Why is this anime so damn good?
Why is this anime so damn good?
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Read the manga, never seen the anime. it felt short imo
Best scene.
Instant classic scene as well as with the 2chan killings
Are you niggas serious
This thing was legitimately the biggest piece of fucking shit I've seen. I hate this fucking show so goddamn much, and this is coming from a guy who likes mindless edgy shit.
Amazing characters and really different from Oku usual writing, the story could had done a lot better but at the end the characters are all that matter, based jiisan is based.
> and this is coming from a guy who likes mindless edgy shit
yeah, we already gathered you had shit taste
try broadening your horizons a bit, user
it told a simple, tight, well developed and fleshed out story with a definite end, and it used 3dcg to good effect
it was long enough to do what it needed to do but not so long that it dragged out and needed filler
it ended the only way it reasonably could have, but not in a way that was unsatisfying
tl;dr good things are good
the melding of edge and comfy
Read Gantz manga if you liked it. Same creator.
Because the MC isn't some stupid dumb androgynic faggot but a cool, normal grandpa.
And the second guy was also interesting even if edgy as fuck.
Lol no. It was so unbelievably stupid. I felt like my brain cells were dying, except when I do that with alcohol I get to be drunk. This was just cringe.
Not really similar, this manga focus more in the sweet side of society, good people > bad people, love can save the world.
I didn't say it was a carbon copy, but there are similarities:
>lots of action & violence & deaths
>mechanical devices
>responsibility of a great ''power'',and the way you use it
What felt so unbelievably stupid about it?
It felt like it was trying to be deep and thought provoking with its discussion about good and evil, but it strikes me as being incredibly obvious what's good and evil. This is like middle school level kinds of discussion about good and evil. The only layers to this debate the story creates is through the characters own crass misunderstanding of what's morally ok and what isn't. That's not depth, that's just the character's incompetence.
The characters themselves aren't terribly interesting either, which makes it difficult to carry a story like this where they're supposed to be talking about heroes and bad guys or whatever.
It also felt extremely tone deaf. With the character firing at civilians with finger guns and dumb sound effects, it came across as extremely hilarious. In the same story, you have a part about his mother committing suicide or something, which seems like a severe lack of self awareness.
>used 3dcg to good effect
Clean your fucking eyes
The main character wasn't even in it for half the season and you couldn't even enjoy the fights, the cgi was garbage.
Wasn't it the usual Oku hollywood shenanigans?
I feel that the anime gives you obvious examples of good and evil so that the viewer understands how the character in that circumstance reacts and what his personality is. There is a deterministic point to morality but, it all depends on how that person reacts. The character's incompetence is part of the depth, after all flaws are also what makes a person.
The finger guns I think fit in with its message of "with great power comes great responsibility" what would happen if these 2 people of different viewpoints and personalities are given OP as hell WMD level weapons systems and bodies? It's a very absurd situation which reminded me of "The metamorphosis."
It wasnt only about "good or evil" it was also about power and the personalities behind the people that hold power.
I agree I'm not a huge fan of 3D in anime but I have to say it wasnt too bad.
This. One dimensional characters. Dogshit cgi. Weak plot. Deus ex ending. The op is sung by fucking furries ffs. Criniest anime of the decade
" it was trying to be deep and thought provoking with its discussion about good and evil,"
It did not such thing. It was very simple in its message and made no attempt to hide who was obviously good and who was obviously evil.
Okie dokie.
It was awful.
It also looked like shit.
Watching this anime will only bring disappointment.
Biggest pleb filter of the last few years, that's for sure
Because you enjoy being hit on the ground.
Agreed, it was great. I was pissed off by the ending when I first read the manga, but by the time the anime aired I got over it. The biggest thing holding it back was all that shitty CGI. Could've used an extra episode too.
Yea Forums was amazing that day.
>used 3dcg to good effect
i want to agree but man
the final arc will make even berserk fans cry in pain
Its even worse when you keep hearing him as Kiryu from Yakuza.
The ending with the ED got ya boi in tears