as a result.

>Fate/Requiem: I dunno. Seems super-niche.
Is it? The actual premise sounds about as mainstream Fate as it gets.

Nasu should've wait for the otome villainess boom before releasing Prototype.

There's no way it would have achieved the same mainstream success. Otome VNs didn't sell as much.

Makes sense.

Doesn't Emiya count?


He looks cool. So, I would be fine with that.

I would almost argue Jason counts.

Memes never die, it seems.

Pretty much guaranteed to happen.

Could work if she's a pseudo with a famous celtic girl. Maybe Cu's wife.

That could work.

Unlikely, considering the last Guda event was so recent and seems to be the final one. Still, you might never know. If they are going to start adding more 1 and 2 stars, he does seem like a decent candidate.

Prototype should just be written as a proper josei series. Hire a good josei writer to do it.

>Nasu should've wait for the otome villainess boom
Would you mind explaining what that is?

Shirou pseudo servant

Sengo Muramasa is a Saber-class Pseudo-Servant introduced in FGO. He was summoned by the Counter Force to defeat a crazed Amakusa Shirou. He's a swordsmith, possibly the most infamous swordsmith in Japanese history, said to have created cursed swords. He inhabits the body of Emiya Shirou

Current popular Isekai tropes seems to involved girl getting isekai'd into a villainous noble girl. One even got anime adaptation next year, if it's successful we might see more otome shojo shit getting popular.

>Cu's wife

Aife? If Nasu described Scat as a scarier Rin, then would Aife be a haughty, scarier but domestic Sakura with the brakes off? Cu did flirt pretty heavily with Sakura in Hollow and said he enjoys "domestic types". About as close to Edelfelt ojou Sakura as we'd ever get at this point.

Oh, that guy. Yeah, I could see him getting in if they ever do a japanese singularity/lostbelt again.

Pretty retarded to want Shirou when Muramasa is pretty much guaranteed to be implemented.

>Current popular Isekai tropes seems to involved girl getting isekai'd into a villainous noble girl.
Like, some kind of evil empress/sorcerer or just a random noble girl in a evil empire? Because I find the latter way more interesting than the former.

Although, I kind of dislike Isekai in general. So, I doubt i'll like or watch it either way.

If anything, the fans shot themselves in the foot as they're basically telling DW Muramasa is going to be a guaranteed big money servant so you just know they're going to sit their ass and wait for the big moment to release him. My bet is directly after say, Skadi's next rate up or some other major meta/gameplay servant, get the gacha addicts to empty their supplies, then BAM! Muramasa, now whale for him!

Nah, just a supposedly """""evil""""" girl. Most of them are villain in name only. It's your good ol isekai self-insert trash mostly.

Muramasa is the free money gacha DW save up for rainy days. They'll just keep teasing him till the gacha money stop or Nasu do some stupid fucking shit and need stuff to distract the fanbase.

If we don't get Okita Summer this year, she'll get treated like Muramasa too.

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I was thinking more of Emer. Although, Aife is pretty likely as well. Especially considering Scat is still ridiculously popular.

only the tsukihime and F/SN vn matter, the rest is garbage designed to milk money from waifufags and other dumb otaku.

>designed to milk money from waifufags and other dumb otaku
FSN and Tsukihime were released as eroge for the same reason.

Well, that sounds about what i expected. I kind of like the idea of a good person ending up as a noble in a evil empire though.

Okita Summer has become too much of a meme for them to actually go ahead and do it.

Also, is that image official art?

yeah, but at least that was when they had soul and before they began saturating the market with literal trash

>considering the last Guda event was so recent and seems to be the final one
Firstly it was "Final Honnouji", not Final Gudaguda, Secondly, that title was a reference to Godzilla Final Wars (same as the subtitle Destroy All Nobunagas being a reference to Destroy All Monsters), so it doesn't necessarily mean it is the last Gudaguda.

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They should add Shirou with his Prisma Ilya artstyle and call him Emiya Lilly.

Attached: prisma_shirou.jpg (210x240, 8K)

In that case Mahoyo is actually better.

Those memes are basically TM's way of testing the waters. It's basically them going
>hey it would be crazy to do this right? I mean, man it sure would be hilarious!
>fans show enough interest
>proceed to make it a thing or at least know there's enough interest to bait fans with it
I mean, Okita did start as a joke and look where we are now.

How did Type Moon go from Doujinshi to the money printer FGO; I’m not asking in a derogatory way I’m just wondering how the steps they took to get into the position? Also,how involved is Nasu in FGO?

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>how involved is Nasu in FGO?
Just read his latest interview with Famitsu and the FGO ending interview last year

Its drawn by Kousaki, its fanart

Oh, I see.I kind of figured it just literally meant it was the last Gudaguda event.

I would like Emiya Lily.

I guess. Still, it does seem to have become somewhat of a running gag. One I doubt they are going to end soon.

>I mean, Okita did start as a joke and look where we are now.
She was always destined to become top tier waifu material once they get Aoi Yuuki to be her voice actor.

I see. It honestly looks like official CE art.

I've lost hope in that, otherwise we would have had G-Sakura and Tsukihime remake by now. Or at least a Hollow anime.

It was a long, long journey. They hit it big time with FSN. Then like other popular property, proceed to create a bunch of spin off. For all the criticisms and mockery, TM verse is very vast and detailed and is perfect for different people to join in with different interpretations, which means room to further expand the franchise. Oh, and early TM just seem so fun to be part of; their April Fools events, for instance, tend to be famous for how elaborate they are and it came across as the creators actually enjoying their works and wanting to connect with the fans.

Also, gacha mobage is big in Japan and FGO got into it pretty much with an established fanbase right from the start. The fanbase is why FGO managed to survive despite how absolutely dogshit the early days of the game was (Waver was dogshit at first and even Gilgamesh was pretty crap back then). So Nasu stepped in and actually decided to try and make it work, hence the jump in quality between say, Orleans and Camelot.

Aside from HF 3 the only one I particularly care about is a Fate adaptation

You should check his twitter, he has really made great fanarts

I don't see how Hollow Ataraxia could work as a straight-up anime. It's going to feel like Endless Eight if they keep the plot at all intact.
If they are going to adapt it they should do it Bandersnatch style as effectively a fully animated VN.

I might. Even if I imagine some of them are probably not safe for work.

That might work. Or just adapting a lot of the individual moments as skits. While ignoring a lot of the overall plot.

I mean, I feel most people just want the wacky harem nonsense anyway.

F/HA is a fandisc, the plot is only there for showing fan service and the plot itself is quite secondary. An anime could work if it was a slice of life.

>Also,how involved is Nasu in FGO?
He's the primary driving force behind the story at this point and also influences the gameplay. Like for example when he added Circe he insisted that Circe needed to be able to turn targets into pigs because it just wouldn't be Circe if she couldn't. But of course, not every enemy should be able to be pigified, for lore reasons. So thanks to that, the devs had to go through every single enemy in the game and add a new flag for "can be pigified? Y/N" and every new enemy and unit added to the game now has to have the "pigifiable? Y/N" flag as part of their properties, which adds about an extra 10 minutes of work per unit or something. And at the end of the day, pigification is just a Stun with a fancy animation that only Circe can use.

So yeah, Nasu has enough power to force the devs to put in extra useless work just for autism.

If you're interested, you can read more about it in interviews
And the newest one (wherein he contradicts his statement from just eight months ago about how he wanted to end FGO with part 2)
old. [PLEBBIT] .com/r/FGOGuide/comments/cni2il/fgo_4th_anniversary_famitsu_interview_notes/

>So yeah, Nasu has enough power to force the devs to put in extra useless work just for autism.
Good. That sounds like a worthwhile thing to do.

Well that's the same shit as adding the "weak to Enuma Elish" tag

I just want a spinoff about Rin and Sakura being sisters. Like, I'm reading the VN for the first time, and it's boring as fuck, but it's worth it if only for the extra scenes where Rin goes Big Sister Mode.

I just want Tohsaka sisters. Everyone loves these girls. Give me Tohsaka sisters!

>I was warned by Azanashi back then. “If we’re going to do this, we’ll have to prepare ourselves. There’s all the data that needs to be adjusted, of course, but there’s also adjusting and checking the battle animations, and there’ll be a lot of exceptional work to be done. It’s work that will haunt us forever.”
>It’s the “pig transformation” part. The fact that it messes with the battle graphics is one thing of course, but it also means that we have to put checks on whether it works or not for every single character. We also have to include a reason on why the pig transformation doesn’t work for every character, and we have to do this check for every single character that shows up, for every single event that happens in the future. It only takes about 10 minutes to check a single character, but for us to do that every time from then on…
how do you know that the "weak to Enuma Elish" tag isn't just as annoying to add?

Yet those lazy fucks at DW still took so many god damn years to add basic shit like a Back button or the ability to NP5 servants at a go even when the space/template is already there. Fucking DW those incompetent hacks, they really lucked out when Fate landed on their lap.

Grand Saber Ado Edem and Grand Archer Gun God.
Under the helmet he is a seibahface

Attached: Ado_Edem_Slash_Emperor.png (367x515, 223K)

>Yet those lazy fucks at DW still took so many god damn years to add basic shit like a Back button
Apparently they didn't actually WANT to add the Back button until 2-kun took over and whipped them into doing it.
old. [PLEBBIT] .com/r/FGOGuide/comments/cnl6i4/fgo_4th_anniversary_famitsu_interview_kanou/

>Kanou’s approach to game-making is to not think about what’s currently regarded as a given and doubt everything. The moment he was appointed director, he immediately pushed for the addition of the “Back” button. Even though it was treated as a given that you can’t go back before this, it’d be easier to play if you could, so he worked to add it in. If the dev members justify their proposals by saying “it’s always been done this way”, he’d point out “that’s not a good reason”.

About DW, you can read the latest interview with 2-san too

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Why does he look like a gaijin?

They're not humans, they're not in the Throne

Software engineer here. If it's overly difficult, that's their own damn fault.

It should not be even remotely difficult to have everybody piggable and take regular damage from Enuma Elish by default, and only add some trait for cases where something is weak or unpiggable.

>If the dev members justify their proposals by saying “it’s always been done this way”
Holy shit, fuck DW. Thank goodness I'm not a gacha addict, no way those faggots deserve my money.

Congrats, you've hit the nail on the head, it's no secret that FGO's code is made of spaghetti held together by post-it notes. Nasu himself commented on it.

They aren't the best sibling dynamic in TM, nor are they the best at what they do individually.
It's all meh.

DW being shit isn't anything new. People only put up with them because of the Fate brand. They're notorious for slowly chucking out QoL "improvements" that should have been in the game from the start. Early FGO was an even bigger mess.

In the game Mash has some funny moments besides her quest to find herself in the previews so far it looks like she is some doll that has to reflect upon everything 24/7.

Their combined popularity seems about equal to Saber's in Japan, and it's probably higher in the west. There's no reason not to milk that.

Also, consider the following: Fuck you, give me Tohsaka sisters.

>Gun God
>Not human

>Liking pretentious garbage where nothing happens

Good timing.

Better question is how does FGO survive the utterly shitty story and subpar gamelplay they had during singularity 1-5. Nasu only started taking FGO seriously in singularity 5. The jump in quality from Camelot on is insane. FGO should've died long before. I guess Nero waifufags saved the game from the utter shite that is Septem.

Reminder that Sion is going to upgrade Mashu's Bunker Bolt with her Barrel Replica

Mashu should've contract with a new servant like Ajax or something instead of waiting for Galahad to get over it.

That does not inherently confirm that.


The Throne doesn't just record humans. Just off the top of my head, we have so far
>the Gorgon
>the concept of fairytales
>an interstellar ayylmao
>various Divine Spirits
>a big wolf
>AIs from the moon
>a True Ancestor

>Still hating on Nero
How's the shilling going for obviously evil servants who "did nothing wrong" these days?

>waiting for Galahad to get over it.
But she doesn't wait for it, and even Chaldea don't wait for it too. Ortenaus was prepared by Marisbilly long ago and now Sion wants to upgrade it since she and Loli Vinci know there's no way they can replicate Galahad's power for Mashu.

The better question is will they ever make a gudako anime?

If they ever make a Shimousa anime.

>What's your favorite main story chapter?
Babylonia-> 2931
Camelot -> 1028
Solomon -> 995
Shimousa -> 827
Yuga Kshetra -> 648

>What's your favorite event?
CCC Collab -> 1517
Summer 2018 -> 1165
Gudaguda 3 -> 613
KnK Collab -> 302
Christmas 2017 ->280

>Better question is how does FGO survive the utterly shitty story and subpar gamelplay they had during singularity 1-5.
It survived being carried by the characters.

It survived because of the IP.

I appreciate the back button, but I unironically support the idea that there should never be a NP skip implemented.

>Better question is how does FGO survive the utterly shitty story and subpar gamelplay they had during singularity 1-5
>Nasu only started taking FGO seriously in singularity 5. The jump in quality from Camelot on is insane.
Your standards have gone to shit from the first five singularities. Camelot and everything after it is still terrible, just not quite as terrible.

Attached: 1466475878271.jpg (232x298, 14K)

Most people's first interaction with Fate is apparently with FGO, though I guess it was probably different back at launch.

The fanbase at launch was large enough to get it through the early period.
Then it clicked.

Hopefully never. No one should support the inferior female main character.

The gender in this case means nothing.
GO has the worst goddamn protagonist regardless.
I just want to punch it's face every time I see it.

Going by 2's comments on how all the QoL he adds is to facilitate enjoying the charm of the Servants more, he will probably never add a NP skip just for that reason.

Literal fag.

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You talkin about Nero right? She's the designated special snowflake that did nothing wrong evil servant.

Just compare her to QSH.

Lol you are 100 percent exaggerating. Hakuno, seig, and that boring chick from requiem are much worse and you know it.

Hakuno has at least something going on, FGO master is just a cardboard cutout.

Quinella did nothing wrong.

Hakuno is not outright offensive, Sieg at least has some form of character growth and theme built around him, and the latter is a bit of a shift from the norm at least.
>you no like
>you must be gay
You have no brain.

>On my end, I have to provide explanations like, “in this event, this character has this power so they can’t be turned into a pig.” The fact that they can just swallow all my explanations based on the character profiles makes me feel that the tech side truly understands Fate/.
the lunatics really are running the asylum at DW, aren't they?

As I said. A fag.

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When the most character something gets is in a gag manga making light of gambling addictions...
Just no.

Vagina does not make characters interesting.

(X) Doubt
Considering that she is completely eclipsed by far superior female servants. Even Alice is better than her

>Kajita: With that said, I’d like to delve into the main topic. To be honest, even though that it’s gotten much better, FGO feels like it’s still using weapons that are two or three generations outdated, forced to be retrofitted and modernized. Frankly, the gameplay is very obsolete and I feel like that can’t be hidden for much longer. How do you feel about this?

>Nasu: That’s very, very true. Thanks to using an old system that we kept adding to and repairing, FGO is now this strange game that keeps growing like Kowloon’s walled city. If we want to fix that, we would have to blow up the fortress entirely and rebuild it from scratch.
>But realistically, we can’t do that due to the scale of the work involved. All we can do now is to make the players say that it’s a fun game despite all that. Even if the gameplay is obsolete, as long as we can keep the core fun of the game, I believe that we can keep building on that.

yep, it's really their own damn fault for having built the game on such disastrous code.

Attached: kwcaerial.jpg (1942x1466, 621K)

When will nips finally get tired of this kuso franchise?

>Singularity F was the Fate/stay night collab.
That's probably just Marisbury's testing ground.

I highly disagree

The big three remain untouched.

Action and ultra violence are the way to go. Lostbelt is shit so far, but at least the prologue was good.

Wait, what was so good about Yuga Kshtera that it's the fifth favourite? I don't know anything about it other than that Super Karna fights Super Arjuna.

That's pretty much the only reason it was good. Just take Septem, but replace Nero wank with Karna/Arjuna wank.

Pepe and Ash. Also Gordolf saving Chaldea team is always nip's favorite thing.

How does that makes sense?
Also dying after you win was a completely edgy addition to that crappy manga.

Finally finished the new chapter so I’ll vomit some impressions on you because fuck you.

-First chapter in a while I don’t have to drag myself through. Marked improvement, best since Russia. If this is Higashide, he’s improved a LOT. If this is Nasu, then it’s fairly standard. If this is Higashide with Nasu breathing down his neck, then please keep the mushroom there. Some bits with weird all-over-the-place word placement and the humor feel very Nasu though.

-Jesus Christ are Indian names an infuriating drag, especially in katakana. Everyone’s like Ashubalakalebabalahjashtrta or some shit. I kept unconsciously reading Ashvatthaman as Ash Batman.

-Battles are back as genuine part of the narrative instead of the “cut to black, entire thing is offscreen and you win for no conceivable reason” horseshit from last time. Better yet, the actual gameplay battles are integrated into the story, like how Nezha has an overwhelming first bar before petering out, which is exactly what happens in the story.

-Thank God, finally another Crypter besides Kadoc who’s not a tiresome waste of screentime. Pepe is actually a really engaging dude in several ways. It’s fun how he’s transparently full of shit yet more or less honest at the same time.

-Fortunately no “the people are cattle” copout like the last two times. The story does make the natives worth feeling sorry over while also doing something different from Russia.

-Lakshimi Bai feels like someone somewhere finally figured out how to write Joan d’Arc properly, focusing on the whole struggle, duty and contrast between outward regal and private humanity and doubt. It’s a pity that characterization quality wasn’t used on the actual Joan. Also, Guda brushing off her worries about Alakshmi with “It’s cool, I’ve hung out with way worse” was pretty funny.

Not soon enough.

-On that topic, Guda actually does some stuff and has meaningful interactions here and there, making use of the “everyman stuck with outrageous task” premise instead of “entirely pointless sounding board” like in the last two chapters. That’s nice. I only wish other writers would remember to fucking use that. Main reason I think Nasu got his fingers here is because Guda only seems to have these moments when he’s on the wheel.

-Circuitously, Nezha actually ends up showing a bit of character for once several chapters after being unceremoniously bumped off. Well, the other Nezha, but it counts.

-It’s nice how there weren’t throwaway characters. Everyone got at least some spot to show personality and do something. Like, it would have been easy to make Asclepius just a tremendous asshole, but instead he’s a tremendous asshole with nuance. William Tell also got to flex his heroic character and flip out at god too.

-I was afraid Red Angry Dude would just end up being Lobo Part 2 and overstay his “I smolder with nonspecific anger” routine, but like the others, he ended up being pretty likeable.

-Rama is great through the whole thing. He doesn’t really get much individual spotlight, but he finally gets to show his kingly, heroic demeanor while also being a hilarious twerp. His interactions with Lakshimi Bai were especially fun, especially when he finally gets sick of being chastised over it and circuitously declares her his sister-in-law to shut up her complaints. The “I did not just groan in pain. You misheard me, shut up,” bit was great too.

Anonymous Sun 30 Jun 2019 13:24:34 No.257939208 Report
Quoted By: -Goldorf finally gets to use those driving skills he’s been foreshadowing for two years and the entire sequence is awesome. Pity they couldn’t get some Eurobeat to play there.

-There’s a bunch of legitimately laugh-out-loud moments, like Rama talking stoically while getting his cranium crushed, you cutting off Pepe’s bullshit to tell him to cough out his name, Koyanskaya asking for a ride or Pepe saying the most unhelpful shit imaginable during Goldorf’s drive.

-“Only God knows if you’ll be able to avoid the attack” / “’GOD’ IS THE ONE FIRING AT US!!” is the best exchange in the whole chapter.

-Everything involving Koyanskaya after she joins does a great job of portraying what a shamelessly pragmatic worm she is and it’s all great fun, especially with everyone being nakedly hostile through the entire thing.

-Oh yeah, he’s Nemo (mostly). You’d think you’d have learned the lesson about being pointlessly coy about shit everyone’s figured out ages ago.

-Douman is just… not interesting though. He’s still just this psycho freak who constantly speaks like he’s on the verge of an orgasm, but nothing else. I get he’s still “mysterious” with more left for later, but there’s not much meat here.

-Christ, I thought Jinako would just hang in the background being useless comic relief, but that whole sequence she had was genuinely heavy, touching stuff.

Overal really good chapter.

>I kept unconsciously reading Ashvatthaman as Ash Batman.

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Liu Bei for maximum hilarity

Theres the 14 minute ova

They should really go all in on Three Kingdoms memes.
It is in fashion after all.

This and that's pretty much all we need.

I predicted it would die in 2014

Pepe was amazing.

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This was in the one of the links user replied to me for my original question

>About the pressure of expectations from Fate fans: “I felt that I didn’t want to betray the expectations of those players who have loved Fate for ten years, after all. They’re the ones who wholeheartedly supported us at launch, even though it was in an unstable state. ‘I don’t want to let them down’, is what I strongly thought.”

There was a better quote but I can’t find it.

dead like light

I have news for you.

Pepe is the best, plus they already established a system the Other Masters can Support us. This raises the Heel Face flags pretty strongly.

>Kadoc tsundere thing
>We know Pepe's motivations and maybe he'll swing to our side if his team mates require it, and the LBs after Kircsch's are a shithole
>Daybit probably against Animusphere true plan

Kirsch seems more tragic ending but maybe he can be Zeus (if the spoilers hint he's cracked to nanomachines) and Beryl is kind dead because he's an asshole.

I think the scene with Mashu and Roman in the end of Singularity IV was great, though, as were Mozart's scenes with Mashu in Orleans.

2017 was the year with most new players because of the word of mouth praise after Solomon Temple.

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It was cool but what I really liked was that when I came out of the theater I was thinking less about the fight and more of what just happened and whats gonna happen next.

Also the Lancer vs Assassin fight was better

Only Orleans and Septem are downright bad
Okeanos is fun
London is the info dump chapter where things actually feel TM for once
America is literally proto-Camelot and a wild ride with the autism brigade despite that

Where the fuck do I start with getting into Fate?

The VN

Re-experiencing HF for the first time in years reminded me how confused I was about what the heck Saber Alter wanted out of all this. At this stage the shadow is still not really conscious so Sakura can't give her orders as her Servant, so why is she helping Zouken and Assassin to attack the Einzberns?

BUt its so long and slow

For the Grail?

So are the anime and all the games you dumb shitposter

But she already knows the Grail is a bust, having been exposed to it and blackened by Angry Manjew. And Alter doesn't want the Grail anyway, she doesn't want to retcon Camelot. They even spell this out at the post credits of presage flower where Alter tells Saber to give up on the Grail.

Download Links:
>A collection of all official Japanese versions of TYPE-MOON PC Games!BA4yHYoT!NwGVKj4q9Z1vnpKlYY-4UQ

>Kara no Kyoukai

Tsukihime - Blue Blue Glass Moon, Under The Crimson Air.!6TBSSTbR!4O6JYv1dyyRw7GQeHJ4NIUYUTQ--tuy9H8s69HgL5lY
Tsukihime PLUS+DISC - Alliance of Illusionary Eyes
Tsukihime Kagetsu Tohya - Twilight Grass Moon, Fairy Tale Princess.
Tsukihime Manga!dRwwAZrT!uxmDDlwDTu3bgo9QIKgSrQ

>Melty Blood
Melty Blood PC games (Original + ReACT + Act Cadenza + Actress Again Current Code)
MBAACC - Community Edition!6FUx2C6a!L2AxbiQzPHtgRI3YPHv4NZfi2EYS9RMeNHoSp6pAcFw
Melty Blood Manga (divided into two parts: the first part, spanning volumes 1-6, follows the original Melty Blood storyline. "2nd ACT" spans volumes 7-9. Melty Blood X is based on the Melty Blood Drama CD -Rojiura Pyramid Night-)!syICRSJI!TeAS9ZVFSDQigguqxn_MwA
Melty Blood Manga - Back Alley Alliance Nightmare

Fate/stay night [Réalta Nua]
Fate/hollow ataraxia
Fate/Zero novels
Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files novels
Fate/Strange Fake Light Novel

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just play FGO and join us lmao, who give a shit about that fossil of a source material. FGO is the true canon.

>maybe he'll swing to our side if his team mates require it
Yeah i think so too. In the end Pepe and Daybit say that they won't betray their friends aka the Crypters now and considering Daybit is probably the one that went to Marisbilly's room in Ep 0, maybe both of them would be our allies if the God is indeed Marisbilly. I wonder how much Kirsch knows about the God's true identity and purpose too. LB4 says they only care about the Fantasy Tree but the Priestess destroyed Orochi Tree in LB1 so it contradicts with each other. Kirsch might be plotting his own plan again (like what he did with Surtr in LB2), also cares for his friends and Pepe outright said Kirsch couldn't truly smile anymore after "sitting on that chair".

I'm curious about Kadoc too. Being protected by Rasputin/Kirei is his plot shield and there's chance he might backstab Kirsch or the Crypters given by this part in LB3 intro
>I’m just a loser who managed to run for my life after being overlooked as a failure.
>(…At least, for the moment)
This sounds like Kadoc is going to do something IMO. No idea about Beryl's deal tho.

Btw Circe has comments for Odysseus and Penelope in her material.

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also you dont have to read tsukihime, Nasu rejected that already. You're wasting your time.

>Everybody hates SAO
>Somehow countless pointless fate shits is fine

Literally everybody shits on nufate.

Fate doujins has brainwash hypnotism.
Most people converted through its massive porn material.

>Nasu rejected that already

explain this?

it's just /tmg/
Yea Forums is slowly embracing it
fgog is most normie loved gacha in Japan and US
Talking about fgog is normal in every anime forum now.

I got into the franchise from its porn. Jacking off to it for more than a decade

One is about some Mary Sue playing a video game and the other is about historical figures killing each other to get their hands on a magical device that can grant their wishes only to realize that the thing's a monkey's paw.
One is an interesting concept, can you guess which one?

There should really be a warning telling you to download the rest of the game data before you bother doing anything since it makes the game run way better on any machine

>years of false promise
>only to be ignored every time the question is asked
>world building ceased for FGO
Proto-type is currently getting the same treatment.

Prototype is literally Stephenie Meyers most recent book. A literal gwnderswap of Twilight

Recency bias.

LB1 > LB3 == LB4 > LB2

LB2 is a disaster. Though LB1 and 2 just show how much Nasu hates non-brit Europe.

why does FGO get so much undeserved hate?

I was so fucking pissed I missed HF2 in cinema because fucking Disney forced everyone and their mother to air Avenger.

Cumbrained waifufags.

Fragment and labyrinth?
It's just pure Manaka wank and Manaka Exposition
Prototype is getting literally nothing beside the joke trailer 7 years ago. It's probably not going to continue at this point.
Also, FGO is now your new twilight, all Proto-servants love (you) instead of the Proto MC.

OK, here's the first question. How did the character "Arcueid" come about?

>Takeuchi: I think she was originally one of Nasu's ideas for use in a novel.
>Nasu: Ah, right. She wasn't the cheerful vampire she is now, but more of a cold one.
>Takeuchi: Oh really?
>Nasu: She was a stereotypical vampire.
>Takeuchi: She's always been cute in my mind...
>Nasu: The Arcueid we know now is the total opposite. And the main character used to be middle-aged. (laugh)
>Takeuchi: Middle-aged?
>Nasu: Shiki was an old, worn-down killer.
>Takeuchi: That doesn't sound very lovely.
>Nasu: It wasn't a lovely story. I mean, he even says to Arcueid when she approaches him "I have no interest in women I've already killed once." Anyway, the original story was completely different than what it is now. Only the keyword concept of "a biting relationship between a murderer who can see lines of death and a vampire" remained.

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>Historical figures that have nothing to do with historical figures getting worse and worse with each new reboot that is somehow considered a sequel\prequel\marvel multiverse shitshow

>bitching about historicity in a franchise where it's very first game had a genderbend King Arthur sucking off a manlet jap ginger
Yea Forums in charge of not being a hypocrite.

>With regards to Artoria Lily, Santa Alter, and Emiya Alter, it was Takeuchi’s fault. They were extraneous from a scenario perspective so it wasn’t a writer’s idea. Just Takeuchi going “I want a cute character” and “I want an Alter for Emiya”. For example, the writer’s side wouldn’t suggest an Emiya Alter since an Emiya fallen to evil couldn’t be said to be Emiya. But since Takeuchi wanted it, they rethought the matter and came up with a special case where it could be possible. And after rethinking and rewriting that concept, they came up with a character that was actually popular with the players and added more to the story by his presence.

>Has Nasu ever said no to Takeuchi’s wishes?
>Nasu: “I reject most of them! I go, “it’s impossible so stop it”. But he won’t listen to me…”

>While deciding on Raikou’s background, Takeuchi started saying “wouldn’t it be nice if Raikou was a girl”. While they were trying to stop Takeuchi, the writer-in-charge started investigating Raikou’s background and found out about the Ushi Gozen episode. They then got inspired to tie it together.

Stop it Takeuchi

>Historical figures VN\anime

Lmao literally nobody expect reddit try hard ever claimed that.

>pushed for Emiya Alter
Has Takeuchi even done any art for Demiya?

As far as i know he hasn't, but he did draw Lancer Artoria and CasGil before


Marvel has multiverse?

London was shit.

Only for over half a century.
Marvel and DC established the multiversal setting meme in popular culture.

Kirsch is blind to his love for Marisbury, he declares he'll carry his legacy.

Asuna is the true Mary Sue you brain dead faggot. If you're going to shit on Sao then at least get it right.

Because people are ass blasted that it eclipsed the garbage bloated prose ridden TM works that happened before. That and theyre lucklets who can't get sr"s and can't understand that people who play it are overworked wage slaves who are never home and can't play their normal games or people who primarily mobile gamers.


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Fate Extra Order is in its 5th anniversary.

Takeuchi is a genius. Not as an artist, but as CEO and product manager. He has a pretty good read on the fanbase, ad pushes for charactera people will whale for. He's the one that turned Nasu's chuunishit into a franchise that brings billions of dollars of profit every year.

Marvel's Multiverse is just random bullshit, Morrison at least managed to bring some order into that shitshow.

The best thing about FGO is that it really brought Nasu's retardation into light. When he gets reign to do what he wants, we get garbage like extra,ccc, and extella.

>There is an alternate timeline where EXTRA become the main canon of the series
Goetia was right

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London is pretty much a mess outside of the Info Dump though. I honestly liked Orleans way more, despite how flawed it was, simply because of the strong character interactions. Which, low and behold, were apparently written by Nasu.

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They aren't tho but okay

The info dump is exactly why London is shit. NOTHING happens until the very end and even that wasn't much.

>I guess Nero waifufags saved the game from the utter shite that is Septem.
F/GO was released at the height of Fate's popularity (obviously meaning before F/GO became a phenomenon and added to that popularity itself), it was a perfect marketing storm that allowed even a horribly shitty experience to be massively successful.


Shinji a good boy.
Well apart from the whole rape shit. I wonder why Sakura still stick with him in UBW ending.

because she's crazy

>user has no reading comprehension

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