How does this stoneage visual make you feel?

How does this stoneage visual make you feel?

Attached: EBLRb91UwAIUvlP.jpg (1256x1777, 533K)

Other urls found in this thread:

For being barbarians living in their own shit and barely any concept of hygiene they look abnormally clean.

are they inbred?

They praise themselves as being people of the water. No soap tho.

3700 years of inbreeding

The same water they probably dump all their shit and trash in.

Attached: puk.jpg (740x740, 111K)

Female characters are deviantart tier

I'm going to assume they have their designated spots.

Cause of Inbreeding user

I can't get over his bok choy hair

I won't make that joke.
You can't force me !

Designated shitting puddle
Streets haven't been invented yet

Indifferent; I longer enjoy shounen.

*no longer

Shounen has never been good.

>e=mc^2 means MC is smart

Eh, I enjoyed Naruto and Bleach in my teenage years, but then again, I WAS a teenager.



Do you think a teenager undeveloped sense of taste can really tell what is good?

Attached: 706.jpg (704x400, 44K)

That’s the point I was trying to make.

Hopefully you don't like Full Shit alchecrap
at least stay true to your words.

Attached: 1559215829537.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

Here's a fun fact about Dr. Stone. Did you know that the strange equation on the main character's outfit, E=MC2, is actually a real equation created by the German physicist Albert Einstein? The equation describes mass-energy equivalence and can be applied in the fields of theoretical and nuclear physics. It's subtle details like this that really prove that the manga character's passion for the sciences comes from their creator's own love of science and physics.

Did a quick edit of Ruri.

Attached: drst_ed1.gif (952x1176, 746K)

Thanks that looks a lot better.

I don't like her staring at me, it's creepy. Prefer the thousand cock stare

>wrote the equation wrong
Pseud detected
It's so easy to spot retards in Dr.Stone threads, it honestly makes me chuckle.

How long until Taiju appears again? Episode 16 or something around that?

He's finished for this adaptation, even if they continue at 3chapters per ep, he'll show up in ep 22.The cuttoffpoint is too weird to go at that pace. I hope once they get to the village it slows down.

It feels like they want to adapt the whole Stone Wars arc, 83 chapters I think. If they slow down at the Village the show will end up in a much worse situation

I can't imagine them spitting out 3 inventions per ep without any sort of "passing of time" animation. My preferred cutoffpoint is where Sully-chan kills everyone

Magma will save the show

and Kohaku as well.

Attached: drstone_edit.jpg (1256x1777, 1.7M)

I've been following these series so long that the fixed eyes seem weird to me now. Makes them different characters

Attached: 09.png (896x1300, 428K)

It's not like the anime visual is accurate to their manga look, though. I kept the moeish look with the big eyes like in the manga, that's not why they look so bad.

Guess they really want to put off people inbreeding with those eyes. Yuzurihas were fixed and the village grills enlarged.

What's with their shoes?

Attached: uguu.png (246x447, 159K)

Its time for best boys Gen, Chrome and Kaseki to assemble with best boy Senku

reduce aylmaoo

Attached: 15520015.png (1500x786, 1.54M)

Probably why the women all look so awful

No mention of that from the author. Long time ago before people understood diseases they would wear high profile shoes because they believed diseases live on the ground.
The shoes are going to get them almost killed

Did this village really exist for thousands of years without any population growth or significant technological development? If so that seems absurd.

No, please stop, the ayys grew on me, she looks freaky with normal eyes. Boichi won.

Cold winters, diseases and famines prevented them from increasing in numbers, lack of agriculture prevented development. That headbandboy is the smartest the village has to offer and he's the village crazy sorcerer.

But if you remember the equation then you are smart

this is explained

Will it be explained in the upcoming episode? The village is where the new chick is from right?

gen looks so fuckin good in the anime style i think he took the transition from manga to anime the best and i am so impatient to see him actually appear

Attached: truly a best.png (341x523, 424K)

way later when the history of the village is explained

The clothes bother me, he doesn't have those colors in colorages/spreads. Hair is better black and white.

the coloring of his clothes was pretty inconsistent, i'll admit that i like the beige and green one the best. i suppose they just took the one from the popularity poll and went with it

Attached: gens.png (725x661, 830K)

Weird how they chose clothes and hair from different models, I prefer the bottom Gen, vivid colored clothing look off in the stone age

The girl designs are so ugly. How can an artist be so good, yet so bad.

i'm guessing they did it since senku's already green and brown and there's a lot of people wearing brown/neutral colors in general so they wanted some variety

Attached: always a best boy.png (766x736, 680K)

He draws objectively good looking males cause he's not attracted to them. He draws subjectively good looking girls cause he likes ugus

Attached: EAdLLoeU4AAu9SD.jpg (1448x2048, 267K)

me thinks hes a closeted gay/bi

>listing four "''best boys"''
>forgetting the real best boy

Attached: 75850711_p5.jpg (1831x1690, 1.66M)

He blurred the xxx parts, he Is a straight man.

Attached: 1563300970723.png (975x1400, 303K)

thats what he told everybody

based, namari needs more panel time

Attached: ink.png (840x277, 239K)

Why do the females have such large eyes. That shit is messed up.

Was putting naked 7yo girl on a promotional poster really necessary


Yes, the fact that you have lewd thoughts about Suika is your problem. To me, she is cure, pure and just innocently enjoying the hot springs. Stop sexualizing kids in your thoughts you pervert.

Attached: 1562714482156.png (512x311, 183K)

Boichi the artist loves ugus, story wise they're all inbred abominations, cept Senku (leekboy) and Gen (boy in purple clothes)

why isn't Yuzuriha in that pic?

She is too busy getting dicked by Tsukasa and Taiju is prepping him.

Sadly she will die from being torn apart by Tsukasa's massive cock.

But even the "normal" girls from the old pre-catastrophic petrification age have kawaii uguu moe bug eyes.

She saw what she was missing

Attached: IMG_20190806_153858.png (471x989, 527K)


Attached: those eyes.png (794x351, 420K)

Taiju isn't there either because its stone village(see next ep)

All intentional, the artist is portraying catastrophic side effect of being nuked, twice.

Holy shit, how can artists not know how to not fisheye nowadays?

Attached: for real.png (459x462, 150K)

Because it's intentional

>not posting all the cool characters

Attached: EBRT0MaU4AAqLEY.jpg (858x1200, 254K)

I love the way he draws ayy girls

Stone knives don't look like that. And there is no way you would hand make that rope in the stone age.

Attached: flint-knife-maya-sign.jpg (800x548, 14K)

are you trying to say you're smarter than dr stone?

I hope animeonlies will start drawing fanart of my husband when he appears.

Attached: 68365677_p0.jpg (2026x2026, 653K)

I want more cute Suika

Attached: illust_76113898_20190806_160617.png (1240x1748, 1.13M)

You underestimate the power of the artisan Kaseki

They will, hes a cute one.

Suika = cute but so is Ginrou

Attached: 70715861_p0.jpg (1699x1517, 1.45M)

I still dont understand how all the villagers arent all mutant monsters

Comiket in 3 days. What are the chances of Dr Stone doujins getting scanned or even being sold at all?

But they are. Literally look at them
>deformed body proportions
>huge eyes
>unable to progress without their galaxy brained tardwrangler

I'll be the first to admit I know nothing about the show, but why does the dwarf smith (leaving aside smiths in stone age in the first place) have metal hammers? Or is it just shit art and those are totally stone hammers or something
And why do all the female characters have eyes spaced REALLY far apart and all the males have normal eyes?


This is the post-Senkuu arrival promo teaser. They'll start looking for iron and make iron tools along the way

I still don't understand how Yea Forums keeps failing at basic biology this hard.

Artist loves kawaii ugus, story wise they're all inbred and have different deformations/illnesses. Some even "evolved" to have gorilla strength

is this stone age saber

I don't know who saber is, please tell me more so I can compare, looks and feats, characteristics etc

To add onto what the others have said, he's not a smith (until they start making iron), he's just a craftsman in general. It's a shonen and everyone has a superhuman trait, his is being able to craft stuff really well.

The CD cover looks nice

Attached: EBNf2ovUwAEnItU.jpg (1654x1654, 570K)


Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!

I get that they needed a native to guide them, but I wish Chrome was part of the current arc. He's a good boy and deserves the best.

I could see him being bi to be honest because it does feel like he takes actual effort in making the dudes look sexy at times when he doesn’t really need to. But definitely leaning way more straight and ayys are just his type.
Though the thing is he drew women with slightly more variety in mind and with more maturely “sexy” aspects in his previous works, I think part of the reason the girls in this manga look like THAT is because he’s desperately trying to appeal more to the younger audience

They look like shit. Maybe you shouldn't fix them after all.

Chrome makes his way into the main trio.

and white

if they no longer have basic technology like sunscreen, most of them would have evolved dark skin to survive in a post-global warming world

Revived soon

They need to revive Kaseki first (and Yuzuriha to repair him), don't they? It's too long, damn it.

My husband looking sexy wherever he goes.

Attached: EBL4tVSXYAAB32m.jpg (1920x1080, 117K)

You're right, he's coming, don't worry. Maybe they'll do both at the same time, both going full macho as their bodies tingle with fresh energies.

Digits confirm, it's happening.


Why is he talking to himself?

he's a mad scientist

Gorilla is so close I can literally smell her

Attached: illust_76118184_20190806_185345.png (540x800, 592K)


This spoiler is justified, it's the indicator where the show picks up. There are going to be new characters popping up from now on, all lovable, better interactions with Senkuu. The prologue has nothing on the village arc.

have sex

All of these characters are in the OP, what were you expecting?

That’s a sin though

Gib Gorilla already

Attached: IMG_20190806_192110.jpg (1896x2258, 468K)

>claims to be all about logic
>still refuses to break an oath as long as it's to science

Attached: 1462422365149.png (450x450, 273K)

>literal swamp

i want senku to sweep me off my feet and twirl me around!

Attached: get it.png (929x400, 306K)

He throws logic out the window for his friends

Lioness best girl. Refute me

>Kirisame exists

Attached: IMG_20190803_175223.jpg (598x1247, 284K)

Is this bait? The whole point is that he isn't all about logic, it's a front. He repeatedly makes emotional decisions throughout the story, he's basically a chuuni but with science instead of dark powers.

Friday can't come fast enough

Attached: IMG_20190806_193630.jpg (2480x3508, 1000K)

did another edit.

Attached: ds_gmw_edit.jpg (1654x1654, 1.92M)

I'll have you know that understanding the E=mc3 formula is essential for hacking time and space... wait.

Attached: Kung Fury - Hacking Time E=mc3.png (1291x721, 1.32M)

The lashes seem too prominent for a cavegirl

you fucked it up you dumb sperm

is this your first manga or something? If you start trying to put some 3D logic in the design there are plenty of other "problems".

>I can't get over his bok choy hair
This. God his hair is stupid.

user, with bigger eyes the lashes don't appear as prominent. Just take some constructive criticism, this isn't Reddit.

This is dumb criticism. The characters eyes, Senku first, are full of what would be realistically makeup to look like that.

The lashes are fine. I'll take cute over logic anytime.

There would be doujins but it would be homo.

Just make the lashes less prominent, the edges are too thick. Or don't do it and sray mad.

It's not cute, she looks like she has goth makeup on

>not cute

> do it like I told you or that means you're mad!
Feel free to do it yourself then.

Attached: 1436016844205.jpg (455x370, 127K)

You have bad taste. Don't bother giving your opinion anymore.


You're too young to have lived then and experienced the oversaturation of goth girls firsthand

>"im enlightened by my own intellect" the show

Attached: 1506889905918.png (500x394, 69K)

>he wants to do an edit
>posts it on the internet
>get constructive criticism
You need to go back

>likes sweaty goths
Virgin amirite?

> >he wants to do an edit
No, I do it because I feel like it and that's it. If you're not happy with it, again, feel free to do an edit yourself. You're also free to criticize what I did, but acting like I have any obligation to follow what you want is hilarious.

pretty uguu

Your husband doesn't care about you unless you set yourself on fire, combust or some shit.

>posts something he made
>it's shit
>starts REEEEEEing about how only he likes it
Why did you post it online then? I prefer the original, I told you how to improve it and now you're sperging out about how your subjective edit is objectively superior. Just stop replying if you're so sure of yourself.

> and now you're sperging out about how your subjective edit is objectively superior.
That's what you're doing. Are you that mad I'm not willing to edit it for you? Stop being a baby and do it yourself.

He will care after I bring him tons of materials for iron making
>his type of girl

No user, didn't you read my reply? The ugu eyes are superior, they grew on me. Yours is just shit. You'll need to deal with that.

Jesus. stop wasting bandwidth with your autism.

I kept the ugu, dumbass. The Anime cover fucked it up by making the eyes too far apart and the pupils too thin.

Attached: mQ8pjzV.jpg (612x722, 158K)

I like these user, you did a really good job at replicating the original style as well even if it’s just the eyes.

Soap is actually amain plot point if you actually read it or watched it instead of just commenting threads like a retard.

Soap is literally what the show is named after. Soap was the Dr Stone we made along the way.

No user, YOU fucked it up even worse. Just deal with it, your edit is shit.

Just wait until next ep, or after Ruri is cured. Dr.Stone is literally everything in this show.

You’re fucking goofy

Cope harder Reddit

You seems quite obsessed about reddit.

Okay Yea Forums

Indeed, I want its users to fuck off back to it.

Lead the way, then.

You know it better than me user, time to go home.

You’re the tourist who came from r/Yea Forums
Either that or you’re an autistic boomer loser who’s becoming gradually braindead. Take your eyes off the screen for a second and open the window

>t. Seething Reddit
God I love it

I want to ____ Ruri

Attached: waifu.png (892x1299, 534K)

You’ve got to stop using Yea Forums buzzwords if you want people to actually take you seriously user

I'm so happy they changed Chalk to white, what were they thinking with the brown?

>Reddit still cannot deal with it
Give me your (You) 's

is senkuu for rough sex or hand-holding lovemaking?

Attached: senkuuicon.png (724x732, 542K)


Attached: 10.png (896x1300, 365K)

The entire species of cheetahs are less genetically dissimilar than direct siblings. Why aren't they a bunch of writhing abominations? You have a popsci understanding of genetics that's why.

For hand-holding lovemaking with Gen right after rough sex with Kohaku.

both, alternate which one every other day

Attached: mood.png (291x247, 124K)

>fucking a gorilla

Attached: illust_75564910_20190804_231059.jpg (900x950, 319K)

Put me in a freezer until friday, I can't take the wait anymore.

in another genre (seinen, etc)/ or at the hands of other writers they could have indeed looked like mutants, change my mind

missionary position for reproduction purposes only

If she even appears, knowing our luck they'll end at the flag. Preview tomorrow will confirm.

Attached: IMG_20190803_170747.png (713x522, 210K)

The last preview only showed stuff from like the first two minutes of the episode.

No you're completely right, they just look odd enough to make you think

How would he react if it was Tsukasa who did this and instead of Kohaku kissing him it was him?

I fucking love how he managed to squeeze in a fucking dwarf there lol

And Senkuu waking up, the title was of the chapter it ended at. At worst we'll get an estimate what they plan on doing.

Attached: 1562422116085.jpg (960x1080, 1.5M)


Dump the bottle of tear gas he with him on him

That dwarf is one of the biggest MVPs this show has. Without him Senkuu would be nothing.

Senkuu is for shoving in a toilet while you pour neutral colored hair dye over his head
And then beat him with his neanderthal clown shoes

fellas, is Tarzan for tender lovin' or mating-press ahegao?

Attached: damnright.png (473x877, 352K)

You're gonna get electrocuted


Attached: IMG-20190521-WA0034.jpg (665x701, 42K)

Goddamn right he is, he's by far my favourite character

Depends what he feels like after a successful hunt

Attached: illust_62343946_20190718_224037.jpg (959x1301, 996K)

Don't care about this show but I'm curious about one thing: Has there been a lot of discussion about unoriginal character design? Half of them look like other characters.

>Half of them look like other characters.

No? All the characters seem pretty unique.

Based edit user

Maybe I exaggerated but the one really looks like Saber and the rope headband things instantly reminded me of the land of waves from Naruto. Just wondering if anybody else sees it as I do.

Get the fuck outta here

I like how his experience factor solidifies that Tsukasa was in the wrong

Attached: Kaseki_1.png (800x854, 660K)

So is the anime good?

Attached: 1541781668445.jpg (167x197, 14K)

Can't compare to the manga visually

Attached: 1564320426332.jpg (1315x1920, 892K)

>the one really looks like Saber
Yeah some other user in this thread said the same but I personally don’t really see it. The only semblance I see is the blonde ponytail but otherwise they’re not very similar in design.
Same goes for the other example you noted. Two characters can share a couple aspects of design with each other without one being a ripoff of the other.

>the rope headband things instantly reminded me of the land of waves from Naruto do know that this is a traditional Japanese headgear, right?

If this episode covers as many chapters as last it should end here.

Attached: kohaku.png (891x1300, 388K)

Ight fair enough, sorry for being dumb

I realize this, at the same time, the first part of the flashback was 10 minutes long, we get a lot of explanations next ep

Like I want to go out and take a wilderness survival course.

Watch primitive technology

Forgot to provide a gorilla

Attached: illust_67487265_20190806_223141.jpg (2480x3507, 720K)

Just don't go camping.

It's ok as long as you don't try to make cola

Dropping the official Dr.Stone girl stinktier, how did your waifu smell?

Attached: 1564758548899.png (1319x426, 43K)

>Although it would work instantly on me~
I sometimes forget Gen really wanted to chill in a hot spring with depetrified idols in Tsukasa-land.

Someone write a male character version

i NEED to know who's the stinkiest dude of the stone world

Yep. He was weighing his options between an easy life with a harem and hot springs in the Tsukasa Empire, or scientific modern items in the Kingdom of Science, but with lots of hard work. In the end, electricity and the possibility of his favorite drink won him over. And look at all the other fun stuff Senku's made since then too.

Those are actually pretty hard, you don't even have time to build fancy shelters. Its all food food food every day and in winter you end up scavenging roadkill like a pussy.

But with dark skin comes low iq which would make them less likely to survive stone world


Probably Tsukasas brutes

IQ doesn’t really have anything to do with hunting fish and building straw houses all day

That's not why he has it. He put that on his shit to make a remember no matter how dim or crazy something may seem, it can always be solved with science. You would know this if you actually read it, but you didn't.

Finally found that 1 (one) Anons waifu fanart from Tsukasas empire.

Attached: illust_71397469_20190806_222941.jpg (410x584, 133K)

assuming Chalk isnt a wolf puppy because of the artstyle,then he descends from the strongest doggos left behind after the petrification....c-cute

The obscurest of girls, who was never a major character.

Who is that supposed to be?

who's she?
i want to draw my own Oc, lads

don't remember the chapter number but if i'm correct it's this one girl who was shown in one of the earlier chapters that was giving some insight into tsukasa's empire. in the same page ukyo and some other characters who would actually be introduced later were shown as well but they totally forgot about her

It makes sense, remember how he smelled out the black jewels by only smelling the ground it grew out of without any training? Really the apex pupper.

The girl on the left who never showed up again.

Attached: 02-03b.png (1788x1300, 1.17M)

One of the extras from the Tsukasa Empire Inagaki/Boichi might've used later, but ended up not. Ukyo and Nikki also appeared and were used, and then much later Soyuz was used, so maybe she'll show up again, maybe not.

I know exactly which panel that girl appeared in. It makes me think you guys aren't autistic enoughabout this series.

Attached: 02-03.png (1880x1300, 984K)

I just reached this, I was spoiled on Yuzuriha putting back together the stone statues so that wasn't as surprising so this is the biggest wtf in a while

Attached: 1555051327496.png (913x1300, 579K)

in my defense right after i posted that i flipped through my volume six and found the page, then went to go find the scan online but i took too long to download it and it was already posted here before i could myself. i'd like to think that i'm one of the top five most autistic people about this damn manga here

Attached: bnvnbvbnvb.png (219x320, 62K)

>Ginrou jobs even to literally who one-panel character

I remember when this chapter came out, everyone was clapping and howling in excitement.

And he turned out to be a pretty good character too.

I just noticed the hammer and sickle on his hip.

Why is stone world in english when they say it?

Man this spread hit like a ton of bricks.

Attached: 15-16.png (1840x1300, 248K)

Which makes sense. He's a part of the power team, so the hammer was likely for construction, and he was probably working in the wheat fields before along with everyone else, hence the sickle.

There had better be a callback to this when Senku finally goes to space

How did lions from a zoo repopulate their entire species?
How come no plants or animals evolved during the entire time they were petrified?
Why hasn't Mount Fuji erupted?

Sutoan warudo

Because anything sound cool for Japanese when it's in Engl(r)ish

>Why hasn't Mount Fuji erupted?
Nobody tell him

mt. fuji actually did erupt, in one of the more recent chapters they made a point about its eruption changing the topography of the area around them if i recall correctly

No, I meant as in Soyuz being a commie ship.

Which Saberface is this?

Attached: seiba.jpg (852x925, 236K)

Oh. Now I get it, ha.

>How did lions from a zoo repopulate their entire species?
They're still alive but to say the entire species is repopulated wouldn't be accurate
>How come no plants or animals evolved during the entire time they were petrified?
3700 years isn't enough time for any kind of meaningful change to take place
>Why hasn't Mount Fuji erupted?
It did, multiple times. They had to remap the entire area because of all the changes to the geography

Attached: map.png (913x1300, 651K)

You need the digital scans to get the real feel of this chapter

They think it sounds cool, basically the same reason some people use random japanese phrases.

Why is there a katana after 2 millennia?

Senku reinvented iron working.

You say that as if it´s a bad thing

Oh that’s kind of hilarious that she was just forgotten. Maybe at some point she’ll randomly show up again

They made some and then jobbed immediately afterward, many keks were had

Stone age Saber makes my dick reach the bronze age

How come anons in these threads all suck so much at biology?

Attached: 0016-017.png.jpg (1067x1600, 317K)

Found the digital scan of this page

Attached: EAmC3x-VAAEuScr.jpg (1462x1062, 421K)

She will be relevant later, remember "no name" guy? Now he is the super important.

I hope this happens, animeonlys would be thinking the wrong thing for a week.

I prefer the "TOOOOOOOOOOOOOTALLY FALLEN FOR YOU" translation. Seems something a teen girl would say. since Byakuya passed on the old worlds mannerisms

I'm still confused by the whole exchange

You know she likes him a lot, if he hadn't ruined the moment right after they'd get along great, if you feel what I'm saying. She doesn't even mind fake kissing him and was mad he wasn't into it

I thought it was her being annoyed at the fact she was roped into Gen's scheme

Kohaku and Senku get a lot of romcom type interaction with the lioness teasing, "accidental" confessions, being forced to kiss, etc.

Nope, her disgust face is specifically result of Senku's "meh" face. She will never admit it, though.

She looked excited when she said her and Lab were romantically involved/lovers


so he's shit plot device character glad that even japan knows he's shit

I still don't see it, but maybe I've been conditioned by shonen to not look for romance

So is it legal to pound the girl on the right? I mean, she's like 3000 years old.

Everything's legal with no civilization.

Attached: forsale.jpg (328x260, 87K)

>he doesn't know
FBI are arriving as we speak

>pucker up big boy

Attached: IMG_20190807_001554.png (934x348, 417K)

no, she's actually nine years old

This, Senkuu is the one that's technically 3000+ yo.

The best thing of Kohaku kissing Senku was that it revealed that the new girl, despite her strength, is extremely vulnerable to "romance". I imagine that trying to woo her during a fight would be effective.

why are they all still pale? they've been outdoors for months, at least senku has. he should have a crazy tan

Senkuu undid her hair when there was no need for him to do that. They're gonna do it, 10 billion IQ galaxy brained gorilla babies soon

I wanna snu snu with Kohaku

I love Kirisame
Yes I am that user, please make more fanart of her.

Attached: IMG_20190607_160210.png (918x345, 274K)

Senku undid her hair because they needed to wash it so Kohaku could appear as cute as possible to get selected for the harem.

Speaking of that, I really liked that Kohaku commented that "she doesn't actually dislike the dress" they made her wear.

Are you implying Kohaku couldn't undo it herself when asked?

Consider the fact that she didn't even really need to kiss him to sell the idea that they're a couple.

Attached: lab.png (903x1300, 474K)

That fucking serious face, I bet telling her things like "you are pretty" would throw her out of balance and make her put a big "ehhhhhhhh?!" Face.

I want to bring her flowers and give her headpats

Attached: IMG_20190607_121905.jpg (334x834, 110K)

How you got from this to the face she is making in the third panel? And she didn't even thought it was suspicious, she practically panicked and just wanted to leave.

Attached: m018.jpg (870x1229, 282K)

I want to tenderly cuddle Mirai and be happy until Tsukasa rises from his freezer and puts his cold fist through my skull.

Attached: mapcut.jpg (575x411, 271K)

She is designed after the Goddess Artemis, Goddes of the hunt, protector of little girls, Goddess of the moon and fertility. She is also a virgin.

Attached: ephesus_prytaneum_artemis_beautiful_mus_selcuk1.jpg (531x800, 214K)

anything for you user

Attached: weeeeh.png (358x500, 186K)

>Goddess of fertility
>Is a virgin
Excuse me but that makes no sense.

Attached: ishtar and priestess (fate_grand order and etc) drawn by matcha7611 - c21ddd7593fc18dcc31365366e4c17 (1275x1850, 1.31M)

There are no coincidences here.
>Goddess of the Moon

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Fertility as in, she takes care of the women xuring pregnancy. It makes sense, they have a harem and all, bet she helps the pregnant harem girls.

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forgot the top part of her dress that goes on her shoulders

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Who are you quoting?

>shishio siblings constantly selling themselves to help each other
Cute and sad.

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I want a colorspread of her, just her, she's the only one on it. Thank you for your hard work and delicate craftsmanship.

I bet she is actually part of the boat team and will be important later.

Why does everything from s. Koreans devoid of all taste

This is really cute user, and the lines look nice.

>just fucking realized that this is drawn by the dude who made "Hotel"
what teh hell no wonder i like it

I want to believe she is a good girl and will join the kingdom of science

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Woops, I dun goofed, got Kirisame stuck in my head. Could be.

Because you have a predisposition. Boichi isn't the storywriter, just the artist

Which version you like more? The original or the remake (which also has other stories)?

The art in the remake is godly but I like how simple the original one is more.

Will Boichi ever learn how to draw a girl's face

What is the mangaka's obsession with rope?

Why would his preferred taste change? He loves ugus and draws what he loves. After years of following the manga I've gotten used to it.

boichi spent twelve millenia watching gay men have rough gratuitous sex in order to become a better artist and as a consequence developed a bdsm/rope fetish

Not even Key draws like they used to.

His ayylmao faces are perfect.


Then it's just a matter of time

He suffered enough learning to draw men, let him live.

He had to watch gay porn to learn how to draw dudes, since he can't draw women it's obvious he's never watch straight porn in his life

How horrible, I bet that if he asked, aniki would have posed for him.

I really like the extra story in the remake called "it was all for tuna".

He is so hot, yet he has no muscles at all, yet somehow he comes across as this ultimate sex bomb.
How does he do it?

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Fucker learned and mastered glass making in one go. Give him blue prints for a gun and he’ll make a few

eh. yeah it's corny but the manga doesn't preach some fucking bullshit, juvenile, "scientific" nihilism at you all the time. Senku never really gets annoying because he's not constantly shoving his "englightened" worldview down your throat to show how dumb the masses are. He's just a walking plot device that exists to introduce new elements to the setting that progress the plot. The "science" is generall down-to-earth and entertaining rather than trying to bamboozle you with how smart the creators are.

>Plot device.
I would call him a "living computer" full of useful information for people with different skills.

No civilisation is bad civilisation

My only issue with the manga is chapter 48.
No, Katana are not the strongest blades in the world.
Fucking japniggers with their shit swords fuck them

They should have gotten the naginata

At that moment in time those shitty katana's were the strongest blades in the world.

That's because it's a manga.

>when they all come against the lance dudes
In reality, katanas vs spears are a good idea if you plan on having another asshole carved into your body I guess

Did you even read the chapter? They were all flash and no substance, meant for intimidation vs the Tsukasa goons who fell for the muh nippon steel meme. Then prompty got fucked vs a single dude with a spear who knew what he was doing

Katanas are unironically the best type of sword you can do with japanese's shit ore (is the whole reason why the "fold it 100 times!" Thing exists in first place) and they didn't have the time to do all the necessary folding for a high quality katana and were owned by Gin 2.0 and his spear.

It's literally iron sand. Even worse

Whatever, the point still remain: japan doesn't have good materials for swords.

Why would they make a shit weapon when they can make a polearm

Because they needed intimidation and it worked on the mooks. Remember that Senku is trying to avoid killing.

Because it's a shounen manga and katana's are cool

I don't know shit about genetics. Please teach.

wow this is an original joke

the shit offsprings die anyway, healthy ones survive

Best girl.
And hopefully not an eternal enemy.

>the manga panel literally shows the manga
This gets me every time. If the anime ever gets there it will be a triple adaptation.

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i want to be his onee-sama

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i want to be his otouto

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Eye horror detected.

This doesn't account for a genetic bottleneck. When genetic diversity drops too low populations can have catastrophic inbreeding which can result in an unstable population where perpetual inbreeding eventually leads to local/global extinction. For humans >50-100 are likely required to survive. If the village had a starting population lower than this they would never have survived 3000 years. Ideally if you want good long term survival with a random sample of humans not selected for maximum genetic difference you'd want probably close to a few thousand to ensure inbreeding is not an issue.

It's obviously his confidence. Senku is overflowing with self esteem and confidence and that makes just about any guy attractive, even if he's not fit and handsome.

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He watched porn for the anatomy, retard.

Ukyo’s pupils are so small here even in comparison to the other characters, it looks weird

Agriculture isn't too hard to start up, but compared to hunting and gathering it's extremely labor intensive and takes a long time to get started. Agriculture requires a lot of cultrual momentum to get started and 40 people is not enough for that. Hunting and gathering has hard limits on population growth. Without agriculture separation of labor and the development of civilization is impossible.

And he draws women like blowup dolls, that's the point

Yeah sure, Boichi

fuck this is such a good page
whyman's debut was unironic kino

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She could but why didn't she do it but Senku did it instead?
As you can see, Kohaku can get easily uncomfortable if people she doesn't like touch her. And Senku is a modern gentleman, he barely touches anyone, let alone unties a girl's hair. They're just super close!

Why did you delete the first one

Blame the nips culture. He tried to moe the girls and this is the result. There are a bunch of moeshit out there so one shonen with doll face girls is pretty much nothing. You faggots should just get over it.

I forgot to quote the other post.

its because the difference between the sexes is TOO jarring, if the dudes were a bit more uguu, nobody would make a big deal

It's not hard to figure out how to fix it, user. He was bad at drawing dudes, so he watched porn with good looking dudes and got better. He's bad at drawing chicks (or just doesn't want to), so he should watch porn with good looking chicks to get better.

Looks like a Corean dragon ball Bootleg

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It’s not from korea though

Can't believe no one posted it.

Dr. Stone girl stink tier list

An absolute swamp, that rope is a deadlier weapon than anything Senku's created.
Also a gorilla, never ever bathes because of her autism, but the lack of a buttrope allows for some airing out that puts her slightly lower than Kohaku, otherwise she would be above.
Very active, few opportunities to bathe when on long missions but not quite as naturally potent as the gorillas.
Possesses near-gorilla strength, but bullying during high school has made her hyper aware of her scent and she washes obsessively as much as possible. Still, there's only so much she can do.
Possesses gorilla genes, but lack of activity and frequent hot baths courtesy of Kohaku keeps her aroma surprisingly mild, may end up rising in the future.
>The village bimbos
Rarely bathe because cavewomen, but the strength of their scent is nothing to write home about.
Has a teen girl's natural smell, sometimes forgets to wash when hard at work, but Taiju doesn't really mind so she has little incentive.
Understands the strength of her natural pheromones, supplements them by rubbing fragrant herbs on her body and occasional washing. A weapon as powerful as Kohaku's, but in a different way.
Possesses a modern woman's self-consciousness of her smell, obsessively washes at every opportunity and avoids sweating whenever she can. She would stop in an instant if Tsukasa told her to, pushing her above Yuzuriha.
Not quite a teenager, but the seeds are there.
Is pure.

>Is pure.
No, Suika = cute

What about Francois? Indeterminate gender aside.

where do i find this

some junji ito shit happening here

This character is so fucking shit and I hated his nonesensical backstory so much

Their eyes are way too wide

>t. Great Leader

they were the strongest in the world at that time because there were no other swords

one above suika. s/he keeps clean for buttseks with master

>no one posted it

Inbreeding does not produce """""""""""""mutants"""""""""""""""". Literally the only effect inbreeding has is a higher rate of homozygousity, with the rate increasing per successive generation of inbreeding. This does not have an inherent downside, and the defects people attribute to it are the result of detrimental recessive genes being paired at a higher rate. On the other hand, inbreeding also increases the rate of detrimental recessive genes being pushed out of the gene pool entirely, therefore improving genetic quality, and natural selection will actually make good genetics surviving more likely than negative genes.

You could make the argument that with enough inbreeding you could 'eventually' decrease genetic diversity and slow evolution by doing so, but that's not an argument that should hold any real world weight considering nobody openly supports eugenics (and if they did there would be better ways than attacking someone over fucking their sister).

Also the existence of *real* mutations arguably makes the entire genetic bottleneck argument moot. Otherwise extinction would be inevitable as every species would operate on a finite number of genes that gets selected down and never is supplemented.


all girl are shit
all boys are best

>Dr. Stone, we have been blessed with the chance to personally rebuild humanity from scratch. We both know the previous world was heavily flawed, surely we should use this once in a lifetime opportunity to rebuild the world in a way better than before, without repeating past mistakes. You're very intelligent and are already reviving people according to what benefits you most, so I'm sure you can see some merit in this proposition. What are your thoughts?
>I *smirks* disagree *makes catchphrase* because *references pop culture* you *references pop science* murder *grows hair higher to compensate for stature* statues.
Nice INT-protag. I guess I should have known better than to expect complex philosophical discussion in a Jump series but for fuck's sake they've done nothing but cultivate till now and this is the first real conflict.

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>T. Hyuuga.

even if you go according to Tsukasa's plan, eventually it will go back to how it was. Senku's plan is ensuring the continuation of mankind, not create some commie utopia, cause it will never last


If that was the case for beginners then sure you can apply that. But this is Boichi and he only moe the girls in this series only.

>siding with a primitivist
Hope you don't do this


Tsubaka whole motivation for being a chaosfag was that his sister was brain death. When Senku cured her, all his chaosfag tendencies went away.

The dude literally saved their lives, and they his. He has a reason, albeit flawed, for what he does and he respects youth and Senku's intellect. Refusal to have an in-depth discussion about future objectives over >muh murder is fucking Gon-tier brainlet level, especially considering Shishio could have killed them at a moment's notice if he weren't THAT FUCKING NICE OF A GUY. Senku was a cool guy until right that moment when he cemented himself as the exact same braindead fucking shounen protagonist as always except with muh science tacked on.

I'm not saying Tsukasa's plan was good, I'm saying that not having a conversation about his plan was retarded. It was halfway in line with Senku's goal anyway, since he wants to create a SUCCESSFUL continuation of mankind. He never had any intention of reviving everyone willy-nilly in the first place as shown by his very concern the moment he realized just how powerful of a threat they revived in Tsukasa. A utilitarian like Senku should only be debating with Tsukasa on who are the more valuable/undesirable revivals.

>most of them would have evolved dark skin
kek, is this power of "I love science"? You know why we hate you fags so much? Because you are literally retarded and won't shut up about shit you don't understand at all. How many fans of shows like this are even over 18?

user, do you even know who Hyuuga is?

Tell that to the people who fail to build straw houses and acquire food even to this day.

No clue, I've only watched like 3 episodes.

Then you have to right to talk like that.

>A utilitarian like Senku
Senku is a philanthropist disguised as utilitarian. He wanted to revive everyone because not one single person deserved armageddon. In Senku's mind, there is no compromise for saving people; you find a way to save them all or keep trying until you do.

*No right...

Without spoiling, let's just say Senkuus inventions will speak for his argument

People already died and they keep dying. His reality is the same as the one any rational person faces today, which is that every moment that goes by preventable deaths happen. In other words, inefficiency equals opportunity cost which in turns equals fewer people saved and fewer lives made. The premise of "saving everyone" was gone from the very moment he declared broken statues corpses. The next best thing is "saving the most people possible" which then calls upon utilitarian action.

If he had a substantial plan (which I never doubted he would provide) that's all the more reason he should have attempted to pacify Tsukasa. Even if for no other reason than to delay to destruction of statues that began after negotiations ended.

Tsubaka is just a crybaby butthurt with the world for what happened to his sister. Hyuoga is a true chaosfag, one that believes that only the exceptional ones should survive.

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Senkuu is not a smooth operator, this is adressed many times. The author intentionally made the antagonist have a better verbal point just so you can experience how much "we" take modern conveniences for granted.

You are in for some fun surprises about some of the stuff you said, but you are right on some of the points too. Senku does prioritize people capitalizing on their skills first, and gives roles and jobs based off those abilities. He entrusts food and material gathering to Taiju, for instance, while he focuses on experimentation and development.

But Tsukasa is both inconsolable and overwhelmingly powerful. Senku is also terrible at lying, and Tsukasa would be able to tell in an instant if he lied and said he would agree not to bring back civilization. Without a balance of power, there could be no compromise, so Senku needed gunpowder to face off against Tsukasa's combat ability.

They're making dollies. Finally normalfags do something cute.

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You animeonlys should stop making guesses with the few information you have. It would save you from ending up looking extremely stupid.

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How can we say he was inconsolable when he never even tried? Communication is an intellectual's most powerful tool, Senku himself demonstrates this by serving as a guide for Taiju, if Senku never communicated his wisdom to others he would be stuck back at square one spending all his time gathering food by himself no matter how many people came back to life. He leads Taiju, yet he will not lead Tsukasa. The difference? Taiju listens to some chem trivia and makes joke before doing what he's told whereas Tsukasa disagreed with Senku on how they should go about playing god. It would make sense if Senku was secretly a megalomaniac that just wanted the unquestioning obedience of everyone, but I can tell the reason the plot went the direction it did is much more conventional than that.

Is he going to save the broken statue he revived in the very first episode too? We can go full utopian all you like, it doesn't change the fact that some statues are easier to save than others, and also that some statues being saved is more to conducive to the rescue of further statues than others. Furthermore it also makes all those times he called Tsukasa a murderer a lie. Save everyone forever is all well and good for an end goal but for the time being choosing useful people over useless ones is instrumental to achieving that goal more quickly and certainly.

>T. Hyuoga
For an animeonly, you REALLY sound like him.

He's inconsolable because Tsukasa had already decided to subjugate Senku after learning that Senku was the one to create the revival fluid, nital. At that point either Tsukasa would force Senku to bend to his will and obey his commands, or he would regretfully kill him.

There's no exchange. Senku wants to go into space, and can only do that with a modern civilization. Tsukasa does not want a modern civilization, he wants one in harmony with nature where the element of human greed will not tear apart the planet again. Unless one admits defeat or accepts a compromise, they cannot coexist. And for Senku, there can be no compromise while Tsukasa is smashing innocent statues that could be saved and possesses absolute power to do as he will. That's why he wanted gunpowder, to force Tsukasa to open a dialog for negotiations.

They're going to save everyone they can, no exceptions. There were some grinded into dust over 3700 years. Everyone that can be saved will be saved or Senkuu dies trying.

>he wants one in harmony with nature where the element of human greed will not tear apart the planet again.
Nope, all this is a tantrum because his sister is brain death, cure his sister and he drops it all...which is what happened.

Yes, I'm aware. I've followed the manga for almost since it began. I was trying to avoid spoilers talking with the guy who has only seen 3 episodes but seems genuinely interested in the series.

And it's not just because of that, like I said, Tsukasa accepted a compromise, and then later admitted defeat. That doesn't mean his philosophy or mentality before this was a lie, it was the greedy society that forced him to fight for money to keep Mirai on life support that he despised, unable to even walk along the beach and make a seashell necklace for her without someone yelling at him that the shells didn't belong to him. One resulted in the other.

If Hyouga is then he's a retard. You can't conjure yourself utopia just by amassing enough IQ, a workforce is necessary. This is something again demonstrated in the very first episode with Taiju. He still makes more of an argument than "muh thrills" though.

The reason the arguments I make remind you of villains from the series is probably because the villains take actual known philosophical arguments and bastardize them to fit into a muh-ends-vs-means babby's first moral dichotomy which always ends in the nice guy protagonist being correct. A Yea Forums analysis of this series would be interesting, and I suspect would end with it being determined intellectual poison that encourages the reader to blindly follow established moral norms without giving opposing schools of thought that acknowledge necessary sacrifice (ergo all of them) while disincentivizing fielding criticism and thought of your own. The more Senku is established as objectively right without ever properly explaining himself or refuting his opponents, the more this is the case.

>morals bad, anarchy good, wake up sheeple
*tips fedora*

Tsukasa wanted to prevent injustice, for that he thought a primitivist society was necessary. Convincing him that a primitivist society is not, in fact, the way to prevent injustice was literally all it would take. You fags already admit he was made to back down by healing his sister, that alone is proof that he was not inconsolable.

>to force Tsukasa to open a dialog for negotiations
Tsukasa was the first person to open negotiations. How the fuck is Senku suddenly the peacemaker?

By "excelling" he means in general, he only wants the best of the best to survive and that is not just means the geniuses, people with peak body condition are also "excepcional". Hell, he wants only the top humans to live, Taiju may be an idiot but his unlimited stamina makes him "exceptional".

>established moral norms = all morals
So this is the power of Stone readers. I suppose disagreeing with the established morals motivated various genocides throughout history makes me an anarchist as well? I'll accept your concession.

>the element of human greed
Well if that's the problem he should have been purging anyone above 5 years old because you'd need some serious reeducation/indoctrination to program humanity out of a human.

If that user was really interested, he would have gone to read the manga already instead being here debating with only anime info on his brain and looking like an idiot.

>You fags already admit he was made to back down by healing his sister
That's not why he was made to back down, the broken English-user is forgetting a very important part: Senku forced a dialog by creating nitroglycerin, and with it dynamite-tipped arrows. Senku offered him a deal: A cease-fire and to cease the destruction of statues, and in exchange Senku will give him a chance to revive his sister. And afterwards he was preoccupied with another event to argue any more.

>Tsukasa was the first person to open negotiations. How the fuck is Senku suddenly the peacemaker?
Because Tsukasa was the one to decide to kill Senku. He told Senku to either give his word to stop building up civilization (never gonna happen), or die. That's not a compromise or negotiation, that's a threat. Which was why Senku needed gunpowder, to even the odds and restore the balance of power.

Oh, so he's basically a strawman darwinist. Well if you have the belief that humans are exempt from survival, natural selection, evolution, and material worth, then indeed I can see why my arguments might be seem similar. After all, choosing to rescue a talented humanitarian who can save 10 other people per day over a serial killer who kills 10 other people per day would indeed be selecting who to revive based on worthiness.

I mean really, when bringing up common sense practicality apparently makes me one of the villains then something is seriously wrong with this series.

Tsukasa had the opportunity to kill Senku the moment the first crossbow bolt missed. Then Taiju admitted he wasn't going to fight back either. Tsukasa could have killed or at least enslaved every last one of them at that moment but he turned around and went away because he was never this frothing madman you fags make him out to be, he was a man with a moral purpose who they never successfully convinced which makes it all the more frustrating that they never fucking tried.

I am absolutely 100% certain beyond any doubt they're better at building straw houses and acquiring food than you. I guess that must mean your IQ is even lower.

Go and play a series of games called "shin megami tensei", I am sure you will ALWAYS end up in the "chaos" faction.

I get that you're trying to be clever, but the fact that you'd admit even jokingly to being "absolutely 100% certain" of something without a shred of verifiable information behind it gives away the shallowness of your own thought process. People don't know who you are on the internet, but they can still tell how little self-awareness you have.

To be fair, most individualists or utilitarians probably would be chaotic if it resembles D&D law/chaos alignment whatsoever.

Also this discussion in this thread is the exact sort of thing that went on in the show instead. I'm not trying to claim that Senku was wrong, I'm trying to claim it's because Senku is both smart and correct that I wish he lived up to his position and debated the antagonists outright. If I were to be more charitable, I feel like they decided dialogue was too boring and so the protag would prove his superiority through combat prowess in true shounen fashion.

The critical flaw was having the antagonists try to engage him with their beliefs. In other words, they challenged him in principle before violence. Not answering that challenge before violence erupts makes the protagonist look bad. He is kind of a hypocrite if he tries to claim he doesn't choose who to save first though, he could have just said "we don't need to destroy the bad people we can just save them last" or something.

sort of thing that I wish went on in the show*

I feel like that might've been something Senku would've tried to talk about, had Tsukasa not expressed his beliefs by beheading a random statue in front of Senku, then return later having smashed a bunch of innocent statues and leave to smash more. That's pretty violent to me.

If Senku can forgive the world's villains that got statued then surely he can forgive Tsukasa smashing a statue, especially if the statues were fixable. Frankly, I think Senku was made somewhat worse in order to make Tsukasa seem less bad, for if Tsukasa were convinced then the manga would lack a villain and if he defied reason he'd be utterly monstrous.

Also another way to look at things that I didn't consider at first is that Senku doesn't explain himself because readers are meant to think for themselves. It's a plausible reason but not one I can immediately confirm or deny. He's such a self-assured asshole he comes across like a shitposter on Yea Forums though.

Whoa that's so cool! I love science¡

They literately make soap in the second episode
I have only seen the first 2 episodes so far though so maybe something happens to their supply, about to watch the third one now

Why do you come into threads for shows you know nothing about
No more global warming either because the humans all got frozen

Thinking of shounen as a genre is fucking retarded, don't tell me you seriously think this can be compared to something like dragon ball or kimetsu no yaiba

Do you think of the last airbender and billy and mandy as being part of the same genre

The statues weren't fixable at the time. Senku hadn't even thought of there being a way to fix them until shortly after, and he doesn't even know for sure if his way to fix them would work until looooooong after.
Senku isn't interested in playing judge jury and executioner, he just wants to save everyone, and doesn't even really care if the person was good or bad because the stone petrification is a pretty unjust punishment for everyone in the world.

Tsukasa on the other hand starts being a fucking nutcase and a literal serial killer out of nowhere, like Senku said, an evil dictator would be easier to deal than Tsukaska and his irrational ideal and way of going about it. Senku can't really debate Tsukasa no matter what he says, because his argument isn't based on much logic to debate. The only way he was beaten was by a combination of force and appeal to his emotion for his sister. Pretty sure even after his sister is brought back, we never actually get a scene of him admitting his ideals were fucking stupid, though he admits always did feel remorse at killing the statues.

Climate historically changes whether humans are present or not, technically. Just look at the ice ages.

Does subtle mean not subtle at all since he explains why he thinks the equation was relevant enough to carry with him so to speak.

I suppose so.
And even the man made stuff right now looks pretty impossible to reverse for a very long time

There's still no remotely reliable model on what actual impact humans are contributing to climate change. The last few decades was just flipping between doom by hot and doom by cold.

Not them, the others he will meet

This is what I don't get, Tsukasa doesn't seem portrayed remotely as negatively as you describe him. Even him smashing the statue in front of Senku was something that, culturally speaking, would convey dignity. Asking Senku before destroying the statue would convey cowardice, it would imply seeking permission or approval, which in turn would mean that he's aware it's wrong. On the other hand smashing the statue shows he leads by example, and will dirty his hands directly in front of Senku, who he was confident would also be aware of the world's injustices and would follow the path he opened. His early development with him being a really nice guy, and afterward sparing Senku and co in their first clash, cements him as not being a malicious entity.

If anything I figure they'd intended for him to be superior to Senku both in terms of physical and intellectual threat initially, and then would slow burn the difference away in a series of shounen battles or something. Nobody is going to give a shit about some adults being smashed when the protagonist himself was indifferent toward the dead in the first episode and they just heard the dude's sympathy story about his presumed-dead imouto. The only vaguely negative early portrayal of Tsukasa's behavior is when he destroys the parent statues. Senku was probably unconvincing at the beginning on purpose.

Humans should be on a sprint to get off of this deathtrap of a planet either way. If not climate change then a meteorite or solar flare or something will vaporize us eventually.

>Nobody is going to give a shit about some adults being smashed when the protagonist himself was indifferent toward the dead in the first episode
I can't see how you could say that. The point is the statues aren't dead. Smashed statues are, as far as Senku and eveyone else including the reader knows at that point. Intact statues are in the best case scenario conscious, as we know from senku and taiju, or in the worst case simply sleeping both of which is not dead. After Tsukasa smashes the statue the first thing Senku asks is if he knows he just killed a human. Tsukasa says he is well aware. His sob story about something that happened with some random guy literally millennia ago doesn't justify murder now, at least not to anyone sane. Tsukasa is never painted as an evil guy, his intentions are quite pure after all, but his means to that end are understandably portrayed as murder and negatively, yes even when he first destroyed an innocent man just standing there in the water.

Japanese fiction, including shounen, doesn't particularly tiptoe around the concept of justified killing. There's no superman morality where even if you're doing good, killing anyone automatically makes you a bad guy (at least not in this particular series). Senku himself describes Tsukasa as "a good guy and a murderer", in other words the murder never contradicted the good guy part. He wasn't conclusively doing something bad, but he was powerful, willful, and had a goal mutually exclusive to Senku's.

This is basically an incidence of a "gotta save em all" guy getting in a fight with a "not everyone is worth saving" guy. So long as you don't try to correlate them to real world philosophy (because they're both rather poor in comparison), it's relatively amoral. Tsukasa's background gets criticism but frankly, it's bound by being in a children's magazine. When pulling from unrestricted examples there are much more vile people in the world than violent drunk capitalists that could have served as the basis for his vendetta.

Rent free

>anime only

>brainlets revealing their powerlevel
>it's low

what does it mean???

Also the term used for him doesn't have the same implication as "murder", which refers specifically to criminal killing of innocents. It's closer to just a neutral "he kills people". It's really just characterized as a disagreement in methot. There's no big "oh shit" when he knocks the first guy's block off or anything.

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Like I want to eat some celery.

Rock hard

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Suika/Mirai loli adventures when?

Pure and exciting spinoff soon

Boichi is good at drawing sexy female bodies, but suck at drawing female faces.

Preview caps

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If that Tsukasa shot is from this page we might get Kohaku at the end.

Attached: Dr. Stone #16 - Page 2.png (784x1145, 892K)

We will, check OP pic, if you're autistic enough about Dr.Stone you should know which panel is that from

preview is out

Friday can't come fast enough

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Wad de fug

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I need to quickly line my fanart to celebrate her debut!

>There's no big "oh shit" when he knocks the first guy's block off or anything.
Yeah I don't know about the anime, but Senku doesn't just brush it off in the manga. Senku isn't as big an emotional retard to go flipping his shit right in front of Tsukasa but the second he isn't looking even he isn't just like "oh this guy just kills people like its nothing, this is perfectly normal. Just a minor disagreement killing people is no big deal" like you want to downplay it as.
Not to mention Taiju's reaction to Tsukasa murdering people.

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