Scanlation Thread

How do I clean raws?

Attached: 1565019415554.png (800x450, 38K)

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Power point.


99.9% alcahol


Has anyone else tried RIPSter for ripping ebooks and does it also suck for you? Like stop less than 20 pages in.

Attached: (G_P) Eureka Seven 29(x264)(481536FF).mkv_snapshot_18.43_[2019.08.02_22.11.56].jpg (640x480, 59K)

Gimp. It's free.

Pay someone to do it.

Gimp is shit, paint.NET is also free and miles better.
t. cleaner using paint.Net

>Gimp is shit

Is translating doujin afterwords usually worth it? Is it something you're expected to translate?

Depends on what the doujinka has to say.

A lot of people don't, which is a shame. Kedama is wholesome and has afterwords worth looking at, every time.

Attached: 1536758178220.jpg (1280x1822, 441K)

No to both. Maybe if it was a doujin with multiple chapters, then the author might say something relevant, but otherwise don't bother.


Pirate Photoshop.

As someone who uses GIMP, it depends on the versions. I find a lot of the more modern versions to be basically unusable.

First do this , then just use the Levels to make dark greys black and slightly yellow whites white. Don't fall for the topaz meme.

It's slow, clunky, and offers no benefit over the competition.
paint.NET also has amazing community-made plugins:

Is there a better reader than Mangameeya 7.4?
Honeyview's lanczos interpolation doesn't even work and most others don't even have an option for anything like that. Zoom in/out 1% and the image is completely fucked by their shit algorithm.
Also leveling on the run with avisynth is pretty great.