Teenagers good-hearted

>teenagers good-hearted
>adults evil
why are japs like this?

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Does he plan to just kill himself in five years?

adult man bad

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Persona 5

Tsukasa was literally right. There's a reason that Senku hasn't revived anyone under ~25 except for a random guy he found to test whether Yuzuriha can actually fix statues
fuck boomers


It's just how the world works.

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Fuck, beat me to it

because it's a show for teenagers retard

Because Japs follow a corrupted seniority system in nearly all aspects of its society, from its culture to its employment to even its schools
I'm actually surprised this sort of topic isn't a lot more popular in manga, imagine how shitty it is to live life in a country where all of its citizen has to bow down to anyone born earlier

>media for kids and teens glorifies kids and teens at the expense of adults
Fucking shocking.

Fuck P5 go read Akumetsu instead

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they are easier to manipulate than adults

Because Nips keep themselves alive by fantasizing about their teenage years when they weren't soulless corporate drones yet.

i need to finish that manga

Isn’t Japan a first world country? Why does it sound like their economy is running on shit?

? they didn't say anything about the economy, it's their work ethic that fucks them up

Because it works, there's just that problem of people kind of killing themselves

Sounds to me like you’d only need such a system to manipulate everyone into working like a slave
>it works
>but it sort of doesn’t sometimes

Panders to teenagers in their rebellious phase who think they have the answer to all the problems in the world.

I think it's mostly perceived as a systemic problem by the outsiders. Nips themselves don't think about it like that. "Well it sucks if I get a bad senpai who bullies me" and not "senpai-kohai system is inherently broken and should be eliminated".

Teens are bad too

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Actually, big kids are bad.

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Yea Forums proved that teens are vile evil and corrupted beings

First world economy but third world culture. They only added trial by jury recently. Forced confessions are a thing and police only take on a case they know they can win, that’s one reason the crime rate is so “low”. Their TV is so inane that people will legit believe shit like “Japanese DNA is unique so that is why Japanese skis work better on Japanese snow” and “only Japan has four seasons”. Appearances are more important than substance. At work there will be meetings to plan meetings, people sleep in the job, and you are expected to leave after your boss just because of optics, not whether you got your work done or not. Long hours and stagnating pay are a major cockblock, decreasing the birth rate and killing the workers at the same time.
Waiting patiently for the 2020 olympics to utterly embarrass them on the world stage so they can get their shit together.

Can you give me an example of first world culture?


Japanese have the “shikata ga nai” phrase “it can’t be helped”, which means they notice something sucks but they won’t do anything about it because they don’t want to create an inharmonious situation. Basically it’s almost self-censorship, probably a holdover for their absolute monarchy/rigid hierarchy days. The collective mindset was created by rice agriculture but was twisted by the feudal lords to come to mean “don’t speak up while I fuck you in the ass”

Switzerland, Iceland, some Nordic countries, America outside of the rural or urban ghettos

No. Your healthcare alone puts you in third world tier.

>teenagers good-hearted
>adults evil
It's the deconstruction of IRL.

Fewer than half of Japanese schools have ACs in all their classrooms, despite the fact that they’ve had heat waves in the summer that kill people.

Ok my question wasn't clear enough. I want an example of the "culture" not country.

Considering most adults think they're leaving their kids with a perfect world, and the kids become adults and know "not only is this not a perfect world, you deliberately fucked it up and left us a mess to clean" I'd say portraying teenagers as mostly blameless probably fits

>be third-worlder flip
>food is generally accepted to be higher in quality than any other country
Feels fucking great. Lmaoing @ first-worlders

You realize the guy pushing that ideology is the de facto villain of the show, yes?

Think again you organ munching mayo swiller

>Appearances are more important than substance. At work there will be meetings to plan meetings, people sleep in the job, and you are expected to leave after your boss just because of optics, not whether you got your work done or not.
This is just so absurd and counter-productive. As a programmer I know for sure that I can work with 100% efficiency maybe 5-6 hours a day. Everything else is just meetings, talking to your coworkers and other useless fluff. You can crunch and shit, but it's just going to decrease your work output the next days.
But the systems like the Japanese one we're talking here and Chiniese 996 encourage longer working hours instead of better productivity and exist only for the bosses to look good in front of their own bosses, and not to get the job done.

I guess you're watching only anime ideologically

is your rangeban lifted flippy boy?

Always was like this. Adults make war. Youngs makes love and music.

Only entitled shits have this kind of victim mentality

because anime is for children you insipid twat

So eating dogs is a part of the first world culture?

>the show has a bonkers villain with a retarded ideology that casually robs two little kids of their parents
>the manga shows silhouettes of some really fucking gigantic "children" in his gang
>OP goes "why are japs like this?"
I dunno, OP, why are you like this?

Lel. Take it up the ass more you wanna be boomer

Haven't you seen what happened to Kyoto Animation?
Only Adults can do this shit. They are crazy man.

It's not that far from truth (just don't take the shithole that is Yea Forums(nel) as a proper sample).
Young people tend to be more naive and idealistic, not as jaded.

Boomers are ruinning the world. They're voting for Trump, Bolsonaro, Salvini.

Keep blaming others for all the mistakes you make in life, shit stain.

Might as well say Nordic culture then. I have lost wallets or phones and always been able to pick them up on the nearest store.

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He's the antagonist for a reason


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Blow it out your ass idiot

Same here (Slovenia) if we lost something in school we had this "Lost and found" box and you could find your rings/cellphones there. Haven't seen anyone steal anything while at highschool.

>adult man bad
good as long as we get adult women

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>one anime character
>in opposition to most of the characters of his own show
Why are retards like this?

Say that again after a human caused ecological disaster wipes out most coastal cities.

>human caused

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Kinda funny considering kids is the most fucked up people in our society

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So, what was his plan? Living in stone age till the end of times?