Damn, man, this nigga didn't have any real friends.
Damn, man, this nigga didn't have any real friends
he's so much like me
He shoulda jumped.
waiting for misaki day 3138
If I were Satou, I would've killed Misaki with a rat poison being the pesky pest she is. The MC of this show is a pathetic waste of oxygen. He's a loser, okay. But does he even have the modicum willingness to stand up for himself? Misaki Nakawhorea fucking looked down upon him and said so herself that she hangs around him to feel better about herself because there's a pathetic piece of shit that got handed worse card than her. But did he stand up for himself? HELL NO! He'd rather get some comfort and companionship from a piece of shit gutter slut like Misaki and low-key hoping for a "relationship" that ofc won't happen since the world is not a magical fairy tale rainbow land where everything's nice and women are making lines trying to suck on your dick. And there's this pathetic senpai "boohoo woe is me he's not going to marry me but actually I know chances are he's going to marry me I'm just too neurotic if he didn't make a statement with signature on stamp because I'm too insecure so I'm just going to commit suicide, fuck this world I'm definitely more miserable than a fucking HikkinNEET with no friends." The glasses boy is a bit okay I guess. All in all, all of the characters in this series are obnoxious pathetic waste of lives that it offends me
Satou should've been laying pipe to his senpai on the regular in high school. That would've solved everything.
He actually did, once. One of his biggest regrets is not going further with her.
>have sex
what the fuck Yea Forums
What was her endgame? Can she beat Jiren?
Probably not. She was incredibly crazy and probably would've messed him up further like she did during the off island arc.
I was waiting for Misaki's betrayal of him for over 16 episodes but it never came. Weird how Satou was right all along characterizing her as an angel in his head, since that's the kinda stuff you'd expect to get knocked off the park right away.
A selfless, mysterious woman graciously and almost singlehandedly pulling a dame-Neeto out of the bottom of the well with a promise of eternal companionship? Every miserable failure dreams of this, but those expectations are fueled by nothing but self-pity and negligence.
Well, I suppose I'm understating Yamazaki's influence on him, Misaki's ulterior motives and Satou being the one to save her in the end. I just couldn't help but expect the angel archetype to break. Oh well, in a way it did. Good series.
inb4 200 posts of /r9k/ fags arguing he's not actually a neet because X and bohoo woe is me
In all seriousness, I think the two of them had more of a connection than what she had with the guy who she ended up with, but you're right in that her problems went deeper than just not getting enough dick in her life. Same for Satou and not being lucky enough with women; he was a trainwreck on multiple levels. They were both broken people and two wrongs don't make a right, they would have likely just enabled each other's mental illnesses.
He looks sad, but why?
I remember seeing this screenshot years before I saw the anime and assumed he went into the military at the end.
I'm re-watching it again. It never gets any easier, The anime tries to give it some kind of hope near the end but it's so unlike everything before. The novel certainly does not give you any hope at all.
How do I make friends Yea Forums. Online is fine, just someone with a name and a face. Anyone
Listen the other person, accept her/his mistakes, help his/her in hard moments, never criticize her/his tastes/hobbies (stop him/her if they're illegal)
How do I meet a person so I can start listening to them. A forum or some shit works too (avatar counts a face). Yea Forums was always my friend but it's just not good enough anymore
>tfw no mental-illness enabling gf
Go to some bar (if you are old enough) and go to public or sports events. Also anime and comic conventions.
It's not worth it. I listened to Yea Forums and made friends, now I'm stuck with two normalfags that I can't shake off. Not having friends is peace that you miss when it's gone.
Only silver lining is I have someone to play co-op shit with now.
I don't have any friends online or offline for 12 years. step up senpai
>wanting to become like Spoony
Loneliness is the worst thing. I wouldn't recommend it. I think if I had not friends I'd be dead.
I was thinking more online friends. Maybe not even that, just a somewhat active forum with regulars who talk about any anime besides shounenshit and Kyoani/Trigger casualshit
I actually cut off all my friends/contacts because whenever I was with them I kept just wanting to go home and be alone.
I don't know any forum. I don't browse forums since 2013/2014. Maybe you can try on Facebook (I know it's garbage) but there are plentty of anime groups.
based. my high school "friends" would ask to hang out with me and i'd always say no hoping they would take the hint and just stop asking to hang out. they finally did.
I don't think Satou is a nigger.
Are you?
Im still so fucking mad
I'm not aware of being one, so no.
>zero doujins
Fuck this gay earth.
Hated this faggot so much. They shouldn't have axed his drug use, it works as a justification for how over-the-top fucking dumb he is. Remember having to drop this around 18-19. Horrible, overrated show and only praised as "realistic" by underages with zero experience. Sometimes I forget what anime fans are like.
Definitely agree with this. The animation was also garbage. The LN however was great. Only retards like this faggot think otherwise
Should i start watching this show tonight?
If you want.
I love the novel even thought is bleak as fuck
Misaki is the only reason to live
Damn, barely anthing happened in the LN.
Relate to it way more than the anime. Still have to tackle the manga.
Same. I like the anime a lot but the novel doesn't pull any punches and I like that about it.
How often do you think she gave her brother a paizuri?
I stopped playing games (online) with my friend. He's constantly interrupted by his children or nagging girlfriend.
Read the manga
What online games can I play where I can make a friend? Nothing with too much investment as I still want to have time to post on Yea Forums and maybe watch anime
Guys, I think my Misaki suffered a horrible accident in her way to my home, she still has not arrived
He's a real life friend. I haven't made new online friends since the days of IRC and message boards.
Friend of mine got married a few months ago. We already don't hang out much anymore and when he inevitably has kids, it'll pretty much all be over. You don't have time to fuck around and do manchild shit anymore when you're an adult with a wife and kids. I won't have anybody then. Feels pretty shitty, truth be told.
Try discord. My tranny friends like to play Overwatch
>that scene with them playing in the snow
How do you make friends on Discord? Every discord channel I've ever been on has been either completely dead or full of the same shitposting you find here
Every conversation I've had on discord ends up with emote spamming instead of saying something actually witty/interesting. It's like trying to talk to twitch chat.
I feel you bro. There are a lot of times when you feel close to anons in some thread and enjoy communicating with them, but then it will inevitably be over eventually, and amount of such threads is only decreasing with time. And you won't meet them ever again.
Only types of communication I can stand are either anonymous imageboards or personal messages. Can't fit in all those discords and other group chats.
I wish there was a way to dm posters here so I could try being your friendo. But you probably won't even read my 4-hour late reply.
Not him but I think I know where you're coming from. I like threads like this where people are kind of real and not acting like hyperactive spastic kids, but it seems like they're becoming rarer and rarer on this site these days. I've never felt older being on here than in the last couple of weeks, and I'm not even quite 30 yet but I just can't relate as much to people here anymore. Sad thing is, Yea Forums is probably one of the best places left to have a discussion these days because at least you won't be shadowbanned or any of the other bullshit that goes on with every major platform these days. Kind of an unfortunate state of affairs.
But he had sex, unlike you OP.
>didn't have any real friends
It is not like you have them either
Yamazaki was his friend
If you're waiting for a Misaki to come knock at your door you misunderstood the show.
So why was she crazy? I only watched the anime and now I feel fucking stupid because her crazy self sounds much, much more fitting to the setting than anything else.
Extremely low self-esteem and kinda pretentious, she was as pathethic as Satou and only wanted to help him so she could finally feel superior to someone who would depend on her
>Show lonely guy doesn't need human connection, he just to need to be himself
>Show this by putting deus ex waifu in the show
wow you really did misunderstand the show even with it's heavy handed methods
you're a special sort of special and should be kept away from society
is there big differences in the novel?
Worth reading?
Based novel poster
Do you really have to ask if wish fufillment trashime is worth it?
very insightful analysis
They are pretty different, the novel is much more hopeless and it delves a lot on Satou experimenting with drugs which the anime completely skipped
Misaki literally made his NEETdom worse and it's hilarious. The whole story could be said to be a giant fuck you to the idea that somebody can help a hikki
>The whole story could be said to be a giant fuck you to the idea that somebody can help a hikki
More like a mentally ill person isn't fit to "save" another mentally ill person
The anime is far better, but the novel is worth reading for the afterwords at least.
hikkis can't be saved because hikkikomirsm is brought about by the ability to survive without doing anything. I wouldn't be locked up in my room for months on end if I couldn't.
unironically this
Huge differences. It's worth reading.
I'll be your friend, user
Why didn’t he just fuck her pussy? She was willing to kiss him. After they got cockblocked it just fizzled away for no reason
Okay what are your top five Chinese cartoons, at least one video game, at least one thing you like that's not 2D related. If your answers are good then we can be friends
It's just like our relationship here on 4channel
Chinese Cartoons:
>Half-Life 2
My favorite album is Loveless - My Bloody Valentine.
pls no bully
>at least one thing you like that's not 2D related
Sorry user, I would rather sudoku from loneliness than be friends with a casual
Why don't you answer it too?
>Redditcore as his anime favourites
Chinese Cartoons:
>Lupin III
>Last Exile
>Stardew Valley
>The Isley Brothers - The heat is on
How doomed am I if I started lurking here at 15yo 4 years ago?
which Rupan and Yamato
Very doomed. That's why you should lurk again for another 10 years
name of the anime?
Depends. Are you in school? Working? Do you have real life friends? Depending on that you may have a chance to get off the path to an early suicide but only if you leave Yea Forums now
Mostly OVA's and movies but my favorite part is Part 5 and Yamato 2199
Boku no try harder. I refuse to believe that there are people here who are this new.
Woops, meant for
>my favorite part is Part 5 and Yamato 2199
I can do better. Rejected
>Fate/Zero in top 5
>Okay what are your top five Chinese cartoons
Darling in the FranXX
Dragon Maid
Bunny Girl Senpai
One Punch Man
Shingeki no Kyojin
>video game
The Witcher 3
>At least one thing you like that's not 2D related
Scott Pilgrim
In no particular order:
Imouto Sae Ireba Ii
Made in Abyss
Houseki no Kuni
Azumanga Daioh
Video game:
Team Fortress 2, I suppose. I have the most hours in it out of any game I ever played
Non 2D thing:
Political Science. It's a meme degree in terms of employment prospects but I really love it. I'm hoping to get into grad school and pursue a PhD from there, and onto academia. I'll just kill myself if I don't make it I suppose.
user, it's no secret that you browse reddit. You better post your MAL before I report you
I hate twitch and discord culture so damn much. Its like a contest for who can be the most obnoxious faggot.
What's wrong with no having friends?
All right you pass the first round even if MiA isn't good. Final question: what is your opinion of the work of Hayao Miyazaki?
Fate, Tatami Galaxy, Kemonozume, Toradora, LotGH
Vidya: Crusader Kings
3D Movie: Irreversible
>Fate AND Toradora
If I had a kid sister I'd watch the shit out of his films with her.
>Okay what are your top five Chinese cartoons
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Darling in the FranXX
Kill La Kill
Hotline Miami and 2hu
>Not related 2D
I do math as a living. I also like Cuarteto de Nos.
Fuck KyoAni.
>he thinks anything out of Fate/Zero is worth it
Can I throw my hand in the ring?
Top 5
>Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
>NHK Ni Youkoso
>Net-juu no Susume
>Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Video game
>One thing you like that's not 2D related
I enjoy skateboarding, though I haven't done it in a while.
Serious answer please
>crusaders kings
So close bro, if only you played a real balanced game
I just like what I like user. If you want true redditcore look here
I read everyone else's lists and thought "wow, these people have great taste." Then I read yours.
Is this the community blog? Wow, such stories.
You fail the anime portion but I like that you picked an activity instead of a product for the third one
Not that doomed. I was here LARPing as an 18yo senior when I was in middle school. Yea Forums raised me. High school age is old enough where your mind has a chance of not being thoroughly warped.
If you are a relatively normal person that's probably true, but if you're autist or otherwise unable to socialize the illusion of friendship that Yea Forums provides will hurt you a lot even if you start late
animation is nice and Rin is a qt loli. That's about it though
I have a feeling of slight dislike towards him but that comes from all the shitposting and that one clip where he lays into those programmers who are showing off their A.I generated animation (or something to that effect) to him. I don't care about him at all otherwise.
I started browsing in 2007.
I was seven years old then.
You're probably better off than me.
>anime is nice and Rin is a qt loli
There is no redemption for you. I hope you will be enlightned in your next reincarnated life that sadly won't happen
You fail the independent thought portion. Rejected
So Berserker could make love to you like a truck?
I don't understand why everyone on Yea Forums started hating Fate. Everyone loved it back when it aired, and that wasn't even as good as the ufotable work.
I appreciate the thought that went into your decision process, thank you user.
I kind of wish so many anime didn't revolve around friend groups. It's not relatable and it's depressing.
I still really like f/sn, I just think zero is shit.
Funny how Fatemonkeys nowadays are so desperate to deny liking the 2006 anime they'll slander the reputation of the studio that made Marimite, Urusei Yatsura, Zipang, Kokoro Library, You're Under Arrest, Patabor, and so many other great anime to avoid admitting the early Fatefags all did
You can't just toy with people's feelings like that, user! Fuck you!
I didn't say which Illya though the answer is yes obviously. And the reason people (including me) hate Fate (but not Prillya) nowadays is basically F/GO and the fanbase more broadly. If I had to summarize F/GO I'd call it a mean-spirited parody of what I liked with Fate. Every time I see Fate related content nowadays it's something stupid, shitty and barely recognizable when compared to the Fate I knew and loved. Having that happen over and over again wears you down and at this point the disdain I have for what Fate has become all but overshadows the fondness I have for it. It also completely destroyed any hope of anything non Fate related coming out of Type Moon, and made things we hope for (like the fabled Tsukihime remake) seem like a punishment.
Imouto sae Ireba ii made me want to accept you but if you've got a top five full of moeshit and a purely meme-based opinion of the first moe artist we can't be friends
Previously, on user's friend hunt:
>Online is fine, just someone with a name and a face. Anyone
> moeshit
I guess we can't be friends after all.
I love moeshit, I just don't think you do
>Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
>NHK Ni Youkoso
>Net-juu no Susume
>Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
why do I feel like you have a suicide plan
I think newfags get confused when they are told not to watch 2006 because it spoils the later routes. But DEEN's UBW movie deserved a lot of hate.
We would not have a Casefiles anime without F/GO raking in cash. I just think of F/GO's story as less-good Carnival Phantasm. It has a few gems. And no one would have made a Caster dakimakura without it either.
I had two gin and tonics since then so I'm less ronery
I also think there's at least a 20% chance that user is a Finn
I've got a few options I want to workshop.
not a Finn at all.
Tell that to most latin american anime fans
Wow Yea Forums, its impressive how you manage to decline in quality every single month.
It's an odd place to complain. NHK-into-blogposting threads have been here for a long time. Considering the fact we had a MAL thread today with around 200 replies I think this thread is pretty good by comparison.
>tfw no Misaki
>tfw no senpai
>tfw no Yamazaki
>mal threads
Those are guaranteed to be cancer. These ones get made at least once a week, but they are increasingly filled with normalfag cunts and shitposters.
When's the last time you even browsed this board, these threads have been a thing for a long while.
only forum i regularly use is somethingawful.
a lot of the people there are older, like legit middle-aged or more. having a forum founded on a comedy website does a lot for people's attitudes on the site, people lean towards being funny, successfully or otherwise. when someone is being retarded the group response tends to be to make fun of them instead of throwing insults.
avoid the general forum (the people there are terrible), go to the one of the hundred more specific subforums and find something you like talking about.
i dunno about the level of anime discussion. i mostly lurk the shoujo/josei/romance thread on their anime forum and the people there genuinely like discussing romance manga.
Honest to God, this is my favorite anime of all time. Welcome to the NHK is a depressingly realistic masterpiece, and I only wish the slice of lifes I've seen had even a shred of its greatness.
Welcome to the NHK, anons.
I only have three
>Book of Friends
>One week Friends
>Friendship is Magic
>he pays 10bux to shitpost with a bunch of lame boomers
I'm talking to real people, which 100x more than I can say for this hellsite
Didn't all the funny SA people move to Twitter anyway?
>ten US dollars
No wonder you faggots have no friends jfc
why, are they known for having tight groups of bros or something?
I read in an old thread "Misaki isn't coming user".
It made me think.
I'm pathetic.
no friends.
no one knows me.
don't work.
so weak walking makes my heart pound.
being just 6 foot, I only weight 140 pounds.
no education.
not even high school.
I am a bad person.
I wouldn't stand to put my self out there in public.
I'd only make my self embarrassed.
while all of my peers were leveling up in the real world getting skills, I have fallen behind in years.
If only I could be equal to everyone else, just reset my brain and age back to the days when I was physically fit and social I'd do it. now it just feels like I will never get over my insecurities.
but the one thing that struck me was that there is no chance for anyone to meet me. you have to open 2 doors to solicit my apartment. So I never get solicitors. For a gradual change, you must have a chance to change. I feel like if I was forced to pas by a neighbor and say hi my life could be different.
sad boi
> 6 feet/140 pounds
That's almost underweight but not really.
>not even high school.
How the fuck do you not finish high school? Anyway, your first step would be to make up for that. As for self-confidence issues, I know from first-hand experience that nothing I can say will actually help. You just have to be forced to go outside and get used to it. I used to have a stutter and general self-confidence issues but then I went to university and had to interact with other students, various staff (like at a cafeteria) and with faculty and got over it. You'll either overcome it yourself one day or get fucked like Satou was in NHK and be forced outside by circumstances or just die.
it was less than a handful. the ones who left now get to post one-liners into the void and hope they dont get canceled by bitter twitter freaks for posting nigger a decade ago on a subforum you have to pay 10 dollars to even see. i don't think the pink forum ever stopped being funny
I only watched the anime and read the novel and im soon planning on reading the manga. I loved Misaki in both anime and novel and i've been seeing anons say she's a fucking bitch in the manga, hope I dont end it hating her.
Misaki was a flawed but decent human being and i'd take her every day over continuing to be alone.
Misaki was a very good portrayal of someone who gave up on herself and then misplaced that by giving up on the world. She was also very cute.
Me not finishing high school was predictable for someone in my position. I remember the slow burn of feelings I had during my last year in high school. I just couldn't do it. I I had no support. I was genuiningly confused about university. I thought I wouldn't get in even though everyone told me I was smart. I was a bully. I am fatherless. see the statistics.
Basically, my life was complicated. It was a lot of mental nonsense. nothing was a simple idea, like "just do it". Teachers lost their patience with me and left me behind, there was nothing to break my self-doubt.
I just couldn't finish it user. My entire body felt like dead weight by the end of June that year.
My mother never finished high school either. I am not fully understanding of what was going on back then or now. But I have always been alone and expected nothing out of life. it was always just me, everything else was taken away (I'm hiding personal details here). I am no Uber Mench, I don't think I can live life on hard mode.
The poverty, fatherlessness, and so on just got to me I guess.
>wanting to be with a literal loser who pretends they are better than you and belittles you just so they can feel like they are not at the bottom of the social totem pole
What Sato needed was crazy Lobster man, not her
i really tried rewatching it some time ago but goddamn I couldn't even watch 1 episode what gives? I remember that years ago I absolutely loved the anime but now I can't even watch half ep
I remember sitting very depressed at a table at school at the end of the year. My math teacher walked over to me to tell me everything would be okay, that I am smart and that he believed in me. I couldn't believe him. By chance my English course had to be shafted to the summer because their were too many students, I never took summer school and never went back to high school. I didn't perform well that year. And I may have failed some classes. I missed some deadlines that I didn't know about for university admissions or procrastinated. No one I know has gone to university so I didn't understand the gravity of what I was doing. It was as if those things weren't real, that is what I believed.
you literally can't be any more tasteless
>started browsing Yea Forums when I was 13
>now I’m almost 21
I’m completely fucked, right?
>Mimi wo Sumaseba
>don’t really play vidya
>walks in nature
He didn't deserve any. If I were Satou I would've cleaned up my room, exercised daily, pick up a hobby that isn't a coping mechanism, spends lots of time with mom and dad (even if they didn't want me around) and file a restraining order against Misaki. He had no reason to be so lazy and disgusting.
You sound like a faggot that reads too many self-help books.
I know the type of faggots you are talking about, but you cannot deny that doing those things can improve your life greatly.
Woah are you a genius or something user? Why didn't Satou just do something so easy like that?
dude wtf insulting a character like satou who is literally me I take as a personal attack. I tried all that stuff but none of worked because I didn't want to do it. I bet your on r/iamverysmart because you sound like a smart alec. don't post ever again.
>guy is depressed and has anxiety to the point he shuts himself in for months without any social interactions
>lmao just stop being crazy
wow your a geneous
Exercise and certain hobbies don't require social interaction
And talking about what he deserves, and that he "has no reason" to be a nutter is just asinine. Especially when it's him acting depressed, fucking anyone would after a few months in solitary.
>this nigga didn't have any real friends.
Yamazaki is the best bro you could ever have. Satou was an idiot.
>>wanting to be with a literal loser who pretends they are better than you and belittles you just so they can feel like they are not at the bottom of the social totem pole
honestly, sounds like every gf. the fact she did it without even letting him bone is just fucked up.
You realize that the main Aesop of the story is fucking based as fuck:
The way things got better, in the end, is because he fucking lost his NEET bucks and got put in his hand a shovel and made to work to earn his own living.
Fuck him, but it's not his fault.
It's the fault of those people who enabled him to exist in this way in the first place.
He should have just have been kicked out from the very beginning and sent to work. Then everything would have been resolved.
The message of the story is: "Arbeit macht Frei", "Work shall set you free" - LITERALLY
>sounds like every gf
WTF? Unironically, I would rather have no gf at all then someone like that. If your gf belittles you, then you just call her out on her bs and PUT HER IN HER PLACE.
That's the way it's normally meant to work
>file a restraining order against Misaki
>not turn Misaki into my perfect wife/onahole
absolute faggot, go back to your shitty NEET life
I mean he literally did at the end
i can't get this song out of my head
what about this nigga? he was a true channer.
He's the only one of the main cast that got a happy ending
Should've invited Satou if he was going to a soapland. Asshole.
This. I self inserted more in Yamazaki than Sato.
Uhh none of those were great anime senpai
Nah, man, I saw problems on the horizon for him, too. Guy was set to become a big time alcoholic.
Kiddo you are a small time, i'm here since 2007 so yeah you are pretty doomed.
What if im a brick wall
>started lurking when I was 18
>31 now
>haven't done shit except for workout daily for the past 10 years, watch anime,read vn/ln and furiously fap to loli doujins
>everyday inches closer to me eating a shotgun popsicle
>shotgun popsicle
>tfw no Yamazaki
The only one that really hurt.
Yamazaki reminded me too much of old Yea Forums ;_;
I'm 30 now, and I started on Yea Forums when I was 15.
It's ruined my life. I can't even LOOK at women nowadays without thinking they're whores.
Get out now, don't become like us jaded old fucks
>first watch this many years ago when I'm significantly younger than Satou
>think how much I'd hate to end up that old and like him
>now older than Satou
Haha, woops
Also, which medium would you say portrayed the 'NEET' story the best, and which was the most entertaining, the manga, anime or LN?
Kinda horrifying when you realize Satou is now way younger than you, and you're basically just waiting to die
It's frightening brother. Although I kinda beat back all the mind rot from Yea Forums. I now work a job I adore, live out of my parents place, have plenty of friends and I'm applying for my dream job in October.
I just don't want the modern youth to become as disillusioned with reality as Yea Forums made me
When I read Oyasumi Punpun I was younger than Punpun himself. I swore to not make his mistakes as our lives share similarities. I am older than Punpun now, and didn't change.
Hmmm, I understand. So it's kinda like how you can't take it up the ass without an asshole.
Yea Forums taught me a lot. I enjoy anime and manga a lot more than I should since I have somewhere to lurk and post in. Considering I could only count on one hand the people I could talk about anime with and they are mostly on the entry-level stuff. Staying here improved my English as I'm ESL too.
I don't know better alternatives when this place goes under.
Don't remind me.
Then form a home.
There is no Misaki. Nowhere. It's all fiction. A lie.
are you at least built fuck now?
photographic evidence please
>I can't even LOOK at women nowadays without thinking they're whores.
You seem pretty fine to me!
royalty free
Felt a little sorry for this faggot. He had too much faith in a useless neet like Satou. But then he gets a waifu?!?
>Get out now, don't become like us jaded old fucks
I wasted my entire life on games and Yea Forums. I don't want people to become like me. It took a lot of hard work to get a good job and sort my life out.
>I can't even LOOK at women nowadays without thinking they're whores.
Oh boy, are you sex obsessed american?
I'm not American
Kinda. He tried to go against destiny and got fucked.
He reminds me of those adults that get to be 40/50 years old. You ask them about them their dreams and most of them just failed trying. Sometimes they are happy as they found peace in their lives (through family or something). Sometimes they are bitter as they just were destroyed by life itself. My dad was that way, and he told me that there is no happiness in life, just some glimpses of joy in a big boring experience.
He may be just like Satou, not really happy but not willing to give up life either.
Vietnamese documentaries:
>Youjo Senki
>Made in Abyss
Video games:
>Civ V/Civ IV
>Don't starve
>Mount and Blyat: Vaegir warfare
3D things:
>Reading about modern History
>Taking a plane to places
>cooking and cocktail making for own's consumption
Get off Ethan you're drunk
Imagine coming out with that from the anime
I didn't realise you were looking for a boyfriend user sry
>there is no happiness in life, just some glimpses of joy in a big boring experience
is this what they mean when they say 'based'?
> implying he isn't right
Shit like this makes me think I'm never going to be able to leave the country like I want to. I'd be more than willing to become a dancing monkey English teacher in Japan and somehow figure out a way to con some homely cake into marrying me just so I can stay there long-term, I just want to escape from this podunk town and country that's going down the tubes to somewhere halfway decent.
>You ask them about them their dreams and most of them just failed trying
joke's on them I gave up before the first hurdle.
Imagine being able to only see the surface of it and not understand it's core
Unironically this. Down to him trying to get a reaction out of the girl he liked thinking she wouldn't like him for who he truly is
What native English shithole country is that?
Literally unrealistic, becoming a teacher in Japan will guarantee success
The Anglo world in general sucks but I'm from the States.
>wifing a psychopath
Yeah, okay.
He was a fool for falling for 3d women
Where do I find qt mental-illness enabling women that are preferrably 2-dimensions?
The real NHK making hikis was this anime all along
He could've just stayed in Tokyo, to be honest, but he would have had to have a heart of pure stone to stay in Tokyo and let his parents struggle like that.
>"Arbeit macht Frei"
user I...
Not exactly a shithole then user is it?
Man, you don't know the state and city I live in.
why are you acting like america is a wartorn hellhole way to be dramatic
I didn't say that, I just said I don't like it here. To me, it's shit. I'd like to live somewhere else for a change, probably a grass is greener situation and I would hate it wherever I go but I doubt it. And no, it's not just because of Trump or something stupid like that, I've wanted to leave for a decade but have still yet to make it happen.
Self-pitying LARPer detected
Just remember the author is still a NEET, hes just living off of his light novel with no friends.
You are insane and you probably not gonna make any friends this way. Not with that attitude.
I wish you good luck anyway.
Tops are retarded. Kenshin OVA 1 wasn't bad, Infinite Stratos, Tower of God, Hunter x Hunter, Berserk, Witch Craft Works. Vidiya - I intend to create a Black & White VR clone or die trying. Non2D - restoring my health bit by bit.
Would you want to be friends with someone posting in an Yea Forums blogthread about roneriness but is actually just pretending to be really interested in anime and manga? If I wanted that I'd just keep posting here
Why the fuck would I LARP that situation?
If that's what you really want, you should try it.
At least that way you can tell yourself 10 years in the future that you didn't give up.
JET isn't easy to get into, though. They reject people all the time. I'll still try to apply, but I'm not optimistic. Nothing has really gone right in my life.
Tell us the city and street you live on user, and we'll tell you if it's a shithole or not
The private sector ones will take any warm body as long as you have a degree
612 Wharf Avenue
>as long as you have a degree
That I do.
At least you have an option. I'm young, but I'm not even sure if I'll be able to live legally in the US (and if I do I'll probably never be able to leave the country). For the moment, my visa has ended.
I'm really fucking poor, I'm expecting to be able to University but even that is not totally sure. My friends are all around the world; I don't know when we'll be together again, and I barely make contact with them.
And it's not like I know what I want to be nor what to do with my life. I'm just letting the circumstances be what decide what to do.
Sorry for the blogpost anyway.
Not even sure if I have the option, honestly. But anyhow, are you from Latin America? Kind of funny I'm talking about trying to get out of the US and you're trying to get in, but I guess it really does come down to the grass being greener on the other side and all that.
Good thing I can be happy living the simplest quietest life possible.
Can ya, though
The writer is a pissfag whom some slut in /cgl/ sent piss stuff to
why can't i get a depressed qtπ gf who looks down on me
Boy, you don't want no Misakis
tfw one good friend I made in primary school I still talk to daily despite being in my early 20's.
No. You can only understand what's really going on if you read the novel. The anime is a lighter version, and while it's good, it's not better.
I do want a Misaki.
I had a Misaki in high school and it was great. Everyone should want one
>Everyone should want one
There's a difference between wanting and getting user
This. The anime is good but it skims over some stuff about which the novel goes into detail.
>pls no bully
Tall order my dude
>Eva (unironically)
>Stein's Gate
>Tatami Galaxy
>Tantei Opera Milky Holmes
>probably K-On
My favorite vidya is KotOR 2
My favorite album is Ephemera by Matt Lange
Milky Holmes makes up for S;G, others are fine. You pass Round 1. Round 2, same question, what is your opinion of Miyazaki and his work
I currently have satou's ringtone on my phone
I didn't expect better
This, a boring quiet life where i can enjoy my hobby is the best
I need that.
What the fuck is it like to have real friends? It’s been so long I’ve hebuonely forgotten
The difference between being entirely alone and having even casual friends you spend time with a few times a week is like the difference between life and animated death
Working dead end job for the rest of your life will fix your mental problems for sure. Misaki will leave his sorry ass in a couple of years tops.
It was nice in high school when everyone was an idiot, but then they grew up and I didn't and it wasn't fun anymore.
>Misaki will leave his sorry ass in a couple of years tops.
Good. That bitch is poison.
Daily reminder for those who want a Misaki to save them.
>the novel doesn't pull any punches and I like that about it
This. Not to mention that filler arcs like the Internet suicide cult and the pyramid scheme don't do all that much for me. In the case of the former, the novel does a good enough of a job showing that Satou's senpai is still fucked up even when married. The novel overall just makes for the better experience because it's more grounded compared to the anime
The moral is everyone is fucked and you have to endure everything until death.
Exact same situation as me, user, though I don't view Yea Forums as having any bearing on the disappointing and unsatisfying route my life has taken
That hits close to home
>Complete loser NEET gets highschooler who loves him but he rejects her
Lmao, literally an incel's wet dream
This anime is something so cathartic. It's hard to express quite how much it does for someone who manages to understand the characters, any of them.
He had one of the saddest endings.
Compare satou, who hardly manages to grasp that whilst he is alive, he isn't living his life.
yamazaki tries to live his life on his own terms, but eventually gives up and lives the life made for him by circumstance.
Anime Misaki is whitewashed.
Manga Misaki is black-melodrama-washed.
The weight of the final decision in the anime makes zero sense. What everyone gets from the ending is 'get a job or starve' when that's the farthest thing from what the ending actually is in the novel.
>he didn't watch the anime or read the manga
why are you in this thread?
It's overrated, as puts it. You're stuck with some people you don't really enjoy being around but since they aren't inherently shitty you know that up and leaving is too much of a dick move so you just nut up, deal with it and avoid them when you can.
That's the kind of person I want.
I hope you just gave a random street in your city user, this is the last place you'd want to potentially doxx yourself.
It's an Aqua Teen Hunger Force reference, son.
user, we only watch japanese cartoons here
>watching japanese cartoons on Yea Forums
where are you even trying to go? japan?
Why does Yea Forums have so many made-up "rules" that are totally different, even opposite, from authentic otaku behavior?
Where did you get the impression that Yea Forums was full of 'otaku'? A lot of Yea Forums laughs at otaku behavior, which is why /jp/ exists.
Yea Forums regularly insists it is full high powerlevel anime obsessives. That's what an otaku is. /jp/ was created because moot decided Touhou was off-topic for Yea Forums
Otaku spread to more than just anime, just for an example of a classic otaku group there's plenty of people who are train otaku in Japland.
>That's what an otaku is
That's what western normalfags think an otaku is. You actually have to live in Japan to be an Otaku(and it doesn't just mean anime), preferably being actually Japanese. Otherwise it's just a weeaboo.
Granted but most typically Japanese usage is actually very similar to English usage. The Japanese Wikipedia article, for example, has a picture of a street in Akihabara and mentions anime, manga, video games, toku, and computers as the primary otaku interests. If you told a Japanese person someone was an otaku with no further specification they would assume you meant an anime freak and not someone who's tried to fish in every pond in Japan or whatever
Japs disagree
>missing my point
otaku just means obsessive fan
It translated pretty easily to "geek" or "nerd." Using it in English is just weabooism
I missed the bitcoin ride, any $0.00/$0.01 worth putting my neetbux into that'll multiply to $1+ in the future?
>Legacy of Kain
I don't want to be your friend though, you seem like a tremendous faggot. I have friends already actually.
Would that basketcase be able pay off the fine though?
He should at least fug her hard.