My friend recommended this to me.
Is it actually good or just another anime that tries to be 2deep4u and fails?
My friend recommended this to me
2deep4u but ok.
Why are you too stupid to watch it and reach your own conclusion?
I don't have that much time for anime anymore but I wouldn't mind spending time on a good series.
This was recommended to me as a masterpiece and a special experience.
Is it?
>my friend
yes it's a masterpiece
Just stick to Facebook, faggot.
It's extremely good, a real masterpiece and 10/10. You should expect nothing less from the master Ikuhara. However, your brain might be too small to appreciate it.
Yeah it's one of those hurr durr so deep animes, dropped it after 8 episodes and can'r recommend it at all
I came for the rock'n'roll band.
It's Ikuhara's last good anime.
It's certainly a special experience, but no masterpiece. See Utena for that.
It's good, but you have shit taste so don't waste your time.
It's average up to the point when a high school girl starts living in a crawl space, at which point it devolves into pure nonsense. Don't worry, though, they'll spend every moment of that nonsense harping on about how TRAGIC and DRAMATIC these characters behaving completely inhuman are.
beter than Utena
Yes. Watch it
Starts out good but goes full retard by the end.
>It's Ikuhara's first good anime.
It's overrated
Princess carried the anime. When her screen time disappeared the show went to shit.
Don't bother watching it with that kind of mentality
>men sacrifice themselves for roasties
Such depth.