Go to MAL,
Check how many hours you spent watching anime,
Then come here and make a statement of what else you could have learned or practiced in all that time.
Go to MAL
Better idea,
Go your calendar,
then check every day that you've worked your job this year and make a statement of what else you could have learned or practice in all that time.
Hours: Around 3k
Hobbies I could've done more in all of that time? Probably fuck OP's mom more than I already do.
I've spent countless hours playing MMOs and free to play video games so I actually consider time watching anime productive.
I have no hobbies or ambitions so I guess I'd just spend that time doing other meaningless shit like playing vidya and shitposting
>Go to MAL
I consider playing games watching anime as productive too because I've spent so much time browsing the internet, especially this website, but honestly I would say that anything you enjoy can be productive.
Who are you quoting, phoneposting tourist?
I wonder if you're doing some sort of double troll where you're actually pretending to be a tryhard newfaggot or if you're really this pathetic.
Yes! It fits perfectly Onee-san!
Go back
None, since I don't use M*L.
I dislike MAL.
215 days, 5160 hours.
I could have watched more anime.
>Go to MAL
I learned of the NINJA SOUL
>Go to MAL,
How about you fuck off.
What did he mean by this?
Let me show you how it's done
Who the fuck uses mal?
>TV: 838, OVA: 317, Movies: 415, Spcl.: 165, Eps: 20368, Days: 332.83, Mean Score: 5.1, Score Dev.: -2.01
I have also gotten to the point of thinking time spent watching anime instead of shitposting is productive
Check mine
Imagine using MAL instead of the superior Anilist.
Go home reddit
Reminder to report,ignore or sage and move on.
Imagine not using a notepad doc you've been using for the past 15 years.
>not keeping physical copies
I could also shit in an outhouse and wipe using burdock leaves, but I'm not a luddite who would refuse progress just to pretend he's tough.
>Go to MAL
go back
I use both.
Go to your birth date,
Check how many hours you spent sleeping,
Then come here and make a statement of what else you could have learned or practiced in all that time.
>not using Japanese brush caligraphy on parchment paper then frame each anime's title on the wall
>Go to MAL
I'll pass.
It's okay. First year being a weeb. Sports guy all my life so I'm not desesperate (for now).
I don't even keep track of the shit I watch. I just watch stuff that looks interesting and if I see a conversation about something I watched I jump in.
You don't really get the point of an anonymous imageboard, do you? Use MAL if you want, no one cares and no one will know anyway. Just don't talk about it here
There is absolutely nothing wrong in using MAL to keep track and never posting in the forum.
Go to MAL,
And never come back.
>go to mal
consider killing yourself
Anime count 317
Time spent watching 131.5 days
mean score 5.8
deviation 2.33
Screw mal use taiga
My dear Uzbek people. It is with a heavy heart that I today inform you of Syaro's passing. This very month, the Tajikistan People's Assembly held its second meeting. On the very day, the People's Assembly voted unanimously to approve the creation of a new political party, the Democratic Centre Party. We will of course extend our condolences and support to the Uzbek people and congratulate them on the historic achievement of the first presidential election. I am certain that the entire nation will support our political party which will stand side by side with Uzbekistan in its fight against corruption, the rule of law, and the suppression of human rights violations abroad. I must mention, however, our close friend Syaro Kilima, a respected leader of the nation, is dead. Syaro went on to lead as a member of the Soviet government in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Central Asia. She helped organize an entire community through the Central Asian Peace and Cooperation Summit in 1991. She was also elected Prime Minister of Uzbekistan in 1993 for 4 consecutive terms. Syaro will be missed.
The only time worth living.
Kill yourself.
Literally the Facebook of Anime
>not using excel
>needing to keep track of the chinese cartoons you watch
Low IQ thread
>hurr durr I hate MAL because I'm a wannabe
>implying I use MAL but I keep forcing the anti-MAL maymay
I can't sympathize. If your retention was bad enough to need measures like this to track what you'd already seen, what's the difference from just not bothering and watching the same show over and over like it was always the first time forever?
When you have over 2000 entries it becomes harder to remember exactly what you've seen and even more important what you haven't
That is sad. I always like what I posted.
Pic related, it is loli, deal with it.
I use openoffice spreadsheets
Sorry but that's disgusting and painful.
985.44 Hours apparently
Ah I mean
>Go to MAL
>Go to MAL
Wasted quints
user PLEASE.
Sorry, I'm a phoneposter.
I use anilist, but about 320 days.
I've already learned basically everything I want to learn anyway
Go to MAL,
And never ever come back.
How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
By being a self-aware shithole that doesn't let you suck its dick, faggot.
Better idea.
Go to MAL.
Don't come back.
>How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
Not for long
Also almost all the replies complaining didn't actually sage
There’s a conspiracy theory where who ever has mod privilege over Yea Forums or whatever janitors work on Yea Forums actually care to keep the board clean while straight up ignoring other popular boards like Yea Forums. Basically they let the other boards rot while Yea Forums gets first class treatment.
this, but then MOSSAD knows how much i work
What is it with images being transparent and then being saved as .jpgs? Is this a hot new meme for being retarded on purpose?
This is how you do it.
Why even put the effort in making it transparent in the first place?
This, fuck working for modern employers.
Also I watch anime on the clock and fuck off as much as possible because fuck them.
That's not a conspiracy theory. It only makes sense that an anime website would pay special attention to the anime board
I don't know. You should ask to the retard who saved the image.
>tfw I watch anime while I work
Sleeping is good for your health user and it's the best thing.
I can see you don't.
>Then come here and make a statement of what else you could have learned or practiced in all that time.
I've learnt everything I wanted, also, if that wasn't for anime I'd have spent all of these days on WoW anyway. I guess I could've spent all these hours grinding my fundamentals in art and become good early in life or learn japanese. I'm basically a neet so time isn't precious to me.
Yea Forums is also a shithole and most people get banned for arbitrary bullshit instead of the blatant shitposting all over the board. That's clearly a lie, Yea Forums is just shit because 90% of the people who play video games are retarded normalfags and consumer whores.
I've always thought that was the bigger reason for Yea Forums being shit, that video games just aren't that interesting of a hobby. Same reason Yea Forums has gotten so bad lately; the lack of original anime has killed discussion
Based notechad.
Low IQ post. Having high IQ doesn't mean you can hold 1000 shows in your active memory.
>the lack of original anime has killed discussion
True. Since HxH is not aired anymore this board went downhill. It was good in 2013 when the SnK was released. But now is pure moefags and fujojoshits.
>he can't remember all the shows he's watched
1 month, 2 weeks, 6 days, 12 hours, 15 minutes.
And I dont regret a second.
Watch this
>implying learning or practicing something else is a better use of your time
That's not quite it. I can tell if I watched any given show. What I can't do is to produce a list of everything I've ever watched without forgetting something.
Go back
This. I quit my job and have spent the entire summer watching anime.
It's also useful to see if you've seen all the spinoffs and specials and OADs or whatever. Notepad won't do that
Bro there are shows from 2 seasons ago that I completely forgot I watched until someone posted a pic of them. Image related.
Having a high IQ means not trying to watch 1000 shows at once
I am vomit
check this
>Not watching at 20x speed
You don't seem to understand. After 20 years of watching anime, I want to be able to produce a list of everything I have watched until now. It's an interesting thing to keep for many reasons. If I didn't store it somewhere, I would have to keep 1000 shows in my memory all the time in order to not accidentally forget anything. This is not a matter of IQ.
This. I use a different site than MAL, but its for the same reason. Just to keep track of what youve watched, how many times youve watched a series, etc.
Sasuga Naofumi-sama
> I can tell if I watched any given show.
> What I can't do is to produce a list of everything I've ever watched
Then why do you need that?
Data and statistics are interesting. I like to see how many things I watched in total, how much time I spent watching, how does my taste change in time, what did I like 10 years ago, etc.
I got banned because I called some tumblr loser mean words last week.
>go to MAL
fuck off
Just a reminder for all the newfriends lurking itt.
learning japanese
Ok, you're the biggest tryhard of all internet.
Not just that, marking things you want to watch in the future is really helpful.
I did not create that image, but if you haven't seen at least half of the shows listed there, you have nothing to bring to the debate and should go back right where you came from. How can you discuss a medium if you have no idea what it can offer at its peak. I wanted to recommend you something from that grid, but I'm not sure you are interested in anime in the first place.
Digi Charat is one of the most popular anime about otaku culture. How is that tryhard?
There is hentai in that list. How is it serious ?
>hentai can't be good
Leave Yea Forums forever pleb
You got pleb filtered. There is plenty of artistic merit to be found in Stringendo: Angel-tachi no Private Lesson. I admit it's best to go blind into it, so a lot of charm has already been lost on you.
checked and neetpilled
Oh, and if you aren't interested in artsy hentai and want something different, I suggest Genocyber. One of the most mature sci-fi shows you can find.
90 days
i watched anime
this is too much
I've watched almost everything on that chart and to be honest there are some of them that are shit.
But I refuse.
Fuck what anyone says. Neet life is best life.
Are you going to complain about Yea Forums‘s “elitism” next?
Why do people bother keeping track of how much anime they've watched?
So you can brag about on anonymous imageboards?
>"Hey look at me wasting my life on children cartoons!"
>Dragon's Heaven
Very nice.
I do't get it either. Beating games at least usually has you sort of doing something, but showing off how much anime you've watched?
Yeah, I honestly can't bring myself to like 3-gatsu no Lion and Aoi Bungaku either. JoJo no Kimiyou na Bouken: Phantom Blood also isn't really my cup of tea, nonetheless, they are integral part of the modern otaku culture. And shows like, for example, Mouse or Dimension Highschool make up for it just fine.
I literally haven't watched a single anime on that list and there's nothing you can do about it.
>casual as fuck poster
>Kyoani reaction image
What a surprise
Bragging in general is pretty immature. I just dont wanna download shit Ive already seen. I mean shit, I forgot I watched all of Evangelion twice. My third watch I was thinking, "Alright Im finally getting around to watching Eva." 2 episodes in I realized Ive watched this shit twice. -_-
>this thread is still up and on the frontpage
>before you post on Yea Forums watch these 70 old anime that never even get mentioned anymore, then get called a newfag when you don't know a character from oreimo or some other stupid shit
I can at least recommend you something and hope you will get better taste. Being a kyoani fan, I believe you might like slice of life and Kagirinaki Rakuen made by the famous director Hiroshi Harada is hands down one of the best shows in this genre.
Sitting on your ass watching chinese children cartoons is not an easy task.
You need to keep track of everything, or you can end up watching the same show twice by mistake.
Also, I'm so you can seethe harder
I use Anilist but damn this is some new levels of stupid.
user, I really don't know anymore. I'm not seething. The only thing I'm doing is spoonfeeding you some quality shows and you reject them like a rebellious child you are. I just hope you will realize the error of your ways one day.
>complains about being called a newfag
>deliberately outs himself as being a newfag
I know people love it, but it just didnt connect with me. I was forgettable all 3 times.
dumb wojak poster
Imagine not using your brain to remember each and every anime.
Either you have only watched a couple shows, or your memory qualifies for a guiness record. The third option is that you are just bragging. I wonder which option is the most probable.
It didn't say it wasn't good, i'm saying it's >>h related.
But i've seen it, multiples times.
>But i've seen it, multiples times.
And you didn't like it? If that's not the case, what's the problem? As far as I know, it's the only hentai on that grid as well.
ever since the recruitment wave where they switched from irc to discord Yea Forums went to shit
if you dont believe me check my digits
Yea Forums went to shit a decade before D*scord even existed.
Discord came out in 2015 so that means Yea Forums was shit from the very beginning ?
>Go to MAL
Yea Forums moderation went to shit is what I meant
this time a year ago jannies would clean out obvious trash every 30mins by the latest
since a few months, shit like this thread or etc stay up for hours
its not that theyre inactive, they just let the trash stay up
check em
Frogposters need to die.
and redpilled
Did you decide to do it?
How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
>Not keeping track of episodes in your head
Not him, but it's a good idea.
Today's newfags might be so new that it wouldn't even seem like a "cringe" old meme to them but something genuinely new
Here's a better idea.
Don't make a MAL account.
although I've forgotten to log rewatches in mine, so i can never get a true number
only God knows how many times I've watched GochiUsa
>tfw slowly having more and more shows in “plan to watch” than “completed”
>Go to MAL,
i have been NEET since august started and have done jack shit, only problem is that getting exercise seems hard since i don't want to go outside since i don't want people asking me if i'm working since it's an embarassing question.
>go to MAL
fuck off
Why wouldn’t you just use notepad? I don’t understand.
I do use notepad for my Yea Forumssic
go back
DUDE, you GOT to watch my 30 year old mecha shows to really understand your SoL Animes and the potential the medium offers
what do you use for keeping track of anime? I used to use excel but lost it after I forgot to back it up
For what purpose?
I regret nothing, mostly are rewatches
Mike check
have sex incel
>NEET for 5 fucking DAYS
kill yourself homo nigger summerfag
What an extremely boring list
To keep track on what songs I liked from my HDD
I have quite a bunch of albums
Alright, that makes sense. I could only think of storing youtube links or the like which doesn't seem very Yea Forums to me, even though you can listen to it in glorious 1080p now, so I had to ask.
>thread still up
How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
your mom is in her period this day, so maybe next week
What kind of cuck uses MAL
>tfw /m/ and /jp/ are higher quality than Yea Forums
I use Kitsu, ex Hummingbird. It's cute.
the ones that want to validate their existence
Not all of them are at jewtube....
Also It’s faster if I just use winamp
They always were though
Indeed, I don't believe you can say you've truly lived if you've never fapped to Stringendo. It's like God himself made the perfect hentai.
It's shit compared to Stainless Night
With foobar2000 you can mark tracks by giving them a star rating and have a playlist that automatically adds all the songs you've favorited.
Daily reminder that Marche did literally nothing wrong.
I'd try it if my monitor faced a wall
Indeed, the Jews are at the highest activity at this time. Think for a second, ignorant sheeple. We can't let them slide threads like these
I've been using it for years and never noticed, just have a custom playlist for my favorites.
Dumb akko poster
>Go to Mal
Kill yourself
>Using MAL and not Anime Planet
shh dont spoonfeed
But old Yea Forums told me to use MAL as long as I don’t interact with the community
These rules start out reasonable (if you're from a shitty forum full of underage you aren't welcome on Yea Forums) and end up autistic (all the other clones are acceptable even though their databases are less complete but you can't use MAL because it's The Forbidden Website)
real alphas like me use Anilist
Mods in charge of consistency.
Not the hero we needed, but the hero we deserved.
well sure that was before they changed the name of ghost in the shell
I never had a list until last year, then i filled it up with over 250 days worth of anime in a week. It's hard to remember anime by name if you have to think about it, but going through the browse page on anilist and seeing the covers, year and name and a summary right there makes it easy. I just kept scrolling down and clicking the completed button on shows I watched, it wasn't hard to remember them.
I don't mind a permanent vacation as long as everyone ITT gets one too.
Joke's on you. I work in R&D and I have't learned single work related thing outside of work. I enjoy the shit out of it.
Look at the time you spent watching anime and think of how much manga you could have read in that same time frame.
>thread still up
>Go to MAL
>call out a newfriend for being a tryhard faggot desperate to fit in
>he butthurtedly samefags in the thread for hours while I'm asleep
wew lad. You really should just take it easy.
This but with LNs
>10 hours ago
all these newfags taking a joke grid seriously
>MAL and normlfagging in OP
>no ban
>the absolute state of nu-Yea Forums moderation
>Go to MAL
>230+ replies
Holy shit what the fuck are mods doing?
>good mal thread
>bad mal thread
Learn the difference Yea Forums, it could save you a deleted thread.
>replying to a thread you don't like while saging it because you think sage is a downvote
Bump :)
Imagine not remembering every single anime you've ever watched and using simple stats to approximate the amount of accumulated hours within a reasonable margin of error.
Imagine having seen so few anime you can remember them all
Maybe he was saging, because the thread was on the page 10 well on its way to archives, but you faggots just resurrected it.
>MAL thread
I wish I had a faggot-seeking dick and a jet engine in my asshole so I could fly around the world and turn you all into my obedient gay meat slaves and tell you to stop making such shitty threads on Yea Forums.
hey buddy, hey fucko hey guess what fuck you you don't know what you're talkoing about here and I know that is obvious. first of all akari is a fucking slut second of all who the fuck is akari. more like a fucking joke because thats what this anime is, one big joke. because it is an anime that is primarily focused on jokes. that is unlike your life, however, because your life is not funny, it is sad. I'm going to take a guess why your life is sad right now, and that is because akari is literally a nobody and literally a slut and literally who because no one knows who she is. that's right, and everyone finds it funny that nobody knows who she is. so how about you stop trying to defend akari (who is a slut and is also literally does not exist) and maybe you could spend more time not doing that? think about it
Just check a general like DBS and you'll realize that Yea Forums can't do it anymore.
None of Yea Forums's autistic "elitism" had anything to do with the quality of the board staying high. Yea Forums just had more oldfags in it because it was the first interest of Yea Forums and because anime isn't a normalfag friendly hobby. As time went by that was bound to change, as it did, and now Yea Forums is no better than any other board on this trashhole