Make or request Yea Forumsrt.
Other urls found in this thread:
Requesting the Gourmet Girl trio marveling at a super-sized mint ice cream sundae. Make adjustments to the sundae if you like.
Requesting Mikan and Yukikaze from Maousama, Retry! getting dressed before heading out on a quest. Mikan the one on the left secretly wants the D from her trap partner Yukikaze on the right of this image, but she doesn't want to admit it since they work together.
requesting sakurako eating burger
Requesting Misaki Tokura (pic related) removing her sarong, revealing her white bikini bottom.
Requesting Ren, Homi, and Yua from Miru Tights wearing black close toed high heeled shoes and duct tape sealing their mouths, please. Bonus points if they're hand and ankle cuffed, but that's optional.
Requesting Anchovy from Girls und Panzer introducing Lio from Promare to Pepperoni (top right) and Carpaccio (bottom right) as her little brother. Alternatively, you could draw just the two of them as brother and sister, maybe wearing each others' outfits.
It was, again, made too early by some troll, before the old thread had hit the bump limit. Don't let him get away with it.
Here's the proper thread:
Fuck off tarantulafag.
Shut the fuck up.
That one has a better pic too.
Shut up spammer, the real thread is over here (with a better opening pic):
Ayase from Guilty Crown like this but in a much more elegant outfit including close toed high heels, please.
Do not use this trollthread.
The OP did this intentionally.
There, your spam was rightfully deleted. Fuck off now.
Requesting Starlia Reese from Ragna Crimson sunbathing on a beach in a swimshorts-bikini top combo, her "hands" folded and inert on top of a cooler next to her towel.
Okay, seems the mods side with the trolls now., Great work ...
It was two posts early.
Stop being a fucking autist and grow up.
>It was two posts early.
Exactly. Don't do that.
What's worse: You did that shit intentionally, after your fuck up last time. You are ruining these threads, just to inflate your shitty ego, troll.
Somebody should really bring you to the mods' attention.
I didn't make the fucking thread. But your multi-thread bullshit is what's going to get these threads banned from the whole board. So shut the fuck up and deal with it.
Requesting Liza from Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e as a bar maid
If you're so worried about that then I don't see why you don't do as he says and make the thread at the appropiate time.
Then everyone is happy.
>But your multi-thread bullshit is what's going to get these threads banned from the whole board.
Complain to the retard who does intentionally spam threads while the old ones are still alive then. Because that's what's actually against the rules.
Best thing would be to just let this one die and make a new drawthread once it's dead. Because otherwise, the troll will just make more and more threads more and more early.
I just said I didn't make the damn thread. I think threads should be made at bump limit, but I think making even more threads and stubbornly bumping them is just going to agitate the mods and get all of them deleted. Personally I prefer for that not to happen.
Oh boo hoo, this actually-not-a-general-thread-anyway don't want to follow my own made up rule. Woe is me. I own the drawthread, you know!? Better spam a new one and call the other a troll's.
No one will miss you if you fuck off and never go back, tarantulafag.
>I just said I didn't make the damn thread.
Then speak out against the OP of this thread, not against those of us who try to counter him.
How can it be that a thread that was properly created after the bump-limit gets deleted and OP gets away with his shit time and time again?
Requesting Alicetaria February in a fancy bikini, showing off her abs and muscles
Stop calling random people "tarantulafag", shithead.
Who else would chimp out over such petty two whole fucking post too early?
Read the rest of my fucking post. I have more of a problem with the people making two extra threads than this one thread being made a couple posts early. The real problem is that no matter how much we may dislike threads being made before bump limit, requestfags are just going to fill up whichever one comes first because they're desperate to repost their shit as fast as possible.
You may want to enforce the rules but I don't think the rest of the thread will cooperate with you.
Requesting Baja exploring the ocean. Nothing morbid or NSFW.
Everyone. I don't know if you've noticed, but even those in here who "defend" you think that what you did was shit.
Better thread where?
As soon as this one filled up with request like usual, so start requesting.
This is as good as it's going to get.
>You may want to enforce the rules but I don't think the rest of the thread will cooperate with you.
Yeah, well, what are we supposed to do then? Soon he'll create a thread 10 posts before the limit, then 20. And we are just supposed to accept that and not counteract it? Look at how this guy bahaved last time and even this time when he seems to be getting his way.
Also, he seems to have an unhealthy obsession with "tarantulafag", to the point where he throws it around as a random insult.
Requesting Hinata spying on Naruto in the hot spring. Dressed like right.
Mods deleted it because the OP of this one spammed the report button.
tbf tarantulafag's posts stick more than most, so I can see why he's making that assumption
You have to go back.
>And we are just supposed to accept that and not counteract it?
I'll accept it because there's no problem with that.
Requesting Raynare drinking 100 cups of coffee
Requesting Stocking eating Gigantamax Alcreamie
Requesting a fusion of Panty from Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt and Rin from Muse Dash with their outfit being that of a sort of rock n' roll angel.
Been having trouble posting pics so I'm going to have to discribe my request. Melty and Filo from Shield hero dancing on a stage in sexy tuxedoes. Complete with top hats, fishnet stockings, canes, and high heel boots. The tuxedoes should look like the one Hatsune Miku wears in her Project Diva games. Have Naofumi sitting in the front row enjoying the view!
Anchoring for Colorfriend
Uh, there is no anchor post.
Unless just putting it in the thread at the bottom counts?
Anchors like in Yea Forums we dont do here, if a drawfag is working on a piece and doesn’t complete it in that thread you anchor it in the next one
Tarantulafag here, again.
Since you didn't bother to answer in the last thread and doubled down with accusing people of being me, I'll have to ask again:
What's your gripe exactly? I haven't even made a full request in within the last month, and most of my posts in these threads are comments on deliveries I like, complimenting the artists. Post which you probably couldn't even identify and trace back to me if you tried.
So, what exactly did I do that rubbed you the wrong way? Why the butthurt over pretty much nothing?
And why do you accuse random people of being me just because they disagree with you?
>tbf tarantulafag's posts stick more than most
Do they? Can you point out which posts I've made in the last thread? And if you indeed can, what's so bad about them that some retard must drag me into this shit, even though there isn't even a request of mine around right now?
The previous one was 5 (five) fucking post too early. Five fucking post that likely just a simple mistake. But then you had to freak out and made another thread. It's you that made someone intentionally created another thread too early, and even then it's just a mere two fucking post.
Do you seriously think there's a boogeyman with the big evil plan to make no one in Yea Forums can receive free art anymore? If anything it's your pettiness over 2 to 5 posts difference that ruin the thread. I swear some people actually deserve to be bullied.
Requesting pre-timeskip Nami hugging her post time-skip self's butt or vice-versa.
Requesting Asuka Tenjouin (Alexis Rhodes) laying on her bed looking over some cards
well for one thing you can stop calling everyone that disagrees with you a 'troll'
Requesting Constanze dressed as either Gaige(BL2) or Moze(BL3).
Imagine being an artist who's affiliated with Yea Forums, the site that's now mostly known as the center point for white nationalists to organize and celebrate mass murders. It must be sad knowing that you'll never be able to progress with your talent because everyone will only see you as a racist kook. If I were an artist like that, I'd delete anything that I posted here and stay as far away from this dump as possible. You don't need this place. and it's totally not worth the time and effort. Just turn back now while you still can.
I haven't called you a troll, as far as I can recall. Was this something that happened back when I had that anchored request? If so, then I'm sure I did only called you a troll because you started shitting on it for no reason, which is something trolls tend to do.
This should be nothing to cause you so much butthurt that you bring me up months later for no good reason.
Shut the fuck up all of you.
Requesting Maron stuck in the sand like in the reference with chi-Chi and Krilin looking at her with a pleasant face.
Hey, you made this post in Yea Forums.
Requesting Pitz being arrested by the Sri Lanka government for beating up a pondiberry shark without a boxing license.
>Shut the fuck up all of you.
Sorry, user, but if that guy insists on having a personal crusade against me over multiple drawthreads, I'd at least like to know his reasons.
What's the difference?
>Was this something that happened back when I had that anchored request?
Maybe? No one feel offended by being called a troll, but I can tell some do dislike you for acting like a redditor here. Naturally some will continue messing with you.
>some do dislike you for acting like a redditor here.
I'm not "acting like a redditor".
Again, you probably can't even tell which posts in the last thread were made by me. All I ever did was anchor a request longer than some random idiots liked.
I have never complained about a delivery, I have never shown any disrespect to an artist, I have never begged or pressured anyone, I have never spammed a large number of requests.
Tell me, what is that huge crime I am guilty of?
Maybe for not being chill and genuinely take offense over "troll" in Yea Forums of all places? I'm not saying you're guilty, I'm just saying you're being all serious business here is just inviting shitposters to yourself.
How do you act like a Redditor? I think I only saw "Reddit spacing" for that.
Hi! It's true though.
Requesting Walkure looking like KISS with their tongues hanging out and makind the same hand gesture like Gene Simmons. Not necessarily in the same poses. Showing them like they are rocking out would be a huge plus with everything above. Additionally Freyia would need new make up variation. I leave that to the imagination of the maker.
Requesting Yuuki Konno sitting up in her hospital with a blood bag hooked to her arm and looking in better health than left images, but not as healthy as right. With the sole exception being her breasts are now D cup with her looking at her hands going "I'm...healthy?"
Then in a second panel she's cupping her new bosom with a stoic yet blushing face.
Optionally with off panel doctors voicing their disbelief at her being cured and how the blood transfusion worked so well
Requesting Velvet Crowe dressed as Suzuha Amane, or vice versa
I heard someone from /ic/ actually make it big.
To be fair he has to because he once arrested and can no longer apply as a wageslave.
Who has the biggest tiddies this seaso, she or that dog girl?
Requesting Kenshiro doing his Hyakuretsu Ken (Hundred Crack Fist towards the viewer) with Kaguya standing behind him. Using the technique Yasogami Kugeki. (with the fists of hers taking up the left and right side of the image). And both eminating the same blue aura. Thank you
Requesting Revy and Yukio robbing a bank together while Yukio says “You’re right, this is thrilling!”
Requesting Nui Harime from Kill la Kill trying to force Madoka to tell her how to become a magical girl, possibly through intimidation or threatening to kill her cat thing (all the while Kyuubey is just enjoying the situation)
Post dog girl so I can judge.
the fuck is that third image
>genuinely take offense over "troll" in Yea Forums of all places?
But that's the point: I'm not at all offended by namecalling, but that other guy apparently was offended over me calling him a troll ( ).
Maybe I am taking things too seriously, but certain people have quite aggressively attacked me for just anchoring something and are now still acting as if I was the worst offender in here. And worse: Artists who did deliver to me got unduely attacked by those people. That is something I do take seriously, because I don't think that something like this should ever happen in here.
As far as I'm concerned, I am being pretty chill. I've been keeping very low profile over the last one and a half months, practically taking a pause from requesting altogether and I just want to enjoy these threads. Yet, in the last one, that guy thought he'd need to attack me anyway ( ).
I just want to know why he is so hell-bent on giving me a "bad reputation", or whatever his plan is.
A stocking mask. Robber staple.
>but that other guy apparently was offended over me calling him a troll
no I mean your usage of it really stands out, among other things
like I don't know if the redditor thing is accurate but it certainly feels as though you drifted in from somewhere else
>I just want to know why he is so hell-bent on giving me a "bad reputation"
>but certain people have quite aggressively attacked me for just anchoring something
Okay, maybe this one is hard to take. It's okay, just listen to me slowly and take your time to comprehend this:
You don't have any "reputation" to be tarnished on Yea Forums of all place. All of this wouldn't happen if you never lashed out to people who shitpost on your anchor.
But it's too late now. Today you're the petty and easily offended tarantulafag. If the other guy who freak out over the early thread will stay, well, too bad for you, he's now you.
Probably Liza
Same image but with abs
Requesting a robotifyed version of Nate and Bear from Yo Kai Watch.
Akira and Yukari doing the pose on the left with those bracelets on as well
Requesting Lala-Ru from "Now and then, Here and there" wearing either a school swimsuit or a bunnygirl outfit or any other lewd outfit of your choice, preferred in one of those two poses.
With her typical jaded, emotionless expression, looking like she was ordered to wear it and considered refusing the request more of a hassle than just going along with it.
Wtf i love asta now
Anyone need a pose reference?
Requesting Frolaytia Capistrano in a kiddie pool that she's too big for
Request frontal view of Lily in a groom smoking, struggling, while trying to carry Yuugiri who is wearing a wedding dress over "the threshold."
Requesting Sakura Toriumi relaxing in a bikini while fishing.
Requesting Ravel Phoenix nervously trying on a nice but conservative dress in a mirror going 'Is this still too much?'
Requesting Akari Akaza,Yulia "Yusha" Chardiet and Momo Minamoto dressed as the 3 musketeers
Seconding, who is she?
I'd love to see a cute Ahiru from Princess Tutu wearing a pretty Yukata, themed after her duck-form.
Sorry if the reference is a mess, I tried incorporating enough references for all of her forms and outfits, hence all the dingy colored boxes. You can use whatever design you want as basis.
Requesting 2koma instant loss starting with Akkun defending Tanukichi from Anna's sexual deviancy, second panel Akkun is moaning in horrible pain in the Yamcha death pose
Requesting Tokiwa Kyouko (Full Metal Panic!)
making a sexy pose with her slender body in her bikini, please.
Thanks. I'm going to draw her and you're not stopping me.
Even bigger in the manga
I like it. That's what I'll go with then.
Requesting Mako as a cute shark girl.
Draw yui's big fat butt
>not a songle loli request
Show us your loli art.
comfy lain please
Requesting Shuten Douji wearing a hoodie and some jeans.
Requesting a smug disco loli milf.
Requesting Ringo Akai lifting up her skirt and having a smug smile about the viewer looking.
Is that Oga? It's really cute.
>you don't need fundamentals to draw anime, falling for the loomis meme lol
Requesting Galko-chan in her summer vacation outfit taking a bite out of a burger in one hand and a milkshake in the other
Jokes on you. Sticc girls are my fetish.
Reference for those willing to draw it:
Give me a mostly nude loli with the modesty bandaids and highly unusual tanlines.
Requesting Anya Folger from"SpyXFamily" cosplaying as Ms. Marvel
Requesting Sakura Kinomoto from the anime series "Cardcaptor Sakura" blushing as she's being embraced by Kyōhei Yanase from the hentai series "Beat Angel Escalayer" who kisses her on the forehead
Requesting Eren Yeager kissing Gabi Braun
Reference for pose.
Requesting Olivia Armstrong taking a dump in an outhouse please.
Requesting Yoshikawa Yuuko from Hibike! Euphonium cuddling with a stuffed lamb (as in a plush/stuffed toy, not a real one), in pajamas or lingerie.
Requesting Lum as left side reference picture please.
Requesting Tejina being happy from nice compliments people say about her magic and talent.
Draw Shinobu or Velvet twins wering this outfit
I saw a few video on youtube about that anime a few days ago. Why she is so autistic?
Requesting loli jahy sama celebrating her birthday with a birthday hat on and a piece of cake with a lit candle
What outfit is that. My first thought is hitler youth from the age of the images.
yo is that abusefag? ewwww dude cringe, look at this dude over here, yikes. imagine being a spammer unironically
Requesting chiya snorting catnip and getting big feral cat eyes saying "That's some good shit"
Requesting Cirno wearing an oversized t-shirt that says “Absolute UNIT” on it
>page 9
Requesting Uruka Takemoto diving into the pool like in the right pic.
Please lurk for 9 more years before posting again
requesting the hyena way (
it being futa on femboy/male
Requesting this
Here you go
Pondiberry is a bootleg poison type Pokemon based on hopip from gen 2 whole Pondicherry is a tiny shark everyone thought was extinct until that Shark Week documentary that aired last week.
I don't know what I did to receive such a reply.
Requestin Anzu planting her huge ass on Rebecca's face
Shorts or no shorts is up to you
/r/'ing GOOSH GOOSH (
bonus points for vaginal
Your mistake was me not noticing how much time had passed and thought you replied to me minutes after i made the cirno post and thought you were just dumbsorry
Requesting Quinella version of Witchcrafter Madame Verre
Read a little Loomis recently. Now I'm seeing my nipponese porn and thinking "how far is her navel from her pussy in terms of heads?" I think I'm making steady progress
Requesting Asuka Langley Soryu from NGE wearing corpse paint and doing Varg's pose.
not OR but this is really stylish, great work
Well done, nice work
not OR but this is really cute
Requesting Mirabell Bell wearing a bulletproof vest or pistol webbing that's too small for her chest
Requesting Kiyoko, wearing the outfit on the right, experiencing a wardrobe malfunction while playing volley with Mira
Draw Tiel posing like the girl on the right.
Requesting art of this fine smug lass with her eyes reshaped and recolored in the likeness of images of that famous black hole photo
Requesting Tsubasa from Symphogear with a short bob haircut with her normal straight cut ends. Either outfit shown here is fine. The sidetail can either be short or absent.
Requesting Tejina as a stage magician mecha musume
Very nice work, user. Cute duck!
Good eve for details, and very dynamic style.
Can I get Franken Fran experimenting on post-GER Diavolo?
Requesting Chad learning how to cook with his abuela
yeh, good shit!
Requesting this with bar-owner-san from Jahy-sama.
This is excellent. Thanks a ton for drawing Yui's butt.
monaka (the loli)
POV reverse cowgirl, looking back at the viewer
You don't have to draw sex, it could be clothed and she's riding a dude with her panties on.
Any animu girl with pretty nails like this.
>>not using or as OP
>pale blue sketch that looks like shit as a thumbnail
>loli garbage
gee I wonder why
>loli garbage
You have to go back.
Cause you didn’t make it
OR here. This is really cute!
Requesting the top image but with Tart from Eto Rangers
Requesting a flustered Lala from Moster Musume with a roll of toilet paper on top of her head
Requesting your least favorite anime character getting Yamcha'd into the ground.
>Cause you didn’t make it
No one had a chance to make it, becuase OP was ... overeager.
Yeah, least when i make it i wait til 499 and make the last post link to the next thread
Requesting a busty Buu saga Chichi wearing a slutty version of Futaba's outfit ( short shorts, high heels, a midriff, big earrings and a cleavage)
Taking aged up/aged down requests! Please specify an approximate age you’d like to see for either option :) Hope it’s chill to do a signup like this
Spare us a blog, kind gent? Really cute, 12/10 at least
How about a 10 year old Galko?
A milf/cougar Fubuki from One Punch Man. Probably in her early to mid 40's with a little bit of crows feet and extra curves.
Either an 8 year old Amanda smiling with a missing front tooth or 30 year old busty Amanda
Draw a 7-10 yr old eclaire.
An older, refined looking Kneesocks would be nice. probably with her hair in a bun like a librarian and wearing pantyhose. She's a demon so not sure if aging would work normally, but hope this is fine.
Juu Juuzawa dressed as a king on a chair/throne and Ame Ochibana dressed like a female knight beside him
Ara-ara Senko-san
30-40 year old Dia Kurosawa please.
Requesting mid-to-late-20s housewife Tomo-chan. Thank you!
Draw Cinnamon in her swimsuit, with some skindentation or a smaller bikini top size
Also requesting her in a tight and rather stuffy jumpsuit
Requesting Atalanta from Fate wearing Atalanta BC jersey.
Optional: playing football with continent Europe as background.
Requesting this colored. Ref:
Ranko wearing something like this
Requesting Issei marrying Koneko (high school dxd) foregoing the other girls
Requesting loli Nadeshiko doing camp activities like playing sack racing, tug-o-war, or hide and seek.
Therese wearing
Requesting Yuko needing a haircut and getting one from her mother since they are poor but she cuts it short by mistake. They are from Machikado Mazoku.
Hope you like it!
Alita from Battle Angel Alita (movie ver) in love with a 'Terry's Chocolate Orange', the real-life fusion of two of her favorite foods
Wow, that's super adorable
Eru wearing a cute dress or a "tribal"-like appearance based on the bottom middle scene
As the OR, I think you drew a very cute Galko. Great job!
Maid outfit please
Very cute Galko!
Don't know if the OG requester is still around but
Draw Miku as a hostess please
not OR, but das a pretty cute bottom
nice booty!
Requesting Lalaco, Yoshie, and Sophia as Shin Megami Tensei alignment reps (Demon Lalaco, Angel Sophia, Jack's Squad Yoshie)
And to the SMT lurker, as much as Jack's Squad aren't the real neutral alignment, I just needed filler.
Very nice.
Requesting the other GobSla characters done in a similar sci-fi style please
Requesting Raphtalia like the Maid of Orleans but with her own home's flag on a standard-spear; references
Also yeah jugs as big as Jeanne's
Haruka and Chihaya from Idolmaster as a couple in their 30s.
I'd like to request Ritsuka and Mashu slowdancing to some Bing Crosby
Requesting Nibutani (with a ponytail) and Natsumi Tokugawa/fake Mori Summer fawning over/worshipping Dekomori similar to the bottom two girls in the upper right image, with them all wearing sling bikini outfits.
A few details I'd prefer to see would be if Nibutani and Natsumi's outfits were modeled more after Mori Summer's outfit, and if only Dekomori had thighhighs and a veil.
Also make sure Dekomori doesn't look too loli, more like the bottom image (still petite/young-looking though.)
OR, lovely. Thank you so much.
Requesting a pic of Mr. Astolfo in an SS uniform.
Umph, love the muscles, nicely done. Not OR, blog?
I was looking forward to this, very nice
real nice work user
you'd better get around to making a blog sooner or later
Requesting a Padoru edit for Nino Nakano please.
Here supremacist boy
Choi wearing a Dera Beanie
Thank you!
Requesting Saya Takagi using her twintails as a TV antenna.
Are you serious?
torino but if she was actually 17 like she says she is
Requesting hexafusion
Why did you trace over my lineart, you could've just asked for a transparent version.
Tejina Senpai standing in front of assistant kun saying something like,
,, For this next trick I need a condom and a volunteer". She has one hand behind her back where she holds a needle.
Requesting Shiny Chariot as a Lighwarden, with a title appearing over her, “The Fallen Star: Naiveté”
Nice reference, I'm sure drawfag is working well with it
Posting colored witches
>check last thread
>see this
What the fuck? I thought he only drew chunky chicks.
More please
and red hair ver
Nicely done colorfag, thanks again for this! OR
Check his twitter
whats his twitter
i dont see the picture
Requesting Mayuri Shiina dressed as Rikka Takanashi, possibly making a chuunibyou pose
Then i dont know, Satan+
Well m8s, I was intending to continue working on these when I got off work but some dumb Stacy cunt rear-ended and totaled my car, so I've been dicking with that the last few hours. These will trickle out in the next few threads, thanks for all the practice and your patience.
Does ara-ara mean taxpayer or dependent, please clarify my guy
Thanks friends, after the night I've had your words mean a lot. Glad you like it, OR! :)
loli requests
Requesting a wet Grey Wolf drying herself like a dog
Pregnant komoe
Carrying over from the last thread.
Requesting Usagi and Yusuke like the following image.
I drew a fat loli today
Requesting Airi serving three plates, with one plate being on her chest because her hands are full.
Don't listen to this faggot
Nothing wrong with some extra love handles, she looks great.
Yuuko but mid-20s!
This is exactly what I had in mind, thank you so much user! Very nice style too.
Requesting Mugi from K-ON! dressed as Beethoven.
Choi Mochimazzi from Tamako Market as a 21 year old.
Requesting Artemis from FGO secretly kissing a picture of Gudao with an embarrassed blush
not Yea Forums
Sure no problem, take your time. Also good luck with your car thing.
It means he wants an oneesan or milf version of that character
Requesting Hiro and loli 02 playing Candyland and Hiro lets her win so she can be happy.
Good morning, Yea Forums
Today is R. Dorothy's and my 5th anniversary; I would appreciate just something sweet and nice, if you please, something befitting the occasion
Requesting ost in a kunoichi-themed version of her usual outfit, making her look like a "Ninja tortoise" of sorts.
Imagine being an artist who's affiliated with Yea Forums, the site that's now mostly known as the center point for white nationalists to organize and celebrate mass murders. It must be sad knowing that you'll never be able to progress with your talent because everyone will only see you as a racist kook. If I were an artist like that, I'd delete anything that I posted here and stay as far away from this dump as possible. You don't need this place. and it's totally not worth the time and effort. Just turn back now while you still can.
Holy shit man that fucking blows, hope you get it all sorted out
get rekt
Nicely done!
Requesting Oriana Thomson hitchhiking
Requesting Esdeath from Akame ga Kill dressed as KDA Ahri with ice fox ears and tails
Moeka from Steins;Gate wearing this costume, if you want you can make it so it doesn't quite fit her chest
Atalanta dressed as a biker chick or a motorcyclist
or Atalanta wearing some super plain clothes (like shorts, white tank top) and taking a catnap on a sunlit-patch of hardwood flooring in a house
Oh no, now i am sad. Nicely done
Good job!
goddammit ;_;
>Want to request character
>have zero ideas for him
If anyone wants to draw this chuuni fuck I'll provide a reference chart.
Your penchant for cruelty is unmatched. Nice work.
Should have know viper is into bully fetish
I want to give her a Pitz plush to cheer her up. Nobody should feel sad on their birthday.
Cute and sad
Original requester here. I'm currently sad at work. The art came out fantastically and I love it. Jahy is usually sad and a failure in the manga but this is just depressing.
Can we please get a happier version with her celebrating with the restaurant owner, her sister, and druj from the main story?
Yes can we please get more free art on top?
pt 2 everyone jumps out; it was a surprise party all along!
>celebrating with the restaurant owner
Oh, user, poor innocent user. You don't know the implications of what you're asking for ...
Requesting Koorogi from Mister Ajikko wearing a ref outfit
>Can we please get a happier version with her celebrating with the restaurant owner, her sister, and druj from the main story?
This is going to get worse before it gets better, isn't it.
Ignore the Eclaire and Torino ones
Think you could draw a busty Sena Kashiwazaki wearing a kimono like in the OP?
More thicc school girl midriffs please, also cute belly button piercing
Requesting Umihara Kawase wearing a cow bikini:
Requesting Francis Drake pumping a shotgun with one hand
Requesting fusions of (Rias and Akeno from Highschool DXD), (Mirajane from Fairy Tail and Esdeath from Akame ga Kill),(Musubi, Tsukiumi, Matsu, and Kazehana from Sekirei), (Shion and Chloe from Slime). If you want you could fuse any two or more of them.
Rias and Akeno done
Esdeath and Mirajane done
Requesting Shinobu Oshino, Lum Invader, Shampoo or Ranma-chan wearing this sexy bikini. Draw the girl of your choice posing as the blonde girl from reference.
Requesting a drawfriend's take on if Ann Electel (top-left) cross-fused with her name ElecMan.EXE (top middle). When a NetOp like Princess Pride (middle-left) or Tesla Magnets (bottom-left) cross-fuses with their respective NetNavi (Pride has KnightMan.EXE in the center, while Tesla has MagnetMan.EXE in the lower-center), they take on physical aspects of their Navi and also gain abilities related to their Navi's special abilities. I'd love to see a Cross-Fused Ann with ElecMan to see the sexy woman get a new look while still being... well, sexy!
Cute Jahy, must bully more.
Requesting Rachnera as a ninja
Kind of comfy Lain 4u.
Nicely Done!
Just a vintage sporting outfit.
I'm not this jackass >191619240
why does the 'vintage sporting outfit' have the hitler youth logo on it
Shut up abusefag
Requesting Bunyan in a bikini, relaxing in a lake
Requesting Astolfo and female Fujimaru posing together in lingerie similarly to Medb and Scathach, possibly with one of them trying to hide their embarrassment/arousal from the other, or one of them frustrated at the lack of either.
Or you could do something similar to one of the panels from this comic (a continuation of the Medb/Scathach image):
Cute chocolate boob
Not OR, but she's very pretty.
Y'all, that's precious; thank you so much
Get the fuck off Yea Forums, Alan.
Requesting Cure Marine sneaking behind Cure Sunshine to lift her top.
Or Cure Marine licking Cure Sunshine's navel.
You're welcome.
Requesting Cirno learning to swim, the hard way.
Sniped, but stay tuned for more, just a WIP at the moment, will add more frames and color tomorrow after work.
Oh wow! A transition animation, looking forward to it! not OR
Doomguy fighting Ai Enma, done in a chibi style with Doomguy bear hugging Enma with her bapping him over the head with oar from her boat.
Very nice work so far.
You're highly productive lately, user!
Aaaand I forgot to add her ring hair accessory because I'm blind. Fuck my life.
Reine wearing a too-small school uniform or some other outfit
Himawari weirded out or disgusted
or tired from a long hard session of sex with her boyfriend/husband
I bet you're the type of person that blames genies for granting wishes literally, rather than the wishers lack of clarification and foresight
Requesting Glass from Shield Hero giving a footjob.
Requesting Kyubey as a masseur giving a Madoka a backrub with him on their back.
ghost footjob, woo woo
Requesting this with Elizabeth please.
Isn't that a Yea Forums request?
Could I get a picture like this with Shamsiel?
And can I get a bunnygirl Shamsiel?
I'd really like to see Shamsiel as a maid, too, and holding a bottle of booze with her breasts
probably double dipping, seen him on Yea Forums too I think
whoops sorry, it was late at night when i was doodlin that and i was very sleepy, didn't crop it properly.
Enough with the jahy bullying!
Requesting Haruko, the teacher from Fireworks, getting her tits fucked
This wouldnt happen if she was in her adult form. She'd get some nice "frosting" spread on her and a present inside of her that takes 9 months to get ready
Real edgy.
when will god stop your sinful hand
Requesting a pirate loli singing goodbye to that other dead chan with the lyrics: "It's time for us to leave her..." written below her. Her hat is on her heart and a single tear is rolling down her cheek.
mashiro wearing a bikini
A dinner date with waifu!
very very cute
Going to a dinner date with waifu!
yeah the first was a mistake in the drawing i wanted to fix. second one was that i didnt like the reso change
Is Dorothy even able to eat, or would she just watch user eat?
Just feed her baby food like RoboCop
She's a robot, not a cyborg.
Then feed her whatever Motoko Kusanagi eats
The Toko is also a cyborg.
Damn thats a really cute bunyan! I really like the bikinin you chose too, you even included Gudako!
Feed her a bottle of oil.
This drawing makes me feel uneasy, delet.
Lovely, user; I really appreciate your generosity
Can't exclude her maker. Or her cute animal companion.
She can definitely drink (albeit it "a little")--we know that for sure from the source material. As far as eating is concerning I imagine it would equally be "a little" and would be held in a compartment to be emptied later?
I dunno
Requesting Leorio from Hunter x Hunter, drawn instead as if he's a villain
do you take commissions?
Requesting this yuuki onna, Mizore, in a bikini but in a cold lake, colors on the right
twatter @LiveActors
fuck off already
Very cute
POV of Rui's bulge.
You do realize that’s about 1 hour of work and therefore $15 worth of time right? Might as well be free at that point.
Requesting a gothic Nui Harime.
i apologize again, i kept messing up in uploading the right one
This is what requestfags actually believe
viper you big derp, go sleep.
I did, in fact, do it for free yes
Happy jahy birthday surprise soon? Please viper I beg off you, let it end happily
user is just late coming home from work right? Getting her a big present?
Anything of Hitomi-chan wearing spats.
Cowprint bikini would be nice too
Whas gunna hapen nex??
Bring on the healing!
not that guy and this isn't a specific character, rerequest.
wew, naisu rori.
Either I was right or things are going to take a turn for the worse
Wew, love your OC.
This is very lewd and I love it
Good who
Very very good stuff.
Love the hearts bikini imprints.
Requesting Motoko Kusanagi (SAC) removing her sarong, revealing her bikini bottom.
Have her hold the sarong like this:
Please don't lewd my daughter Erika.
Also requesting Kurumi Erika wearing Helena Blavatsky's outfit
I cannot be stopped, I already saved that picture to my fap folder
Requesting color of the drawing of Takane wearing the Cacciatrice outfit
Requesting Belphegor lewds
Thats some deliciously THICC plankton
Sweet user
Cute and lewd!
Requesting Stocking and Hotaru in edible lingerie
Requesting Aki Nijou from Maken-ki wearing Raikou's swimsuit
why do you hate lolis
I don't, I would like to draw some
I like women
I like girls with developed bodies. Also none of the lolis I'd spitball would get drawn
draw monaka wearing an oversized tshirt and cute panties, grinding on the viewer
Lolis are my favorite though
Requesting Kaho Komiya from Idolmaster: Shiny Colors being a lewd loli with cat ears and a butt plug tail, while wearing erotic clothes. Kinda like
Extra points for hot, messy loli sex.
Requesting ponytail Kajou and ponytail Saki awkwardly examining each other
Kaoru getting slapped on the ass
Would rather draw slow, passionate sex. Lots of sweat, panting, moaning, and a clock in the background to show the passage of time through the night.
thats fine too just draw lewd Kaoru
I won't vulture but you sound like my kind of drawfriend.
Sounds like you have another girl in mind after I draw this Koaru. Let's hear it then.
You sound like you don't draw.
Was thinking of Kaname if you don't mind.
>sasuga dunkfag
tama with ace from one piece
Requesting Astarotte Ygvar wearing one of these semen sucker outfits. Hope the ref isn't too explicit.
Requesting Hibari surfing on her boyfriend
Having that kind of fanart of the show is just in terrible taste.
>"Now and then, Here and there"
Since you're requesting that I'll also request some. Sara in labor giving birth to the baby that was forced on her in the show.
Heres the reference for Sara.
All the characters from NTHT having a bikini beach party.
Requesting Wo-class wearing a version of her hat with a "CV-6" or "Big E" written on it while she enjoys an American burger.
Requesting a girl of your choice dressed like tsuchinoko
requesting pliers pulling out kaos's fang
Wouldn't that hurt?
Requesting post-apocalyptic Megumin making a nuke go off in the distance and she throws her arms up in the air and screams "Explosion!" at the top of her lungs.
Not sure of her outfit, but think Mad Max/Waterworld and she has Chomusuke's pelt/fur on her belt like a trophy where she skinned him.
For you
Thats what drawthreads are for, that show isn't exactly a holy cow
Requesting mashup between Maquia and Red Dead Redemption 2
is there a non loli version request for this
If I suggest a non loli, could you draw her in that?
And if I may make two suggestions
Requesting Gabi Braun and Falco Grice as a couple watching fireworks with Falco blushing. (Gabi in a yukata if posible)
Imagine being an artist who's affiliated with Yea Forums, the site that's now mostly known as the center point for white nationalists to organize and celebrate mass murders. It must be sad knowing that you'll never be able to progress with your talent because everyone will only see you as a racist kook. If I were an artist like that, I'd delete anything that I posted here and stay as far away from this dump as possible. You don't need this place. and it's totally not worth the time and effort. Just turn back now while you still can.
Requesting Cirno in a dramatic pose
Cutlass would be nice
Cutlass fury!
Hi. I'd like a drawing of Nene (left) dressed like Nene (right) please!
Elder God Demonbane and Aquarion Logos Genesis fighting in the realm of Azathoth.
Since KLK got new content (a game) recently, any new art of her would make me very happy
Requesting Satsuki. Junketsu Shinzui would be pretty awesome too
Trying your 3rd option.
I'll make clean lineart and add colors when i have the time, unless you don't like it of course then I won't post it, i'm still learning how to draw anime girls though so forgive my autism.
Put on /i/
Nice word of advice though, try and post in the /i/ thread for deliveries and link it here before you get banned
ok sorry
cute sketches!
im requesting this
Idont have one if thats waht you're asking for, as i said im learning so im not good enough
>i love Gabi
>she is cute
>i want to see her happy
Requesting Chibi Usa from sailor moon with a minigun. I need this for reasons, it's very important.
I need to stop drawing low angles.
>I need to stop drawing low angles.
Stopping would be illegal, excellent work.
>that x in the hair to indicate part that shouldn't be colored
You're doing this professionally, aren't you? Blog?
wew good lord, very naisu.
Two fantastic deliveries one after the other, this thread is on a streak. Great job, anons.
Very rico
Nicely done
Requesting Paris in spats shaking his ass. Or getting doggied pov
Cute, more low angles
low angles are great
Color tomorrow hopefully
Chou sugoi.
Nice, you fixed the hair accessory.
Amazing work.
>long hair
Dumb dumbpire.
I don't think Yea Forums could handle such a delivery.
Shit taste!
No. Only low angles can sustain me. Please continue.
You know she has long hair as well, she just keeps it up in buns.
Requesting Tejina making a guy cum with her feet for her next magic trick.
Had me until feet.
Thats okay, but you don't need to pretend to be a drawfag
Footfag leave
Not him but was that necessary?
ok drawthread police.
Do you draw with music playing? I've heard the type of music you play can affect the style of art your doing.
Don't know why this gave me so more trouble than usual but oh well.
Nicely done!
And gone
Cool pose
Requesting Shinji Aoba beating up Ushio from Clannad Afterstory.
You around?
Nice work
Fuck yourself edgelord.
requesting art of lewd teacher or OL Tamamo or Tamamo wearing just a loose blouse/undershirt
Thanks for the cute sketch
Imagine being an artist who's affiliated with Yea Forums, the site that's now mostly known as the center point for white nationalists to organize and celebrate mass murders. It must be sad knowing that you'll never be able to progress with your talent because everyone will only see you as a racist kook. If I were an artist like that, I'd delete anything that I posted here and stay as far away from this dump as possible. You don't need this place. and it's totally not worth the time and effort. Just turn back now while you still can.
Yes. Oh god, YES. This is so adorably lewd it's mesmerizing. Kaho sure is a miracle a miracle that must be lewded.
Thanks a million once again for this wonderful cat, drawfriend!
No one cares, /ic/
Fuck off.
Jokes on you I don't have talent.
Nice pose
Here’s a better reference I’ve made. Requesting Misaki Tokura removing her sarong, revealing her white bikini bottom.
This is absolutely gorgeous. The details and angle are really well done, and you captured her smug smile perfectly. It's just amazing. Thank you drawfriend, do you have a blog?
Cowabunga! The outfit, the curves and breasts, i am loving the turtle power of this drawing. Thank you for the delivery!
Good stuff, got a blog?
Requesting Amanda O'Neill as a delivery guy from Pizza Hut. Wearing this outfit please.
Not OR but that's sexy
WIP! I'll probably finish this during the weekend.
Good stuff
Looks hot.
Got a blog?
fix the legs perspective dod
>as a delivery guy
I can see no way this will be monkey pawed
very pro. love to detail on the panties.
OR here, thank you so much for these! First time I've ever gotten an animation fill too, looking forward to seeing the full!
Cool picture. I'm sure the OR will love it!
Cringe and begpilled
Based and drawpilled
Cool picture! I'm sure Mishafag will love it!
he can't stop winning huh
Peeking areola is the shit, nicely done
like this maybe
He'll keep on winning and you'll keep on seething. He's the chad requester
Taking requests of characters you want to see with lots of detail. or tomboys... I love tomboys...
Explain further
fine hatching and texturing on things like fabric and hair, lots of line thickness variation, that kinda thing. I can find some old work indicative of what i mean if you give me a minute
Amanda dressed as a stripper
Makoto from Idolmaster
How about Kinko?
>thickness variation
Are you the thickfag?
Rory Mercury
You can also draw her as a tomboy though.
heavens no, I do all my work physically, india ink and paper, sometimes marker.
thickfag here
I'm not him
Image quality got absolutely toasted by iCloud (Apple you hacks) but this is what I'd call detailed inking. Obviously I'd employ different methods for cute girls than cockroach monsters but I hope it conveys the point.
So are you looking for dudes, too?
How about some JoJos?
tomboy rory actually sounds like a pretty fun thing to design and draw, or just do normally thanks to the detail i can pack into the lolita clothes... on the other hand, I actually stole 's kinko reference for my personal tomboy folder like a month ago, so maybe I owe him. and of course drawing Makoto is always tempting. you guys have some good requests tonight, way to make this hard for me.
yeah I'll do guys. anything specific? I'd take any excuse to do some part 7-styled stuff, just reread it.
Draw a rad Gyro, please.
what will be next OP?
That's good work
What has the most (you)s
I don't know
The bottom image with Ryuko from Kill la Kill.
the OP does, we gotta reuse it.
Really. Now shut the fuck up.
We've really become Yea Forums at this point.
We just hit the bump limit, relax.
Overreating like a small child. Just relax, and leave this thread to die.
Thats not the fucking point! You hit 500 then make the new thread, how is it that hard to understand
If it's close enough who cares?
There's only one small child that cries about it every time. Nobody else cares, ever.
Your autism is 10 times more annoying than the guy making early threads.
Pretty good, the shading and coloring of the areolas got me a bit confused tho.
Third time in a row. I don't get how some people can still defend this and attack people who speak out against it. This is clearly deliberate behaviour.
Well, fuck it. We've even had the mods side with that shitter the last time. Now he feels legitimized and will keep this shit up. Thanks.