>Hetshit version of Yuru Camp
>Obnoxious af bitch
>Black mail using false rape accusation
What the hell was the author thinking? Who the hell thinks this is actually a good idea?
>Hetshit version of Yuru Camp
>Obnoxious af bitch
>Black mail using false rape accusation
What the hell was the author thinking? Who the hell thinks this is actually a good idea?
You seem a bit triggered, user-kun.
Another retard who thinks Yuru Camp is yuri.
Fuck off back to /u/ and stay there.
Yeah, you can fuck off back where you came from.
Stopped reading here, your opinion has no value
It's realistic
This. It's how women are.
Though the guy is omega as fuck and lets himself get played like a fiddle.
She's a really big girl.
women's liberal movement was a mistake
I think the idea behind this trope in manga/anime is that the woman accusing you of rape is not entirely put off by the concept of you having your way with her. I think it's a bit hot. I generally tend to like characters who are arrogant princesses, smug ojou-samas, tsunderes, etc. Not because of any lame femdom aspect, but because breaking them with my cock would feel so goo.
In real life the situation is probably a bit different, where you're usually accused of rape after some sex and people disagreeing about consent.
Dump the chapter faggots
nigger if that guy was accused of rape why don't he just rape that girl, the consequences still the same.
Ginga brain over here
I think if any woman did threatened that to me I'd probably snap and beat the shit out of her. I know its wrong and only provides more evidence but fuck, the sheer audacity of someone declaring their intent to screw you over.... in a conveniently private place where you really could rape her if you wanted to.
the sheer level of arrogant dumb offends my very soul
she's just a bitch really. yeah i get that she made him food, but she forces him into doing this camping shit with her by saying she'll tell people he raped her and then makes him sleep outside in the cold and she gets his tent to herself. and then even says "I wonder if i did something really bad..." dropped as fuck
The dude's pretty hunky so I can at least get why she likes him compared to all the other just like this one.
actually that summary makes me curious to see if there's fallout from this
In real life there would be. People talk and pretty quickly someone would hear who just shares it with everyone
A lot of autism in this thread
>if someone threatens me in private I'll just take it like a bitch because she's kinda cute
get laid, stop putting the pussy on a pedestal.
t. spineless numale
The trope is so old and common I don't understand how your spergy ass can be this upset about it.
Frothing retard.
thought this had potential when i read the first chapter, but this bitch isn't getting anymore likable.
because its old and STILL common. its not a fucking joke to make rape accusations. its not a thing to even suggest.
putting it out there in a manga just makes stupid people think "oh well so it IS a valid tactic to get people to do what I want!"
Yeah, also violent anime makes shooters and lolicon anime makes pedophiles.
You shouldn't assume people are all as stupid as you and are so easily influenced by a fucking manga about camping.
You essentially sound the same as "Videogames cause violence!"
"Rape accusation jokes lead to actual false rape accusations!"
Does she get better later on?
Those people were stupid and/or manipulative before reading manga
Quality thread.
stupid people do stupid things but putting stupid ideas out into the world doesnt help
highly doubt it
>expecting anything else from someone who says "hetshit" and "af"