reminder that VR is the future
Reminder that VR is the future
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How long before i can upload my consciousness to a computer and live in whatever anime world i want ?
me on the right
me in the middle
I give it 40 years at the very least
see you virgins
bought a VR set just for this game and it wasn't worth it
The future is sad
The second after you die. So do us all a big favor.
shota vr when?
what about VRchat[no seriously, is it still alive?
If you consider becoming a platform solely used for gay ERP as being alive, then yes.
Yea Forums is leaking. FUCKING KYS
Stuff like the Matrix or Holodeck.
VR isn't that much. MMD is (or which is the graphic engine)
>shota vr when?
Imagine a Yupiel version of this where you live as her servant.
The immediate one. Things like full dive VR could be possible but not in less than 50 years.
Sauce please ?
Haa, so that's the name of that smug vampire.
Is anime in the future going to be made in VR where you're either observing from whatever angle you want or you're the MC yourself?
But everything will be CGI. Is it worth it?
It's going that way anyway
Not soon enough.
So worse than death.
I hope they don't put too much effort in censoring it.
People have been telling me that VR is the future for 25 years. It still has not arrived.
In 1999 the Singularity was supposed to be 5-10 years away. Its now 2019- the Singularity is still 5-10 years away.
Don't even get me started on where my flying cars, nuclear fusion, and Island Three colonies are.
Meanwhile the Internet and cell phones which HAVE produced measurable change in the world since their introduction were completely unpredicted and undervalued.
>being so close to horo you can smell how sweet she is
>Touching the tail
I'm sick of fucking imagining everything. Who wants to start a VR company with me?
When is the next one going to be made when we could touch even more?
I'm in as long as we at some point make a girls und panzer vr game
I just know I will be fapping to it.
Just that shitty Danganronpa demo made poop an enormous boner.
Society will collapse the day that this is possible.
I want to fuck a loli in vrchat
And I can't wait for it to happen.
Are you implying that's a bad thing?
Damn I so want to be a little japanese girl and have sleepover fun with other girls after a school week.
I will be able to live through my dream and ever wear girly virtual pyjamas.
Anxiety attack simulator
You're not gonna get any useful staff on Yea Forums because they hate 3D Art.
Of course not. It just shows how terrible the real world is now.
I'd invade your game session with a bald faceless fat old man as my avatar
Only if the game we create features a lewd vampire loli.
I know seeing anything is impossible, but I still tried looking down her shirt.
Without going into Nerve Gear territory we still need something to simulate touch and smell for something like this to be more appealing.
Nice of her to assume i'm taller
If someone were to ever make an anime related VR company the first person to hire would probably be that one nip who has spent a lot of his time trying to make a Kemono Friends VR experience
Senko would perfect for this kind of thing.
Super Senko-san Time: VR edition.
If some anons killed themselves after watching the vanilla version I don't want to imagine how many more would go with this one.
The internet was already in existence in 1999, my dude. It's been around since the 1960s in various forms.
We made it anons. This is the era of the vr waifu
fate is shit
me on the left
>You eyeballin' me ?
Not really. It gave us Abby and that alone justifies its existence.
What else would you make a VR company for ?
Teleoperation of mining robots in asteroids.
They are working on it
You were born too late to have your own teenage bride. You were born too early for fully immersive VR sex with a catgirl.
Truly, the worst time to be alive.
I remember seeing her smug and naked.
The second is worse. The teenage bride would go past her prime really fast.
And I thought Japan had shit taste. Based as fuck.
>You were born too late to have your own teenage bride
More like just born in the wrong place
Maybe lewd loli foxes but Japan already beat everyone to the punch
I can't be the only one that think 2D girls look fucking strange when rendered in 3D
You get used to it in time.
If you don't unironically believe that everybody will be mind controlled into servitude within the next 100 years then you're a fool.
We were born just in time to lose our freedom of thought.
So basically the future Ainz was isekai'd from?
I can't do it anymore
I need a Holo in my life right now
Reminder that shinobudev confirmed custom models in shinobu simulator (renamed to project viva or something)
this is truly the future
Can't wait
>I won't live long enough to get a full immersion VR world where Yupiel and Kirie berate and dominate me for eternity.
What's the fucking point?
>Those fucking voices
Not touching this shit until a convincing voice simulator shows up.
Is this that guy who posts all the hilarious VR stuff? I haven't seen anything new posted here lately, does he have a place he posts them?
Not sure, just found these from a thread a while ago
Post the VR Kanojo ones.
Too far away sadly. The only way to get something like that earlier is learning how lucid dream.
Found the thread I plagarised from
This guy is a menace
what a time to be alive
Where is this from?
good webm
They should make her suck your blood in anger if you annoy her enough.
And largely ignored. How ironic.
Still waiting for my flying car.
Excellent, thank you user
I got angry when Shinobu smiled por the photo, only for that guy to take a photo of her panties. I would take a photo of her smiling face first, then take a photo of her panties.
And then a photo of her face again.
dum bitch! gimme my bread buttplug
You get it user.
Say it to my face and not online, nerd.
I love how little time it took to make these compared to the Liru game
The Liru game has some important things the other two are missing though. It just takes far too much time.
vr is 100% worth it just for the porn
Why did they make her model MMD-tier? Why not something more HD, with volumetric fluffiness?
I hope one day slapping is possible. Whenever she does something cute I can slap her.
The way she moves makes me want to curb stomp her
Based Jewel of the Nile
In a few years Yea Forums will be a ghost town, we'll all be too busy having sex with each other using anime avatars.
what could u possibly do with a shota in vr?
If this is what the future has in store I fully welcome it
facebook-tier joke but the execution was funny
but the loli catgirls and VR games will be worth it.
It is called a helicopter.
Not everyone has a 2080ti SLI setup in their faggot LED box you know. VR is pretty demanding in resources since you render from two different viewports at the same time in a high resolution
Did you take this screenshot?
If so, could you link me to those eye/face mods?
No, but here's the Pixiv
>psycho-face uncanny valley
*backs away slowly*
>interactive VR anime 'game' has better animation and looks nicer than CG in actual anime
How the fuck is this even possible? How can CG in anime look so shit if the Nips are obviously capable of making interactive content as good as this?
Even without singularity the amount of moe produced in the next decades warms my heart. WIth singularity you will be able to transcend into a moeverse and cuddle with fluffy tails forever.
at this rate, the near future is fantastically horrific
>tfw no qt vr girl to humiliate you
aside from overlord and berserk I can't think of many examples that have cg that looks offensively bad with only a few models.
when you have only a few models you can spend a lot more time on each one to get the animation right, or opt to half ass it like berserk
overlords cg is horrendous but considering the amount of models they had on the screen, I'd forgive them enough to give a D+ if it was a student project
I still dont know why the ogres were cg though, that shit doesnt make sense.
vr games cg still doesnt fit well into anime for shading reasons, but I found the cg they used in goblin slayer looked pretty good, though I was quite disappointed it didnt have hand drawn action sequences that used hard shading similar to something like redline
>gay ERP
Sounds pretty good to me.
Just look at the CG in Arifureta this season, it's completely horrendous, or at that car scene in the latest season of Full Metal Panic. That scene was so bad it still haunts me. There's decent CG too, of course, but the bad shit is very common and the quality bar is extremely low.
holy fuck
>mind controlled into servitude
Doing what? Automation is already destroying jobs, what the hell would you enslave people for?
Korbo a cute!
yeah it's usually in scenes where its only used once so they don't spend much time on it
which is dumb to me, because honestly you could just draw those same frames stylistically instead of having to model an entire scene for a single shot just to make it look okayish
I wasn't planning on watching arifureta, i'm behind on my shows got a timestamp for an example?
I'm about to jump in VR actually and don't have any prepared screenshots, but you can see it in the first episode. They're attacked by some huge monster and it looks absolutely awful. And the monster appears later again, so it isn't a one-episode thing either. Other monsters also look awful.
Can you imagine if they made Liru game into VR?
Seismic would take forever but I'd wait for that.
>people thinking the future will be bright and will be filled with fun VR toys with the white population declining every year
so tell me Yea Forums who will make your toys once the only race of people who can create such things are gone?
I just clicked a bit through the first 5 minutes and it's got a lot worse looking problems
>every time he casts a spell it's like a cut out from a magazine is sliding across the screen
those shiny rubber skeletons could be very easily fixed, one of the big problems is that nips dont seem to understand 3d animation is mostly just technical skills, they always use the default phongs
you can change the material of an object to have it's light behave better, that's the key difference between passable and horrendous.
a lot of the time they just untick the reflection box and call it a day too
That's me in the corner
That's me in the spot light
Losing my religion
I'd rather wait for a Pachira one.
>Without going into Nerve Gear territory
Well Elon Musk is skipping Nerve Gear and going straight for the Neuro Linker.
>only people
when the whites are gone, next on the list are the japs and chinks, the only others able too
Even normal blacks and browns would go. Everyone will be a strange mixture of everything.
Oh I hate this.
>you will never have a wise wolf goddess pet your head
just take me now Jesus, just take me now
What about monster girl island?
please respect my personal space
That was rude.
Why do cg anime characters always look uncanny when facing upward?
I'm fucking dying
>Seismic having to work more time to make a totally new model and game when he can't even finish the animation of the 2 remaining scenes of the Liru DLC
I admire your hope user
I have no expectations, just hopes that will never be fulfilled.
That's why idealized realism works best in 3D
will seismic ever make more loli
Technology will never deliver or surpass what the human brain and the human imagination can accomplish now
I ""played"" this
It's a 45 minute Holo fanservice demo. (Some even complain about how Holo looks/acts, but I don't care) You just watch shit happen, you don't interact at all in the main story.
The touching fluffy tail / head patting is a separate mode, while nice for like 5 minutes but in general it's not the most interactive game that's out there.
Holo's motion and hair are impressively done however.
If any of you have VR and want to play it without spending the money because god hell no this is not worth the price they're asking for
I used this download, no install required.
The human brain is just one flesh computer, and a flawed one at that.
You either learn to lucid dream and experience it now, or keep waiting for technology to do it for you, in an inferior way, with no touch feedback, with terrible graphics, within the limits of the tech and hardware and whatever program and software others choose to make instead of what you choose to experience and create
and yet the brain can create lucid dreams that people report feeling and looking as real as real life, while no technology on Earth can ever match that kind of raw simulation power and quality
because in anime they usually get distorted for artistic purposes, but with cg you only have one model to work with
>He was a young immature wolf so just letting him fuck me was the easiest way to get rid of him.
>Drops everything to follow two children around and sexually harass a little boy.
>Actively dates a guy way younger than her.
>Gets distracted by his underage apprentice.
Holo is literally just a pedophile.
did you just figure out the existence of lucid dreaming? I've been doing it since elementary school and it gets tiring fast, most days I just let my dream work itself out and enjoy the story.
>did you just figure out the existence of lucid dreaming?
Obviously not.
>and it gets tiring fast
>ability to do and experience anything you can imagine
>gets tiring fast
I somehow doubt that, either way for the purposes discussed ITT, lucid dreaming is still the best and most realistic way to experience them, because tech is limited, and you have to wait on others, while with lucid dreams you create your experiences and shape them how you want
JAJA Faggot will always exist as a resurrection of the weebs' will.
>I guess I feel retarded now.
Can you keep some things non controllable in a lucid dream? Being a full on god all the time could get boring fast. Lacks the joy of discovering things that are beyond your imagination.
>shape them how you want
that's the problem, being aware that you're shaping it how you want makes it lose a certain feeling of reality
I used to enjoy it a lot during my teenager years, but now I at best guide the direction and just sit for the ride.
Yeah I agree with you there, of course you can do that, look at pic related with how expectation works in dreams, what you expect then is to have as much control as you want to have, or only have full control on setting up the basic scenario, setting, characters in a dream, then letting things go from there.
Just like how when you daydream or fantasize when awake you can choose to have full control over every aspect of your dream (which is something more experienced lucid dreamers generally can do) as well as responding to events happening in your dreams that are outside of your control, that weren't willed by you consciously
I think that's the best choice and why lucid dreams are so exciting, you can set up setting, characters, story, and even your expectations for what things might happen and then let it just play out, with the imagination taking the reigns while you relinquish control.
Pic related also talks about "giving exceptions to your expectations" meaning that if you so choose the dream and dream characters can behave in ways you don't expect and then you will genuinely get surprised.
Basically you can have as much control over things/people/setting as you want, that comes with mastery in dreaming, at first many are struggling to just maintain control and get the dream to do what they want, which is where expectations can help.
I don't see it that way but at least I think you can agree that lucid dreaming > VR for the simple fact that any VR experience can be experienced in a lucid dream in a completely superior manner
The only exception of course being multiplayer, as shared dreams aren't possible.
Is possible to save the settings of a character you create from one dream to another? Maybe you create a girl with basic settings today, have some experiences in the dream and then in a different dream have the same girl appear and have her remember everything that happened before. Basically make that character have continuity.
>The only exception of course being multiplayer
I heard that OBEs can be used for that. However, that sounds more like a fantasy rumor compared to lucid dreaming.
I dunno, it should be, it would basically be a recurring dream character, the brain is perfectly capable of something like that I think. I'm not yet as knowledgeable or experienced on lucid dreams as I wish so I can't say with total certainty as I haven't experienced or tried something like that myself
Those are most likely to be lucid dreaming rather than anything else "beyond", burden of proof is on those who say otherwise. I haven't experienced any myself but it makes more sense for it to just be lucid dreaming given that no good scientific evidence for their validity exists, unlike with lucid dreaming desu
I gotta find a fix for Koikatu, the one I applied broke the entire UI and now everything seems like it was skinned wrong.
I've become unable to have lucid dreams anymore. I am aware of being sleeping when I have dreams but mostly lack the ability to sleep well because I've only slept like 2-4 hours a day and when I sleep well, 8+ hours everything is mainly lights go off, lights go on and time's over.
>recurring dream character
Seems interesting. Basically will be like having your own Shinobu accompanying you into the unknown and having adventures together in dreamland.
Now that sounds comfy desu
Try to work on your dream recall, consistently trying to recall anything you can, any emotion, image, feeling, etc that comes to mind when you wake up could lead to the unraveling of a dream, which leads to more dreams as you work your way backwards
Also try meditation, before sleeping, and after sleeping. I find meditating in the morning right upon waking can stimulate dream recall, just remember that everyone dreams, since everyone goes through several cycles of REM sleep at night when we dream and our brains do their thing
ohh fuck my sides
>Still waiting for my flying car.
We could maybe make flying cars right now with available tech, but then comes the question, for what purpose? There's no reason to give fuckwads an advanced machine with flying capabilities given some can barely control a tin can on the ground. They would just become a public threat even if they're skilled/trained/automatic, etc as you only need one failure to heavily damage property, people and yourself.
But at that point you would lose the "pleasures of flesh" and would most likely don't care about anything at all to even enjoy such a world.
senpai's senpais
This whole lucid dreaming thing isn't a prank right?
I tried to do it a couple times a while back and never got anything to happen, but if its the real deal I might try again until it works
>you would lose the "pleasures of flesh"
In the literal sense since you would have no flesh, but there's no reason that the simulation your mind is being fed couldn't contain those elements as well.
No its just difficult to get into, the barrier to entry is high for most, including me
dont expect any results to happen instantly
Why the fuck is full dive so far away? It's 2019 for christ sake
Its not closer than 2069. The brain is really complicated to understand.
I get it. Horo is something like a lolibaba, right? That pleases my mind. I don't mind lolibabas not being virgins.
The future is now
>women won't ever allow something like to actually be a reality becasue they know all they have to offer is their blown out craw to lock some beta provider down and with VR there's literally no reason for some simp to fall into their trap
I expected something like that. If anything practicing will encourage me to go to bed earlier
Hopefully I'll be able to meet some fine 2D ladies wish me luck user
I've had non-lucid anime dreams before, where the whole setting was color/styled like anime, including the people
So its definitely possible in a lucid dream too, ganbatte
>2D ladies
That's actually one of my doubts there. You can't really see 2D in first person. At most it will be like those anime like 3D models posted in this thread.
The free market would fuck those feminists in the ass. Even the jews wouldn't deny the kind of mad dosh men would pay for this kind of stuff.
The only way I can see VR doing proper 2D and not a 2D-esque artstyle would be creepy forward facing sprites or like watching TV on a 2D flat screen in a 3D space.
See the issue I have is my memory is going to shit, I hardly remember anything past 3 years ago, things like my age, birthday and stuff I ate get forgotten too easily too and don't get me started on people's names and faces, if I don't see you more than 4 times within a week I'll forget you and if I don't see you for 2 months I'll forget you completely.
>Also try meditation, before sleeping, and after sleeping.
No clue how to do it since no matter what happens I keep hearing a ringing noise, kinda like the one you hear on movies of soldiers close to explosions and how they go disoriented and shit, that and that little voice saying soo many things like calculations, things that need to be done and reviewing things I've done throughout the day makes it hard to sleep.
Looks nice. Something should be done about the clipping though.
Flying cars will never happen due yo how impractical they are and potentially dangerous in the hands of retards and weirdos.
People would fill them up with explosives and gasoline and fly them into buildings.
If you ran out of fuel in midair then youd be fucked.
you do know uploading your conciousness is just making a copy of yourself. You won't experience it. It's just making a copy and deleting the original.
To consume products.
How many years away are we from full haptic VR sex in settings like that? Waiting for it is the only reason I'm still alive.
How are the nude scenes?
I will just fly to non-western country if I want to enjoy the magic of technology.
Don't worry just save up and you'll experience this
So is the present, what's your point?
The past was better.
>All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga.
So they just don't care anymore, right?
Spice and wolf is Yea Forums related, on the other hand before when things were good only blatant shitposting and real offtopic shit was removed, if you actually read the thread rather than being an autistic fuck triggered by a webm of the VR game then perhaps you'd realize everything in this thread has kept on going no issues.
You mean 3D/CGI is the future?
Call me when we get to SAO level.
Everyone will be too busy playing SAO to remember to call you
The hell is this from.
When i was a teenager, I accidentally lucid while thinking about gears way too much. My lucid dream was total blackness with a dull silverish gear for me to design. I turned my brain into FreeCAD!
I tried it again years later and all I got was a headache. My brain had ossified into AutoCAD: Visual Basic Boogaloo.
Pic related is inferior to the lucid dream's level of detail. Imagine taking arbitrary cross-sections instantaneusly and rotating them, instead of spending forever setting-up a cross-section plane.
It's happened to me once or twice but never on purpose