Decade ends in roughly 5 months

Decade ends in roughly 5 months.
What anime from it will be considered classics or must-see in the future?

>inb4 Madoka and VEG

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Other urls found in this thread:

Madoka and Kemono Friends.

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Madoka and Steins;Gate

No anime has ever made a bigger controversy than Kemono Friends and would be written in history books as pivotal to the course of anime history as the A-bomb

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Toaru Kogaku no Railgun S: Sister's Arc

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Probably just Madoka to be honest.

I hear attack on titan has shaped up pretty well. I myself haven't watched past first season. Never really liked the art style I think.

KLK. And Madoka, obviously.

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lmao no.
How'd you even got to that conclusion?


even the first season was several times worse than the manga (except the soundtrack)


In my eyes, the biggest directors of the decade are Naoko Yamada and Masaaki Yuasa, so anything from them. Kyoani in general will likely be considered one of the more influential studios, so maybe shows like Nichijou, Hyouka or Eupho. The two big Ghibli movies are an obvious inclusion, and Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni was critically well received. There's probably a bunch I'm forgetting.

After not having watched Madoka for years I’ve forgotten how good it was. I rewatched it a couple months ago out of bordem and it’s just such a solid anime. It’s so good. I really can’t think of anything that has even come close this decade and I know I sound like a dumb fanboy right now but I don’t care. I love that series.

>kememe frens
>consciousness transfer

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it was really bad though


The comfiest

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I watched Madoka about a month ago. It was only alright.
I don't think it lived up to the hype. To be honest I thought it would be darker.
Was it a "you has to be there" type thing?

Rainbow, Bakuman, Space Brothers, Space Dandy, JoJo's, and 3-Gatsu. Realistically just the last three of those have much staying power, but I can hope.
Besides that we have SOL/Comedy stuff that will probably be passed down like Yuru Yuri, Nichijou, and Yuyushiki.

Samurai Flamenco

t. Pissed Evangelion fanboy

>Space Dandy
And just like that your entire opinion is discarded

Hunter X Hunter (2011)
Shingeki no Kyojin

You guys know that this is true.

your name.

>Hunter X Hunter
>Shingeki no Kyojin
And just like that your entire opinion is discarded


Attached: Mako.jpg (445x384, 42K)

I really wasn't expecting that to be the series that someone thought was shit, but ok.

Serious answer coming through.


I'd love to say 3gatsu but it's not popular or remembered enough.

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Madoka is still the best of the decade
Other than that my favorites are probably Flip Flappers, Mob Psycho, and Sora Yori, although I feel like I must be forgetting some stuff from the first half

I think it's shit too but let's not delude ourselves here, it's extremely popular even today.

OP asked about classics or must-see anime, not about popularity.

Classics tend to be popular because popularity is associated with something being fondly remembered.

No, most popular things are bottom of the barrel, lowest common denominator crap, because popularity is simply about appealing the masses at the lowest barrier to entry.

Nobody cares about this turd.

It's just a weird mix of not knowing what to expect and not meeting what I expected.

I've never seen Evangelion

Ping Pong The Animation
Tatami Galaxy
Aku no Hana
Non Non Biyori

>Literally designed to be popular
>Is significant in any way

Try making it past the first three episodes where it’s pretending to be a cutesy moe magical girl series? The entire second half of the anime is where it shines.

Violet Evergarden, obviously. It's the most impressive tv anime of all time.

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No, nah and nope.


I don’t think you realize how much care went into that series. It’s described as a labor of love. It wasn’t written in a way to just be popular like you’re implying. Some serious dedication went into it and certain characters went through over fifty voice actors just to be sure they were represented accurately. If you actually read up about the behind the scenes and lore dealing with Madoka you’ll find the rabbit hole to be endless. It’s truly a great anime.

You say that, but most people still consider Lucky Star a classic for some reason

>fifty voice actors just to be sure they were represented accurately.
That's standard, user
Kazuma of Konosuba had 70 VAs applying for the role

Oh shit, I completely forgot Tatami Galaxy was 2010, I thought it was older. That's a great choice

The manga is absolute shit. Its incredible what WIT did with such garbage source material.

As if it's even a question.

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That has more to do with timing, nostalgia, and the influence it has had on the genre as a whole than with any inherent qualities.

Look it up. He had his in four VA’s.

It deserves to be remembered simply for being the highest effort shitpost of the decade

Good show, but not best of the decade

Evergarden & Steins;Gate.

All three of those are a function of popularity.

More like enduring popularity is a function of those three things.

Gochiusa for its extremely intellectual humor

Literal unfunny shit that forgotten at the end of the season.

Not him. He's definitely right about timing which is not a function of popularity unlike the other two.

I watched all 12 episodes in one go.
I know the movie is highly recommended too but I'm not in rush to consume more of a show that I thought was only alright.

Competently made. Well voiced.
Just nothing special, to me.

user, you're just proving his point. They really went all-in to make it a popular show and they succeeded.

>I watched all 12 episodes in one go.
Well there's the problem.

>Gets Best OVA a year after it's over

This is where you're wrong! All the Seiyuus also remember it for being the weirdest thing they ever were in!

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The most boring kind of thinly veiled rec thread because it only encourages mentioning the same 15 titles. At least ask what people's favourites from this decade were instead.

definitely made in abyss has to be on that list

No. The problem is he didn’t watch it.

HOTD, Evergarden, Oreimo, Shingeki no Kyojin and Akame ga Kill!.

Weird how you pick the series almost everyone would agree is good. I guess you just have objectively shit taste.

Reminder that it’s actually impossible to finish Madoka and not think it’s at the very least amazing. Anybody who says otherwise is being contrarian for attention or they haven’t seen it and are jealous their favorite anime doesn’t have as much hype surrounding it.

shut up ACK

Flip Flappers for cult classic. Not good or popular enough to be a classic unfortunately.

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You're mentally ill.

Dumb phoneposter.

Would people consider SAO a classic? I mean we can't deny that it was popular and influential.

Phone posters support the site more.

like it or not how come nobody mentions monogatari?
if you didn't watch this scene you might as well have not watched anything this decade

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More people should talk about this show.

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I think he’s actually right. I can’t see how anybody who has actually finished the series could come out of it disappointed. I really don’t.

By using an app that doesn't display ads? By ruining it with shitposts?

I guess because the series started in the 00's people tend to lump anything that's come out since in that decade.

Like I said at the start of this, it feels like " you had to be there" sort of thing.
Of course I won't be as attached as someone who watched it while it was airing.

By being the users who buy the pass more often than not. Also PC posters shit post just as much if not more since they’v dedicated themselves to a room with a PC.

Most people got tired of this shit almost a decade ago.

Probably because Monogatari started last decade. Notice how only one poster mentioned K-On S2, because K-On is generally lumped into the last decade as well.

Violet Evergasm

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garbage snorefest

How has no one mentionned monogatari yet?
First season is Summer 2009 but all the rest is well into this decade.

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Nobody besides Kyo fans believe this.

It's not about watching while it's airing, you just have to take some time in between the episodes because that's how TV shows are designed to be watched and Madoka, being a particularly carefully planned one, relies on this a lot.

Everything Urobuchi and Kyoani.

Really was a hidden gem. I think its kinda good that not many people are talking about it though because otherwise you'd end up with a Madoka situation. High expectations that are hard to meet.

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Not even Kyo fans believe this. It's literally just one very persistent shitposter.

Eromanga Sensei

You are just severely mentally retarded.


The AOTD of course ping pong the animation

ADHD nigger.

>Kyo fans
So all actual anime fans and Yea Forums? Ok.

There’s almost nothing of value in this recommendation thread.

Just because their studio had Thay incident doesn’t somehow make Everboring a better anime.


Man I just can not get into the art in that show. Makes me feel like rubbing my eyes when I see it due to the misty effect.

Madoka was posted so there’s some value. It’s arguably the single greatest anime ever written or at least top five.

What the fuck are you trying to say you mentally ill retard? Your post is unintelligible.

Huh I thought that was SnK there for a while.

bake came out in 2009
nise came out around 2012 and zoku came out not long ago
it lasted pretty much the whole decade

Because everything after bake was shit.

Mayoiga and cross ange

>bake came out in 2009
And most people stopped caring after Nise.

Based ESL.

Thunderbolt Fantasy.

LMAO, how? SnK couldn't dream of looking that good. Also there are practically no ship scenes in SnK.

Was too slow

I don't get it.
Monogatari spans from 2009 to 2019. It belongs to the 2010s.
K-on only had 2 seasons so half of it is in the 00s, the other half is Spring 2010... hardly defining the decade.

With numbers of theads up (be it just for the waifus) even for year between airings, you can't rule it out. I might be biased but I recall very few instances of Yea Forums not having a single thread about it in the catalog. Only recently the board collectively seems to move on

To be fair so is that anime.

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All anime in this decade was shit, so none.
Perhaps One Punch Man. While I like OPM it's more of a deconstructions of shounen battle anime than it is a shounen battle anime. Even if it does have good looking fights.
OPM could be dated in 10-20-30 years though, it's already starting to be quite dated now I'd say but not to an extremely noticeable degree.

I guess young violet reminded me of Historia also similar clothing and time period. But yes your right.

>NO NO NOOOOOOOO it's the anime's fault i'm an obtuse retard

Try watching Madoka?

Blue Exorcist.
The Devil Is a Part-Timer!

>shit la shit
Kek. It wasn't even anime of it's own season. That was Log Horizon.

true or not it doesn't it wouldn't change the fact that bath scene is a classic of this decade

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Violet Evergarden, Flip Flappers, Steins;Gate.

The whole thing.

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Parasyte was a decent adaption but also kinda sucked because the ending wasn't great.

I don't really like magical girl anime so I don't think I will.
I know it's more of a serious take, but I don't like the premise in the first place. Cutesy anime girls that look like pseudo-toddlers just annoy me

Holy sakuga. Picked the fuck up.

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>That was Log Horizon.

Fuck off SAOtrad.

I feel you man. Took me three attempts to watch Madoka and when I did it didn't exactly blow my mind. Then again I'm not really into the moe type designs and stuff.

Even worse.

I hope you like pretty art because that's pretty much the crux of the show.

The Eccentric Family, Fli Fla, Violet Evergarden & Chaika.

>Monogatari spans from 2009 to 2019.
But Bake had the biggest impact. Attention slowly seemed to taper off with every new installment.

Madoka is a Faust derivative. It’s more of a story about being human and the choices we make. It’s more about ethics than magical girls and powers. The characters could be magical girls, monsters, talking toasters or unicorns. It wouldn’t matter. It’s all about the story so if the magical girl designs are what you’re worried about don’t be.

OP can't inb4.

I think your building it up a bit too much user. The character designs kinda are important seeing as how this is a visual medium. Otherwise we'd all just be reading books and nobody would give Violet Evergarden the time of day.

You jest but after the arson a low of their shows are gonna end up on a pedestal.

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The character designs continue to get less moe as the series goes on and it drops the magical girl stereotypes that it bombards you with in the first three episodes.

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a lot*


You know it.

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Why did you have to remind of this?

t. butthurt trigger fanboy

Why are you even posting on Yea Forums, let alone a thread about this decade's best, when you're clearly a newfag who's seen 20 whole animes?

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>crux of the show.
Please don't pretend to be retarded like this. Yes the sakuga is overwhelmingly beautiful but the crux of the show is Violet learning and growing independent through the experiences of the clients she ghostwrites for.

nothing else tops made in abyss this decade

Shinsekai Yori was the most captivating TV series of this decade.

It doesn’t feel right to not hear the song with this.

> the entire thread

This many posts and no one has realized that the current decade ends one year later than OP says.

It will almost certainly get that recognition. People who are younger than me are all idiots. Same with people older than me

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Milky Holmes, Flying Witch, Kill me Baby and maybe Machikado Mazoku.

Arbitrary classifications, but we're clearly going 2010-19 here

I am disappointed by the lack of GochiUsa in this thread. My wife Chino's show is the best

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>ACTUALLY, the decade ends in 2021
Nobody cares, faggot nigger.

Kill la Kill
Steins; Gate
Boku no Hero Academia
Shingeki no Kyojin
One Punch Man
Tatami Galaxy
Violet Evergarden

Kobyashi's maid dragon
Flip Flappers

>Spectacular shitshows
Darling in the FranXX
Berserk (2016-17)
FLCL Alt & Prog

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I thought SAO was ok until around episode 14.
Not amazing, or good mind you, merely "ok", watchable on a rainy day.

Regular kyoani fan here just like just like any properly functioning member of Yea Forums, you should be able to appreciate good things any studio do and care about the consumer. Studio loyalty is cancer.

What can i do about shit like this Yea Forums. It's clearly out of my hands and the mods don't care?

t. Brainlet

Anyway, stupid bickering aside and by alphabetical order, it’s
Shingeki no Kyojin

>Shingeki no Kyojin
opinion discarded.

>Violet Evergarden
>Flip Flappers

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Counting starts from zero, pleb.

That is a serious contender for worst piece of shit this decade.


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Kill me baby

>Boku no Hero Academia
>no HunterxHunter

If your animu can't make a show room packed with 500 autistic teutons openly sob then it's shit.

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It's been Ongoing for years so I don't know if it still counts.
But Gintama

Violet Evergarden.

Madoka is probably the only significant one I can think of that got popular because it’s good instead of being popular because it’s a self insert series for children.

At least get a new IP you deranged fuck.

Yea Forums's soul says it's Violet Evergarden. She has the digits of destiny.

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That user has good taste though.

>good taste
Made me laugh.

I still haven't seen it yet because everyone keeps saying it's great, but in my experience most people's opinions are trash so I think I'm wise in not watching it.
I remember when people were saying Attack on Titan was good lmao.


Violet is the Queen of Digits.

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Hans please, not now.

Can't argue with this to be fair.

Why do you feel that way about it?

The difference is Madoka has won the most anime words of any TV anime ever. It’s considered good by people who aren’t 9-14 year old children. There’s a difference when anime get popular because they appeal to kids and when an anime is popular because it’s genuinely good and is praised by people who work in the Industry. Madoka doesn’t hide behind overly fancy visuals like Evergarden to hide the fact that the story itself is boring. The character designs in Madoka appeal to a very tiny minority in the anime industry but the story is just so damn good that it was able to overcome that and be praised by people like Anno and Miyazaki.

good memories

HeroAca is far more popular (for better or worse). The only thing HxH does is be on hiatus.

It's style over substance shit and fucking gay. Also the style itself is disgusting. Coming from someone who used to like it too.

The breast anime of the decade.

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Hideaki Anno (see pic related):
This is really good, Kyubey. Be it getting rid of lip-synching, or working it as a character, doing it so thoroughly makes me feel great. And the symbolization of the witches is also skillfully done. The music is also good. My urge is to own the three BGM tracks like the "salesman's theme" which I love, got me to buy Vol. 2 of the Blu-Ray. Ep. 10 was good too. The way HomuHomu was depicted was good. I think in terms of the released form of anime works, going for a movie series instead of another TV series is a good way to establish it even further. I have high expectations of it.
>Mamoru Oshii (Japan Media Arts Festival judge):
Madoka is the first "god-tier" anime since Evangelion.
>Yutaka Yamamoto:
Stop Cancelling Our Anime! There’s no need for “self-estraint” with anime. There is no need to cancel Madoka. Now of all times, Madoka must keep crying out the truth of humanity.
>Kazuo Koike(Lone Wolf and Cub & Crying Freeman):
There were many times I felt my heart rending when I watched Madoka Magica. I think it is a great thing to create such touching work. Gen Urobuchi, I could not have such ideas. I admit defeat.
>Shunji Suzuki:
Madoka might beat Eva, if it hasn't yet. It's not good for relics of the past to stay at the top forever.
>Ryusuke Hikawa (Japan Media Arts Festival judge):
For the past decades I've wondered, "Why can't anybody make an anime with as much impact as Gundam using the power of the moe anime genre?" Madoka Magica made this wish come true.
>Hitoshi Sakoh:
The pairing of Madoka and Homura is just the best! My favorite anime of ever.
>Rena Matsui:
It was a most heartfelt joy to watch scenes like the ED of ep. 10 or when Kyubey gave a speech

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>The difference is Madoka has won the most anime words of any TV anime ever.
ad populum is a fallacy

Lesbians should be burnt at the stake.

Awards are given by people who know how a story works and can tell them difference from shit and something genuinely good. It’s a lot different than saying SAO is good because it’s popular because popularity is determined by 9-14 year olds (the majority of anime fans) and awards are given by people who do this shit for a living.

Fuck off AACK.

SnK had some great direction for its action scenes. Not sure if I'd personally put it up there but it did some good stuff.

What's an AACK?

Anti ACK.

Have sex. No one cares about you going around every post and discarding people’s opinions. Much less with your abhorrent opinion. Only a fool or a contrarian faggot would think SnK won’t be a classic.

That one insane yuri hater and crack apologist.

Nah I just think Yuri and Yuri lovers should be sentenced to die.
(Had to google what that was, some guy named ACK?)

No. !Akemi's buddy.

Stop false flagging AACK. No one is gonna fall for it.

My favorite ship is the !ACKemi ship.

We know how decades work

Evergarden and Flip Flappers.

Goddess Madoka is the reason anime even exists in the first place. Everything that has ever happened dealing with anime has happened because it would all eventually lead up to the making of Madoka Magica and eventually Rebellion. When Rebellion part two finishes airing for the first time in the first movie theaters the world will end and only those who have witnessed it will make it to the heavens.

This is hilarious, take your schizo pills guys.

I've been told that Psycho-Pass is an anime people will be talking about in a decade.

And people call Evergardenfags delusional.

I remember liking it but the 2nd season was terrible.

Evergarden - Good art, that's all it has going for it.
Madoka - Overrated, 8/10 that people think is 10/10

Some good taste right here

Seriously, where's my doujin? I want it NOW.

Tatami Galaxy

>Evergarden - Good art, that's all it has going for it.
How the fuck. How the fuck can people be this ignorant and retreated?You haven't watched the fucking show and if you have then you clearly haven't payed attention to it.


>All of the ms reddit plebs saying SnK & Madoka
You guys have absolute pleb fucking entry level taste. Christ almighty how this board has fallen, you faggots should be run out of the board out of shame.

I'm still of the opinion that had SAO ended with Kirito walking out of the hospital at the end of ep14 it would have been an instant classic.

Fair enough. Then what else does it have going for it?

Violet Evergarden is art in its purest form. Leonardo Da Vinci wishes he could craft something as excellent as what Kyoani put into their everlasting Evergarden. This anime holds a strong fragrance of timelessness, and I believe this masterpiece will be remembered for ages to come. When people go beyond the stars and visit other galaxies, they'll be proud to be the part of the same species that invented one of the greatest works of fiction in cosmic history.

Those who complain about the worldbuilding are just commoners. Even Van Gogh wasn't treated with respect when he was alive, but when the time will pass, this magnum opus of Kyoani will still be mentioned as an example of how to produce a perfect animated series. Violet Evergarden is one of the best-written characters in any story. Her backstory and her personality make perfect sense, and her evolution as a more emotional person is groundbreaking. The artwork and animation by Kyoani is the pinnacle of what is possible with animation. Lush colors, detailed environments, and fluid movements that truly display the excellence of the staff behind Violet Evergarden. This anime is a masterwork and before you criticize it, study what high art is all about.

Do you complain about worldbuilding in Romeo and Juliet? No, because it's a drama and not a high-fantasy epic. Let me guess: you watch superhero films and consider works like Fullmetal Alchemist, Fate/Stay Night, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings to be great. Read some Charles Dickens and Victor Hugo before criticizing the shining star of anime. Now, go back to praising Darling in the Franxx or Sora yori mo Tooi Basho—insubstantial melodramas for teenagers.

If you can't appreciate emotionally driven storytelling, then Violet Evergarden is not for you. It's really sad that you barely know anything about writing. Try writing an emotional drama yourself; try making people cry. You can't because your life is insignificant.

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It’s just boring.

>Madokafags still as delusional as when it first aired
Though you may be a vocal minority here, in the grand encompassing view of anime your voice is very small.

It’s the greatest story ever told...

>What anime from it will be considered classics or must-see in the future?
For normalfags
>Attack on titan, Boku no hero academia, OPM, Konosuba, JoJo
For Elitists with good taste
>Ping Pong the animation, Shin sekai yori, Space dandy, The tatamy galaxy, Shingeki no Kyojin, Mob Psycho
For sakugafags/qualityfags
>Violet, Mob Psycho
Impact on the industry
>SAO, Madoka, kemono shit

Attached: 1564834325821.jpg (161x174, 9K)

Finally i am enlightened. Thank you.

Notto disu shitto agen.

I’m pretty sure Madoka is a more quality show than Ping Pong the animation, Shin sekai yori, Space dandy, The tatamy galaxy, Shingeki no Kyojin and Mob Psycho. I’m not sure of many things but I can be sure of this thing.

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>snk and mp100

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Everyone sleeping on this one.

It’s legitimately boring in my opinion. I tried watching it and the art was good but I really couldn’t get into the story. I prioritize story over the art so that might just be a me thing though. In my opinion I’d compare Violet to Children of the whales and I’d say Magus bride is better than both of them. (Especially the three episode OVA)

It’s also boring but it made me care. As far as AOTD goes though it’s got to be Madoka Magica.

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>Evergarden - Good art, that's all it has going for it.
>that's all it has going for it.
>YET ANOTHER deaf bastard cant appreciate the sound design

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They weren't popularity award you numbskull. Also calling out logical fallacy is a fucking cop out, have a real opinion you bug person.

Evergarden is for elitists with good taste too and flip flappers is for sakuga/qualityfags too.

>offers no alternative input

SAO probably would have been pretty good if the whole thing was SAO

Your life is a fucking cop out if that's your argument, popularity equals quality is the most retarded argument of all time and you should feel bad for making it, I just spawned into rainbow I have no time for your faggotry

Tatami galaxy and the night is short were pretty up there

I got baited by your pic. Thought I was in for some thorny rip and tear monster of the week. Still finished it. 7.5/10

Tatami Galaxy you giant semen loving shit taste faggot

Violet Evergarden
Magus Bride
Children of the Whales

The trinity of boring but beautiful anime.

unironically having some giggles reading the shitflinging ITT

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Magus Bride is definitely good but as for Evergarden, even visuals aside, did you really find Violet's growth boring? It's interesting to see how people react to her and how her reactions change over time.

>flip flappers
right, I forgot about this hidden gem

Fuck off summerfag


When you can’t go a single thread without 80% of the posters calling Evergarden a boring anime there’s probably some truth to it.

REMINDER that the Violet Evergarden Prophecy came true.

This is a show that will change Yea Forums forever. It will captivate the shitposter and make them reflect on their pathetic lives. Touch the deepest strings of their tiny souls and resolve their boiled up hatred and frustrations.

This show will be a Violet, writing a letter expressing the thoughs they cant express of all the haters and trolls. The first step to resolving their grievances.

They are blinded, possessed, they hands tremble so that they cant type the words they really want to say, instead spewing insults, baits and gibberish.

But Violet, the Auto Memories Doll, will be there to do it in their stead, writing a letter of their soul, giving them a way out.

The first words of the letter will be
"Mom, i am sorry."

Attached: MASTERPIECE.jpg (1536x688, 755K)

>Madoka is maybe not the best anime ever guys
>Yea Forums: You didn't watch it. It's basically Faust (I have never read Faust but it references it so it must be like that). Look at these other people liking it. If you don't like it you didn't understand it. Watch Eva instead, brainlet.

there is no anime where Yea Forums shits the bed harder than when it comes to Madoka. Honestly one can only hype it up so hard or be so impressed if it was one's first Shaft anime. When you are used to their stuff, none of the visual tricks appeal to you and you realize that they just do the same thing over and over, and it's not some special artsy trick specifically to convey the meaning of Madoka in some superior way. Random slice of life shit has the same shots and symbolism for characters and the like. The story is pretty nice but way too short and doesn't outgrow "love conquers everything". I feel like Madoka is just proof how awful anime has since it sticks out so much.

t. hasn't watched anime

Fuck off newshit. It's boring as hell and Moot said summer is just a myth. There is no influx of users during that time.

This was easily the best episode of 2018.

>statistics out of his ass
>sheep mentality

Attached: 1518624655054.jpg (310x156, 20K)

This is what Japan would tell you.
For Yea Forums if it's anything but Madoka then this board is fucking dead.

Best anime of the decade:
10. वायोलेट ेवेरगार्डेन
9. վաիոլէտ էվէրքարդէն
8. فيوليت إيفرغاردن
7. ვაიოლეტ ევერგარდენ
6. βάιολετ ευεργαρδεν
5. 紫羅蘭永恆花園
4. השןםךקא קהקרעשרגקמ
3. Вайолет Эвергарден
2. ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン
1. Violet Evergarden
If you disagree, you do not belong on Yea Forums.
>Sora yori
Shitty time flop.
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.

Attached: 1560882362148.png (2028x1728, 1.96M)

Probably Dragon Ball Super
whats the point in watching any other anime? all your weak characters would get destroyed by Jiren in a second.

And he still doesn't get it! He just hears what he wants to hear. Re-writing reality in his head as he goes along! I really don't understand you people. I'd re-iterate the point I already made but you'll just continue to pretend not to understand it as long as it supports you're argument. You. Are. Fucking. Hopeless.

>considered classics
Into the trash. It's gonna be all the popular shit obviously.
What should be watched and returned to would be 3-gatsu and Shirobako, shows that are widely appealing, are actually amazing, and relevent to most anime viewers.

I mean they don't really give you a good reason to care about her or her growth.

By being involved in an anime community that isn't Yea Forums you dweeb

easy there, rabbi

Jiren can't even beat Sagiri in a fight and Sagiri is shit.

Attached: 1498803745364.png (1044x900, 1M)

Weak bait

That means nothing though. It's common knowledge that a few spammers, KHK in particular, have a grudge against Kyoani so spam every thread with that epin shit. It's well regarded off here and even on here too, google Pareto's Principle.


Whether people like it or not, the 2010s birthed the majority of the CGDCT canon. I have a hard time believing anything that comes from the 20s is going to overshadow gems like Yuru Yuri, NNB and GochiUsa.

Speaking of which there's a lack of YrYr in this thread. It first aired in 2011

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Says the illiterate madotards, madotards are the biggest shitposters on this board since k-on, you guys are truly trash


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So criticizing a show for being boring now is sheep mentality? Contrarian.

Please throw your trash in the proper container, Yea Forums.

Faggots like you that should go back to Yea Forums instead of wander boards in your free time. If you have so much time to crossboard, do it on something your opinion can be taken seriously on.

I agree, it was great up until then.

Shitting out fake stats in an attempt to pretend that you're part of something much bigger in order to seem correct about something is sheep mentality.

all shows pander to their target audiences you fucking moron

Okay. You’ve at least started your journey. You’re in the stage where you’ve researched the very basic plot of Madoka and have watched a couple YouTube scenes of the show. You are vehemently against the show because you think a green behind the ears anime like Madoka has no right to be compared to and even said to even have surpassed shows like Eva and Bebop by fans who have made it through their journey.

Now you will watch the first two episodes of Madoka and drop the show because you don’t realize the show is purposely being overly moe and playing on magic girl stereotypes only to come back to it about a year later and finish it and realize you’re a complete idiot. You will legitimately feel regret for shitting on this masterpiece as long as you have and don’t worry. You will call it a masterpiece when you have actually finished it.

You will then make the annual I fucked up thread that pops up about once a month claiming you’re an idiot for have dropped this series and you’ll want to talk about it and the thread you make will die in 16 posts because even beginning to describe everything you’ve missed in your first watch is a Herculean task all its own so nobody will even bother trying.

The real realization is all anime is shit and manga is a far superior medium.

I actually don't even think Madokas AOTD. I just spotted YOU and had to ruin your day because good lord do I hate your ilk. I'd rather be an actual retard than a walking personality defect like you.

This was the decade of moe & Isekai.

2010 AOTY - K-On!!

2011 AOTY - Yuru Yuri

2012 AOTY - Yuru Yuri S2

2013 AOTY - Love Live! School Idol Project

2014 AOTY - Love Live! School Idol Project S2

2015 AOTY - Overlord

2016 AOTY - Re: Zero

2017 AOTY - Konosuba

2018 AOTY - Isekai Maou

2019 AOTY - Slime

Sure you don't faggot, your taste is still trash.

Mushishi > Madoka.

We also can’t forget about the “Rebellion is the worst movie in anime history” to the “Rebellion is the greatest story ever told” transition we’ve all been though. At least those who have actually watched it,

I never post on Yea Forums you fucking troll.

Oreimo is the only important anime of this decade, in general all you need to watch to become an anime expert is Evangelion and Oreimo.

What if you like some Koyani shows though but still Find Violet boring?

>Ad hominem
>Projecting his own personality defects onto others
Oh the irony

>weak bait
This much cope.
I can't even fathom how someone would bother with shows where the characters aren't even at least Tier 7-C in vsbattle wiki.
Like imagine if your favorite is Violet Evergarden, cool and? Any strong fighters from DBS can nuke her planet in a second and her whole story is gone. She's irrelevant Powerlevel-wise, strenght is all that matters.

Ok. Why is it that, as far as this thread is concerned, two shows in particular attract so much shitposting?
What's the magic here?

Madoka is one of the worst anime of the 21st century just because retards keep shitting up the board asserting it's the best thing since sliced bread

I remember when I first understood the garden scene.

Then what's your excuse for being retarded?

Watch this he'll keep responding because he believes getting the last word in means he won the argument. I can keep him here as long as I want.

>poor mans Violet Evergarden
>better than meguca

Attached: smile.jpg (360x270, 13K)


Autism and loneliness

Milding entertaining bait

>Believing you hold power on a mongolian underwater basket weaving forum
You need to have sex

What's yours shit eater?

Holy Based

Attached: 1564645435234.png (222x240, 96K)

No love for Inuyashiki baka

Then you're a fucking faggot.

Unironically Kimi no Na wa.

Attached: Kino_no_Na_wa_pan.webm (1920x1080, 2.48M)

This is true that I did drop the show after a few episodes because of how moe it was and picked it up a couple months later. I still don't think it was the best thing ever though.


Attached: violet-evergarden-0508.jpg (1280x720, 416K)

Friendly reminder that the music in Madoka unironically contains more foreshadowing and lore than most anime have in the span of the entire extension of the show.

I watched Madoka while it was airing and rewatched it again a couple of weeks ago. I even contributed to the madoka wiki. How about you actually in plain terms convince me what you liked so much about it rather than accuse me of not watching it/being retarded/jealous etc like every fucking Madofag on this board?

trips say the truth
I agree the only reason I like madoka is because they get strong powerlevel at the end with reality bending powers

This. PrayforKyoani

Kimi no Gin no Niwa?

Attached: 4B729463-6ACB-433B-8010-5084CC26A454.png (1280x720, 1020K)

I am... Forgotten.

Attached: I weep yet I have no tears.gif (500x248, 995K)

I don't think I have enough autism to enjoy Evergarden.

Shinkai and Kyoani have the most beautiful and impressive visuals.

You didn't burn so good

Well, this has run its course. I have anime to watch.

Based, my favourite character is Gohan, I hope he gets a power boost and some better scenes when Super continues.

I just remember crying my eyes out to this. I was so depressed watching the ending to this.

You might find it boring but my point stands, the threads are not an indication of it.

good taste but
So fuck off

To be honest I think Madoka could've benefited from a harsher genre shift.
It did barely any magical girl stuff before Mami bites it. And then after there could have been more suffering.

oh wtf. i thought you said inuyasha. inuyashiki was a butchered adaptation

Not him, but what is this stigma against MAL? It's a useful tool for keeping track of shit.

Rebellion impacted more than any other anime I have ever watched and I’ve watched Eva in my “anime prime” as a teenager.

In 2:41 when you see Homura’s hand from the city side reaching down to grasp Madoka’s hand in the universal part of the picture it’s just so beautiful and I don’t think a lot of people understand what’s actually happening there. I actually fell in love with this anime. It’s my favorite series of all time.

Evergarden. It's already been almost 2 years and nothing's come close to it in terms of aesthetics and production value. This show is fucking crazy beautiful.

Attached: 18871849250234739854.png (1920x1080, 2.14M)

Nichijou and Carole & Tuesday were the only anime that will be in the future considered as legendary on the same level as Evangelion or Lain

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You see, Violet is actually a modern interpretation of a Tokorozawa doll.
The slow growth of her self awareness - or soul so to speak - by interacting with traumatized people and troubled children, the endless fire metaphors and visual symbolism placed around her, the way parts of her body are destroyed during key events of her existence, the way a lot of people call her a ningyou (doll), etc.

I do not blame the commoners for not realizing this. How could they? It's intrinsically japanese and naturally unexpected. No, the commoner is not at fault for not being able to perceive depth while staring at a water reflection.


Violet Evergarden.

I Will also say "A Silent voice" will go down as a classic.

>this whole thread implying Highschool of the Dead wasn't the best anime in the 2010-2020 period.
Plebeians, the lot of you.

Attached: 5d4b63110f95c396191713.gif (320x181, 2.55M)

It's the contrary. You have just enough 'tism to be unable to enjoy it.


reminder that a decade has 9 YEARS not 10

When you say the decade of 10' you go from 2011.12..13..14..15..16..17..18 up to 2019,

SeeI know it is and good to see another man of culture.

Technically yes, but it's a shit classic much like hunger games.

>the decimal system only has 9 numbers lol
>0 doesn't exist

Attached: 1521304384820.png (9x9, 366)

>Cutting off 2010 so you don't have to argue with Tatami Galaxy posters
you fucking pussy bitch ass coward faggot fuck small dick'd piece of shit

Is this your brain on anime?

Attached: DecProof.png (743x432, 30K)

>I've never seen Evangelion
Good, keep it that way
There are more shows worth watching.

Madoka is overwritten.

It makes you think if the devil/god thing actually happened like it did in Madoka could that change how evangelicals perceive the devil/homura because she’s in a way the real savior who got none of the credit. Madoka essentially was saved and was given all the glory while Homura sacrifices and ends up hated by a good majority of the people who even watched Rebellion and couldn’t bother to understand it.

>That's a great choice
Yeah, if you're a pseud faggot that has never thought for more than 2 seconds in his life.

>trolling outside of Yea Forums

5 months left to live huh.
Damn. Im going to miss you guys.

I agree. It's got some decent stuff in there but its doesn't really manage to edge out Eva with the suffering. Also would have been nice to see more adult characters having to deal with stuff.

You killing yourself on January 1st?

CTRL F - "Hibike"
>no results

Fucking plebs.

Penguindrum and Flip Flappers will be remembered.

3gatsu will be a time flop.

JOJO baybee

It’s crazy how layered the anime is. How two people can watch Rebellion come out either loving or hating Homura and not because they’re being edgy but because it’s their genuine belief of what’s right and what’s wrong and their ability to understand the motivation of the characters based on their actions and their understanding of why they’re doing what they’re doing. It actually makes me angry even trying to describe it because I know I’m doing a terrible job.


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Could be right. I can tell that the show is trying to tug at my heart strings but It all feels a little heavy handed.

What wrong? Were Violet Evergarden and Madoka so good you can't bear to see how shit the rest of anime is by comparison?

I'm a big fan of the manga but the anime was kinda shit except part 2.

I hated it at first but I love it now.

It's hard to believe that a fanbase could be more insufferable than the k-on fanbase or the Evangelion fanbase but the Madokafags manage to surpass both in faggotry and shitposting. They are absolutely the most insufferable cunts on this board.


Madoka is shit simply for the fact it has a female MC.

Attached: miles.gif (266x192, 92K)

Keit-ai and Keit-ai 2

If nothing else of note happens this year then at least 2019 can still be known for having an animated Godzilla movie that genuinely outsmarted users of Yea Forums and /m/

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>it made me cry so it's good

Attached: 1431140007639.jpg (704x528, 25K)

>Godzilla movie
>ugly 3dcg

Attached: 3049580349567.jpg (342x342, 50K)

Try actually watching it.

Overproduced? Nah mate,It's just that most anime is UNDERproduced.

That's like saying Archer is overproduced because everyone else draws Calarts style.

Evergarden is what a well drawn series SHOULD look like.

It’s because they want you to watch the series. You’ll end up just like them the second you do.

Can't wait for my gorilla dicks to violate every lesbian couple on the planet.

Attached: unstoppable.png (1058x707, 493K)

fuck off faggot

Except I've already watched it and it's trash


Shinkai has painfully plain characters but great backgrounds. KyoAni has both great looking characters and backgrounds.
Great isn't the right word to describe something on the level of VEG but whatever.

Attached: D_9_b4cU8AEVNBJ.jpg (900x1200, 92K)

And if it *had* been a male MC then what? He'd get torn down in a storm of Gary Stu complains. You can't win.

I'm sorry for forgetting this in my list above

This. Madoka is underproduced as fuck with it's pathetically low line counts and lack of animation.

Gary Stu's rarely exist.

>no mention of 7 years hand drawn

Attached: 1561423898466.jpg (500x500, 47K)

Time flop.

>hey guise do i fit in/???
End your life.

>actually animating fucking reflections when 99.99% of anime are too lazy to
>even when having characters that are insanely detailed

>Great isn't the right word to describe something on the level of VEG but whatever.
True, makes it hurt even more ever since the arson.

Except I already did and it's very good but not enough to go ranting like teenagers do after they watch death note
Seriously Madokafags who go full autismo "I am 18 and this is deep" never saw a single good movie in their life.

Why did that arson happen btw?
I remember hearing about, but not the motive.
Was it just a mentally ill person or was there a reason?

>being this mad and projecting this hard

Attached: 847248934.jpg (598x710, 136K)

I remember when I was like you. I used to be against Madoka because people would always compare it to Eva and I’d think “these stupid motherfuckers are comparing a timeless classic to Eva” and I'd just lay into the series. I decide one day to actually watch the series knowing I’d hate it so I could really lay into the show and expose it for how shit and mediocre it was. I thought it was only popular for the shock value and muhh suffering girls. I’ll tell you what though. The second I finished it I was at a loss. I held so much nostalgia value invested in Eva and even consider Asuka my waifu.

I was at a loss because I knew deep down that not only was Madoka better than Eva but it actually demolishes it. It puts Eva to shame in almost every aspect and I’m a fan of Eva and still am to this day but Madoka Magica is something else. I’ve never seen anything like it before user. I genuinely hope you ACTUALLY watch the anime one day instead of claiming you have like I once did. I really do.

>Was it just a mentally ill person or was there a reason?
He was just mentally ill. He did spout some bullshit that hasn't been verified not that it justifies his actions in the slightest. Had been previously diagnosed and also jailed for other crimes.

Tonegawa will remain popular for centuries to come

You haven’t watched it though. I know you’re going to say you have but you’re not convincing me.

Mob Psycho
Vinland Saga
Parasyte: The Maxim
Made In Abyss
Madoka Magica
Devilman Crybaby
Ping Pong The Animation
Tatami Galaxy
One Punch man
My Hero Academia (sorry fags)
Attack On Titan (sorry fags)
Sword Art Online (sorry fags it will)

Honorable mentions: JoJo, Banana Fish, SSSS. Gridman, Golden Kamuy, Run with the Wind

Almost anything by MAPPA and also Masaaki Yuasa's works are gold.
A lot of anime movies, mainly Ghibli, Mamoru Hosoda, Makoto Shinkai and some others
Tale of Princess Kaguya
The Wind Rises
Garden of Words
A Silent Voice
Wolf Children
The Boy and the Beast
Your Name
In This Corner of the World
And maybe newer ones that haven't reached the rest yet like most of these director's newer ones

>no Evergarden
Trash list.

This list is bait.

Attached: 1557693122517.gif (600x338, 360K)

guys this guy is literally so autistic he thinks every person who dislikes madoka has only pretended to watch it, he replies to every post criticizing it with "just actually watch it". Just imagine being this guy lmao.

thanks for reminding me to try madoka bros

The problem with you is you think Evangelion is good.
Of course you'd think Madoka was good lmao.
I'm guessing you're under 20, 21 at the max.

I went in the opposite of you.
No expectations. Nothing to really hold it against.
Came out thinking it was okay, Didn't blow me away in any regard.

He hasn't seen it yet.

SAO is trash.
Same with Attack on Titan.

>Shitland Saga
This has to be the most retarded list in the thread.

All I ask is that you guys watch the anime one day for yourselves. It’s only 12 episodes. There’s no reason to not watch it.

Oh yeah, Kill la Kill, faggots say HxH but that's more the manga, and maybe the dramatic shit like 3-gatsu and/or Kimiuso, we'll see about VEG's after the movie but i don't see it either.

Ah that explains it. I guess i shouldn't be so hard on newfags like him.

Well drawn? Sure. Well animated? I'm not sold.

Sagrada Reset

Shill la Shill is 6/10 at best.

Fuck! Fine! I’ll watch it but you’d better be right. I’ll watch it tonight.

currently watching this and enjoying it a lot. never watched it because I think zombie shit is boring and stupid, still do, but whatever.
doesn't look like too many anons kindly remember it, or wanna talk about it though, from what I can tell. or I just suck at shilling HOTD threads, which I've been trying to do the last few days.

Attached: 1112241323542.gif (660x432, 887K)

Whoops forgot the pic

Attached: 1503509092501.jpg (1280x720, 56K)

Evergarden, Tensura, MP100, Flip Flappers

That’s probably the best decision you’ve ever made regarding anime.

VEG is a tragedy, not a drama you fucking chimp.

you're still a level 1 troll

It's a tool that's only useful if you aren't paying enough attention to a show to remember if you have or haven't watched it a month later or you're just retarded enough to forget. For manga I can understand due to chapters being dog dick to remember and being in the hundreds and sometimes 1000+ when its ongoing but with anime you have no excuse at all when most anime is so short in run length to be kept in a database to remember where you left off.

convincing a teenager doesn't matter, your opinion will shift by itself once you leave your "I am 18 and this is deep" phase.

I'm not kidding but if I were to guess there's probably a lot of underage on Yea Forums, or even young people that just simply were too young when it came out in 2010.

I did watch it. About six weeks ago, on June 29th.

Was that actually good?

Your right user. It is a tragedy.

This. Too accurate.

The realism makes it so thrilling.

I’m a lot older than 18. I’ve been watching anime since Inuyasha first aired.

Your opinion or even the quality of the show doesn't matter. If it's popular and has staying power and people talk about it to this day, it has impact. And it does have objective quality. People may not like all of that list. I don't. But it's the anime that will be remembered, talked about, in the next decade and so. Or I think. Might have forgotten some, or more likely, missed some.

You aren't older than 18 though. I know you’re going to say you are but you’re not convincing anyone.

picrelated is tragedy

Attached: Eva_plot_summary.gif (640x480, 1.97M)

BDs and the movies correct that.

Well what are the most classics of the 00's? Should be easy enough to guess if we compare the data.

Kill la Kill is inside the 'popular garbage' category alongside stuff like Oreimo and Oregairu. Not a must see nor a classic.


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I'm a 13 year old girl.
Why can't I be here with grown anons?

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>Everyone forgetting that Trigger saved anime in 2012

Attached: Inferno Cop.jpg (246x205, 14K)

Oh yeah I agree with you there I suppose.
I guess I should have noticed at your (sorry fags), I just assume you were writing shit you liked.

Is Vinlad saga popular? I read the manga years ago and gave up when he became a farmer for ages or something.

Because it's trash.

Meh, replace it for anything else by Mappa and it's something. Or maybe not, not many people care about Osamu tezuka's stuff these days.

I know. And they are classics already.


>the movies correct that

tfw I was a kid when Inuyasha aired but I still watched it.
Hell I watched Ranma 1/2

Holy fucking shit, can you just shut the fuck up and just accept not everybody is gonna like it you insufferable faggot?

Evangelion is better and much more important and influent btw. Cope.

PFF, jesus christ. It's fucking trash that's all.

More like killed it in 2014 and are now shitting on it's corpse with garbageman and cgimare.

Oh, no, samefagging, how deep is he willing to go?

No, and that is a shitpost.

Wow.... So... early 20 something?


>Because it's trash.
Why don't you try making anime yourself, shit eater?

Hand drawn anime was better.
There are obvious exceptions like Violet Evergarden, when it comes to art and animation quality.
But because studio's rarely go to such heights, I attest hand drawn is better.

gotta be this

Try actually watching it. I doubt the multiple layers of grief the show has is something you can comprehend but give it a go before talking shit.

Attached: 1522827515953.jpg (242x239, 7K)

Popular garbage are classics. We are not talking about your unknown shit.

People know Kill La Kill as a name. I don't even fucking know what oreimo or oregairu is.

I don't know why people are sperging out in this thread about this or VEG (which has zero staying power so far except on this moot-forsaken board)

A lot can happen in 5 months, what's your troubles?

󠛡 󠛡 ▲
▲ ▲

>I don't even fucking know what oreimo or oregairu is.
Either a lying sack of shit or a humongous newfag.

>Is Vinlad saga popular?

It is enough to have gotten an anime. Shouldn't have put it though, too soon, but it's the same studio as SnK and the manga is popular enough so I think it has potential.

Promised Flopland for example I don't see it. Just like, a good manga that some people will know.

I have around 50 shows I'm in the process of completing at any given time, and that isn't something I can keep track of in my head. It just is helpful, plus, rating shit is fun.

>People know Kill La Kill as a name.
Yes it was overrated as fuck but people hardly talk about anymore off here.

No idea what oregairu is, but everyone knows Oreimo.

Nothing anime could fix.
Whats a must-see show before kys?

We get it, you watched Toonami.

Please stfu retard.

>not even from the DBZ/Pokemon generation, what a fucking retarded zoomer trying to fit in with zoomers

What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? Violet Evergarden is hand drawn.

It's pretty good, definitely above average, but nothing particularly special. If you haven't seen that many anime you might overrate it.

Yes, it's the only anime for this past 5 years that I unironically enjoyed for the plot alone.

Evergarden and Dororo.

Attached: 793849354.webm (1440x810, 869K)


There is only one and it’s Madoka Magica. Am I saying all other anime this decade are bad? No. I’m saying nothing comes close to that series.

Try actually watching eva.

I don't watch trash. Especially trash from Yea Forums.

maybe. maybe zombies just aren't IN any longer. Oh, well. I hate them too. But HOTD is just way too much fun, and really good directed. especially all those panty shots. the panty shots. incredible stuff. cinematographically speaking.

Attached: 1244325666242.gif (620x620, 2.3M)

Humongous newfag it is then.

Yeah, retarded, almost every fucking anime is hand drawn. What that other retarded poster meant is probably cell-shaded animation, from before anime went digital. VEG is full of digital, and, gasp, CGI.

Two dumb idiots trying to discuss shit they don't know.

I'd say Major.
It's a sports anime revolving around Baseball that's pretty good.
Deals with a kid in Japan and you see him grow up until he's much older.
Quite long at 6 seasons. and a few OVA's.
Another good sports anime is Hajime no Ippo, it's about boxing.

No I watched it on Youtube and anime streaming sites. (I had access to the internet from a young age)
I'm not from America so I didn't have Toonami.

>retarded trying too hard to fit in

You faggots just love your KyoAni moe shit, shounen crap, and whatever flavor of the season crap, and let's not forget harem, ecchi and incelkai crap.


Nothing topped Evergarden this Decade, at least in terms of audiovisuals.

Attached: Violet.Evergarden.(Character).full.2259329.jpg (972x1131, 212K)

This. Madoka is a classic, while KF shows how visuals aren't everything and what a small group of people can do with enough dedication and care. It can also serve as an example of how to fuck up something terribly


If you had Youtube and anime streaming sites you are not old. Just saying, retard. Guess you are even younger than toonami, forget I said anything.

Attack on Titan is probably the anime of the decade, but it'll finish in 2020.

Fuck off.

You are quite right here, it is the anime of the CENTURY!


First post worst post.

I never claimed to be old, from my perspective you're the retard in this conversation.

Vinland Saga once it gets to the good parts.( ending will be top10 anime scenes material)

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I’m a Madoka fan guys..

>I’m a lot older than 18. I’ve been watching anime since Inuyasha first aired.

Sure kiddo.

Sasuga shit flinging bread filled with madotards and vegtards.

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Evergarden and Madoka are obvious. Other than that I would say Steins Gate.

Those aren't both me, only the latter post is :)

Where do you think it will end? As in, chapter. Chapter 54, before Farmland?

Oh, and we forgot Re:Zero. Although not sure if that will be forgotten.


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Most people on Yea Forums have a tendency to finish shows in one go through and have seasonal shit on the side to watch weekly or whenever the season ends, so I suppose it's more of a thing you grow into doing as while when I had a mal account back in 2010 it was fun to see how much i had completed in a list but it was a pain in the ass to mark things down as completed or watching.

Your case id say its understandable though just something that most people in Yea Forums wouldn't do or would have a retarded reason like
>puts all my data out there im a retard let me get notepad out instead to do the exact same thing.

I don't think it will be forgotten, I remember it being quite big and there will probably be a season 2 to remind people it exists.

To be fair Evergarden and Madoka are the 2 best shows this decade.

How else would I know the ending “come my way” to Inuyasha is actually a cover song and the real version is actually in English?

I know you’ll try looking it up now so here.

The original singers name is Sophie Monk.

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End of prologue. Maybe after credits Farmland teaser.

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To be fair you're all shitposting ad eternum.

Violet Evergarden.

Is someone going to hack my bank account and put bananas through my letterbox because they don't approve of my anime list?
How is my watched anime data people would be interested in?

SnK(like it or not)
Maid Dragon
Flip Flappers

you're not allowed to exist

It's garbage.

>which has zero staying power so far except on this moot-forsaken board
Top tier delusion.

The adaptation is fucking trash. There's lots of intrusive corner cutting cgi.

>t. kyoanifag

no taste. all the best qualities(characters, plot world-building) come from the manga.

It’s not a dub you dumbshit. That’s the original version of the song.

The Japanese version is actually the dub in that case guy.

More like someone who just isn't biased against them. Chu2 and Mid Dragon are meme shows that wont be forgotten and also above average.

Literally none of the data, its just brainlets complaining about shit they dont understand

this piece of shit is no classic

Look at this guy who can't speedread, what a loser.

Probably just Madoka

Evergarden was better desu.

Psycho Pass will be the anime that people will be talking about in a few months.

If by better you mean boring I guess you’re right.

It will be.

Evergarden is art, it crafts a magnificent and compelling world which makes the viewer wish they lived there. Madoka is largely good because of it's story and plot twists but for that you may as well just read a book.

Evergarden deserves the title of Anime of the Decade more than Madoka.

I think it will be revered like Berserk was/is.

The only thing I learned from this thread is that I should drop everything I’m currently doing after it ends and IMMEDIATELY watch Madoka Magica. All twelve episodes and I should keep my fucking mouth shut and not write anything about the goddess and her show before I finish the god damn anime for myself. That’s all I learned.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

That’s true.

Fuck off ACK.


I wouldn't expect a simpleton like you to be able to appreciate art.

Yea, that makes sense.

This is art.

The “art” in evergarden is basic anime character designs and backgrounds with literal instagram filters plastered over them. It’s just detailed and that’s pretty much it.

Fuck off, that word doesn't mean what you think it does.

Madoka isn't as noteworthy.

It’s the greatest story ever told.

Evergarden's art is classical.

>It’s just detailed and that’s pretty much it.
Not really though. On a technical level it's both more expressive and impressive than Madoka. Unlike Evergarden, Madoka isn't difficult to make.

>that one deluded veg faggot

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We all think it.

Take your adderall Timmy.

Oh come on, that was ONE episode.

Evergarden is artful and sophisticated, Madoka is just lazy.

Expensive doesn’t = good art
Detailed basic character designs don’t = good art

The art in Madoka is a lot more fun to look at.

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you're replying to shitty bait, dumbfuck

Again, that word doesn't mean what you think it does. I can doodle a drawing with my own shit and it's art, that doesn't mean it's good. Art is not an indicator of quality, find other adjectives.

>basic anime character designs
No. They have far more detail and diversity.

>It’s just detailed and that’s pretty much it.
The show clearly has it's own stylization and more complex lighting than what you'll see anywhere else.

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Don’t tell me what to do!

"fun to look at" =/= good art, kiddo

Are VEGfags just the graphicsfags of anime?

Art is supposed to bring emotion from the consumer and that shit makes me feel nothing.
Call me when Madoka gets an audience of 400-500 germans to sob the way VEG did a few days ago.

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Yea, they’re basic bitch anime character designs like in Evangelion except with more detail and Instagram filters. They’re really nothing special. Besides Madoka has better music anyways as well as art and a much better story.

Yes. Their only arguments about VEG being good are about it's art. Anything else is just cope

>Art isn't fun
Congratulations retard, go to an art gallery or some shit, no point in watchin fun cartoons.

Also wide is peak character design.

hurr durr
>his shitshow can't make grown ass men weep like babies

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Evergarden is more noteworthy in it's craft than Madoka. Plenty of studios can animate Madoka, only Kyoani could animate Evergarden.

>The art in Madoka is a lot more fun to look at.
Hardly. It's no where near as impressive when it comes to how it takes advantage of the medium.

I don’t think Madoka can be enjoyed by regular people and I really hate to call them “regular people” but more than half of the autistic fanbase on Yea Forums was able to understand Rebellion so I doubt regular viewers would stand much of a chance. I’d say the good majority of people who watched Madoka enjoyed the series but the few able to actually comprehend what they’re seeing are the anons who praise the series like it’s gods gift to earth.

Pretty much

What do you mean by takes advantage of the medium?

The only tears that are coming out of anybody's eyes watching VEG are from yawning right before they fall asleep.

>tfw to smart too enjoy meguca

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>his shitshow makes ADHD sleep like a comatose baby
Fuck off
maybe in your shithole of a country

but it looks like utter crap and then someone jerked all over it. where does this meme come from anyways?
>but it almost looks realistic
>all those details
then fuck of to Yea Forums, what's even the point of animation? I give VEG zero points since it failed the topic completely.

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Madoka is shit.

>They’re really nothing special.
>most impressive character designs in tv anime ever
>nothing special
But the literally are by the dictionary definition. How ignorant can you be? Actually animating a show consistently with that much detail is insanely difficult and why you never see it done anywhere else. You don't see that level of expressiveness or diversity in most anime.

>Besides Madoka has better music anyways
No it doesn't.

The funny thing is anybody who has watched the series knows that’s the first part of the series you dug up there when it’s heavily playing on magical girl stereotypes. The mid to later part of the series looks nothing like that. Try actually watching the anime.

Dunno but Youjo Senki was pretty damn good

>they’re basic bitch anime character designs like in Evangelion
No. They have their own stylization which looks vastly better than Evangelion. Evergarden has the ultimate aesthetics.

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The point of animation is certainly not to look retarded and cheap.

>anime art style changes.
Inconsistent, I won't watch a show that changes, that's disgusting.

Evergarden's art is generally technically proficient, but the visual design isn't interesting whatsoever, and attached to a story utterly devoid of substance. It being episodic stories of pussy shit cry porn is bad enough, but then the complete lack of interesting characters to latch onto just shoots itself in the foot even harder. 3-gatsu anime of the decade btw.

Realism and fluid animation are more of a quality thing than an art thing. Veg is just basic anime design with more detail and the music in Madoka Magica is quite a bit better than most other anime series out there. The music in Madoka not only fits the show to a tee but also plays heavily into the show with foreshadowing to the point where while the show was airing breaking down the songs, names of the songs and tones of the songs was a huge part of the discussion in the threads.

Now THIS is a good opinion.

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>but it almost looks realistic
It doesn't though. It simply has realistic elements just like all anime. Except this combination looks the best.

>then fuck of to Yea Forums, what's even the point of animation?
How fucking retarded can you possibly be? Jesus Christ, it clearly looks nothing like live action shit. It's autists like you that can't even comprehend this very basic shit that are the cancer killing the board. Evergarden takes advantage of the medium just as much as that ugly piece of shit you just posted.

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Honestly. Go listen to ost songs from Madoka. The music actually puts you in a different world without sounding like basic Miyazaki music.

>it’s heavily playing on magical girl stereotypes
It doesn't though. It barely gets its toes wet with magical girl tropes.

>but the visual design isn't interesting whatsoever
How so? The lighting is incredible. Nothing like this exists in reality.

Attached: saved14.webm (1280x720, 1.38M)

Look at this simpleton and laugh at his inability to grasp the substance of Violet Evergarden.

There’s foreshadowing and hints in the Madoka music that reward viewers who pay attention and the way the music is made in the series is that the scene is made first and it’s composed sometimes literally over hundreds of times until it’s just right. Even simple scenes like this.

That’s perfectly executed music. No lyrics and you get a good feel for the suffering of witch Elly here who at this point is supposed to be an “evil monster” yet you literally feel her suffering and being forced to fight in this song. You can actually feel how the supposed evil witch is actually suffering as the song plays out and how twisted and wrong what’s happening to her is all the way until the uplifting moment of the song at the end when Sayaka ends her life. Music like this and just the love and care that went into Madoka is miles better than anything out of Made in the Abyss. Keep in mind this is just a simple little ost song most people would forget about and that much work went into it. You could write paragraphs about some of the better known ost songs from Madoka and everything hidden inside them.

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You're this new? Look at it, this should be totally obvious. I mean from a physical standpoint. Look how the insanely beautiful word is crafted, how consistently it distorts light with the most complexity you'll ever see. It's unmatched in it's technical merits.

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i just want more cute girls cosplaying her design blyat

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To this day I’ve never seen any other studio even attempt something like this as they’re afraid their audience would be too dumb to even grasp the work that goes into these songs. The way they twist this upbeat song into something with dark undertones like that and then play off in major as the witch dies is legitimately impressive to me.

Going detailed doesn’t = good art

mods are fucking retarded


Very cool lighting, that's great, but it simply isn't as interesting to look at as the paper cutout style of many shaft works (not a madokafag), and the visual directing doesn't hold a candle to stuff like 3-gatsu, which is anime of the decade.

You don’t have to lie. You’re a Madokafag.

You're just going to say "x" =/= good art. Art is anything but at least evergarden isn't lazy, at least it's contribution the medium is a noteworthy one. It takes insane hard work and talent to make something like it and i truly believe it was worth it.

Say that to my face bitch nigga.

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I’m not saying it’s bad. I’m just saying it’s basic anime character design with a lot more detail. Other than that it’s not really special.

Can you read? 3-gatsu is anime of the decade, madoka ain't shit in my book compared to that.

You like Madoka. You will when you watch it one day and stop being a fake anime fan.

Define basic anime character design.

Yes, I like it, but it by no means is my favorite.

Evergarden, Bebop, evangelion, FMA etc. Basic anime design.

>I’m just saying it’s basic anime character design with a lot more detail.
That detail is hugely significant and makes it distinct as well as more expressive. That also makes it much harder to keep consistently on model and just animate in general so it's an incredible technical accomplishment.

>Other than that it’s not really special.
>other than what makes it special it's not special
This isn't a criticism. Also you're wrong anyway see, & .

No. I’m talking about future you who isn’t pretending to have watched Madoka. I’m talking about the you down the road who sits your ass down and watches all twelve episodes and Rebellion and admits Madoka is your favorite anime and AOTD.

It’s definitely more impressive but it’s still basic anime character design.

Visual directing is more than abstract cuts meant to make a character's inner turmoil obvious to the viewer. Subtlety through framing and lighting is where the real gems are found.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Violet Evergarden - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.20.png (1920x1080, 1.76M)

Fine, I’ll watch it.

Not a definition.

Evergarden's art style is classical user. Lurk moar.

You’ll see the resemblance if you use your brain.

It’s basic anime design that impressive because it’s detailed but the story was boring.

You VEGfags and Madokafags had taken the most outlandish hills to die on. VEGfags are out here busting their asses to prove that their shows art somehow "takes advantage of the medium" with the most limited understand of what that means, and you Madokafags are actually pushing at this weakass point, saying shit like the designs are rather normal, as if any of this really means shit.
Not me, btw, quit samefagging you fucking faggot. Does "fine, I'll watch it" sound like something any real person would say?

Don't post about things you can't even define.
You wanna know what basic anime design looks like? K-On and its endless moe clones like Madoka.

>implying shit like Bebop, evangelion, FMA have Evergarden's diversity in facial features or garments