Everyday until DP confirmed Part 6

Everyday until DP confirmed Part 6

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You'll stop posting this when you go back to school.


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jolyne a cute

Absolutely wholesome!

im not waiting
i just started a few days ago and just past the limp bizkit fight

Cute joly

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We'll get to see the worst stand ever

Attached: JHR_WorstStand.png (301x512, 297K)

Was a fun arch

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good arc, but terrible stand



>Worst Stand Ever
Maybe if you're one of the faggots who need to punch rush every problem away. Jail House Rock would be terrifying in the hands of a passive aggressive dick who works at your office. Imagine if you got the promotion he wanted. He [Jail House Rock]'s you, two or three days later you're either on unpaid leave or straight up fired. It's an evil fucking Stand worthy of a Part boss

>Jail house lock

user, what the fuck? It's one of the coolest abilities in terms of execution and Miu Miu was fucking smart with it.

Overly conveluted ability. Almost as if araki was saying "how can I make a stand even MORE annoying/complex". Loved underworld, loved a lot of the stands in P6. But JHR was just annoying

>Can only remember the three mot recent things
>Overly convoluted
user I don't even know what to say

felt entirely unneccessary. Just a weird and bad ability. Maybe my issue isnt so much with the stand itself but the fight felt like a chore. The arc gave a lot of good moments but the confrontation with Mui Mui was a drag

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Wish I had Jail House Rock. I'm the kind of person that enjoys seeing people make fools of themselves, especially people I hate

Fuck off

Unexpectedly Adorable

A punch ghost stand is all I need. Just sit in a park and punch through people who walk past me.

>star-shaped nipple stickers
holy shit that's hot.