Spoilers coming out soon. The chapter is about new years eve and there will probably be a kimono display. I smell some similarity with chapter 38. Could a key Fumino chapter be coming after this ensemble?
Fumino a best.
I love Rizu
There's no chapter this week
A chapter done in the spirit of chapter 39 would be nice. Something new and different, of course.
I love these quintuplets.
>spoilers coming out soon
Dumb fuminofag
>Spoilers coming out soon.
No. It's Obon festival so no new chapter this week.
Uruka is a mistake.
How is Sensei going to steal the show this time around?
>Spoilers coming out soon
Sooner than Fumino's character development I guess.
By being the best girl once again.
I thought it was next week that there were no chapters, or maybe that’s for the other magazines.
Touching a person out of the blue, especially a stranger, is considered extremely rude in Japan.
Bait? First, both are from the same chapter. Second, that's a currenr running gag (self evident in deformed moe anatomy).
Here's the actual version
>that's a currenr running gag
What does this mean? That Fumino going muh Uruka and muh Rizu instead of developing romantically is comic relief? Before I'm awake and yes mother I would have been willing to agree but not after.
Her always apologizing for having feeling for Nariyuki is why she will never win.
Would make sense, it would match up Sensei's double screentime this rotation. After all Fumino is the only competitor for Sensei in terms of popularity.
Spoiler is on Thursday and Friday but the actual release date is Monday. So no spoiler this week.
>reply to OP is not first post by this IP
>clear bait statement
Don't reply
>Fumino is the only competitor for Sensei in terms of popularity
Obviously not in our dimension.
Yeah, she does that quite often as way to facetiously handle guilt and of course denial. That is why it's a running gag.
Google is your friend. A gag that repeats and is used to handwave, to be facetious, is utilize as comic relief. Current until it stops is obvious enough. Essentially, that's one of the few ways Fumino denies her feeling a la comical execution. Kinda a given Tsutsui will be serious in due time and have Fumino deal with matters of the heart in the future.
Rizu is just irresistible.
The point is not that it is going to happen. It's that it hasn't happened yet while an alleged secondary character got way more development regarding the relationship with the MC. Fumino has been stale for the longest time in that regard.
If it's between girls is different. Grown men should exert moderation.
Fake spoilerfag here. Dubs decide who gets focus next week.
Very well. Pet chapter it is.
>Pet chapter
Why do I get the feeling the fuminofag in these threads is also the hinafag in the DomeKano threads?
He is.
Also the Yukinofag in yahari threads as confirmed a few threads ago.
Sounds a lot more like ruifag behaviour though.
Also the Eriri and Ginkofag?
>diverting the blame
I recognize this behavior from both fuminofags and hinafags.
Ruifags don't read the manga, same for fuminofags.
This could be the thread that finally dies before bump limit, I feel it.
Another thing I've noticed with both fumiofags and hinafags is the level at which they comb through the manga to list what they claim is solid evidence that their ship is the correct one.
That is quite some dedication.
Hina has literally the whole narrative built around backing her. Fumino has the same worthless meta shit as having rui on a bonus page with the GE characters.
>New Year's chapter already
The end is near isn't it? Somehow I have the feeling they might announce the manga ending around the time S2 is airing.
First, fuck off flipshit. Second I hope this manga ends as soon as possible.
You're not me
Appereantly there's more than one. One has bantsy intentions and is overall a good user, the other is a shitposter. As the first one is a Senseifag this other guy seems to be the latter.
I hope it's Fumino.
Good. It already overstayed its welcome and Tsutsui ran out of material to write long ago.
Fumino just had a chapter and it's far in the rotation. It's Rizu's turn right after and we'll see if her arc actually did something compared to the nothingness that followed up Fumino and Asumi.
Based trips. I can't stand Bokuben nor these threads any longer.
Uruka was a mistake
A mistake to make so cute, it's too much.
Urukafags were a mistake.
Hopefully at least before the manga ends Tsutsui will reveal the birthdays of the main trio and Moeyuki. I mean we already know Fumino's zodiac sign so it's not impossible.
She definitely isn't going to help Abe's plan of boosting Japan's birth rate.
A mistake to make so based, it's too much.
>Tsutsui ran out of material to write long ago.
only for the non-sensei girls.
Also a ninofag
I'm a Fuminofag and Hinafag. Best girls. Hina is destined to win, but I know Fumino has a 50% chance with Rizu has the other half. If Rizu wins then it's fine cause she's a cute/good girl.
god I fucking hope
at this point he should just make a reboot with only sensei as heroine
>he should just make a reboot with only sensei as heroine
it'll probably happen cause of her popularity.
More than that, he's stalling whatever still remains for them with filler.
Would be the same thing he's writing now but with less screentime for the others.
>Less screentime for the others
so basically the same thing right now?
Mafuyu's will be the best
Uruka best waifu
>having rui on a bonus page with the GE characters.
Same for Hina in her chapter "date" with Natsuo.
>this point he should just make a reboot with only sensei as heroine
KEK even senseifags knows she have Zero chances to win... the bowl. Cute.
I never thought Fuminofags would be capable of good taste
There is legitimately nothing wrong with Fumino as character.
fuck off chink
Except for being the most stale and uninteresting girl with the worst arc and worst filler chapters
Sensei should win,but japanese writters only want FMC to win so...
It's the same thing with Yuuna san
That's Uruka actually.
It's really boring,sensei is more interesting...
Uruka has been decent since she stopped shooting herself in the foot and made up her mind about chasing her dream and going to Australia. Her arc will probably be better than fumino's too
>Her arc will probably be better
I really wanna think that but Uruka isn't a teacher so I doubt it