this is isn't the look of a platonic teacher and student relationship
This is isn't the look of a platonic teacher and student relationship
Other urls found in this thread:
Uruka a best
Mafuyu and Rizu a second best
Fumino a shit
bad taste
Fumino a best
Rizu and Asumi a second best
Uruka a shit
I love asumi
Literally pleddit girl.
>muh pleddit
You sure know a lot about their preferences
She's everyone's girl, butthurt fuminoshitter
Group chapter next! Remember Sensei isn't the only love interest.
Unironically true. You won't find a place with a higher concentration of Mafuyufags anywhere else.
This is the official and Yea Forumsaccepted best girl ranking.
>foomfag is already shitposting and upvoting himself after getting triggered in the last thread
Good job guys, now he won't stop shitting up the thread like the hated shitposter he is
I love Fumino.
Who are you quoting?
Says the plebbit foomfag
>state a fact
>get muh boogeyman in return
Someone is touchy and on edge.
>You won't find a place with a higher concentration of Mafuyufags anywhere else.
Yes, Japan and Yea Forums
>one minute apart
Good thing you could only ruin the last thread near the end, as if it wasn't already obivous it is only you.
Yea Forums barely has 60 Senseifags during peak manga threads.
>dat schizo
As opposed to less than a handful fans of the others?
t. seething Senseifag can't stop sperging
Ded thread
Nice phone and nice deflection
vs hundreds.
Make up your mind, Senseifag.
Seek help.
The concentration is still higher here
Based on what?
>replies with his phone now after getting called out
Obvious as hell
>every post that makes me mad is samefag or phoneposting
Look at the link, a Fumi thread is on top
>actually linking reddit
There was a time when this was a bannable offense but times change I guess
Good denial
What's their age gap? Cakes have an expiration date after all.
Fumino's chapter was recent and out for longer. Mafuyu definitely has the most overall for the year thus far.
>first post is that Urukafags' shitpost
>thread is shit followed suit
I'm getting real tired of this.
Fumidditors are cancer, what did you expect? reddit is their last source of positive Fumino opinions at this point
That's (You)
And most people didn't like Fumino's chapter here. There's a higher ratio of Fuminofags there
Delusional. Bokuben threads don't even average 80 posters most of the time unless threads go past 36 hours.
how does she get so tanned if its an indoor pool?
(You) did it again
Call it whatever you like but linking Reddit is literal cancer, as bad as the Discordfags and their dumb screencap spamming
>Yea Forums hates Fumino
>Yea Forums hates Kosaki
>Yea Forums hates Haruna
Why does Yea Forums always hate the "ordinary Japanese girl" heroine?
this thread is shit but not because of Urukabros tho
I like ordinary girls fine but sometime the non-ordinary girl/heroine is just that much better
Ironic considering Senseifags are obsessed with reddit the most. They stalk comments, LRR, and know shit only an redditor who regularly post there would know.
Japan has a higher concentration and Yea Forums a similar ratio, that's all.
I love Fumino though.
she just turned 25
he's 17 or 18 idr
In Fumino's case, people hate her because she becomes what Uruka was hated for in the beginning of the manga.
Kind of a no shit Sherlock thing. Every fanbase is bigger there than outside of Japan.
(You) are THAT mad and paranoid. No more (You)s for you.
Even if they did, they don't link directly to reddit
likewise my dear samefag
Fumino was the most popular girl on Yea Forums up until 5-6 months ago. Sensei is more popular now, though. I still like Fumino, in any case.
Fumino is just vastly overshadowed by every other girl and her fanbase is cancer, thus a lot of the hate is also directed at them
Kosaki was an annoying doormat but she was mostly inoffensive
Haruna was because of the whole NTR incident with Yabuki's wife, she's not that bad otherwise
Uruka is a mistake either way.
No u
didn't sensei won the first poll more than a year ago?
>Kosaki was an annoying doormat but she was mostly inoffensive
With Kosaki it was less of hate and more of lack of sympathy because she kept fucking giving up. And Nisekoi being so bland after a while that people stopped caring until the last couple chapters
Yes. That was around the time Mafuyufags began to become larger and more active.
Mafuyu is the Kosaki/Haruna of Bokuben, though.
A large group of haters (primarily Urukafags with some Senseifags) trying to take down Fumino =/= Yea Forums
How so?
Latest chapter. Reminder 22i drew Kosaki's spinoff.
I'd say Fumino gets similar hate now to what Haruna and Kosaki got in their days
Tsutsui only referenced Onodera's shop though, don't see where's any correlation
Cake. C a k e.
she'll bake Nariyuki and Mafuyu's wedding cake too?
>Fumino was the most popular girl on Yea Forums
That ended by fuminovember
They're really just the most vocal gags of the bunch. Not everybody cared about the flattie
>what haters wish and hope.
Just an observation based on these threads.
Fumino posts were still relatively high for most of December. Although that is also the month when Mafuyufags started to become the majority, so....
I doubt there's more than 1-2 guys who scream haters at people disliking or criticizing Foom though
This is it. The meta we need to further support Sensei End. Tsutsui is a Kosakifag. For sure he'll make Sensei win
That sounds like something you tell yourself.
Don't need to be a Sherlock to know which side of the fence you're "funposting" for.
You can tell he's enjoying himself with all of this.
you yourself said she has a large group of haters tho
Well, it is either that or...
just like Haruna and Kosaki
That's not the point. Read again.
so you agree Yea Forums didn't hate Haruna and Kosaki either?
>being this illiterate, or coy
You mean there's more than 1-2 who call out those haters.
they're certainly a minority compared to the haters
Mafuyu SUCKS
Nariyuki's dick
Needs harem end
Still not the point.
I love Uruka
Is it gay to fuck a tomboy?
Your shitty spam was mistake as your miserable life
No, unless if you are a massive fag who likes traps or genderbender
How can anyone hate this cute girl
I dont hate her but I dont really like her either
She's not even a tomboy.