Whiney brat saga ep 5

So what you guys think? Will this adaptation ever be good or will we have a whole season of the MC trying not to be cringeworthy?

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He's going to be an edgy fucker the whole season might as well drop now

Drop it fag

Anime-onlies shouldnt start threads because they look so fucking stupid everytime they open their mouths.

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Imagine not reading at LEAST the first 2 volumes of Vinland Saga let alone any manga based anime while waiting for new episodes, you might actually not sound like a fucking idiot and make fucking stupid threads like the OP did.

farmland saga, motherfucker

What in the ever living fuck went so wrong in your life that you call a 6 year old kid "cringeworthy"? Are you even human?

OP is a faggot but this adaptation is really poor
>dude 3 episodes of filler LMAO
How fucking broke is Wit after animating SnK s3p2?


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I'd totally watch a farming SOL. There's too much sailing, drama and action. Gimme more sheep and cows.

Are you retarded?

Kids are cringe af famalam

It was great from the first preview, you absolute shitposting retard.

Yukimura wanted the adaptation to be done this way, and honestly it does a good job by filling in a few holes that the manga had in the beginning

Yeah and what isnt?

It's not filler. The anime changed the order to make the story more linear. The anime started with flashbacks that came later on in the manga.

I love to see him suffer.

Animeonies should be prohibited from making threads.

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How do manga fans feel about the anime making the story more linear? I personally like it more.

I think this how Yukimura would've preffer to show the story but since he started in Shounen he had to have a bombastic, big battle sequence to catch in more viewers.

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The MC stays this one dimensional, and boring for the entirety of the good part of the story.
Luckily the series doesn't bank on him being a good character and so it doesn't really matter.

But yes, his literally this boring and shallow until AFTER farmland saga. Like you can tell what his thinking at all times, it's that bad.

Sadly the character writing is so akward in this manga, thorfin doesn't naturally progress or anything, but just "muh dramatic event", completely reshapes his character throughout of the story.

Wish I were a badass viking then my mom wouldn't be telling me to do the dishes

It's better story-wise so the audience will understand Thorfinn's desire for revenge.

Imagine being this stupid. This is a severe case of speedreading and having all of your focus be on the images of the pages rather than the words.

>thinking you weren't a cringey kid at Thorfinn's age

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>but just "muh dramatic event", completely reshapes his character
Theres "Pre-dad dying" starry eyed ignorant and bliss thorfin.

Then there's "Dad died, MUH REVENGE REVENGE" ragetard thorfin

Then there's "thorfin loses his driving force", his so lacking in characterization, that he litterally defaults to an NPC lmao

Then there's "I finally understand my dad" moralfagging pacifist somehow even more boring, thorfin.

At this point he defualts to your typical moralfag protagonist, equip with long verbal speeches to his enemies, apologizing, and being social dense.
The last few chapters unironically play out the "Oh wow this girl likes me, but i'm a dense shounen protagonist *blush*"

It's just kind of sad, I write all this to say, that the thorfin you're complaining about is the most interesting his character will ever be, so enjoy it.

I felt physical pain, reading pic related, as i've seen this exact exchange 100x already in seasonal garbage or other battle shounen shit, yikes.

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>he defualts to your typical moralfag protagonist, equip with long verbal speeches to his enemies, apologizing,

Easily some of the worst, most insufferable writing i've ever witnessed, this is literally naruto tier, like story beat for story beat

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I mean his dad was generic moralfagging pacifist shounen mc too, but yakumura managed to make him cool and interesting, never this disappointing.

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Moralfaggotry is a luxury the strong and powerful are allowed to have. If you are a weak piece of shit its just sophistry.

Yeah, generic battle shounenshit regurgitate the lesson over and over again, and vinland is no different.

name one series that isn't plagued by whiny bitch mc

I wish my crackship was canon.

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I didn't even think this was a crackship, i still ship it, the other bitch is so boring

I've read the manga, that's how I know this is filler. The manga had a much stronger start, where we we see Thorfinn popping off on the battlefield and would leave the viewer with many questions. Hell, they blew their load and released 3 episodes in one day so they might as well show the big ass battle then show the origins of Thorfinn and the death of Thors.

Askeladd was the best thing about Vinland and it ended with him and Bjorn.

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Well he was the only interesting character, but anyone reading this for anything other then the viking aesthetic and action is lying to themselves.

You aren't the only one who has read the manga. And do you even know what filler means? It's still canon even if the order is changed.

Thorfinn fucking around in the forest killing wolves was not in the manga, thus it counts as filler. Shut the fuck up instead of trying to be a smartass

The backgrounds are pretty!

Fuck you nigga I can read it for all three

No it doesn't, you don't even know what filler means.
Filler is anime orginal content created once they catch up or are too close to whatever it is they are adapting.
The content is completely trivial and has no major implications on the overall plot and story, they only exist to bide time.

What we're seeing is Anime original content, which does have barring on the overall plot and story, it's not just "filling" in time, it's original content that adds to the canon story.

You're a dipshit.

Well you're just being a bad faith actor, dishonest.


eat a dick

Maybe you should read what you're replying to, you dumb monkey. I was responding to the guy who said the 3 eps focusing on Thorfinn's Dad was filler which they're not. I'm not talking about the few scenes added on Ep.5.

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It's LITERALLY filler you fucking retard. There's no reason to show Thorfinn fucking around in the forest when there are perfectly adaptable chapters. Next episode will be even more filler and you fucking double digit IQ retards will slop it up and make more cinegrids like this faggot and slob on Wit's dick some more
It's a weak adaptation at the moment and it will probably remain just that.

It's not filler, it's canon content explaining some of the gaps in the manga, like how throfin really got on his feet after what happened to him.

He already explained exatly why it isnt filler,retard. And yes showing Thorfinn " fucking around in the forest" was important.

If you don't know what "filler" means why do you even keep using the word?

Just read Silver Spoon.

I'm not particularly fond of it but I understand why they did it for the difference in medium. I felt the flashback in the manga was aided by already knowing the present characters and the current status quo, but it wouldn't have worked as well for an animated story.

his dad also had a hugely powerful backstory