What exactly makes or breaks a pantyshot? How to achieve excellence?

What exactly makes or breaks a pantyshot? How to achieve excellence?

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Panty shots have become so cliche and stupid that simply using it already damages the perception a seasoned audience has of any given show.

Assuming this is true (big if true), same question, but for the time before they supposedly became too cliche and stupid.

Pantyshots are shit unless you see the puffiness

Panty shots are the soul of anime faggot.
>simply using it already damages the perception a seasoned audience has of any given show.
Kotaku tier SJWs who let literal seconds of fanservice detract from their enjoyment because of their insane desire to virtue signal and appear intelligent in their own eyes?

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Why must everything be political to you subhumans? Hang yourself and stream it faggot.

Speak for yourself, pseud.

is girl hot?
then pantyshot is good.

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>Act like a "muh objectification/lewd bad" pretentious faggot
>wonder why you and your kind of "seasoned audience" are being called one
Truly puzzling

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I like the blink and you'll miss it pantyshots during the action scenes in Strike Witches.

No cameltoe means it just wasted our fucking time. Gotta see that cute slit outline.

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best pantyshots are the ones you not meant to see, for example when the camera is placed at an absurd angle and just get a glimpse of the pantsu.

also this

What makes or breaks a pantyshot is the same thing that makes or breaks most other forms of fanservice: forcing it. For example, I can deal with the shot in OP because while the low camera angle is unnecessary, a character in an action scene wearing a short skirt making an obviously athletic move is not going to have her skirt magically provide her modesty. That thing is going to flip or something. Therefore, the shot can be seen as a sort of natural course of what is happening. You can quibble on the details, but if you're a girl wearing a dress and you're hanging upside down, or standing over someone, or something, then your panties are going to be shown. Even , despite being patently unnecessary, is fine because the character is known to sleep in her office and she doesn't wear her skirt to bed. Okay, while that's kind of forced, it is still a natural and believable scenario. Shit like Najica Blitz Tactics, while perfectly understandable that a bevy of short skirted characters would have their panties get exposed, is forcing the shit out of panty shots everywhere because that's the author's fetish. Eventually it almost gets comical.

So, don't force it. Bottom line. Or panty line, whatever.

>Try to take control of every single form of media including Chinese cartoons to push your own agenda
>"Hey let's keep politics out of it"

Lewd is good so long as it's the goal of the show. Stop coming up with convenient strawmen.

>I'm trying to take control of something
>I have an agenda on a fucking anonymous site
Take your fucking meds.

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No it isn't you colossal faggot.

Really fast so I have to rewind and look for it.

What, you don't like lewd shows? The only colossal faggot here is you.

I like when the camera is dynamic like flying between the girls legs or if the panties are unusual like a g string or something. regular old panties in regular upskirts don't do anything for me.

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It doesn't need to be the goal of the show retard. A panty shot is small service that changes nothing and only a vocal minority like yourself would autistically make a mountain out of it.

best is when the girl gives no fucks about wearing a skirt and flashes her pantsu constantly.

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hidden 1frame pantyshot > powergap > natural pantyshot > garbage > this guy's() face > unnatural angles to hide panties > conveniently placed doodads to hide panties

Pantyshots should be:
Not in the audiences' face
Not gratitious.

better is when the girl's skirt is see through so you can see her panties at all times

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The moment the creative team goes out of its way to show me the outline of a character's pussy is the moment I know the entire anime is not supposed to be taken seriously and that its characters are empty husks created with the goal of selling merch by appealing to the most basic needs of horny young men.

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>being this wrong

>I'm gay: the post
Shoo. Literal faggots are not allowed in Yea Forums.

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stop being gay.

>no argument
Dude just turn your brain off and jack off lmao.

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You'd need to be an autist to analyze each scene and debate whether or not the panty shot is forced according to whatever arbitrary criteria anons use.

>a literal frame can outright make everything else shit only because I'm gay and I say so
This is how retarded you sound.
>dude I heard this evangelion show is cool, should I watch it?
>nah, there's a pantishot therefore it's completely shitty

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Faggots in the west thinks every pantyshot is something to fap on. Then tehy act like Free is the most revolutioning anime since Evangelion because it caters directly to homos.

Sounds like I had you pegged correctly

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>having the means to draw a tasteful pantishot on your work
>not self actualizing


A literal frame that comes from a creative choice. And creative choices make or break anime just as they do with every other kind of media out there.

I never said it's not ok to not want your show to be taken lightly you retarded nigger. But I did imply that shows that are not meant to be taken seriously are never going to be art.

>literally retarded
Well that explains everything

Exact opposite. Anyone who gets upset at a pantyshot is automatically a newfag pleb prude normalfag who needs to fuck off of Yea Forums and anime in general.

> to be taken seriously

Pantyshots are realistic. You encounter them in real life.

>another non argument
Sums up the intelligence required to gladly consume garbage.

Reminder there is literally nothing wrong with fanservice and if you can’t accept it you need to fuck off.

Gas yourself newfag faggot.

Can someone post the webm of rei with the diaper?

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If you think sexualization invalidates a work from being taken seriously, that’s your own mind virus. It isn’t objectively true. Sex is a gigantic part of the human condition, and art will reflect it. People like sex, and entertainers will give them it. There is literally nothing wrong with fanservice.

>think like me or fuck off
Haha no. I'm an individual thank you.

>Uuuunfffff oneeeechannnn~~~~~ I'm gonna cuuummm my Brain has become CuuuMmMm
^This is you, Yea Forums. You must feel really silly now.

>i’m an individual who thinks like every normalfaggot prude American who has been conditioned to think his sexual desires are evil and harmful to women

Truly revolutionary.

How much is much....

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>not analyzing each scene anyway

There's a difference between exploring sex and shoving in random pussy outlines to sell merchandise. This might shock you but there are anime out there that deal with sex and even rape in a serious manner.

>you don't like sex
>muh wohman
You're so damn predictable. Can you even think for yourself or is everything either 0 or 1 thanks to mob mentality?

Pantyshots have become rarer if anything, casual pantyshots for example have almost died out now. Usually it's now either in-your-face or non-existent. Magic skirts suck.

There is literally nothing wrong with giving people what they like. Functional men like sexy girls. That’s like saying you can’t take a show seriously because it has nice action or romance in it.

>accusing me of mob mentality when you are the normalfag who hates pantyshots
O i am laffin

if its porn/intended to be a lewd show, then I'm all for it.
If its some big serious noire series and during the final fight we see a panty shot - takes me out of the established tone.

holy shit who fucking cares just post more panty shots

And I never said there's something wrong with giving people what they like. People like garbage and that's fine, it's a fact of the world and nobody can change it.
Comparing panty shots to action cuts or romantic themes is a false equivalency by the way. Look it up.

>if you think X then you must be Y
Saw this one coming too. So it really is 0 or 1.
And all of this repressed anger over somebody considering panty shots a creative decision that downgrades a show to basic needs hounding.


I guess for me its the equivalent of if some random character appeared to say a shitty one liner and/or bad slapstick. It's not the presence of underwear that takes me out of it, but the whole 'panty shot' trope is a specific way of showing it that takes me out of a serious tone (ie, at the end of Alien ripley is in her underwear, but its not a 'panty shot' in the sense it's used for).

Nope, it’s a perfect comparison. Having an issue with fanservice, calling it ‘trash’ is like calling a good fight scene or mecha design or piece of music trash. It’s a thing that functional humans enjoy. If you have this much of an issue with your sexuality that’s on you. You only say it’s garbage because it offends your warped and socially inflicted self hatred for your own male desires. In Japan they recognize the desires of men and don’t shy away from them, they see it is natural to like such things and give people what makes them happy.

Panty shots exist in real life, produced by Japan's famous divine wind.


35 seconds into the video, the divine wind works its magic so what happens in anime also happens in real life.

The Divine Wind Exists!

Why should any work be taken seriously? You're significantly shallower than those "horny young men".

It really is a terrible comparison. Action cuts on shows where violence is either the goal or the only available solution to a conflict are vastly different to accurately picked camera angles or events that exist for the sole reason of showing some pussy to the audience.
It's such an awful comparison that I'm struggling to put myself in your place in order to at least try to see how you could come up with such comparison.

Functional people have higher needs when it comes to art. Porn is fine but it's just that - porn. And stop projecting your issues on me and worrying about my sexuality. Jesus Christ you need some medication.

Because art exists and creators that seek to express things and cause emotional responses on adults exist.

Anime is a visual medium, and being visually pleasing / interesting should be a priority.
Panty shots and other types of fan service are visually pleasing and are able to be done in a way that adds to the stylistic presentation of the show. Monogatari is a perfect example.

I don't mind it if it's not over done. I hate the 'pervert protagonist' trope. I hate harem situations. I think it's all a lazy way to get cumbrains to watch their show

Visual mediums have unlimited ways of being visually pleasing and that includes appealing to basic needs, yes. Part of my point is precisely about how an anime chooses to be pleasing.
Monogatari is not a serious anime and that's also fine.

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>sexualization is inherently pornographic
>pretty women are inherently pornographic

Just as a boy’s heart burns for adventure and discovery, of far off worlds. Just as a young girl yearns for tragic romance and horses and jewelry. Just as a woman feels complete at the sight of the smile of her children. A man’s soul seeks the sight of a beautiful women. The Japanese as a people have determined there is a fundamental difference between reality and fantasy, and in that place of fantasy, it is perfectly natural to seek that which you naturally desire. The fact that you haven’t figured this out yet and are still operating under the American paradigm of quelling desire, especially the desires of men, prove that you arn't well versed in this “anime” thing at all. Consider that maybe what people want, what they need, isn’t so wrong.

>>sexualization is inherently pornographic
>>pretty women are inherently pornographic
These are strawmen and so I won't address what you built on top of them.

I accept your concession, weasel.

Shima pantsu worst

Interesting you'd use millennium actress as an example when satoshi kon's other notable works, perfect blue, paprika, and paranoia agent, all have these fan service type shots you seem to dislike / look down on.

>anti-pantsufag banned
Wonder what he did but fair enough he was a shitposter.

Pantyshots are horrible, they're not explicit enough to be hot and yet they're too explicit to fuel your imagination. It's either full penetration or subtle suggestion for me.

My grandma changed her clothes in front of several times before and my dick got erect every time I saw her panty-clad butt and pussy. Pantyshots are realistic.

Wew lad

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that's a yikes from me

Najica Blitz Tactics is a classic example of just being assaulted with so many obvious pantyshots that you just get desensitized to them.
like real pantyshots they need to be quick, sudden and just seldom enough that they're something special or a surprise if you catch them.

>while the low camera angle is unnecessary
stopped reading there, holy shit.

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What about Agent Aika?


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The first panty shot a young me's brain registered as such.

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maybe its not how i like my fanservice, but it's way too cringe for me. something like the scene from elfien leid is great though, wasnt really expecting it either.

too much of a good thing is a bad thing.

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Fluid animation, it has to fit in the scene and not be forced (OPs pic, girl is fighting and moving around), and if a close has to outline the pussy.

Wrongest thing i've ever heard.

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that's a weird way.of spelling plain black pantsu

I think it's just a matter of the scene in itself looking good, being well composed/choreographed/animated/directed/whatever. Usual rules apply to pantyshots like to anything else. And Like any scene, it should have a point. If the point isn't the panties, that's fine, you can have the panties showing as long as you got what the scene was meant to communicate(for exemple pic related is Komuro passing next to the girls to push some zombies off). If the point is the panties, that's fine too but then it needs to be acknowledged by the characters or be relevant to the story or the characterization. That's why scenes that are just here for the viewer to look at panties for a few seconds don't work.

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Am I the only one who thinks panties are disgusting?

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You'll get a different answer from everyone.