Post your anticipations in S2. Thread theme:
Also Animage September 2019 feature ZLS with pic related.
Post your anticipations in S2. Thread theme:
Also Animage September 2019 feature ZLS with pic related.
Other urls found in this thread:
We get that fucking mech
Personally I have a bad feeling why they make in the new song Yuugiri the lead singer.
Either that means she won't get a song in season 2/it's the same song or tbe date of season 2 isn't even set and will take at least another year to be finished.
I just want one or two small moments of Kotaro being sweet toward Sakura or spilling his spaghetti. So, just more of the first season.
Speaking of Kotaro, how the fuck was there anything left of Junko's body to zombiefy?
Don't think about it
I really need to get around to ordering "the best" album, seems like the only place that will be stocking it and shipping internationally will be nip HMV.
Would you share the audio files?
If someone doesn't beat me too it, sure.
Post best baka zombie to save the thread!
>Post your anticipations in S2
I just want Sakura and Tae to dock their big titties together.
Now that's an atypical Animage cover.
One, Saki needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine. Two, whenever Saki's not onscreen, all the other characters should be asking ‘Where’s Saki?'
just let this garbage tier general to die.
what the fuck did OP post
*zombii sakura sounds*
*aidoru sakura sounds*
saki scale fig when
Or pretty much anyone, in Japan all dead are cremated
Bodies aren't always completely destroyed when a plane crashes.
Xu Fu grabbed the bodies before they could be cremated. And in Yugiri's case, dug her body up because cremation only became the norm after WW2.
Ais secret boyfriend arc when ?
Junko's, you mean. Ai had a secret girlfriend.
>Speaking of Kotaro, how the fuck was there anything left of Junko's body to zombiefy?
Well, it is generally assumed that most of her head is actually hers, but we can't say as much for those other parts and patches she's made of. He probably had to use other passengers as substitutes.
They point out that even within series. There surely will be some plot point about that.
Anybody have that angry egg webm?
*Weed dealer
They keep making Producer images to advertise second season. It would be funny if it focuses on him, I'd love to see people seething.
It won't. They've leart from the manga that it wouldn't work.
But I am sure he will have a more "open" role, now that his secret is out (to the audience, that is, not to the girls).
Revenge against whom
Her boobs look really erotic in this picture
Did the manga focus on him? From skimming around it seems to be just like the anime.
They look like my sister's boobs.
It's not about him, yeah. It's about him visiting Saga's eateries.
do you find your sisters boobs erotic?
Sakura is fat.
Against what?!
Against Shinji Aoba
I think S2 will be Kotarou and baka zonbis against Xu Fu
Found what you're talking about, it suddenly becomes a food tasting manga starring him at end of chapter 4 and onward. Kinda a waste of the character with how weird he is. Should be how he got into the occult or something.
Tae has a FAT ASS
Proving that he alone can not carry the franchise.
Nobody read the manga because the girls weren't really in it.
And while I can appreciate them trying something different, it was a bit too different for my taste.
They are so gay
Can these niggers hurry up already
and will end with the zonbis departing to afterlife, signifying the end of Franchouchou.
>Her boobs look really erotic in this picture
Her boobs always look really erotic. You might just not notice it because the rest of her is just as hot.
>and will end with the zonbis departing to afterlife
That'd be pretty lacklustre. Already been there and not really compatible with the franchise, its themes or their concept of zombies. They'd have to really pull something special out of their hats to pull something like that off.
how about turning into dust?
I don't have any other zombunnies
Tae farts the loudest of the group.
That's vampires, user.
>They are so gray
These are stronk, positive girls who care for each other.
It's really more of a very desaturated blue, user.
Help! I've been doing this mating dance for hours but no Japanese zombie has showed up to mate with me!
Where's Tae?
busy doing Tae things
Does Yugiri wear any panties? They didn't exist in the era she was from.
My only hope is for the franchise to not go full idolshit, you know what I mean, I want more crazy adventures and maybe some of the girls getting boyfriends and shit.
The west.
She probably wears that knotted rope underwear
I doubt they would do that. While Inui sometimes stole the show, it's more about his chemistry with the girls. That's why the manga with his own monologue is so bad
>maybe some of the girls getting boyfriends and shit.
That would very much destroy the groups dynamic. How about not introducing any boyfriends, girlfriends, rival idols or any other kind of major character as long as the series isn't nearing its end?
Them getting flirts and crushes (think Rei's Yuuichirou in Sailor Moon) would be okay. But, in that case, keep the character secondary. Just like Takeo, Reiko and Maria are secondary (recurring) characters related to the main cast.
>no panties
But that's wrong.
I would have read it if he did something other than go to restaurants.
>something other than go to restaurants
Such as?
bullying the girls
Well, that would have involved the girls. Of course that would have been better. But that's not down to him.
Who's the cutest Saga without the moe filter?
Preorders are up my necrophiles.
I would a Saki
No Junko no buy
Just buy a a few different nendos from different series, take them apart and put random parts from them together. There, you have your Junko.
Junko is getting a proper statue (As well as Sakura and I think Saki) And the cool thing is that Junko is the only one that doesn't look like a derp in the non-zombie version
Post it.
it's ancient chinese magic
Pretty sure it's Ai, not Saki.
And I really don't like that all three of them are just boring poses in boring stage outfits (the same one for all three of them) and in makeup.
But I guess they are targeting the idolfag crowd with this first series. (I assume we'll get the other 4 in a boring version as well, before we get proper zombie-figures in their characteristic outfits.)
clean laundry and cute girls
is there anything chinese magic cant do
Junko's thighs
I want zombie form though
Can someone post that Saki fanart that shows her wearing different outfits?
Junko's little boobies
Who do you think pushed her off?
Me between her legs eating her out while she nonchalantly watches TV and eats chips
Well, of course she does.
Saki has a FIVEHEAD
she's the real egghead
You say that as if it was a bad thing ...
Nothing about her head is even remotely egg-shaped, user.
still cute though
>tfw getting converted from a Junkofag to a Sakifag
You win this time.
You disloyal bastard.
That's a straight up egg
Hey, I'm holding on.
You have to admit, Saki is pretty great too. She gets so much high quality fan art.
As someone who's liked Saki best from the very beginning, while I do understand your decision, I also find it strange that you'd be swayed away from your original favourite so easily.
It's okay to like them all though. I do. And everyone should.
No, it isn't. (It's also fanart and not quite accurate.)
I still like Junko way more, but I'm warming up to Saki. I even started liking her episode after rewatching it.
>I even started liking her episode after rewatching it.
Well, it is the best episode, after all, if you go in unbiased. And not even because of her.
Yeah, that girl got many great fanarts. I wish more artists draw cool solo Junko arts rather than her being a lesbian with Cornflakes. Fucking yuritards really.
user I'm sorry but... Saki is an egg
Cute egg.
I hate zombies. Should I watch this anime?
You should watch it for Kotaro then.
I agree, though to be fair her pose here is the zombie pose. Which probably means the zombie version will have idol pose.
I want more boomer Junko fanart. I can't draw for shit, but I'm studying it just so I can fucking make boomer Junko fanart.
I dunno. I think Shrimpy's episode is the best.
No the zombie versions are the same, they just have their zombie skin, which is why Ai and Sakura look so derpy, they're making their braindead zombie faces
Okay. I hope there's lots of violence against zombies in it.
Best episode for me is shrimp's, saki's and that onsen episode.
You couldn't even do a straight outline.
Also, Saki's jawline is far more acute, and her features (cheekbones, mainly) are stronger.
Sakura is literally an egghead because her face outline is relatively round (oval).
That much becomes clear in pretty much every shot both of them are in.
Here's another example. Compare the jawslines here!
The writers knew exactly what they were doing when they gave Sakura that name. It might even have been an in-joke by the animators.
Why do they draw the eye that's covered by her hair? Wouldn't they save time if they left it alone?
autistic sakifag who can't take a joke is here
I think I would've liked S1 more if it had less Idol focus stuff and more zombie hijinks. Or if the 3D was animated better.
I'd take him over high quality discussions about shrimpy's gender.
honestly me too
Who thought it was a good idea to call a girl JUNK.
So? At least he's not ruining the thread.
I want to draw her, but not able to know how her stitches look like from the back is killing me.
>I dunno. I think Shrimpy's episode is the best.
That's a close second for me. Mainly because I thought that it was pretty obvious and transparent, thematically (no idea why so many people misunderstood it and read some stupid political agenda into it).
Episode 9 is so great because it draws parallels between characters, manages to establish complex personalities with only a few scenes, has subtle sub-themes and so on. Plus all those sukeban culture jokes, 90s jokes, popculture jokes and so on. Plus Tokkou Dance.
I'd put episode 5 higher than episode 4, personally. The over-the-top humour resonated better with me.
Yeah, it doesn't make her look uglier or less expressive so I don't see why they don't leave it covered. I edited pic related awhile back to cover her other eye. It made her look tougher and sexier imo
Lacking of a fang is disgusting.
Just draw the human version.
inb4 >human
Junko is cuter that way. Don't be a hipster.
>Why do they draw the eye that's covered by her hair?
Because that's how hair behaves. Strands of hair are translucent, unless they're really, really thick/dense. If you have a strand of your hair over an eye of yours, you'll notice that you will be able to see through it both from the "inside" and from the outside.
>Wouldn't they save time if they left it alone?
Yes, but they did care about that detail.
Again, that's not how hair would behave "in real life" with sufficient lighting.
Your edits look more cartoonish than the originals.
>inb4 >human
Sorry, user, but most girls look better without makeup. Our zombies are no exception.
I didn't edit the first pic, but I always figured her hair would like this irl. It seems really thick, like pubes that haven't been shaved for years thick.
its not part of her character model but I appreciate whenever its included in fanart
I wish I knew more about Sukeban stuff. I have a feeling 90% of the jokes flew over my head.
Even in that pic, which has very dense hair and a shadow on that side of the face (darkening it and making features harder to recognize), and some use of Photoshop, you can definitely still see supraorbital ridge. Not clearly, but there are recogniozable features if you pay attention.
For Saki, you have mostly natural lighting, her very light haircolour and lots of movement.
>hating on stitches
No u
I accidentally dropped the show during the last 2 episodes. fuck
>I just want one or two small moments of Kotaro being sweet toward Sakura
I really want this, also was it confirmed that he was the guy that liked sakura in high school and his whole motivation of bringing the girls back to life was to make sakura happy and an idol?
I wonder if they ever itch
How do you accidentally drop a show?
>I accidentally dropped the show
I hope it didn't break. That can happen if you drop it from too high up.
>dropped the show
Look what you did, you've cracked the egg!
Sakura is not an egg.
The writers
All those cracked eggs!
At least he didn't truck them ...
Junkos death was before Kotaros time
... or was it?
(Think about it, user: Do we actually know how old Kotaro really is?)
Same age as Sakura otherwise they couldn’t be classmates.
We can't be sure yet. He can just be an immortal like Xu Fu who decided to check the current time education
unless he was in disguise
He literally grow older since his time in school.
ZLS is prone to do surprises but they don't pull anything out of their asses.
>>Perfect design
>>Perfect personality
>>Perfect VA
>>Perfect fanarts
How could the other girls compete?
not really, his hair just changed colours
I find it funny that she's literally a domesticated zombie. Or maybe she already awoke in episode 1
Does Producer resort to emotional or sexual abuse, on top of the physical and verbal abuse?
He also got taller.
not really
>Does Producer resort to emotional or sexual abuse
Emotional and sexual: Yes.
Abuse: No.
(Or maybe the other way around?)
I watched the entire show today and loved it.
Saki was my favorite.
Welcome, user. Yes, it is a great series.
Now, get hyped for the second season!
>Saki was my favorite.
Here, for you.
>Saki was my favorite
a man with good taste
Well, she is Saki, after all!
I want Saki to sucker punch me and then ride off in her motorcycle laughing at me like Gary Oak
I'm clocking out for the night. Here's a present, Sakisperg.
cute, ty
>zombie feet
dear god
I want to hug Yuugiri and tell her, despite everyone gave up on her, I will never do that.
You do know there are more than one of us, don't you, Junkofag?
Enjoy your botulism
pls dont take the bait
Yeah, I guess I shouldn't.
It's just tiresome getting called stupid names (as a collective) just because we talk about a certain character.
please do not bully sakura
Dude, everyone would recognize a guy, looking 10 years older than he should be.
he's looks no different other than his hair
Which is like a guy in his late twenties.
Goddamn that makes her look so much cuter.
so either he looked like he was in his late 20s in highschool or he is an immortal and became immortal in his late 20s
At least post the full resolution, nigga
The machine
Why does Saki look like a typical 90s girl?
Because Yuugiri, Junko and Saki are supposed to look as cliche for their time as possible.
because she is
What about Tae? What era is she supposed to be from?
The future
But joking aside, something between early Heisei and Showa
Hopefully Tae is awakened!!
Cute pantsu
Why is boomers voice so powerful?
Stupid question. Some try to sound deeper, some do not.
I can’t wait for more egg bullying.
I want some scrambled eggs
I hope they've done well enough to afford better dance scenes.
>Endless Cornflakes and Junk content
Does anyone else get the feeling Cygames shifted all their focus and money to ZLS as their main original Idol series thus delaying the Uma game?
Lazy junkers
next season will be doyansu
Beautiful rhombus
Lazy boomer
>Cygames shifted all their focus and money to ZLS as their main original Idol series
Yes, that would be the smart move, from a business side.
>thus delaying the Uma game
No. Uma Musume never really had much pull to begin with. That has nothing to do with ZLS.
My dick is zombified right now.
ZLS is a cross collaboration between Cygames, Mappa and Saga.
Cygame is not the only participant.
I'd like my cute fluff to stay away from that heisei whore.
Don't worry, user. Outside of fanart, they can't stand each other (or at most get along in a "professional" way).
Reminder that there is absolutely nothing lewd about a smelly rotting corpse.
They do not smell and they aren't rotting anymore. Stop speedwatching and stop spamming this shit every other thread.
Nah it jus stuck in development hell which is weird for mobile game. Uma Musume game has been delaying before ZLS even ended and Cygames has different departments that handled each anime and game.
Funny how it has been delay so many times basically more than half of real life horses now are dead. So that another connection to ZLS.
>half of real life horses now are dead
Weren't some of them dead to begin with?
Yeah, they used famous horses from over the years and not just who was currently racing. A good amount were dead or very old when production started.
Sakisperg, are you for real, legitimately autistic?
Hopefully more comedy. I hated how the second half of the first season turned into drama that twitter latched onto.
Imagine being so weak you care what Twitter thinks of your animus.
Fuck off, Junkotroll.
Your bait is too transparent.
Why is this being shilled so hard? It was mediocre. Nothing that makes it stand out and its just another seasonal trash.
Well, people widely disagreed with you.
And now go shit up some other thread.
Sakura is the cutest and most talented idol in the whole world!
I'll take that as a yes.
Fuck off discordfag.
If this is real, don't do it. Get help.
You'll want directly back of the throat, rest it on something to keep it steady.
The west.
He loses the girls somehow on S02E01 except Tae and they're up to avenge them someway.
Does saki have a good singing voice ?
>Does saki have a good singing voice ?
Sure. Why do you ask?
Ehm no they didnt. Atleast not when it was airing. It is just another mediocre seasonal. I dont know if you are retarded but the show is garbage.
>Ehm no they didnt. Atleast not when it was airing.
Is that why it sold so much? Because people hated it? Or are you just full of shit?
Come on, please, if you don't like it, just fuck off. If you so desperately want to shitpost, go to some shounen-war thread.
I hope the whole "keep the fact that we're zombies a secret from the public" becomes a more common theme this season. They played around with it in the beginning, but kinda forgot about it in the second half.
>kinda forgot about it in the second half
It was literally the after-credits tease for season 2, user.
I know, that's why I'm hoping it's more of a focus instead of being just a brief tease
How large is Romero anyway?
5 apples, and weighs 3.
He's a toy poodle apparently so not too big.
So his size when the moe filter's on is his real size?
Will we get a new idol for the reiwa era
I think the plush is meant to be 1:1 so he is this big in chibi mode at least.
No need for revenge. He'll never manage to isekai Sakura.
Post zombii rhombuseses :
Zonbie Romero's about to make you his bitch.
>Will we get a new idol for the reiwa era
Yeah it's Tae, she is from the future.
Here's a trapezoid
canonically Saki is supposed to be an untrained singer, but Asami-chan is the best singer of the seiyuu
>Girls realize that grandpa journalist is onto them
>Franchouchou has to break into his office and destroy the evidence
Sure, user. Here you go.
I want to kiss her toof
What gacha is this from?
No, shithead. Instagram.
At least get your facts right if you intend to complain about where I get those pics from.
>I want to kiss her toof
That's a natural reaction, user.
That's not any better
Maybe not. But you still didn't bother getting your facts straight before shitposting.
Anyway, it's the best way to get pictures directly from her. If you know a better way, please, tell me.
All I care about is that they never ever tell us Taes backstory. Ever.
What conflicts would even make sense for Sakura in season 2? Outside of Inui or her parents, she seems to be pretty healed from her season 1 development.
Potential sociopathic stalkers, perhaps.
>All I care about is that they never ever tell us Taes backstory.
Tae's backstory is that she's legendary. She basically did all kinds of legendary stuff to become a legend.
Developing her relationship with Ai-senpai.
Pink Sakura is very cute.
Sakura is the cutest undead.
>What conflicts would even make sense for Sakura in season 2?
The conflicts don't have to be about Sakura specific but about the whole group.
Tatsumi Sakura
Yes, Inui-kun, we know.
Giant Fucking Titties
Fuck you guys for wanting this show to jump the shark.
>fusing with sakura
Doyansu body~
Why are Heisei idols so shit? They're soulless.
Don't stirr up trouble in here, please.
Nyoki! ========>
What's her backstory?
Oirans don't have high level acrobatics skills or knowledge about pressure points.
Obviously pic forgotten.
>What's her backstory?
Her? Whose?
>Oirans don't have high level acrobatics skills or knowledge about pressure points.
If you're talking about Yuugiri: She does. She's a legendary oiran.
absolutely wrong
if it had plot surrounding the series like the magic shit, or even just flashbacks about why he did it and developing him as a character.
or even just been longer
it would've been great
Tae isn’t legendary at all. In fact, Tae Yamada isn’t even her real name, it’s simply a random name Kotaro came up with. She’s actually just some random dead chick Kotaro found in a ditch and decided to use as the prototype for his baka zombies
Itll once again be the best anime airing in its season, im gonna be bold and say either fem kotaro with a zombie boyband or more of the same last season with dragons
Welcome my fellow man of culture
>if it had plot surrounding the series like the magic shit, or even just flashbacks about why he did it and developing him as a character.
>or even just been longer
>it would've been great
Your opinion. But most people would not read a ZLS manga without seven eighths of the main cast. Especially when those seven have been the main focus of the series so far.
No matter what they'd have him do, he alone doen't pull an audience.
The thing I still hate from the previous season is why the fuck Ai had to share the episode with Junko? Everyone got their OWN episode. So, why Ai didn't?
Junkers didn't either.
I want more Death Musume. What a bait and switch that first episode was.
it was a two part shared episode for the both of them.
Yuugiri and Tae didn't get episodes
Sakura got like four episodes.
Saki and Lily got an episode each.
>why the fuck Ai had to share the episode with Junko? Everyone got their OWN episode.
They shared TWO episodes (6 and 7). No other character got two, so that evens it out. Episode 6 was a bit more about Ai than Junko, and for episode 7 it was the other way around.
So, in the end, they had just as many episodes as Lily and Saki, and more than Yuugiri. So, if anyone gets to complain, it's fans of the latter, but certainly not you who got two Ai episodes which she shared with someone else.
>No other character got two
*except Sakura, of course. Should have clarified that.
I hope we get a couple genre parody episodes in season 2 and more cute zonbi's doing cute things (with announcer-chan announcing).
Yuugiri and Tae episodes.
more of the mystery unwrapped.
those are the things that are needed.
>No other character got two
Sakura got 4
But there has to be an origin of her skills. She doesn't just have those out of nothing.
Those two shared two episodes so its evening out
>Everyone got their OWN episode
*Yuugiri slaps your path*
>But there has to be an origin of her skills. She doesn't just have those out of nothing.
She probably had a good teacher.
Why would she even need those skills?
Yuugiri was an Oiran, but she was also a spy
No, she was a spy but also an oiran
>Why would she even need those skills?
Why would she need acrobatic skills (that allow her to bend her body in creative ways) and pressure points (that allow her to physically stimulate other people) in the sex business? Mmmh ... let me think ... no. No idea what she'd use those for. Sorry.
Yuugiri has some "dated" opinions about foreigners.
>Yuugiri has some opinions about foreigners she "dated".
Sakura had to stop Junko from calling the police on a group of American tourists.
What if Yuugiri is such a LEGENDARY prostitute that she makes her customers cum before they even have a chance to do anything sexual to her? Ironically the prostitute ends up being the most pure in the group because Junko and Ai definitely fucked their producers and/or the Yakuza.
Oiran backstory is only part of it, she was actually a spy/kunoichi, that's why she was beheaded.
Or atleast that's my headcanon
I was at the MAPPA panel just a month ago and director man himself confirmed that they have a backstory for Yuugiri ready, just need to wait now
>definitely fucked their producers and/or the Yakuza.
Are you implying that the idol business is not run by the Yakuza anyway?
>they have a backstory for Yuugiri ready, just need to wait now
until season 4.
>Post your anticipations in S2.
I want a Saki figure! I NEE ONE.
The finale will obviously focus on him and Sakura which would be great all things considered
Not everything has to be a competition my friend. I for one hope threads about this don't devolve into waifu competitions.
Nice detail
Just look at this cute baka
>implying there'll be
The Sith
Oh, definitely. If season 2 is even remotely as succesful as season 1, they won't stop until they literally run out of stories to tell with these characters.
As far as I remember ninjas had their last stand during the Meiji revolution.
>during the Meiji revolution.
Which would fit with Yuugiri's official biography on the series' website, which claims that she was either somehow involved in or at least already a legendary oiran during the Meiji revolution. (Which in turn clashes with the birthdate given for her.)
>season 2
>Yuugiri gets her backstory with her personally involved as little as possible
>as soon as that is done her importance fades back into obscurity minus one or two slappers
I want to make sweet love to the legendary Yamada Tae
RIP dick
Glasses mean she is smart.
How does Inui fill their cheeks back in?
Hollywood magic.
Imagine this without the moe filter.
Get diabetes.
Tae is actually an assassin who shot down Junko's plane and ran over Sakura. That's why she is obsessed with them, she wants to finish the mission.
Why only those two?
Maybe she sabotaged Sakis breaks, prayed to Raijin and offered Lili lots of salty snacks to make her susceptable to heart problems.
She also time travelled to the past to cut off Yugiri's head.
Truly she is histories greatest monster.
And kicked Romero off a cliff
Why would you choose that as the thread theme, Now I hate myself for liking it.
>Bodies aren't always completely destroyed when a plane crashes.
It seems to me like she got hit by the engine blades but it that case it should have completely shredded her, maybe the plane fell apart and she got sliced up by the blades that had come loose
the thread theme in the op
Yes. Naturally.
I thought we'd already established all of that back when we found out that she's Kotaro's mother!?
Her unwillingness to let go of the rope is a metaphor for despite her looking cool and aloof, she still clings to the past.
I really hope they make the group do different songs in different styles like rap/jazz/opera etc, I think that would be hilarious, They kind of forced a bit of drama towards the end which was a little annoying.
Boobs too big
Name a more based and redpilled individual.
More like Taesed and Zompilled
Not-Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson lookalike) and the mad search for Twinkies at one of the concerts.
And the girl is fine too.
Tae's origin in the first episode or I drop it.
"You can fuck blacks, latinas, asians, or any other ethnicity but don't fuck a retard." - My Dad
so that rules out trannies
Is it just her or the other zombies as well?
>and I think Saki
No it's obviously Ai.
The rest is probably get their figure later.
Also still waiting for the bride art of the rest.
>drove the truck
>crashed the plane with no survivors
>glued her pubes to Lily's face
>glued her pubes to Lily's face
She did get a brief solo during their first show
Will Zombieland Saga Revenge be a 2020 series? 2021? 2025?
Also with Drive-in Tori
When will saki VA fix her hideous teeth.
I think the zombie money and health ensurance she recieved is enough for that.
She would look very cute with a normal smile
Can zomblers be Precures?
What happened after Egg and Pony slipped into Umbrella-bachan, anyway? They just awkwardly apologize for spooping her and go back to their room?
27 cm
I always forget how big Tae is, no wonder Junko was so scared of her.
>Girls are late because of
>Tae has to go on stage alone and start the show
I need it.
>Feisty sukeban zonbii who'll beat your ass one minute, only to get IMAGINE'D the next
Muh dick.
Muh heart.
>not 130cm
>When will saki VA fix her hideous teeth.
>normal smile
Fuck off with your plastic surgery fetish, American.
Not user, but you don't need surgery for such kind of tooth. That is usually fixed with normal teeth regulation.
>you don't need surgery for such kind of tooth. That is usually fixed with normal teeth regulation.
That's pretty much the same thing: You're subjecting yourself (or in most cases your child) to a painful cosmetical procedure to "fix" something that doesn't need fixing just because it doesn't match your retarded standards.
What people who go all "fix your teeth" just because they can't cope with a bit of irregularity are just as bad as those who tell women that they need implants to be "attractive".
I wonder if they would update this list for season 2
Only when all of the eggs are cook will he be free.
dne eht ta em
>because it doesn't match your retarded standards.
Teeth regulation can influence your speech as well as breath capability.
It's not solely for cosmetic reasons.
>Teeth regulation can influence your speech as well as breath capability.
Asami obviously has no problem with either. We're talking about a snaggletooth here, retard.
All you shitheads are on about is a purely cosmetical thing. You being butthurt that she doesn't conform to your stupid standards.
Triggered much?
>All you shitheads
Yep, definitely triggered.
I didn't even say anything about her that she should do it, since it would bring her career to an halt, but keep seething.
What a cute cadaver.
Might as well try a gator's mouth
>I didn't even say anything about her that she should do it
Whoever you are, the initial guy made this EXPLICTELY about her. We were always talking about cases like hers.
It's like saying a celebrity should get a nosejob, and after your opponent arguing that that'd be purely cosmetical, you come around and go all "but nosejobs are sometimes a medical necessity to help with breathing". That's at best a categorical error and at worst an intellectually dishonest attempt at moving the goalposts.
No one ever argued that dental correction can't ever be sensible. The argument was that people should not insist that it be used for purely cometical reasons.
Dude, keep calm. I already can hear you snort through the monitor.
I said that because to me you sounded like any kind of intervention in the human body counts is done for the sake of vanity.
If not it's fine.
That rules you.
No idea what's she's saying but i sure do wish that were me.
Some encouraging words
I shit my pants. Thanks dude, real fucking funny posting a scary picture like this.
Reminder we will get two new songs and one MV in November.
Not even dumbpires also voiced by Kaede Hondo?
I'm looking forward to them, I have the CD ordered.
The zombos or the seiyuus?
woah taes a vampire?
I thought it was a Plants vs Zombies reference.
Tae IS a vampire
Probably zombies because the director mention before in the interview he want to do MV.
anyone telling you not to use zuckerbook probably has your best interest at heart
It's less about using other websites in general and more about using specifically normalfag websites
go back to Gaia
Fuck off. Don't associate that garbage with Zombieland you autistic gamer fuck
>No fang
>stupid looking clothing
Fuck off with your normalfag shit. First some minecraft autism song, then Instagram garbage. I love Zombieland, but the hate threads get for attracting retards you is well deserved it seems. Seriously, fuck off.
Listen, shithead:
I'd also like it better if she posted her pics directly to Yea Forums. But as long as she doesn't, I'll get my pics from the places she does post them.
And now fuck off with your memefagging.
Not him but where else is he meant to get the images? Is there some other site that lets you access images that have only been uploaded to Instagram?
I'd much, MUCH rather 2006 Gaiafags here than 2019 normalshits
go back to
The mood really dropped quickly.
It's just another "Let's hate on Saki and her fans" episode, but this time with the pretense of it being about where people get pictures from. Soon we'll get shitposts like that because we post fanart from pixiv.
In fact, I was already called "Sakisperg" and autistic for bumping with a single piece of Saki-fanart. And you know which particular shitposter uses that kind of language.
That user really needed to let us all know that he hates others websites.
newfags who don't know board culture need to leave
Zombiefags should have stayed dead
Let's all stop being faggots for a second and get back to zombies.
Why is Junko is fluffy?
This is the most forced fanbase on Yea Forums. Atleast other idol shows had a successful game series to back them up. ZLS just reeks of empty corporate marketing and astroturfing.
I know this is probably just bait but I'll take it anyway.
Like it or not the show was really popular when it was airing so naturally a fan base is going to form around it and since a new season has been announced more of said fans are talking about it here.
Yeah it hasn't got any games and stuff yet but it's still starting out.
>Cuckpocket deleting posts he disagrees with
If we give up our dental plan...I'LL HAVE TO PAY FOR SAKI'S BRACES!
>Whatever popularity it had was forced by constant shilling from Cygames.
Ever heard of "word of mouth"? That's what brought most of us to ZLS, not any "shilling". In fact, advertising was extremely low in the beginning.
Don't reply to bait, it'll just encourage more of it.
My girlfriend Ai sent me this
Seething jannigger. Idolshitters are way too sensitive
tell her to send more
Okay. I'm thinking "send bobs and vagenes" should do the trick.
I love Zombieland Saga but having a daily thread that isn't more that circlejerk and /c/type posting isn't precisely a smart move.
I agree, I enjoy these threads but there really isn't much to talk about until either more info on season 2 drops or the MV comes out.
Ai is an onionhe/a/d.
*katana-weilding zombie noises*
ZLS was a forced meme
Sakura would probably cut herself up trying to use a sword
Hello Aisperg
onsen zonbi
Waiting back stage to hug my girlfriend at every show. She's sweaty and smelly by the end of it but I don't care and I like that
The way they're weirdly off-model reminds me of Konosuba
>please stop making such a sad face
>life is long and there are many hardships within it
>but there is something worth it beyond those hardships
>so until you can stand on your own two feet,you may stay like this with me
>there you go,there you go
Thanks I cried
Got anything else
Translate this one
You're welcome.
No joke,I love Ai's face here
S2 will have a post-credits scene where Koutarou takes off his sunglasses to reveal red zombie eyes
Junko should be in top
Yugiri next to Ai
Sakura in the low IQ group
What is next? 9gag tier pics?
There must not be a lot of love in the world given how small Lily is
Her rabu storage is infinite da mon
become zomba
those are outfits that Asami-chan has worn
kot pls
now we just need Ai and Yuugiri
being zongie is suffering...
actually is zoofoo
On rewatch, were there any parts of ZLS you disliked or thought dragged on too long?
Reminds me of that one chapter of Monster musume with Lulu and the dying girl
no, even the Ai/Junko argument doesn't out last it's welcome
Is her vagina whole or was it stitched back together?
She is more like a stuffed animal at this point.
According to her character model, her pelvis is in one piece.
Scared onions at the beach.
>Listed under Zombie Land Saga Revenge
>Not just Zombie Land Saga
I love that they keep showing Junko with technology she is familiar with because she's a boomer
Nice, canon cleavage.
What's with Cornflakes?
This is a picture of everyone opening presents on Christmas, Sakura got an Iron Frill album, Ai is embarrassed
My wife Ai is so cute, CUTE!
>bragging about about a quarter inch of cleavage
Junko's little boobies are so cute
I love when art captures Tae accurately
for the next general avoid garbage like minecraft or some reddit template thread. pls
if we died and woke up in 40 years, what would we do?
Go away
actually came in this thread because i wanna watch this but seeing that fucking song on the OP made me laugh
is it getting a second season?
Sasuga ex-idol. Her voice is great even in live
Nah, they'll keep her in the dark and aim at an unlikely S3.
Will they pay enough to Tae's VA to get her to say a few lines in S2?