Name a more powerful image from an anime.
I'll wait
Name a more powerful image from an anime.
I'll wait
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this one
>Eureka seven but she has red hair
you dunce
I win.
>is image
>is powerful
Checks out.
i was just about to post this
didnt cry tho, i already knew he would die because of spoilers and then when i saw it in the preview of the episode i remember i exhaled and i froze, afterwards i felt the heat you feel in your body when something surprising happens. I supported him the hole show and didnt cry, and i felt bad for it. I cried for reinhardt even tho i didnt support him
Well if you want a challenge then try not to cry at this.
The perfect video to see if someone is human or not.
Why would you ever watch next episode previews?
Did Dominic ever marry his retarded Coralian waifu?
because im retarded, also watched the one before the kircheis death lol
I believe the word you're looking for is "insane," and I don't think that it's a wise idea to tempt Bones to answer that question.
Frederica describing how he should've died was much worse.
Not quite.
Let's just assume yes and not ask for any official content involving it.
>t.everyone win, in he own pocket dimension.
Great anime still.
on rewatch
thank you user
Damn it user, I already loved the exogenesis pieces. Not him though.
Oh, come on. Astral Ocean wasn't that bad.
Who said anything about AO?
ante up
that abomination sitting on Anemone's lap ruins it all
Imagine actually hating Gulliver after episode 48.
Based E7bros
He literally saved the day
What do I win?
Vá se foder seu filho da puta, mereces um câncer no cu, seu verme.
Fuck. :'(
>powerful images from anime
>posts manga
Guess I'll be that guy.
You're gonna carry that weight.
post yfw there will never be another great 4 cour anime original
Instant soulless.
Seeing Eureka in the track-suit always got me the worst.
Also just, the entire Ray and Charles arc.
Pic related.
This was pretty hype back then when it aired. Not that it was a big moment or anything but still.
No you dont.
she was making a soup, not spaghetti
not that it would be a big deal anyway
>is from manga
So close to checking out.
only faggots watched this kiddie cartoon, so most of Yea Forums doesn't care
shut your whore mouth, zoomer
I distinctly remember the girl writing a lot of shit, sayonara was one of them.
I wish he went for it.
post the Yea Forums edit
dang dude...
Would be more powerful with Ume.
user why you do this?
Who the fuck was the bear?
Damnit Yang.
Much inferior to pic related.
cry me a river
based and cutepilled