Do the Japanese really do this after drinking?
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I sometimes do. Well, after sports, usually.
No. Never heard them doing that.
You don't?
I do it when I drink whiskey
Whats with the retarded nail edit?
Yes, they do. The Japanese are well known for having scripted conversations. Expect to hear
>Ah, there's nothing like a cold beer after a hard day's work.
over and over again, every time you're forced out drinking with colleagues.
I don't know, but I hate people who edit their weird fetishes into screencaps.
>nail edit
I sometimes do it when I'm alone at home.
Which is always, if one excludes the cat.
>pause the video
>take a deep breath
>think about what is important in life
>take another deep breath
>proceed to skip that scene and forget about it
why not
I actually do this sometimes, it’s fun.
Because all nailfags agree that red is actual crap
Literally anything is better than red
Give me the nail tiers, nail-san. I like red, but I prefer a darker red.
Please make way for the pinnacle of beauty.
Oh Exploitable!
They do this cause they are out of breath.
Oops wrong pic
Normies OUT
You’re not worthy of Yea Forums‘s grace, namefag.
My tier list from good to bad, emphasis on my personal taste
For color
>pastel and lighter colors
>metallic finish (silver, gold, bronze)
>colorless polish
>darker colors
>all browns
>black and bright generic red
(black can be good situationally, bright red never ever)
For techniques and styles
>multiple solid colors in blocks
>any form of nail """art"""
For nail shape: any would do really, as long as it's not
and not those super pointy poke-your-eye-outs nails
Then there's genetic differences in hand, finger and nailbed sizes, but longer nailbeds = better looking overall
Stubby fingers should just use colorless or none. Kinda sad, but what can you do
That's it for my autism, hope you had fun
While I may not be able to relate, I now will have more of a concept of what a nailfag cares about. Thanks, nailfag.
there is a special hell for people who do those nail edits
Motherfucking patrician taste. Love me some navy blue smoothly blending into neon cyan.
No problem. I'm also a handfag, and JAVs btfo western porn in this department. Or maybe I just like asian hands. Regardless, JAV actresses are usually well-manicured
Kaoru is too pure for this sinful world
I like Kaworu but I'm not a homo
That’s not a Japanese thing. It’s a sign the drink is good and satisfying. Hits the spot.
My grandfather used to do this so I always just thought it was a generational thing.
Only when they want to exaggerate.
You never had the booze kick in so hard it made you recoil user?
It actually feels really good, it's not just autism