Why didn't he just pierce his brain?

why didn't he just pierce his brain?

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To ask him questions, did you not pay any attention to the dialogue?

He was interrogating him

He tried once he learned the truth but it was too late because he let his emotions get to him and just had to shit talk before doing it.

The bigger bs is how he’s drawn completely fine after that.

I wonder how it feels to have your blood turned into metal objects.

You're in for a ride for part 6.

Because each jojo fight can be summarized as the opponent using their overpowered stand in an enifficient way for reasons, only to give the main character a glimpse of their stand's ability and let them overcome the trial in a funny and bizarre way.

how come the other guy was invisible if his power was controlling metal

because every single thing about this chapter was so awful that it could not have been accidental and so I'm pretty sure even the writing was an elaborate prank

>each jojo fight can be summarized
Not counting the two actually good parts, you mean.

Parts 1 and 2 didn't have stands though.

Most fights are just like that, there are very few exceptions.

It's implied I'm talking about part 3 onwards, nice cherrypicking though.

iron oxide can take on pretty much every colour, he covered himself with iron dust

Put yourself in Risotto's shoes:
>you've been trying to find the identity of The Boss for a while now
>you try to kidnap his daughter to be able to do so
>you see some random civilian acting strangely, you try to see if he's a stand user and it turns out he is
>he was probably sent by The Boss
>he might even be close to him
>his stand ability doesn't seem that strong, you can beat him
>you might be able to get some valuable info from him so you might not have to fight Buccellati's team since they're very fucking strong
He only really tried to kill Doppio once he realized it was actually The Boss, but he got cocky because he thought he had the advantage.

Cause theres no blood in the brain

He's dumb


next week

Every part is shit. Watch some good anime instead.