Guys, I've finally found her, a real loli. Legal too, she's 22, looks like 12 or so tops though. Tiny...

Guys, I've finally found her, a real loli. Legal too, she's 22, looks like 12 or so tops though. Tiny, like sub 4'10" with a slim bodytype.

That's so hot, now how do I not mess this up and get to date and fuck her?

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I'll just say good luck

>all these unnecessary steps before making kids

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ty, only get to see her again in two months though :(

if we have sons they'll be like 5'2 or 5'3 ...

yikes and cringe

If this girl's name is Eunice I'd say run away

You already messed up by making a thread about it.
That itself already shows that you are too lost to get any girls in real life.

well most girls are groce but she's cute af

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3D hags can never look like little girls, user.

Projecting before you're anywhere near the boarding gate for her cunny is a great recepie for spaghetti al dente (spilled)


Just out of curiosity:
How tall are you?

Go away

she's pretty cute for a 3DPD tho

true, but when I'm around her I'm actually not that nervous

taller than Jeff Nippard

I met one like that before. She went to Cornell in the year below me. She was sterile.

That's sad. If she at least has a decent sex drive it might be okay

Not everything is about sex.

That's something we all have to live with ...

Being childfree I could live with, I mean if you want you can also adopt a kid

is she blonde?

>how do I not mess this up and get to date and fuck her
Start by not being a fucking faggot who blogposts on Yea Forums.

Wrong board.

My last gf was 4'9", the >1 foot difference was imagine tier and pretty great. Good luck

no, short black hair, she's Chinese

seems reasonable

hmm, hot

>she's chinese
oh no no no

Sage, report, and ignore.

kill yourself normalfags

>either 5'6 or 5'7
I pray for your hypothetical sons

What's wrong with being Chinese? She's pretty fucking cute

Yeah, they'll be like 5'2", I feel sorry for them, praying for girls.

Why do you people come here

Get away from my future wife, punk.

What country are you in right now? Where did you two meet?

Switzerland. She's a student at our uni in a post grad program. Just asked her for her number because I had a class with her and thought she was cute.

She's gone visiting her family for 2 months now tho :(

You can have her Bake version, I'll take her Kizu one

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This is now a Sayaka-chan thread!

Tell me why my waifu, Magical Girl Sayaka-chan, is the best magical girl!

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Where do I subscribe?

This is what she looks like with long hair!

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Dubs check em

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