The Chad Son Who Respects and Loves His Father v The Seething Cuck Faggot Virgin Who Resents Him
Shingeki no Kyojin
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Yaegerbros chapter = good chapter
I wonder what the music will be like in this part
>Eren tipped Zeke off because he was too much of a 3/10 autist to simply catch the baseball.
This. Yeager bros are the best part about the manga currently.
He has never played catch, give him a break
>I'll defy him by not catching the ball, that'll show him
Will Zeke take the Abepill?
Keep seething ErwL/EMcuck, brothers autism is entertaining
Isn't it depth perception because his eye was covered by the bandages?
Silent. Just natural noise
>Eren is a nu-male who sat out of sports games
This was a comfy chapter
Wait, are you saying there are retards who didn't get this meant Eren wasn't agreeing with him? Did you forget what Zeke said? Why is this fanbase so retarded?
This, I hope all remaining chapters are ZE chapters
What's the best memory shard?
I get this sense that they're both representations of Isayama's own psyche at different points in his life
>Probably felt blackpilled as a kid
>Collected his nail clippings in a jar
>Felt like his dad didn't approve of his profession
>Grew up and got married
>Rejected his country's racial guilt
>Regained love and respect for his father
Of course it's all speculation but I could see it being the root of the core conflict of the series.
So manlet is going to kill zeke as he runs to give grisha a dream hug right
Gothkasa and Armin
Based and checked
Best nose survives another chapter.
Too bad roasties are trying to ruin it because they can't accept people like ZE and got bored of AMJC
that's ERestrogEN though
vogel im kafig
It could have definitely used less cute baby panels and daddy issues
Cripplet will fade into irrelevancy as Godke is redeemed by Eren and saves Eldia.
Manlet won't kill Zeke
Eren won't fuck Mankasa
ErwLmod, rest already
Manlet is busy putting a bun inside Hanji's oven.
>Zekucks still don't know that Levi Chaderman will be the one to end him
There will be no 2000 year old loli plot armor to save him this time. You better hurry up with your plan, oh wait Erenchad has you in the palm of his hand now
I think it'd make more sense for there to be a score playing up until the point at which Ymir walks right past Eren. Kind of like this scene from 0:28 onwards
>go out into the world and multiply
>filial piety
Did Abe write this chapter?
>less cute baby panels
Delete this shit right now
How many pages will GODSAYAMA devout to zeke impregnating pieck after he realizes the error of his ways?
Gets better the more I think about it. Fuck the fact that we have to wait another month though
Hisu, Pajeet and girl-chan since they are the only ones we don't know shit about
Too despair-pilled I think.
I love my beautiful wife so much
>ErwLfujo trying to be with Erenchads now
Nobody cares
Pyw Manlet somehow cuts his way to the paths, kills Zeke and Eren, and then adopts Lolimir.
Anybody else love it when Uncle Kenny pops up randomly every now and then? He's one of my top characters
We know, Zeke.
We know, Zeke.
Is that meant to be a well drawn version of pic related?
>I'll pretend to miss so I won't break my promise
>He missed he's deceiving me
Peak autism
Manlet is literally irrelevant
We know Zeke
Mikasa looks so cute.
Leave improving Japan's declining birthrates with the help of 63rd Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe to me
manlet killed Erwin and Eren told his men to kill manlet on sight :)
>I'm still so upset, why Isayama thought it was a good idea to draw that stinky ape hugging Levi? the disrespect.
That looks like baby Erwin.
It was a shit chapter.
>when Eren is literally telling Zeke to get laid
Not an EMfag but I found that one sweet. Also I like it because it confirms that Eren's dream from the first chapter will be relevant
The Eren eating stew is also my favorite aside from the fatfaced one in the first page
>mfw Freida sees Zeke in the memory and starts talking to him like Grisha did
Kek, did a twitterfag say that?
So, Kenny and Grisha met once. That makes me want my Shingeki world 2 where Grisha recruits Kenny and Kuchel and becomes friends with Uri and actually fix the mess before ruining everyones lives.
Karlkucks irrevocably BTFO
Check the catalog next time, dumbass
>I must fish for attention every opportunity I get bc poking based comfyposters is the only human interaction I'll have all day
Here's your (you) sad and lonely user
Uri couldn't defy FK anymore than anyone else and didn't know Kenny before inheriting the founder.
Patrician taste bros
@euthanasiaworks is a genuine retard.
Pretty much. I do wonder if Grisha seeing Zeke means they can actually interact with the timeline and somehow Eren would send a message to his old self, a different one than the one that made Eren cry at first.
Neck yourself faggot
Mikasa one. AU one is a nice Easter egg though
go back normalredditfaggot
Too bad that he never got to meet his niece
>Source of all organic matter is the access point to the paths dimension
>Devil is trapped in paths dimensions
>Makes contract with Lolimir to give FT power and build titans in path dimensions if she takes over when she dies
>Dies in 13 years and gets trapped in paths dimension building Titans
>Devil is released in the form of the Attack Titan and is influencing Eren
What did I miss in these months? Erenfags turned this insecure every time someone mentions Manlet?
Historia crying is the most interesting one.
Is there anything worse in this universe than being an Ackerman and a woman?
See you next year
Twitter, you fucking idiot.
>Buh buh go back!
Fuck off @euthanasiaworks
That's for when Grisha turns from the cellar door and goes home to his family.
Run all you want fag, you're sad and cringe
>seeing Erenfags literally everywhere
Not only Erenfags think Eren is the father
>EH is real
Eren is a man of taste who only goes for mature women.
I honestly thought it looked like Louise for a moment. I'm still not used to the new haircut because we HAVEN'T SEEN ANYTHING WITH HER I CAN'T WAIT ANOTHER MONTH
And what Manlet has to do with that? Erenfags really think Manlet fucked Historia?
I want applaud Chadayama for not being afraid to use sarcasm in his work despite the fact that Japanese are usually too autistic to understand irony
>he got an erection? ymir cut the blood flow
I don't think there's any point in this chapter where Vogel im Kaffig would be fitting
Something like this:
Please don't screenshot this. I work for Shingeki no Kyojin. Over the next two chapters, Zeke will learn to care about his father, learning that Grisha always cared for Zeke. Because of this, Zeke will change his plan and help Eren. Once they both decide this action, Ymir will reveal that it was all part of her plan and that she's going to use the founding power for herself. You're welcome.
Being you.
Being a Marleyan-Eldian mutt.
I love Eren too
This faggot probably would be petty enough to endure eternity in PATHSland so he could pull shit like this
If Eren is planning on getting Ymir out of Paths then that means that Porcuck died for nothing.
>the music choice of erenchuunis
I don't understand the conversation you are having right now
gas all gabifags.
Who mentioned manlet?
I think it'll probably be an original composition that'll echo throughout various parts of the soundtrack for the final cours.
I think in terms of tone it'll be like one of these two
>best memory
>mini Mikasa
The only interesting shit about that scene is to know why he was crying which is why this scene even was here
Yeah this is probably right
I'm talking about the universe of the series you seething fat EMcunt
Vogel im Kafig will play at this part
know your place DOGrenfag
oh no no no
>alright DOGren little buddy, you can come out of the doggie cage and have the spotlight for a bit
KEK in the context of this chapter this meme just got so much better
Historia since it looks like she was crying because probably left Marley? That Mohammed guy is also curious while Mikasa in the middle probably to remember why he was crying and why he woke up from the longest dream
Fuck your mist ending
rip pixis
Yeah I can see that happening
You do realize that Ymir is going to use the rumbling, right?
>These are the self-hating faggots that call Erenchads edgelords
>Knows he and his men are about to be turned into Titans
>Decides to use it to their advantage and fulfil their eternal role as weapons of war
One of the few based boomers. I hope we get to see a really horrific and drawn out rampage from his Titans that shows how wars were meant to be fought with the Titans.
Can you see the future or something? Fuck off.
Uncle Zeke soon
>One of the few based boomers.
You need to be 18 or older to... wait do you? Does 4channel have that rule?
Both had interesting post apocalyptic settings (seemingly in SNK's case) and intriguing lore, but in the end once the dive into the mystery box got deeper the series turned out to more breeding propaganda. Just more shonenbaby banality
Don't remind me how last chapter was so much better than this one.
(Darling in the Franxx)
>action kiddies
Go back
Seeth harder, antinatalist child.
was getting caught part of his plan?
It wasn’t cringe the first time you posted it, and it’s not cringe now you retarded mong
Idk it was kinda cringe, but I think it was supposed to be. Given how it was a whole "you fool eren, i was playing you all along".
These pages are hilarious
how many times are you going to post this?
Erenfags are edgelords.
How many threads will fit in the next month?
Every thread
the cringe compilation just keeps getting bigger and bigger
I liked Kruger and Historia one. Lolistoria is cool too.
>brocon with snail's pacing is better
Go back
Stop crying DOGrenfag
>you don't understand, convincing Zeke to stomp everyone outside the walls to death is redemption for him
Eren was born into this world to fuck Hisutoria and make baby Yumiru. Does this confirm YH?
where's version with "Founder Ymir, mold me bigger penis"?
Human can't kill God.
Actual speed reader
>he still thinks this is erens plan
>it's only been 2 days and it's already too much for Shitrenfarts
Easily this track.
remastered or some shit, it's so kino.
Took you long enough to find something to use
Shitren's survival.... I'm just so relieved that we're able to keep seeing the 3/10 shitwit get humiliated
>last chapter was just muh action
>y-you're the speedreader not me
>last chapter was just muh action
when did i say this, you literally speed read my fucking post. i am genuinely amazed.
Hist2506 is my whore.
Those Yeager boys are at it again!
Wait wait wait, so Eren didn't die.
ETA for when Eren gets BTFO again?
This twist was based and you're a brainlet if you didn't like it or didn't understand it.
why the fuck cant they give the soundtracks proper names instead of these random characters and phonetic language nonsense?
>action kiddies
>t-that was a compliment I swear
The bar gets lower and lower
So there's a chance Eren can still suffer agonizingly as he's grinded into mincemeat for shitting up the arc with his white knight chuuni faggotry
Thanks for holding on, Eren
right? this was a bitch to find lmao
>admits to lurking here all day and refreshing the thread every milisecond
Sasuga, user
>that was a compliment
and when did I say that? ironically the bar for your speed reading just keeps climbing, honestly impressed.
anyways, no you colossal fud licker. i was implying that the user thought the chapter was bad because it was a heady one without action, not implying that the last chapter was just an action chapter. speed readers are truly an interesting people.
>being THIS much of a newbfag to not know Sawano
Unless he ends the titan curse. Then it's Jaegerbros and EHbaby forever
what's that
It's not that these inbred people are just flat out dumb, they actively look for things to try and cry about and don't try to understand anything, which is why retards like thisget so easily btfo'd.
Simple visual story telling is quite literally too much for them when they are in hate boner mode.
I really love the art in snk, it's special.
But just imagine if it was re-drawn by murata or some shit on pic relateds level.
And where did I say that I thought this chapter was bad, because it was a heady one without action?
>Erenfags posted fantasies for months laughing about Zeke being a gullible retard who'd be betrayed and murdered.
>get outwitted alongside their 3/10 favorite.
>you're not allowed to use Yea Forums if you're not autistic about composers!!!
yawn. give us a manga board
>i was implying that the user thought the chapter was bad because it was a heady one without action
>i was implying
I'm actually getting a laugh out of you speed reading my posts, thank you.
Is it cool to hate on based murata now??
>Shitren and Shitmir were the real slaves all along
>Cucks don't understand being born into this world
here have some freedom pill:
>just a hater
Literal nigger tier post. Murata showed himself to be an incompetent waffle. His adaptation of OPM is a god damned joke.
>outwits Eren
>ends up agreeing with him because all he cared about was validation from him
Congratulations, you've played yourself.
I like how the speechbubbles were drawn this chapter, adds to the other dimension feeling
>replying to someone using a MHA image
not him but OPM redraw isn't just supposed to be a 1:1 adaptation. the point is to derive from the actual story. i haven't read the redraw, but making fun of it for it's adaptation is fairly lame. i also think ONE storyboards it, but that could be my headcanon that i saw from somewhere else on Yea Forums
Murata is a champion that delivers on quantity and quality
AruMIGHT > faggath
Oh, this guys is a MHA fan, and since OPM is also a hero show but more highly regarded his upset.
Well i don't really read OPM and I dont read MHA at all, I've just seen some really steller art, and sequences every now and again
>Action kiddies
>I-it was only an implication
Tsk tsk tsk your conclusion was wrong
My apologies for not reading your mind
Silence with just the sound of the paths reuniting and glowing in the distance.
>we did it erenbros! showing that Grisha wasn't as shit as Zeke thought means he's on our side of destroying the world now!
>he posted a mha edit
>he must be a mha fan
No mistake the art is top tier, murata is a great draftsman. He's just a terrible writer, the adaptation isn't shit because it's an adaptation. It's just a shit adaptation.
But as a fan of the webcomic lemme tell you, opm is a joke that goes on too long.
It was assumimg, user.
>can't be brainwashed or modified by the FT
>not bound by a curse or getting mindfucked by memories
>Eren was lying since Levi and Kenny activated long before they met Erwin and Uri
I'll avenge you carlaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
>people still believe what eren told mikasa
wait for real?
Ackermans are the most free Eldians after all
>stronger than shifters without being curse
>can reproduce and far outnumber shifters
levi's host was kenny. kenny's host was offscreen. get over it
there is no reason for eren to be lying, and his words dont imply that its just speculation. when a character isn't telling the absolute truth, isayama makes it obvious. like with eren lying to zeke, and with armong explaining how the coordinate works.
>didn't have intellectual power to outwit Zeke
>doesn't matter because Zeke cucks himself again anyway
Lucky bastard
That's the best part though, Eren didn't do anything. Zeke did it all himself because he's a huge baby. If Eren had been in his shoes, he would have enacted his plan as right there and then. Instead, Zeke had to convince Eren that daddy is bad first because he doesn't really give a shit about his plan or "saving" the world. He's a self-centered, weak willed, childish asshole who just got hoisted by his own petard. Seeing him go "y-you'll see Eren dad didn't love you just wait maybe next memory" only to have Grisha say he was sorry to him was delicious.
>Hannesfags seriously thought he was going to redeem himself
oh no no no alcoholicbros
Adult Hisu because it confirms that she got involved with Eren in one way or another at some point and that whatever the nature of that connection might be, it's emotionally charged.
Muhammad because we have no idea who the fuck it is or whose POV Eren saw him from.
Creepy girl in the tiny panel because she's a total fucking mystery as well.
EA confirmed
>Eren always hated Mikasa
>Armin has never been a piecefag before
Why do Erenfags believe this?
how am i supposed to see this image? is that a coat hanging over a chair?
>from Eren's vision in episode 1
>Supreme Commander Floch's uniform
We've got this in the bag, restorationists
is there even anything left isayama can't pull out of his ass now that he established PATHS and ymirloli as the source of all things, whenever the plot demands? honestly, it feels like lazy writing
"Isayama forgot" memes need to die
we weren't talking about what he said to armin and mikasa to hurt their feelings. we were talking about the way he explained how ackermans work.
We know, Hisu
Considering it's only a few more chapters until the end, that's the reason he's brought this out now.
But it's certainly not lazy writing, he's been foreshadowing this shit since... literally chapter one.
You can disagree with it and not like it, even maybe call it bad. But lazy? Absolutely not.
Fucking KEK. How can anyone hate this man?
Eren... please... *sniffle*
Just stop...
He probably has a half-assed standalone plan for Annie that he'll throw in whenever he feels like it.
>Eren always hated Mikasa
I doubt that Eren hates Mikasa but it is obvious that he has found her annoying for a long time
>Armin has never been a piecefag before
Eren did not tell Armin that it was wrong that he wanted peace, what was wrong is that he did nothing but talk about peace, did not try to formulate any plan of any kind and only spent his time complaining about why the rest of the world did not want to be their friends
People hate him? I just pity him, think he's a bit pathetic.
Until next month, like the "Eren/Shitren/Shartren is dead?" poster who disappeared after this chapter. Shitposting is a cyclical thing.
You're right, but it's been 86 chapters since best nose's last appearance.
Sex with Mikasa.
And the series has never smelled cleaner
Yeah, plenty do. He's quite the controversial character. I guess the fact that he fucked up the fujo cashcows Erwin and Manlet doesn't help.
>wrangles you from behind
Attaboy, another eternity in the paths re-educating you on anti-natalism. Don't worry, I know my little bro's a little slow, but we've got plenty of time
I miss genki Hanji.
blessed op
based and cloudpilled
We all do.
One of them died of stds in a whorehouse, another got shanked by a generic goon who little boy Eren managed to kill easily.
Mikasa and Levi are the last surviving Ackerman's because they're the strongest of them all.
Plus there might be more to those headaches than we realize.
Based and paternal pilled
unbased and cuck pilled
>G-grisha brainwashed Eren!
>Kruger is mindcontrolling Eren using paths!
>Eren is the attack titan's slave!
Bros nothing of this showed up in paths world, you told me Eren wasn't free...
*accidentally walks into Grisha and Carla having sex*
The GODren hammer is going to drop hard next chapter.
>what's the next memory
The end of all doubters
But less confirmed than EM, EAr, EH, ER, EF,EL, EG, EPajeet and an orgy with team manlet
>I doubt that Eren hates Mikasa but it is obvious that he has found her annoying for a long time
That's not even the point, retard. Eren said he always hated Mikasa and that's a lie.
>Eren did not tell Armin that it was wrong that he wanted peace, what was wrong is that he did nothing but talk about peace, did not try to formulate any plan of any kind and only spent his time complaining about why the rest of the world did not want to be their friends
Eren told him that he's backing the enemy now and implied that Armin never wanted to talk things out. I'm not talking about the railroad building and train scenes.
>Famer-sama's dick is too big, I can't handle this anymore
Fuck off Joseph
>Kruger is mindcontrolling Eren using paths!
>Eren is the attack titan's slave!
Those are not disproved yet.
t. benji
It's kinda funny how irrelevant Armin and Mikasa seem like. Almost at the same level as Jean and Connie.
>observe as the zekuck squirms
Call of Silence is Ymir's theme.
>replying to yourself
other thread is far better
I might have speedread, but what was the reason for manlet keeping zeke alive, and not just feeding him to someone while they had him in custody?
What the fuck happened? Getting the CT and all that shit about becoming Erwin's replacement was hinting for Armin to get an even more important role but all he has done is cum on Annie's rock.
Though I guess we should be thankful given how much the writing goes to shit when he gets focus.
>Brother you don't understand! Father brainwashed you!
>Really? All I remember was him supporting the family and refusing to ever talk to me about what he does in the basement.
>No no you're brainwashed and I have to help cure you.
>And how are you going to cure my brainwashing, brother?
>I'm going to cure your brainwashing by forcing you to watch something over and over again for thousands of years while I lecture you about how you're supposed to think.
>And at the end of that I won't be brainwashed anymore?
>My brother doesn't think that wiping out our entire race is a good idea? He clearly has been brainwashed
11/10 intelligence right here, lads
I want to fuck ghost hobo Zeke I want him to scratch with his long nails and rape me in a memory/time travel dimension.
in a present day universe, since hanji is a science teacher, moblit would be a salary man. hanji made his life more eventful since his work is very boring. i wonder how they would meet moblit makes bento for hanji every morning and everyone is jealous of hanji's lunch.
I'm pretty sure Zeke's just an incel taking his rage out on the world
>Erenbros and Zekechads will be united in just a few chapters
End of the world soon lads. Feels good
You could argue he should have fed Zeke to the remaining female titan and transfer the Beast to her, than transfer the Beast to Historia, but she was crushed to death so he would assume there was nothing around.
Understand that Zeke's betrayal wasn't confirmed until the point he ran away.
>Dina was the only one to command the titans in chapter 50, knowingly sacrificing herself for the sake of Grisha's son and future of the Eldian Restoration movement
>Dina and Eren willingly collaborated in that "instant" to have Dina command the titans, with Eren not remembering the moment, possibly at least until he contacts Historia in chapter 90 or later. This would explain why Eren isn't super caught off guard by Zeke's betrayal and why he seems in control right now
>Dina being mindless created a special situation where Eren was able to command the powers of the Founding Titan
>Zeke is bluffing and Eren truly has all control right now, hence his control over the coordinate in chapter 50. The current memory tour is his last ditch attempt to convince Eren
Which do you prefer?
Why not just cut the middleman and feed the Female Titan to Hisu?
Uncle Zeke soon.
Even in that exibition audio Eren was hyping Armin up and Levi said he's looking foward to what he can do in the future (I don't know if Isayama was involved in this or not though). So we know he hasn't forgotten about it, but he still does nothing, even with Annie. What is he thinking? Is Isayama's mind the actual basement?
Lol do you think Eren will show Zeke a ‘future memory’ and there’s some girl Eren will say ‘Zeke, this would be your wife if you weren’t a cuck’ and Zeke starts crying or some bs.
>daddy issues incel hates erenchad
It's the last one
Do you want him to get Lolimir to chain you up? You could have sex with Zeke for years in the paths dimension.
No he'll say that when they get to the memory of Freida
But Zeke would never have met Frieda ever...
Do you think Zeke went to a bunch of bars and brothels over the years to spawn as many royal bastards as possible? Like as soon as the royal genes enter the public it won't be long until everyone on the planet is a direct descendant of Yimir.
some epic sawano tune
There's nothing Zeke hates more than sexual relationships for the purpose of reproduction
>Zeke having children
what...? Is this after he gets inevitably abepilled?
Zeke deliberately chooses not to have kids, so not really.
Eren commanded the titans to attack Reiner after Dina was destroyed. Pure Titans don't really express any will besides what they possessed at the time of their transformation, that's the whole shtick with titan transformation.
It's hard to really say, but if "will" is the key then maybe all you need is a strong will to given to Ymir whilst in the presence of royal blood. Zeke had already overturned any authority that Eren would have had over Ymir before he got there, so we don't know if there's a priority system going on.
All of this is explained with multiple motivations by different characters causing it to be the case. Stop speedreading.
Is this some advanced form of speed reading where you literally just don't read it.
I don’t think Zeke is exactly a virgin but no way would he be spermblasting prostitutes...did you read 114?
Zeke ghost rape is sexy. Ghost rape is actually hotter than normal rape in my opinion.
Zeke went from 11/10 to 1/10 everytime family is involved.
>EHfags are brainlets
>Zeke ghost rape
This shit is nice
user, we all know the only fucking Zeke is doing is with older men.
>someone walks into PATHS realm while ghost Zeke is plowing you
>the person just sees your asshole dilating and contracting for no reason
How exactly did Grisha "brainwash" Eren? For the most part, he was there for Eren and didn't want it to come to Eren inheriting the titan power but decided to when the walls were attacked.
I think Zeke probably had a few one night stands but you can guarantee birth control/condoms/no proper sex was involved. The guy does not want kids to be born.
Is the person walking in Eren? If so he can join in. Also I would prefer Zeke to ghost rape my vagina but I don’t mind it in my ass.
? He didn't. That's just what Zeke believes.
this is what fujos want
Levi, Erwin,Eren and Mikasa are Popular
入荷待ち入荷未定(sold out,on back order)
Is this official art?
>Armin won't become Erwin's successor
Drawn by WIT for the English Bluray. Here's the season 2 one
I remember there was pic with annie and mikasa for s1 too
>eren wants to distance himself from mikasa
>lies to her about why she is so attached to him
>she still tries to hop on his dick
>he is forced to emotionally attack her to distance
This isn't even subtextual is very obvious what was happening in that scene. It's crazy how readers will just ignore important shit to support their headcanons.
I'm assuming there is a different version that has got manlet and Mikasa?
>I can’t stop thinking about hobo/ghost Zeke having sex with me.
Why was Eren so prepared to kill people at such a young age?
There was not a moment's hesitation from him. He planned out an assault to take down both bandits and then carried it out without batting an eye.
Even when he was being strangled to death he didn't beg for help or mercy, he told Mikasa to fight if she wants to survive.
Zeke could still be right about Eren's brainwashing.
Kind of a random question but do the Japanese ever just buy English blurays and turn the subtitles off? The japanese versions are so ridiculously expensive compared to the English releases which have more on them anyway
Yeah, it was just for the second half of S1 though. Super nice art
Which one is best?
>babby Zeke
>kid Zeke
>17 year old zeke
>22 year old Zeke
>25 year old Zeke (paradis)
>25-29 year old Zeke (Marley)
>naked reborn zeke
>hobo/ghost/time travel zeke
>eren wants to distance himself from mikasa
only a beta male would let the asian succubus get raped and die.
The sink scene where he said "TATAKAI!" twice indicates that child eren at that time was controlled by him in the future.
who knows, most likely to protect her. he was about to get into some heavy shit.
All Of Them.
But if Eren's in the middle THEN WHO'S PILOTING THE TITAN?!
Now here's an image with some big chad energy
17 year old.
Oh fuck
I like the image that's paired with it
He doesn’t even fucking need those glasses. He is such an autist.
>distances himself from his friends in order to protect them from his fate/not get them involved in his schemes
>one of the themes in snk is that you can't do anything alone
>of course his friends end up getting involved and saving his ass
3/10 strikes again
Post the paired image please
No hint to historia having his child? Seems like a pretty important memory? Seems like that ship is sinking.
Imagine Zeke instantly falling in love with Frieda once he sees the memories of her and Hisu.
Since he's pretty autistic, is manlet going to come back for the final battle?
>Levi Chaderman cuts his way into the Paths place just to kill Zekuck
That would be cringe.
>less daddy issues
but that's literally the entire point of Zeke. once his daddy issue complex crumbles he will join Erens plan
Isayama already said he wants to hurt the audience in the finale.
Eren will convice Zeke that life is worth it, but he is going to die once they memory traveling ends and they are back at shingashina with beheaded Eren.
Then Zeke does the rumbling, final panel is Zeke holding Historia´s baby (who might or might not be Eren´s)
10/10 writting.
Why? We already know Zeke is weak to sibling bonds.
I like ZF crackship but that's cringe
He instead would want to steal Hisu
>Eren will convice Zeke that life is worth it
You know Eren is a hardcore pro killing.
I don´t why faggots on this site like to pretend Franxx wasn´t garbage from the begining.
Middle is manlet, detective Hans
What do you think the panel of the sad looking Historia implies?
i highly doubt they do
Because it would be the stupidest shit that’s why. Why would isayama have Zeke fall in love with some dead girl he didn’t know?
He supports killing your enemies, not killing your people.
He still hates himself and all Eldians because Janny was mean
What? You think I'm downplaying EH or something?
Because they can't accept that trigger can't do good shit after TTGL and original FLCL
His biggest kill count is of Eldians.
Because all Yeagerchads are fated to be attracted to royal pussy.
What was paired with it? Can't find anything
It's a statue with its hand and most of its head cut off
>Middle is manlet
>Injured throughout the whole season
Sasuga, user
Lol if he falls in love with Frieda and then finds out his dad ate her l
why did tom xaver wear glasses if being a titan shifter heals you so your eyes would be perfect again
Not for long!
>Why would isayama have Zeke fall in love with some dead girl he didn’t know?
The same reson he would drag Zeke into the mud and made him change his anti war convictions he earned over years of warring simply because his dad who always treated him like shit "loved" him. To make Eren look good.
Zeke will probably fall in love with some farmer girl. If he even falls in love at all.
So we agree he's not in any way pro life.
royal rotting pussy.
>use things that haven't happened yet to imply Isayama is a shitty writer
that doesn't make it NOT the manlet, fucking idiot. the walls are being completely tore apart by the collosus and there aren't any visible pure titans in the walls. does that mean they just dont exist anymore? no.
FUCK boomers. Also the first zoomers are now over 21. The kids in middle school now are Gen A.
he's pro eldian comrade life. aka the eldians in the walls, since he doesn't view eldians from liberio as actual eldians
>pro life
This doesn't mean anything. He's pro-Paradis survival, pro-world genocide.
I had forgotten the part in S2 where Bert fully transforms and destroys a chunk of the wall while Eren and Reiner have a fist fight in the middle a ghost town.
It's just meant to be used for hype purposes, and since at that point manlet was more popular than the franchise itself there is no way that he wasn't going to make it to a teaser poster.
Shit like this happened before.
Does anyone have the Vietnam version with rumbling edited at the back?
But why bring her and everyone to Shiganshina of all places?
He's pro Yeagerists, since he threw all of the military that wasn't in his group of worshippers under the bus.
You ask that when both Grisha started wearing glasses after becoming a titan?
>look between Eren's legs
You too
Don't bother trying to fathom the depths of a tranny's scorn, user. Everything they've projected onto this series, their self-hate, their hatred of the world, their hatred of families, their hatred of childbirth, of life itself, of nationalism, of community, it's all going to go to shit in these coming chapters. The bitching and copeposting are only going to get worse.
Just keep moving forward.
Probably if it's a genetic thing, the shifter power doesn't heal it. It only heals injuries
yes. its a metaphorical drawing of all the characters. that doesn't change what i said, or the fact that the other image is not a metaphorical drawing of the characters.
It's a way of saying "their vision became foggy".
How many times will you be bothered by Eren getting cold feet?
>have a curse specifically passed down through blood
>curse ruins everything for everyone
>don't reproduce because you don't want a child to bare that burden
Remove curse, then sex.
Society don't change magically. The french know that.
Why Zeke waited years? Why Eren wasn't built so fast as Zeke?
That is an entirely different case unless you can come up for reasons why BRYH are missing half their torsos and their legs, same with this S1 poster. It doesn't change the fact that itps manlet rather than Eren in the middle of
Is the vow broken for all royals or just Zeke? I got the sense it was just Zeke because he entered the paths realm before being brainwashed by Karl
user, there's no Manlet in this cover, so why would he be on the other cover where the figures are more obscure? That's all there is to it.
When Zeke was healed by Ymir he said that it felt like years, so it seems he spent a while there as well (in paths time)
Forgot pic
He has no regard for them either, seeing as how they're treated like cannon fodder.
The vow doesn’t apply to Zeke because he has the beast Titan, not the founding Titan. He has control over the coordinate because he is a Titan shifter, not a pure Titan, like Dina was. If Eren wanted full control over the coordinate he’d have to use a royal pure Titan.
Do you mean that specific timestamp? I think either part of that song could work for the scene. The scene where Hange explains the King's Vow is honestly one of my favorite in the entire series.
So in the end it's mostly about him.
Why was Ymir Fritz (if that's her) in Eren's memories when as far as we saw, his memories were all from the past and not the future? Maybe he saw her in that dream from the first chapter or one of the previous holders saw her.
It's a poster. As long at it contains relevant characters they can do that. Also
So a royal blooded person can use the coordinate without being cucked by being a Titan shifter and touching a non royal founding Titan? I guess that’s never happened before because the founding titan has always stayed in the royal family.
It's aggravating as hell. I've had to scrawl through so many videos to find music and then add it all to playlists that I can download and rename. Pure fucking autism.
Same reason HS au Armong and Mikasa are also there.
Yeah but that's obviously a gag, I think seeing Ymir might be more meaningful
Manlet is at the top right of the S2 official poster
>Yeah but that's obviously a gag
>Ymir Fritz
It kinda looks like she has dark hair though. Unless that's just the scan quality making it seem so.
>happy ending for everyone in the highschool AU
How would you honestly feel?
What's with snk and all these covers squeezing every existing character they possibly can on there. I mean it looks kino but I never seen anything like it in other anime covers.
Has someone got the RTS one with giant Erwin, giant Reiner and tiny AMJSC?
I thought she was faster than that
I don't think that's Ymir given that girl has dark hair while Ymir is/was blonde. Could be "see you later" girl, or even his own child in the future.
>waited a month for this "chapter"
>now another month for even more flashbacks
Yeah that could be dark hair, I thought it might just be because her whole face is obscured
>oh yeah he's actually there
>but he's in regular clothing and almost facing backwards almost like he's barely there hmm
I guess if you're being consistent with the design and pose, you can cut off torsos?
I wonder what will the next memory be about. Maybe Eren's friends? That would answer the biggest question, the first panel of the manga
>kenny's host was offscreen
What? It was Uri
I hope someday they will relase higher quality pictures of some separate characters here.
Ymir is Eren's daughter
She looks like she's facing away from the viewer, and either her hair or a scarf is trailing down her back.
>even cutting off to LH would be better than this
>Dina was the only one to command the titans in chapter 50, knowingly sacrificing herself for the sake of Grisha's son and future of the Eldian Restoration movement
Brainlet take
Is Zeke officially a wizard?
Next memory is...
IQ poll
eren should let zeke eat him
>Next memory is...
Something irrelevant to Grisha manipulating Eren memories that actually exist.
The rest of the second Levi squad
This one cut a lot of characters, if it were any like or it would have included Grisha, Kruger, Floch, Moblit, and Marlowe
I'll explain it once.
Contact with a royal-blooded Titan is the key to activating the coordinate and the coordinate is the gateway to Ymir. She will listen to the holder of the coordinate, unless someone with royal blood is present in the PATHS realm commanding her against it. The only way that's possible is if a royal becomes a shifter. If the Titan they possess is the founder/coordinate, they'll also have the King's Will. If it's a different Titan, which apparently has never happened before Zeke, they can command Ymir to do whatever the fuck they want.
I can't believe people have been whining for so long about Armin being Isayama's alleged self-insert and being fated to hog all the spotlight to himself for years following serumbowl when it turns out in this last arc that he actually hasn't made any valuable contribution since the timeskip, and has in fact been exposed as painfully naïve in his beliefs about pacifism and particularly blind about the obvious signs of his best friend's eventual rebellion.
I agree exept Grisha. That one would probbably be a spoiler.
Say that after manga ends
Eren meeting Armin, which will teach Zeke about the value of friendship
Lmao that's millennials and gen x-ers, you brainlet retard.
>I job to show that manlet is stronk
Not to mention catastrophically wrong
>forces Hisu to choke on beer
>shoves her down a hill until she slams into a tree
So glad this black MtF can never abuse Hisu again.
i still can't believe she's fucking dead
We fear the return of Arminwank
It's been over a year user. It's time to let go.
the maniacal face of a genocidal mass-murderer.
>wanting to see flashbacks of shit we've already seen before
Why not just kill Marcel again?
I feel like Isayama has done nothing really substantial with any of his original cast since the skip. All development has gone to the Marley characters, with the 104th just being there for the sake of doubting Eren along with the audience.
well, sometimes life grants us such unbelievable blessings
He's so fucking cute
>Alphabet soup
>Zeke looks into the bowl
>"Have sex"
eren has annie's nose ?
But user, don't you want to hear about the O C E A N again?
how mad is zeke that eren had a loving mother and father?
You will never make me watch Amerishart media. That mutt in your pic is repulsive. Have a heart attack.
Eren and Armin's first meeting is about muh bullies, the ocean comes later and we've already had three flashbacks of that same scene.
Connect bullet game too stronk.
Missed that. Thanks.
>tfw erenbros and zekechads will be united in the end of the world
>Chapter 120
Literature that women will never EVER understand
>zekefags are trying to jump onto the chadren wagon
pathetic. stay in your lane. zeke will be punished by eren soon. he does not forget about his family and friends and all the atrocities zeke committed towards them.
>poor yumiru..i should honor her by suggesting that baby name to historia when i get back home
>that tiny manlet
Ymir Fritz isn't black-haired.
Grisha's daughter sure is beautiful
>Finale of the story is pages of cute babies while the main character talk no jutsu's the villain out of antinatalism
Do you rike?
I enjoyed this chapter.
>Eren, my brother, I feel as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. All of the pain and resentment towards our father that I was carrying has melted away like the morning snow, and I see that I was wrong about him.
>But pray tell, where is this enchanting raven-haired beauty now? I must meet with her!
>Blastita thinks he's important because he has 1k followers
>>But pray tell, where is this enchanting raven-haired beauty now? I must meet with her!
Right in front of you, Jiiku!
>Poor kid.
No one is talking Eren out of anything.
>inb4 someone posts the SergeantMajorGross(YouTuber) video
Only a Yeager Bro can end a Yeager Bro. Not even a headshot by a high calibur weapon can kill a Yeager. Manlet cannot hurt GODeke as only CHADren can kill GODeke just as GODeke is the only one who can kill CHADren. However, neither brother wants to kill the other as they respect each other's combat ability and IQ.
In what context would Zeke show someone he don't know exists to Eren, since he's doing anything but getting to the point he's trying to make.
Not him but zeke will probably want to remind eren about the night grisha ate frieda so I wouldn't be surprised if we did go back to that memory next chapter
Seems like there's a self centered epiphany on both parts going on. Neither really care about what the other is thinking.
Who are those? Grisha Dina Zeke Pieck ??? Eren ???
I hope there are some flashbacks that help shed light on different parts of the story or times that Eren might have said something odd which was because of Zeke and Eren being there.
>the story or times that Eren might have said something odd
>Gotta kill kill kill many more much more
For sure wasn't Zeke's influence.
goth mikasa and nerd armin
yeah true, it makes for pretty good comedy at least
There's not a chapter where that hasn't been true.
How many more flashbacks after this? Is Pieck gonna get offscreened?
If Eren's baby is a girl then he's a bigger cuck than if the farmer is the dad
Eren cared more for a picture he already knew than listening to Zeke
The last panel of the manga is grisha holding zeke isnt it?
>Why wasn't the child loved?
>Why wasn't the child loved?
>Say, why wasn't the child loved?
>Why wasn't that child loved
Eyebrows are Eren's or Goblina's
Don't talk like that about Historia.
Now that the dust has settled
Shingeki is a mecha series
that's clearly wine or even juice
That's ale user
Why is it maroon
gabi is sexy
Eren is a virgin
Shit it's already august wtf. Is there going to be a double christmas chapter this year, isayama didnt deliver last christmas
>Fucked Historia
We know, Zeke.