Post underdogs that actually won

Post underdogs that actually won.

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compared to who? chihaya when she was in elementary school?

Suetsugu is an absolute legend if she actually lets Arata have it all in the end.

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Arata is the poor country bumpkin with glasses while Taichi is the rich pretty boy. Taichi would have been the one to get Chihaya and the title or at least one of them had this been another manga, or even a different demographic like shoujo.

Let's not forget he has a grandfather who was 7 YEARS MASTER.

I don't get what you're trying to say with this.

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Finland literally lost the war, and they also started the war, russia was just defending themselves.

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>they also started the war, russia was just defending themselves
Stop posting lies saatana vittu

Actually, in karuta, the other guy is an underdog. And in this manga, karuta is all. So much for the underdog.

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>lol guys where just shooting artillery shells to you, nothing to see here

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>the other guy is an underdog
>Multiple girls wanting his D
>Trained by the meijin

>>Trained by the meijin
Heh. Taichifags thought this was going to be enough to have him beat Arata. So glad Suetsugu put the Taichifags in their places.

I don't know how the author got away with this on a josei magazine but good for her.

Manga got really boring for me once Taichi got more or less sidelined

Romance killed this manga.

Much though I adore Finland during world war 2. I don't think they "won" so much as they ended the war in the best possible state they could have. If anything, things would have probably been far worse for them in the long term if they had won.

Please stop being delusional. The love triangle is the heart of this series. Without it no one would care. In terms of karuta this shit hard, and I mean fucking hard, peaked in the second high school tournament.

Wait, haven't caught up with the manga. Did the Taichifags finally got BTFO to kingdom come?

Yeah much in the same way Naruto was an underdog. When all is sad done he had everything needed going for him.