How is this a boy again?

How is this a boy again?

Attached: fooled me for a second there trigger.jpg (1172x1379, 344K)

He have a penis.


it isnt


He was designed for fujos. Don't think too hard about it.

He's a gem.

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Low Testosterone

Leave Yea Forums as soon as possible.

Makes sense. Is he a Diamond?

He has short hair. Only dykes and men have short hair.

Aren't those girls too?

No, they are gems, not girls.

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It's called trap.

Reminder that dem hips are CANON

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I didn't have trouble telling this was a guy from the first visual and still don't. Maybe you're gay.

They are "gems" as much as Lio is a "boy."

Unironically low test during development.

He's got gem hips, user. And gems are said to have male tops but female bottoms.
With those hips he's a legit trap. Only his voice saves him from the true trap title.

Lio still has a dick and gems use male pronouns. Deal.

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>gems use male pronouns
Kek, are you going trans rights on me now, homo?

Gems are gems, user. No homo.
Worried you might be gay for a rock?

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How if there's no dick and DFC is fucking D.

Cancer thread

Sure thing, homo.

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>says the homo slobbering over Lio
Is this how you cope?

You must fuck him into being a girl. Believe in the power of your cock.

Designed for trapfags you mean.

Let's say for both and let's end this pointless debate

Unlike that ass.

That closet of yours must be very comfortable, user.

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Since when do fujos like traps?

If you want to fuck that and consider this a boy then you're the gay one here alfonso.

He's got manly voice. And he manspreads. That's about it. Good enough for fujos.

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That's because they're still two males and it has Trigger's trademark.

Whatever lets you sleep at night, homo.

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Don't open this

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both are the same gay filth so who cares

Why even bother, his balls are already crushed by his pants anyway.

A rare Aina is nice. Still sad she lost to lolibaba in popularity and art, lost to Lio in prettiness, lost Galo's first kissu to Lio as well. Does she exist just to suffer?

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The fanart is nice and all but the guy is a twig.

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I think firefighters give "kisses" to a lot of people, user. You sound insecure.

Those things aren't human and have no genetalia or tits.

His most important asset - gembutt is saved, so it's absolutely fine.

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I can't stand that Heman haircut.

They look so good together, but it would have been too predictable to make them Kamina and Yoko 2.0

Instead Kamina hooks up with Nia?

Proper cpr =/= trigger magical "cpr" kissu

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No, he hooks up with life because he doesn't die

The movie is not out in bd, what did you expect?

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>magical "cpr" kissu
The same kind of bullshit noncommittal "kisses" idolshit has been doing for years? Meh, I sleep.

he's a great catch

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And his own Nia eventually too.

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Stop replying to these people, they'll answer back with more bullshit.
It got attention because it's Trigger's first fujobait, period. If it was any other show it would have been ignored.

They still end up being that in the sense pink has an unrequited crush that goes nowhere.

He's too tall here and with non-canonical hips. Shit art.

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Aina exists for yuricest.

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Kamina/Yoko wasn't unrequited, just tragic.

Well, best girl(male) is quite hard to compete...

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Aina is for paizuri and thighs fuck

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Not sure what fujoshits like you expect. It's a simple action movie and has always been advertised as one. Fujo artists ran with it but they also ran with KLK and TTGL and a bunch of other series with discreet or nonexistent pandering simply because they enjoy the guys.

One day you'll realize how cancerously cringy posts like this really are.

Aina loses to a blazing bong.

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The only reason why this is considered a fujobait is because of the MC designs. The content itself is incredibly slim and I have no idea why fujos flocked to something that barely delivers.

Retard. I expect nothing of this shit, that's my whole point.

Nobody wins or loses, dumbass. Nothing really changed at the end.

>I have no idea why fujos flocked to something that barely delivers.
Are you new or something? Fujos don't only read/watch BL. Why do you think Free!, Kuroko no Basket and Haikyuu! were popular? Or they liked to ship characters from shounen series? They don't give a fuck. It's the same for every shipperfag: they see two characters interacting, they like it, they ship it.


Fujos don’t like being pandered to or having their ships shown in canon. They have some twisted mentality where they like forcing ships that make no sense because “it’s not fun if it’s obvious”.

Same reason there is a lot of fujos with Gundam, Fate, shonen manga, etc. The presence of handsome males interacting with each other in a story that most people can enjoy is enough. There are more fans to connect with, more content to burn through, can imagine what you want with your favorite non-canon couples, stuff like that.

>Free!, Kuroko no Basket and Haikyuu!
One of these is not like the others.

Here's starting another fujoshits behavioral analysis thread, well, I'm out.

>Fujos don’t like being pandered to or having their ships shown in canon.
Retarded and outdated false stereotype. They just learnt not to expect anything, so they deal with what they get.

Based Satan.

It's considered bait by retards who haven't seen the film, haven't looked at any advertising material for it and have no interest in educating themselves because they don't care either way or want to shitpost about trigger/fanart. Shipper/fujos find the guys likeable, hot or think they have a fun dynamic, it's nothing deeper than that. That's how a lot of shipfags are.
Then fuck off and stop complaining that something that never said it was catering to you didn't "deliver enough".

Could we have a Lio thread without turning it into fujo psychology please? I just think he's cute.

Use /cm/ for circlejerking

I thought this was selfcest with Galo’s genderbent version

Shoulders. For men, the shoulder is external and hits outside the hip. For women, the shoulder is internal, and aligns with the hip.

>Then fuck off and stop complaining that something that never said it was catering to you didn't "deliver enough".
You fuck off. I never said it didn't deliver enough you retarded cunt. I just laugh at dumb shippers who want to make a scene into something it isn't. Your post had nothing to do with mine retardo.

So she's a girl

I hadn't thought of that. Thanks.

His shoulders are the width of his waist. Girl confirmed then!

Your own post
>bullshit noncommittal "kisses" idolshit has been doing for years? Meh, I sleep.
Yeah, totally not a butthurt fujoshit that is comparing an action movie to idolshit and expressing disappointment at the lack of "committal pandering" due to your own delusional expectations based on nothing.

Honestly I suspect most of the Promare threads on Yea Forums have been made by /cm/ folk. Stop making threads here until the US release. There's not much to discuss. The type of discussion you want happens in the /cm/ threads, no need to bait the riajuu that have infested Yea Forums.

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Nice projection, you retarded bitch.

It is not enough to bring them wisdom, but that they find it of their own accord.

I hope in time you train you aesthetic senses the same way you train your arousal.

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Frenchfries and conventionfags can discuss it, but there doesn't seem to be enough of them on Yea Forums

Poor damage control, deranged landwhale.

Of course. The thread after AX was fine, full of spoilered discussion. The thread with the frog spoilers was okay. However Promare threads I catch have a ton of pointless cute male image bumps. Now there's really nothing left to discuss. Stop making baity OPs or threads half-full of image dumps and "trap is cute" posts. Keep your ladyboners on /cm/ until Sept 17. I say this as someone who also goes there.

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Nope, I genuinely give zero fucks about this movie and its fanservice. You keep seething, autist-kun.

That's fine, but you should expect your retardation to be called out when you post in the threads despite claiming to not care. So keep seething about the "noncommittal pandering" it supposedly has due to your warped expectations.

>keeps projecting
Sure, sure, retard-kun. Don't forget to take your meds.