Hajime no Ippo
didnt he already do that in his mexican hunting trip
I assume this is going to lead into him fighting Alfredo or something this time.
The people he was fighting before were random Mexicans I think, but I can't remember at this point.
Undisputed champ. So he's challenging Ricardo. Not Alfredo.
Apollo Sendo it is then.
>In search of the right
He hasn't fought Alfredo yet, and I'm pretty sure he's mentioned wanting to challenge him first before.
How is a dull generic series about boxing allowed to go on forever while entertaining series like Medaka Box get cut down with half their plot threads left dangling forever?
Now this is hajime no Sendo we've been waiting for
>implying the Sendo Arc ever ended
Is Sendo featherweight champ now?
is Ippo the anti-Goku? Does Japan care more about his supporting cast than him? When was the last character poll even?
Sendo continues to be what Ippo should be. I hope he becomes the world champion.
>Has an objective he's actively chasing
>Same breed of Ippo boxing stubbornness but pulls it of
>cutiepie waifu he's actually planning to bed
>osaka accent
The perfect boxing specimen
Volg's fight was fucking top tier so my hopes for Sendo are just as high
get ready for bestboy
Sendo has a waifu now? Goddamn I'm so far behind.
Kino is back on the menu.
And she's older than him too, patrician taste
Nice duplicate Yea Forums thread scrub
Needs more OXYGEN
Medaka Box was garbage and deep down you know it.
No I doubt it, Ippo is the most popular character in the series but his stock tumbled since the retirement arc.
Sendo will face Ricardo and be mind broken that someone that good exists, believe me he isn't anywhere near ready for the world title.
he beat jobbers and that mexican champion, but all of them were in japan
i'd say he beats gonzalez which will make martinez interested and ippo make his comeback, then loses to martinez and is forced to retire
Sendo will lose to Ricardo after showing Ricardo [the heart] of Japanese boxers.
That sounds about right.
Naniwa Tiger
status: endangered species
status: extinct
When the fuck is that old geezer Ricardo retiring? Isn't he already at the tail end of a boxer's life?
I stopped reading this around chapter 600, should I get back into it? I was getting tired of the ol ''IPPO JUS TAKE HIS PUNCHES''
>Sendo will pull a Takamura did against Hawk using his rage to push through
>Ricardo keks and punches harder
>Sendo loses some teeth and gets brain damage
>Has to retire from boxing
>Gives his boxing goal of a Jap winning a world title in their weight class to Ippo
>Ippo returns to boxing.
If this happens....the series might actually be salvageable.
>Ippo, I pass the baton to you....
>Ippo goes and does the same thing
>Itagaki, I pass the baton to you....
I wish for this manga and conan to be finished and done already. how long must they milk this shit
It'd be easier just to have coach finally fucking die so that 1) it'd give something for Ippo to fight for and 2) remove the bad influence of that fucking geezer
Personally was hoping that the thug Ippo bitchslapped would scheme revenge and set the Gym on fire, killing the coach in the process before fucking off.
Not that kind of Manga though, I suppose.
ippo stage play adaption confirmed
If Takamura is going to conquer all weight classes then the coach can't die and who the fuck would coach Ippo?
Why does Yea Forums hate coach now all of sudden when it was because of his teaching and strategems that caused Ippo to be a champ in the first place?
Cause he taught him the outdated boxing he knows without once questioning his ways and squandered the innate potential of hunk Ippo
Kumagawa was the only good thing in that pretentious crap
>hey coach what if instead of destroying my hands punching logs I used a sledgehammer instead?
Coach is retarded, best thing he ever did was when that one asshole dude shoulder checked him or whatever and Ippo started channeling the Dark Hadou.
>Innate potential
You mean to be the best boxer in his weight division and having a sparing match with the world champion? That potential? Where would Ippo be if coach wasn't his second huh? Oh thats right, he would be working 60 hours a week helping his mother with her fishing business.
Without coach Takamura isn't a world champion, Aoki and Kimura don't get title match and Ippo doesn't a champion.
The coach muh fight Ippo memes are funny but the old fuck has some damn good boxing strategies. You severely underrate how good of a boxing coach is and he is respected by other coaches he faced off against.
Best character. Looks like I may have to pick this back up
Ippo literally just realized that was the wrong way of doing this, so maybe he will upgrade his style now. It's a quick read anyway so go for it, there are some good pits here and there
because ippo is no longer champ and retired. people wouldn't mind as long as ippo kept on winning no matter how bad coach's advice are. hard to convince people that coach's tactics/advice are wrong if ippo kept on winning despite of them.
Ippo was always ripped and half arsed Takamura training got him into a position to beat someone actively training at the gym, absolutely anyone could have gotten him to that state and the coach did absolutely nothing special.
Not true, Medaka's tits were pretty good.
I don't remember coach actively encouraging Ippo to ruin his hands punching logs, just told him of a tale where he did.
Coach is good at training the fighters' bodies and teaching them techniques that fit them, but he knows fuck all about strategy. He came up with something good though brutal against Vorg and maybe before that fight, but has contributed nothing later. Takamura always comes up with his own plans during his fights and Ippo just tanked hits until he found an opening. If Kamogawa wasnt a fucking idiot he would have come up with the same strategy against Woli than Imai did against Kyosuke in their second match and Ippo would have been saved from some brain damage
who's next on takamura's hit list?
Some random fodder introduced a chapter beforehand
Fuck this manga and the author. It's getting old and tiresome, he is running out of ideas, just finish it.
Get ready faggots, this is the arc where Sendo dies in the ring and Ippo is motivated to return to boxing.
He is shit at everything, it is shown Ippo handles his training almost alone ( He goes to the pool by himself, run by himself, does push ups by himself ).
Imagine Ippo with Kobashi as his trainer, he'd destroy Martinez.
So basically this is going to be a carbon copy of ashita no joe plot except 30+ years late. Cool i guess.
That 11111111 really cracked me up.
He isn't shit at everything, his mitt training has been stated to be great and a major reason for Ippo's firepower. Most of the things he does are bad but there is at least something about it. Also if Ippo does something alone, most of the time it's something Kamogawa told him to alone on top of the regular training
His day to day muscle training routines are fine, Ippo clearly wouldn't be as built as he is today without the coaches influance.
He just has a very outdated outlook on boxing and is obsessed with pigeonholing Ippo towards a very self destructive boxing style, because 'that's just what he's good at'.
It's unfair to put all the blame on him because his latest blunder was at least partially Ippo just tunnelvisioning the dempsey roll to show off to the coach, it was Ippo's infatuation with him that really killed him in the end.
>what are we gonna do in Mexico, Ricardo-san? :)