I honestly don’t get this part...

I honestly don’t get this part. This is a trial for one of the most heinous criminals ever in this history of the village. As absurd as his claim may be to those unfamiliar with the taboo secret laughing would not be anyone’s reaction. He just got off nearly committing genocide if he hadn’t been stopped by two teens and another rat. He ravaged the village and killed countless villagers.

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Because it's more impactful than if they just said no you're not or ignored it.

They could have just gotten really pissed and violent

When you so ugly SAUCENAO thinks you are a pussy

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Imaine seeing everyday what you were in the past and looking at your inferior rat looking body. Fuck he was so right

It is about freedom.
To be honest the children were fucked in the head too with their bonobo shit.
Kind of makes me wonder what the human race would be like if the intellectual elites took away all our guns and violent tendencies.

The real monsters are the mutants who ruined the world and destroyed human civilization.

They build nothing and they don't advance becausw their entire effort and time has to be used on controlling themselves through child murder, mind control and sexual perversions so that they don't genocide each other again and even then the threat of a madman who kills everyone always looms.

Squealer wanted humans to kill he monsters to start restoring the world, put civilization back on track, but sadly despite his brave efforts the monsters whi plunged the world into darkness first and tyranny later won.

Squealer did nothing wrong.

People sometimes laugh when stressed, especially the sort of stress that comes from the revelation of something questionable, but still deeply unsettling.

I agree with you ... I always hope in a continuous where the former human race destroys those bastards


The reason the elites are bad in the first place is because they can't properly manage anything. If they "win", it just means everybody dies.

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>first attempt to genocide cantus users ended in humans getting turned into rat slaves
>hmm let's try it again
Squealer was not that smart

Is he related to Squealer from Animal Farm? Both are pigs and intelligent

This anime was so shit


>Slave Empires
>Rape Bandits
>Sociopathic scientists selfishly hoarding the tech to themselves
While humanity ultimately created the Cantus menace by killing the users that most likely did have sensible morals and ethics, leaving only the bad ones to fester, the fact that Cantus users were able to evolve to survive nukes and even split the earth in two meant that the Cantus Menace was an inevitability. The Cantus users crippled humanity into an irrecoverable state and were on the verge of self destructing till the scientists intervened to preserve order. This story served to prove how easily the monsters within us could be unleashed, and how appearance does not matter with this inner monster. It kills, maims, slaughters, even alters and breaches the dignity of human genetics to maintain that absolute position of power, but in the process have rendered theirselves vulnerable. A fiend is all it would take to destroy the entirety of human civilization

The truth right here. The world will never be safe until the Cantus menace is destroyed.

A single Fiend is enough to kill everyone and a single Karma Demon is enough to poison the world. They must be stopped.

Kiroumaru was such a huge FAGGOT
Poor squealer, man, he was just a freedom fighter trying to overthrow his oppressors.

Kiromaru was a real hero and a real human bean.

Both are non-issue if there's no attack inhibition, which Saki is planning to get rid of at some point

The society we've been following since episode one is full of insane people with ironically questionable humanity

The laughing is meant to hammer that point in one final time

It's absurd to them in a same way it would be absurd to suggest an ant's life is worth as much as a person's.

Well he thought one child was enough to carry out his plan, so you tell me

Well, it almost succeeded, so you know.

>countless villagers.
Try 50K+ and that's whole fucking Japan according to rainbow slug stats IIRC.
On the other hand Giant Hornets and Squeeler's colonies numbered roughly 1M (Saki's info from in ep17) and there were many other rat colonies.
>most heinous criminals ever
That would be cantus users.
Mass murdering rats (mutated people) on a whim.
Destroying civilization.
Poisoning and killing everything in their vicinity just by existing.
I won't sling memes about Sqeeler doing nothing wrong, because he did plenty of that.
Still, his cause was just and cantus user's victory was just postponing the inevitable.
Creatures like that aren't meant to be alive, too much power too little control.

one of the points of the show is that humans must always be humane even to the worst criminals because abandoning that would make us no different from them... squealer may have a point, but at the end of the day he lacks basic humanity and must be dealt with

None of them are human then considering they sentenced him to become a sentient lump of meat doomed to suffer throughtout eternity.

>humans must always be humane even to the worst criminals
And then they gave him an inhumane punishment.

>humans must always be humane even to the worst criminals because abandoning that would make us no different from them
Nice meme, but some people deserve to hang as that compassion you give them will not be returned to you when the shoe is on the other foot. The Cantus would have no qualms about putting you down in the most horrific fashion if given the chance, just ask Squealer.

>laughing would not be anyone’s reaction
"laughing it off" is a common way to make big issues smaller, a coping mechanism. Surely you understand this. The absurdity of his claim alienates any would-be sympathizers, this 'madness' is comical because it conveniently explains his actions/motives while at the same time assuring his sentencing.

to show you that there are no good guys in this show. Kantus users enslaved and mutated non-kantus humans, they kill their own if they dont follow the protocol. Then there is the queer rats and squealer especially. The moment he gets power the more and more manipulative Squealer got. They should have just wiped out humanity all together.

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Said child was literally a walking nuke whom the Cantus users literally couldnt harm due to their conditioning and biological programming and the ONLY reason sqeauler lost was because of one asspull.

Whatever happened to the babies the Rats kidnapped from the hospital?
We're they taken back after squealers army lost?