How fat is too fat?
How fat is too fat?
Post the "M" word!
1% body fat
when people use the word "healthy" is when you should look for the exit, and quick.
>waist is narrower than her hips
damn go take an anatomy class, moron. or even just jerk it to pornhub once a week
American tier is too fat
How big is the observable universe?
The size of the chick described in ACDC's "whole lotta Rosie"
My body looks exactly like this but I'm not going to do anything about it.
you look like a fertility goddess?
>see Mya-nee thread in catalog
>instantly reminded of "that gif"
>go find it and fap
Every fucking time. I can't help it.
>but I'm not going to do anything about it.
Good. thats the perfect amount of curve and chub.
Well post a fucking picture then. Preferably with your cock out.
I don't have one. I said exactly like the picture. Unless she is hiding it very well.
tits or GTFO
What are you talking about?
So you want a woman to literally encompass all of existence
Your picture literally explains it visually better than words.
Her waist is narrower than her hips, therefore she cant be fat because her fat would pudge out her waist more than that.
percentage of women who might look like miyako?
3D women? 0%
When armpits, wrists, and knees start looking like sleeves or sausage casing.
She looks absolutely perfect tho
Literally though; this is Yea Forums not reddit
That is fat OP. The american plus size is obese.
No such thing.
Would bang/10. Literally my ex gf.
yes and then I want her to step on me
No such thing
How many months are you into transitioning tho?
when the belly protrudes forwards more than the tiddies
She has excess fats in her body. Her fat distribution doesn't change that fact.
>too fat
I thought we were just posting fatties
based plush poster
Be straight with me, does she actually look like she has a decent amount of chub in the anime? I might pick this up.
We can do that too.
Once you can't walk on your own B-)
if we weren't, we are now
When your fat has its own fat, and you cant walk 10 feet without weezing and sweating bullets.
It's okay to have a little fat, so long as the personality is good.
It's kind of like buying a used car. If I find one in great condition in every way except the paint is all fucked up, guess what, that's not a hard fix. I can get that repaired cheap and easy.
If she's overweight but can be coaxed into losing some pounds, we're good.
>all american girls are fit blondes with huge boobs
Naturally there are exceptions like adults but that's the case with nearly any kind of person over 15.
Fat girls give better heads!!
Fat doesn't necessarily mean being so out of shape that you can't walk. I walk 5km at a 6.5-7km/h pace (that's around 3 miles at a 4-4.5 mph pace for you burgers) every day after work and I weigh a full 220lbs. Admittedly I can't run very far, though.
Obese people are never in shape though.
The fatter you are the more effort your body requires to move, which is why you don't see fat people running marathons. Or running at all.
Well, obviously, but what I'm saying is that there is a line between being out of shape and needing one of those trolleys that fat burgers use. 220lbs is considered obese where I'm from but at least my legs can still carry me.
She's alright. The jugs make up for some of the chubbiness.
Fuuka should have been fat.
>People consider this fat.
This is called plump and perfect.
Morbidly obese. I like skinny girls but girls with a lil bit of chub are pretty cute too.
>i'm a girl btw hehe
back to your containment board roastie
>People consider tripfagging
This is called attentionwhoring and reddit.
To be fair I think that giant faggot Lelouch has been here since before Reddit was a thing
you're the stupid bitch here waving around false knowledge of anatomy
women both have wider hips and different fat distribution. it would take more than 300lbs of fat for the waist to become wider than the hips on an average woman, and in most of cases it could just never happen unless it's to the point where she is a literal blob
she's fucking fat, you retard. not morbidly obese, just fat.
Lose the trip so I can tell you you've got good taste.
>(of a person) rather fat.
You need some fat reserves for healthy child bearing.
So Mya-nee needs more than most.
Having a BMI of >29.9
I hate you so fucking much you dumb tripnigger.
friendly reminder that anything above 15 is fat
15 is starvation tier, user. Literal skin and bones. Hell, you can't even have any muscle at all on you to reach that BMI.
25% bodyfat.
Now take your fat shit and fuck off.
If I can't see her abs, then she's too fat.
Fat levels low enough to make abs visible are actually quite unhealthy in women, particularly in terms of fertility issues. Women require fat reserves above that for correct hormonal regulation.
I mean it's less unhealthy then obesity but still.
At what point does thicc become fat?
Imo at the point your body starts deforming and losing its curves.