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5toubun no Hanayome Ch97 Gooks
Owen Miller
Justin Reed
Colton Murphy
Gabriel Reyes
Alexander Jenkins
Jason Garcia
Jeremiah Edwards
Nathaniel Brown
Joseph Taylor
Jacob Wood
Levi Clark
Matthew Roberts
It's finally dead. And that's actually a good thing.
Nathaniel Lewis
>5Toubun: Civil War edition.
Ryan Reyes
Jeremiah Fisher
Why do gooks always put an ugly watermark on their scans? No other civilized country does that, fucking dog eaters.
Jack Nguyen
>37 chapters
Ethan White
Ayden White
Jacob Torres
Thank you for dumping.
Adam Turner
Henry Foster
Fuck you for bumping.
Luke Price
Ayden Edwards
Jacob Richardson
Damn, this girl is cuter and hotter than the quints.
Evan Hernandez
Landon Sullivan
Adrian Jones
Yotsuba is so dead inside
Charles Rogers
>37 chapters
Liam Richardson
Jackson Ortiz
That's nice, both Fuutarou and Yotsuba are dead inside.
Landon Wright
What the hell is not-itsuki problem?
Hunter Williams
For what?
Zachary Russell
She still talks about Maruo's invitation, not about what F said
Samuel Howard
This is the man that Nino actually wants.
Daniel Peterson
37 chapters of Nino being irrelevant
Daniel Lopez
Nicholas Morgan
>Itsuki being told she can't have dessert after dinner
Sebastian Lee
>Let's not be delusional, Uesugi-kun.
Wow, it's fucking nothing. Good.
Kayden Mitchell
Grayson Wright
This flashback doesn't seem too happy for Nino.
Brayden Miller
Joshua Long
Landon Mitchell
What, you think no one else would bump this manga?
John Lopez
Did Miku went there to ask Fuu out?
Lincoln Powell
Is Itsuki confirmed to be the dumbest and least self-aware quint?
Kayden Hernandez
>Nino doesn't want all her loved ones separated from her
>Fuutarou will marry her and always be by her side
Negi isn't being subtle anymore
Nathaniel Price
Yeah, it's only you mean and OP after all. Anyone else is samefagging.
Grayson Harris
>Mikufags vs Ninofags
Credit page material?
Henry Nguyen
Round 3 flowerfags.
Lucas Miller
>Ninos friends aren't at the wedding
Nino isn't the bride.
Jaxson Torres
But we just had a Nino chapter couple of weeks ago. Also this latest chapter she is pretty relevant so I don't understand the spamming of this meme.
Henry Foster
It's how anti Ninofags cope because they're insecure of her
Joseph Allen
cute fatty
Aiden Mitchell
You know that's build up for her development so she's ok with everyone going away, right?
Lincoln Turner
Just insert in some easy dialogue from these threads.
Isaiah Kelly
I think some post are sarcastic about it
Colton Cooper
>kaguya chapter is literally nothing
>toubun also is literally nothing
>even bokuben is a boring one
Lads why is this happening
Ethan Bennett
She's irrelevant to the plot, Negi keeps throwing Ninofags bones and red herrings and they fall for them like complete idiots
Jose Diaz
These chapters are pretty meaningless, as the main focus point is about Fuutarou.
Owen Jones
This kind of coping kinda sad at this point
Joshua Jackson
Did Itsuki talk about her results to Futarou?
Angel Hernandez
its hard enough to follow this manga even when it's in english. The author has a very difficult time understanding how to use flashbacks and scene changes.
starting to feel like all it takes to make an anime is just an idea.
Jaxson Davis
It's what happens when mangas overstay their welcome. Also it doesn't help that none of these series are funny anymore as they have primarily dropped comedy altogether for drama and shenanigans that will ultimately mean nothing.
Juan Jenkins
Try not to cry too much
Christopher Perry
Needs a hiatus.
Colton Campbell
Said it to Yourself
Juan Williams
Pathetic rebuttal
Adam Cook
>bokuben chapter this week
I see you're a faggot with the blandest taste.
Joshua Jackson
No,because she doesn't wanted to worry Fuutarou since he is so excited about the festival
Landon Price
>Negi left us with this shit chapter for 3 weeks
No drama, no plot progress, mindless filler.
Ryder Rogers
>least self-aware
Jeremiah Howard
No.She hides it here
Isaac Williams
Brandon Sullivan
Ugh. Didn't stop her to try pulling that Rena shit at Kyoto.
John Rivera
>The only quints going to College are Nino, Yotsuba and Itsuki
>There are people who still think Ichika and Miku will become his bride despite them both not going to College
Dominic Collins
Me on the right
Carter Evans
This is perfect.
Wyatt Stewart
Yotsuba please, your smile hurts my soul...
Blake Edwards
When did Yotsuba say she was gonna go to college?
Eli King
Nino needed to whore herself out for all the boys, meanwhile the girls naturally support a nice girl like Miku
Andrew White
true ending right here, folks.
Cameron Lopez
user is talking out his ass. We don't know what Yotsuba is doing at all.
Oliver Morris
(girls' side)
>Let's make pancakes!
>When will we decide the menu?
>You guys should give up
>Haven't you eat fluffy pancake? Everyone likes it.
>Miku, say something!
(boys' side)
>Takoyaki too!
>We can't decide memu becauae of you!
ou saw the data from last year.
>No Japanese hates takoyaki.
>Right! Nino-san!
>Well that's...
>Nino, you said you like pancakes?
>Why are you on that side?
>You're kidding, Nino-san?
>Ah, seriously!
>I can't help it!
>I'm the one who suggested it, so I should go with it.
>Besides, eating and baking is different.
>I sometimes fail making that fluffly souffle pancakes!
>More chattering is useless!
>Just make them both!
>Tch, Today is a tie, again.
>We should decide it by now.
>H, hello
>Can I talk with you for a second?
>Uh... Let's do our best for the festival!
>I didn't expect such a quarrel from just deciding a menu.
>But let's do our best, as a class representative.
>It's troublesome, for both of us...
>You're regretting it too, aren't you?
>I didn't expect the class divided to two...
>I shouldn't have told that.
>Why did you say something like pancake?
>I heard that Fuutarou's mother used to bake for him.
>And I remembered that memory...
>That really was fluffy.
>But making that isn't easy.
>So you have made that.
Jace Roberts
She didn't but we can assume she will since she really has nothing else to strive for. Maybe she'll get an sports scholarship?
Oliver Bell
wtf bros... I can't believe Nino wants to fuck Maruo...
Joshua Scott
She'll get a janitor job at some college.
John Young
Who said he can't chose 13 just because they have different pathes? Who said F can't visit Ichika and the opposite during college? Who said Miku's culinary school won't be in the vicinity of F's university? And lastly, who said F's path will be close to whatever the others pick? Don't tell me you are riding the wave that if a girl don't have similar path with F, she will lose.
Connor Johnson
jesus christ Nino
Wyatt Cox
I don't think she's going to college, no one has asked her about her college shit either. No one cares about Yotsuba.
Samuel Sanders
Just stop, negi
Joshua Butler
Sebastian Martin
>props for the school fest scattered around
>clearly a voting going on as we can see on the blackboard
>chapter full of flashbacks about something related to food
I know it needs a couple of neurons, but come on, anontachi.
Caleb Mitchell
Fuutaro asked her once but think that since she has physical strength, he doesnt need to worry about her. Its not like he ever asks others. Im not even sure if he already knew Miku will go to culinary school or she hasnt told him
Anthony James
>It was the first cooking I tried.
>I missed that taste so much that I asked Papa to take me
>to that pancake shop.
>He never took me though.
>So you finally managed to make it on your own.
>And takoyaki is easier. Especially for a street stall.
>But you shouldn't say it out loudly...
>I hate it.
>I hate doing something secretly, hiding others' sight.
>Well, maybe I earned their grudge.
>Maybe they'll say it to me sarcastically.
>Then Nino...
>Of course I won't refuse it.
>I accept the challenge!
>Rather, that would be easier to deal with.
>Speak of the devil...
>You're both here.
>What's wrong?
>No, it's fine.
>I'm busy right now for this and that, but let's enjoy the festival.
>What's that...
>I have something to talk to Fuutarou.
>Nino, you're returning home now?
>Yes, I'm looking for someone who go with me.
>Then sorry, I'm heading to the academy right now.
>Ah, how sincere you are.
>How's your University Entrance Expectation result?
>It wasn't bad as I expected.
>I got B.
>I think where I'll apply...
>What'a wrong?
>What should I do... Nino...
>I did my best but...
>My future is hopeless!
>I'm just mimicking my mother after all.
>Being a teacher was just a dream of dream.
>C, calm down!
>Sorry for making such a noise...
>Did you tell it to Fuu-kun?
>He look busy...
>And I felt guilty...
>Teacher said I should talk to my parent...
>But I can't...
>Yeah, he won't help it.
>N, no!
>I didn't mean that...
>I just don't want to make him worry about it anymore.
Levi Foster
>Don't tell me you are riding the wave that if a girl don't have similar path with F, she will lose.
Uh yeah otherwise by the time they get married they wouldn't have an established relationship due to being far apart whereas if they go to the same College as him which Nino, Yotsuba and Itsuki probably will, they'll be able to have an proper relationship building up to them falling in love then marry.
Kayden Miller
>despite them both not going to College
Double lol.
Nicholas Sanders
miku is shit
Joseph Scott
So Nino loves pancakes but doesn't want it because she sucks at it?
Christopher Phillips
He will pick someone, before uni. As they spend less time with each other, their moments become stronger.
Isaac Cruz
>Fuutarou reminds Nino of dad
>Nino wants to fuck Fuutarou
Does that mean Nino has a daddy complex?
Ryder Wright
>>I hate it.
>>I hate doing something secretly, hiding others' sight.
Oh no.
Camden Long
She worries him the most though. I think Miku will tell him next chapter maybe?
Justin Howard
I saw the voting and stuff, but it didn't explain to me why Nino is singled out in all that, hence the wondering if there was a specific reason outside of the food quarrel
Mason Stewart
>Fuutarou showed up just to prevent his wife getting mobbed.
Nicholas Lee
>37 chapters
Blake Cook
>What? Worry?
>When did he ever...
>Our growth until now is all thanks to him.
>I think so now.
>That flower was definitely from father.
>He never do something directly
>but I believe he kept caring us.
>No wa...
>I'll talk to Shimoda-san... a tutor who helps me in the academy.
>And I heard that a famous tutor opens a special class.
>What's that? Sounds fishy.
>Fufu, will Nino come too?
>Still no progress...
>Nino, where's Uesugi-san?
>He went out.
>That way.
>Right. I prepared the invitation card we talked earlier.
>...No need to do that.
>What? Really?
>Calling Papa.
>I should have gone crazy.
>I think it's good.
>He won't come anyway.
>He barely comes home.
>He always do stuff secretly.
>Hahaha... you're stern...
>They are the girls who gazed at me.
>Let's detour it before something troublesome happens.
>Now I understand your opinion.
>That voice is...
>Fuu kun!?
>A girl in boy's group is weird.
>She is definitely doing this for one of those boys.
>...Is that all?
>As I thought...
>Y, yeah.
>If that boy is Yuuske...
>Fighting against Nino...
>I can't win that...
Caleb James
>Nino confirmed not the bell kisser
Knew it.
Ayden Cruz
Holy shit. We won, Ichikabros!
Jacob Williams
she's the only girl on the boys' side
Angel Sanders
>Best quints turned out to be the true most obvious finalists of the Fuutbowl
Why does 25 keep winning? No wonder they're the most feared in these threads.
Alexander Johnson
>How's your University Entrance Expectation result?
>It wasn't bad as I expected.
>I got B.
>I think where I'll apply...
The way dialogue cut off Nino's university choice makes suspicious. Don't tell me she applied on same university with Fuutarou choice
Parker Lewis
>Biological father
Alexander Lewis
Couldn’t that be read the opposite way, that she did kiss him but felt bad about it? Which would explain the face she made after the kiss?
Henry Flores
>Cockblocked of knowing Nino's path because Itsuki
Julian Lopez
what killed the hype?
Daniel Ross
>loli transition
Man, I'd tap her. No calling the cops.
Jaxson Rivera
No, it is because it's harder to bake.
Easton Gray
So you're telling me Nino subconsciously wants to fuck her dad?
Benjamin Russell
She would have already spilled the beans then. Since she hates hiding things from others.
Juan Mitchell
She obviously did
Julian Carter
Poor Itsuki.
Carson Clark
Nino, this is why Itsuki is daddy's favorite!
Nathaniel Brown
She hate doing something secretly because that how Maruo been treating them;he only showed his consideration behind their back secretly all the time
Mason Garcia
>the girls are Takeda's fangirls
I definitely didn't expect that but it explains the stare she got last chapter after Takeda agreed with her.
Alexander Garcia
it seems it really was about a girl being jealous because she thinks she has to compete with Nino over her own random crush
Nathaniel Hill
And she got a B? Kinda hard to believe.
Carter Carter
Doubt it. Fuutarou probably chose some cheap ass university to go to since he's poor.
Lincoln Cooper
People are giving ideas again?
Kayden Long Fuutarou gonna take Miku on a bike ride?
Adrian Barnes
>woe is me Maruo didn't take me to the pancake shop!
Really Negi? This is the best you can come up with?
Justin Torres
Just cause she hates it doesn’t mean she won’t do it.
Anthony Evans
>>As I thought...
>>Y, yeah.
>>If that boy is Yuuske...
>>Fighting against Nino...
>>I can't win that...
lmao girls and their feefees.
Eli Bennett
is best*
Joshua Taylor
>37 chapters
Kayden Gonzalez
that's just a delivery guy
Christopher Ross
>That's a nonsense.
>The one she likes isn't one of the takoyaki group.
>I know that for sure, so relax.
>How could I believe you!
>How could Uesugi-kun knows that!?
>The class representative didn't vote for neither side.
>What do you mean!
>That's irrelevant to this issue!
>Loves m...
>So stay friendly with her.
>Nino, sorry...
>Uesugi kun...
>Don't be delusional.
>That delusion makes Nino pitiful...
>No, it's real...
>Fine, I'll introduce a good girl for you.
>Doing something secretly isn't bad.
>I believe there is a reason to do so.
>Let's think what we'll write on the invitation card.
>Let's do it...!!
>A date with...
Blake Brown
You are aware that this chapter she's doing something she said she hates doing, right?
Logan Hall
She definitely didn't kiss him.
Eli Sullivan
He is a top student though. He can probably get a recommendation or something. And at this point I doubt he'd hold himself back like that.
Hunter Bailey
Why is her favourite food pancakes again? She wants to fuck Maruo, Thats why. Contextually at least
Alexander Edwards
By argument I thought you were talking about page 1.
Mason Roberts
>>Doing something secretly isn't bad.
>>I believe there is a reason to do so.
Here's are bell kisser.
Parker White
>>Don't be delusional.
>>That delusion makes Nino pitiful...
Adrian Torres
Dammit Itsuki, no pizza before dinner you fat fuck
James Gonzalez
I am surprised they felt inferior to Nino in first place. I guess Nino being social butterfly actually is true.
Nathaniel Bell
>Doing something secretly isn't bad.
>I believe there is a reason to do so.
Negi can you just end this lolikano plot already?
Mason Fisher
People are really insecure of Nino. Can't be helped.
Wyatt Flores
>Doing something secretly isn't bad.
>I believe there is a reason to do so
Yotsuba bell kisser confirmed.
Eli Morgan
>>Doing something secretly isn't bad.
>>I believe there is a reason to do so.
Does she genuinely believe that or is it to feel better because of the Lolikano thing? Anyway this supports her as the kisser.
Chase Bailey
Fuutarou is still not that popular with girls outside the quints, huh
Nathaniel Reed
The secret is about her being lolikano.
Elijah Collins
Nah, it was about the tension between the girls and nino for the chapter, not just the 1st page
she said it because she's been hiding she's lolikano user
Brandon Wilson
Ty for the early TL.
Brayden Hill
Will she become her sisters step-mother?
Jonathan Edwards
Thank you for the translation.
Jaxson Perry
>Nino is frank about her feeling because doing it secretly reminded her of Maruo so she hates it
>kisser kiss secretly
Oh no...
Lincoln Evans
>>Doing something secretly isn't bad.
>>I believe there is a reason to do so.
Double meaning.
Brandon Gonzalez
It still supports her as the kisser though.
Christian Collins
Bad timing
Thomas White
Be honest here i doubt the quints would even like him if not because of the plot
Ryan Martinez
The kisser is most likely 1 or 4 then? 2 would have spilled the beans already, right?
David Torres
That's a shocking twist that would make me remember this manga for life.
Brandon Evans
it does, but it doesn't mean it was her, same as how saying you hate something doesn't mean you havent done it. Maybe you have but feel too ashamed to spill the beans about it so you hate yourself for it, either is possible
Liam White
Jace Rivera
It's the other way around user.
She's doing takoyaki while hiding the fact that she prefers pancakes.
Landon Lewis
He is popular enough to make love gossip with Yotsuba. Nino is just beyond that level.
Cooper Brooks
Nino has won the autism award over Miku from this chapter on.
Jose Rogers
Doing something secretly is different from "being someone" secretly
John Martin
Nino stated she wouldn't want her kiss with Fuu to be awful since she thinks he'll hate her and the kiss was a flop so she wouldn't spill it since she's afraid doing so will make him not like her.
Joshua Jackson
>Doing thing secretly is good
Ichicute did nothing wrong! Obviously I am joking.
Negi is a master manipulator.
Jason Smith
Why is Itsuki touching Yotsuba's ass?
Hudson Brooks
>Eatsuki cucks Yotsuba of their mom
>Eatsuki cucks Nino of Maruo
>Eatsuki will cuck the quints of Fuuts
Holy shit based Eatsuki.
Nathan Johnson
this was along my lines of thought. It’s left open ended from the wording we’re getting from this translation
Robert Mitchell
Thats a lot of assumptions there. Not saying youre wrong tho.
Hunter Turner
Negi is playing us like a violin.
Luke Diaz
The date comes out of nowhere.
Sebastian Allen
it's the current main topic in yotsuba's mind so it's obviously meant to allude to her not revealing she is lolikano. It's her way of justifying her secrecy to herself since she recently found out she can't even talk to Fuuts normally anymore
also the kiss itself was done while pretending to be someone else, at least visually, so it's the same premises anyway. It can be a double meaning for all we know, but the main implication was about her being lolikano
Levi Flores
This arc seems like the second/ third last arc till the finale
Grayson Gomez
Exactly. They're discussing Maruo's actions in this conversation. Maruo does things secretly and Yotsuba says doing something secretly isn't bad.
Hunter Gomez
Just like Ninos love for her daddy
Elijah Gonzalez
isn’t that like one assumption, under the idea that it is Nino?
Eli Long
It's not an actual date. Miku just called it an date because she's an shy autist.
William Adams
It's still doing things secretly.
Luke Hernandez
>Rena loved Itsuki
>Maruo loves Itsuki
>soon Fuutarou will be in love with Itsuki
I guess "the youngest child wins all" is true in this case
Chase Bell
>I won't take you to the pancake shop
>but here, go make one yourself
lmao dad of the year, huh
Cooper Lewis
>The main implication was about her being lolikano
It wouldn't make sense with the topic they were discussing though. Keeping your identity a secret vs. doing something secretly are two different things here. It has no merit to the topic.
Dominic Miller
I mean, what counts as a "Date"? Nips think spending the day together with a female their age is a date so it checks out, or am I missing something?
Hudson Collins
>The date comes out of nowhere
user stop speedreading
>I have something to talk to Fuutarou.
Oliver Scott
On one hand, it can mean that Nino is definitely not the kisser but on the other hand, it could explain why she hasn't taught him about it if she was the one.
Lucas Wilson
Teaching children to be independent is good.
Christian Harris
It can be seen as "I support Maruo's style because I do the same thing". Still, with Itsuki also being fine with it, what you said also has weight.
Henry Young
When an asian kid asks for a video game, the asian parent gives him all of its pats and tells the child to learn how to make it first. Pretty basic stuff. Asians are the next step to human evolution while us westerners will evolve to be immune to mountain dew chemicals and preservatives.
Isaac Russell
>Fine, I'll introduce a good girl for you.
What's this? Is this finally the awaited rival chapter?
Carson Robinson
So miku walked up to Fuutarou, asked him out on a date, and got Fuutarou to agree on it somehow? Go Miku!
Charles Thompson
No, it is because, for the school fest, it is better to bake takoyakis since those are easier to bake and more people would buy it (if we can trust the random data that random dude from page one gave us)
Andrew Rivera
>bake takoyakis
made me spit out my coffee.
Anyways, still pretty fucking stupid.Just make some pancakes you silly autist
Leo Lee
La Hermana.
Michael Collins
Takebayashi is the rival.
Kevin Gray
Leave Maruo to me.
Justin Miller
>37 chapters
Leo Gomez
Given that it's gook scans though this might not even be the right translation. I'm leaning towards that being the case in this situation, desu.
Robert Lewis
Why hasnt anybody taked about the west (pancakes) vs east (takoyaki) debate? Negis from hentailand so Ninos probably gonna win. Now its up for interpretation if thats a good thing or nah, Miku seems to get stronger and closer to Fuutaoru every time she falls
Caleb Sanders
Pancakes are not hard to make
Isaac Scott
Seriously, they're probably easier then those balls of meat or w.e is in them.
Thomas Gray
Meet the rival.
Nolan Moore
How about souffle pancakes?
Zachary Thompson
>Maruo comes to the festival
>He eats Nino's pancakes
>Says they are delicious
>Doki doki!
You know it's happening.
Thomas King
>Miku seems to get stronger and closer to Fuutaoru every time she falls
This is probably what Miku actually believes.
Kayden Williams
Nino x Maruo doujins when?
Carson Reed
Reminder that Adult Futarou is a workaholic too.
Bentley Lopez
Itsuki's responds to Nino regarding Ichika leaving and Maruo being secretly are surprisingly mature.
Samuel Cruz
On the irony
Lucas Martin
Yeah. But of course a snotty brat like Nino wouldn't understand
James Nelson
Nino trying to get Maruo's affection is more interesting than her trying to get Fuutarou's attention.
Connor Carter
If that's the case, I think we could see more of Zetsutarou and introduce more of his past suffering.
Hunter Carter
Brayden Taylor
Ryder Anderson
>This is 1345fags actually believe
Jaxson Ward
Itsuki is a smart girl. That's why Maruo loves her so much. Nino needs to grow up.
Josiah Allen
Thats her endgame.
Grayson Long
>Marou forbids Fuutarou from having a relationship with quints
>Fuutarou will have to show him he's suitable for the bride
>Will have to ask him for the bride's hand
>The bride is the quint who's the most connected to Marou
>The quint who is shown to be involved with Marou the most is Nino (bike, scrambled eggs arc, her wanting him to be more at home with her sisters, etc)
>Marou so salty he didn't show up to her wedding
There you have it
Eli Wood
Maruo x 25 doujins when?
Jordan Nelson
No she's just a waste of ink in the manga. Her miniscule screentime should just be given to Nino instead.
Jeremiah Hall
What if Maruo was just busy with work? It surely wouldnt be the first time you fags were dead wrong
Matthew Taylor
More parents should be as based as Maruo
Nolan Torres
>>Marou so salty he didn't show up to her wedding
He is on his way after talking to F's dad though.
Easton Myers
Actually, yes.
Liam Clark
Maruo >>>> Fuutarou
Prove me wrong. you can't
Oliver Miller
Poor mikufags. They're melting down. I wish they wouldn't falseflag at least.
Alexander Phillips
>Nino wants these words of praise from papa
Bentley King
Agreed, Nino.
Hudson White
>waaaaa Mikufags
Was Mikuj leaving not enough to prove you wrong? Stop crying for gods sake.
Thomas Cook
>thinking main girl can be deleted
Asher Wood
Oliver Ross
Nino please.
Brandon Martin
And that's the fucking school festival arc is all about. Remember how Kyoto arc ended? One quints' dilenma got resolved by the other four. Now one quint has daddy issues, who do you think will resolve it?
Ayden Roberts
Nice try mikuj. Are you not satisfied with your meltdown yesterday?
Jonathan Hall
Why can't she be blunt with Maruo when she is so blunt with everyone else?
John Garcia
I put my money on these two playing the biggest part in it
William Davis
Jesus Christ, at this point Isanari is perfect for Nino.
Christian Sanders
>nice try Mikuj
fucking kek, He was actually telling the truth. There really is a paranoid faggot going around worshiping a shitposter. What did he do to you user?
Ayden Martin
Now what will be his reaction if he founds out she's hiding her D?
Jacob Morris
Isaiah Jackson
Austin Collins
b-big brain, user.
Michael Adams
Are you prepared for two weeks of shitposting?
Camden Ross
You're so cute
Colton Cox
I don't understand why Anons are surprised that Itsuki is getting lower grades than Nino. Itsuki used to study pretty hard even before she met Fuutarou. Now tgat Nino and Ivhika are studying seriously, it's obvious that they are going to surpass Itsuki.
Jaxon Wilson
There is one for 123. When it's a Ichikafag they call you Michlan, when it's a Ninofag, Ninochink, when it's a Mikufag, Mikujeet.
Jose Harris
OH NO NO NO NO Negibro dont do it!
Daniel Morris
I had a feeling that because of chapter 93,94,95 that this would be a nino arc. There was just too much foreshadowing of Nino's issues in those 3 chapters. It was just like the Kyoto arc, where we got a few chapters highlighting Miku making the bread. Those 3 chapters highlighting Nino was Negi's hints at a Nino arc next.
Bentley Richardson
i know
Jason White
I agree.
John Harris
That's not about grades that's about their chances of reaching their desired university. Itsuki has definitely higher standards than Nino. She has probably better school results than Nino but she needs to do better to have a C, B or more.
Elijah Peterson
Everyone shitposts, the respective tripfags get all the credit and headspace from seething faggots, seems like a pretty stable relationship
Colton Torres
Except there were no signs of Nino seriously giving her at all. She was always 4th. If that B is the same uni F wants to go, that's an asspull.
Samuel Nelson
Can't wait for some anons flexing their quint dakimakura later this week though.
Gavin Garcia
Oh, yes.
Hudson Smith
>I heard that Fuutarou's mother used to bake for him.
Did Miku just win the bowl?
Thomas Campbell
This. No way she's the bride since this will be her 'final arc'
Cameron Johnson
70% sure she did
Camden Martin
Fuutarou will aim for the best University. Wuints won't be able to join him.
Carter Johnson
Except the smartest one who isnt going to culinary school
Daniel Reed
Hahahhahaha, now this is coping.
Daniel Wilson
Isaiah Hughes
Reminder that SnoopDogg is gonna win
James Ward
This. Either Fuutarou is going to so high end university or some mediocre one. Since Negi hasn't revealed it I'm leaning towards the mediocre one.
Christopher Perry
That's retarded. What matters is how the relationship with Futarou is built over the course of the story.
Logan Jones
She probably asked to go buy stuff for the stall together, thus cucking Yotsuba.
Luke Harris
[spoilers]I have no idea how takoyakis are made - not even sure if it is takoyaki[/spoiler]
Those are just the arguments given.
The girls want the fluffy pancakes because they like it better, while the boys want takoyakis because it will sell better, Nino is with them because she considers pancakes harder to bake than takoyakis.
I'm honestly with the boys here, it's a more logical approach. Don't know if Nino is right about being easier/harder since I know shit about it, but the boys are right to go for the most profitable, for the school fest.
James Wilson
unironically, 37 chapters
Mason Phillips
>What matters is how the relationship with Maruo is built over the course of the story.
ftfy. Her love for Fuutarou is just her projecting her daddy issues.
Christian Russell
I am not a Ninofag user.
Oliver Fisher
This. Trying to get her dad to praise her for learning to cook seems a lot sweeter than just throwing herself at Fuutarou like a prostitute.
Mason Gomez
>37 + 1
David Perry
So we all agree that the Nino x Fuu ship is officially dead right?
Lucas Morgan
>37 chapters
Tyler Sanchez
If you were, I would be saying that ironically. I'm being serious here user. Whats ninos endgame?
Jaxon Baker
You hope
Gavin Reyes
For now it makes me doubt her feelings for Fuutarou even more.
Jose Morales
Consensus on Yea Forums is that we agree
Angel Adams
Rukiafags BTFO
Aiden Wright
Which is kinda shame if true, because he ranked 3rd in the smartest senior high school student in the entire japan. Well if Miku does an asspull career pathing, why couldn't he.
Jackson Jackson
Miku will probably talk to Fuutarou about what's happening to Nino during their date similar to how she helped him with Ichika's problem while they were working together.
Dominic Howard
Winning fuutarou's affection?
Charles Torres
The couple shall save the daddy issues girl in need!
Camden Ramirez
Nino x Marou is the new hotness.
Christopher Turner
Boys are probably voting takoyaki because its more manly food.
Jeremiah Morgan
She wants her daddy more
William Edwards
>mikufags are seething so much that they now can only spam "37" and falseflag
Ohhhh I never thought pure salt could taste so sweet.
Dominic Carter
As a ninofag, the only thing that's giving me hope right now is the bracelet at the wedding. It's the only connection she got for Fuutarou that wasn't known to her sisters. Seriously though, Nino got so many death flags with every major chapters she was in.
Luke Bailey
Liam Flores
Well, thats obvious. Let me rephrase my question. Whats Ninos doing right now to achieve her endgame?
John Wilson
Ninofag here
Nino x Maruo is better for the Tsundere x Tsundere effect
Adam Fisher
Tyler Bailey
She went to ask him out this chapter
Bentley Sanders
I see that maruo is gonna have himself some good teenage tsundere pussy to slay soon. Good. He deserves it desu
Joseph White
Looks like I hit close to home. Stop falseflagging you braindead waifufags.
Nolan Hernandez
>Nino asks Maruo to come to Mom's grave
>Mauro says no way fag but he comes secretly
>Nino asks Maruo to come to school festival
>Maruo seems to not coming but Nino saw him from the distance
>At the end of the volume, the bride invites Maruo for her wedding
>Maruo said he is busy, but he comes eventually and the bride says thank you
Just an expectation.
Zachary Hughes
Jaxson Allen
>thus cucking Yotsuba
Yotsuba isn't a cook. They deal with the festival management together.
Anthony Turner
Who are you and why are you trying to make Yotsubros look bad. Stop it, go cry in the corner if you are so butthurt
Liam Brooks
Whats with this meme?
Asher King
Colton Perez
No one made pancakes previously so the better selling option is pretty debatable. What it comes down to is basically sweet vs savory. They're both flour based, I'd say the pancakes would be slightly more difficult if they're the fat ones but the takoyaki's need more specialized equipment to make
Anthony Jenkins
Desperate Ninofag falseflagger again
Hudson Stewart
wew lads, calm down a bit there. Go for a walk or something
Angel Perry
If Nino can kiss her blood related sisters then she should be fine with her non blood related father.
Daniel Morris
This manga will be forever remembered if Nino marries Maruo
Do it Negi.
Anthony Hernandez
>Maruo not going to his own wedding
He loves Nino too much. He wifed her up as soon as she graduated.
Julian Thompson
Agreed. So transparent
Owen Martinez
Is he the same guys as the Mikuj spammer? Wont be surprised if he is. The butthurt level is similar.
Aaron Brooks
She didn't ask him to come to the grave. She asked him if he'll be busy.
Brandon Rogers
Not that it matters, but isn't that just plain spam? Just report it and move on.
Robert Williams
Liam Mitchell
I'm pretty sure just the tip with Maruo is fine too. I wonder if Nino likes nurse play
Oliver Ramirez
Next chapter Miku will tell him about the pancakes her mom used to cook for them
Leo Brown
I hope you all realize this spam and shitposting comes from a Ninofag trying to ruin the rep of other fags
Adam Morgan
I figured it out already.
Dylan Peterson
It's his favorite chapter I think. He always posts it. I think it's some kind of threadly reminder.
Isaiah Jenkins
I don't agree. Even lovers still worries about their parents, especially the ones who viewed them as their childhood hero.
Kayden Hall
They are so mad at Nino x Maruo becoming a thing now that its hilarious
Michael Johnson
It was obvious.
Kayden Cook
Daniel Harris
Adrian Peterson
Triple doubles of truth. The basketball gods are with this user.
Hunter Robinson
Maruochads rise up!
Noah Perry
I sense something akin to bloodlust inside this smile
Gabriel Russell
James Davis
youre trying too hard
Kayden Nguyen
Yup, so pathetic
Brayden Watson
Not surprised, this chapter literally spelled out why Nino likes Fuutarou. Which is just deep rooted daddy issues. And ninofags actually thought her feelings for Fuutarou were genuine.
Ryder Jackson
Brody Cooper
What a half assed Mikuj impression. 3/10, needs to be more obnoxious yet smug
Jordan Allen
the virgin 37 vs the chad 80
Aiden Brown
Go back
Connor Scott
>best ship
Let me guess, you were there from the beginning?
Easton Martin
>Fuutarou came just to prevent them getting into a catfight with the opposition
>while acting as if he's oblivious to what he's doing
>just like papakano
There's just no way both of these autistic fits don't mean anything, i'm still buying into the Fuutarou is related to Maruo theory
Luke Garcia
God, this shitposting cements Ninofags as the worst fanbase on this site, what do you expect from subhumans who like Shitoge, Shitsato, Emilia, Naru and Pinkshit
Nathaniel Campbell
You couldn't be more obvious, seething mikutard
Jack Long
Are you retarded?
Jordan Morgan
Peak butthurt
Isaac Brooks
Literally a plague that ruined our comfy threads. Wish all were castrated
Joshua Perry
On the contrary, your anger is seeping through my screen right now, user. Like someone already said, go for a fucking walk already
Gavin Brooks
Whenever Yotsuba's helping a quint to win someone's affection, it is destined to fail. We knew the outcome when Yotsuba helped both Ichika and Miku at Kyoto arc: it failed. So now, Yotsuba is helping Nino with the invitation letter. Do you think Negi will make her succeed this time?
Austin Mitchell
Literal cope
Leo Sanders
Joshua Bennett
Seerhe harder ninotarddddddddd hahahahahahahah
Joshua Sanchez
Falseflag Nignofag
Christian Howard
That's her 4d chess masterplans, user.
Colton Jackson
>a falseflagger trying to bait another falseflagger
>while the IP count is still 68
Guys come on
Easton Mitchell
>68 IPs
what killed the hype?
Adrian Turner
Feeling of a winner.
Jack Rivera
How can Nino be best girl and still keep getting even better with every chapter?
Joshua Reyes
>muh Mikufags
Everyone hates fags like you, user.
Liam Gutierrez
Is she thinking of young Ichika that time?
Robert Campbell
How can a single girl cause this much butthurt? She doesn't even have first girl/destined girl power behind her.
Leo Campbell
Obnoxious fans
Aiden Evans
Maruo showing up gives negi room to fit another hint into the lolikano subplot.
so even if it fails, he will still show up.
Jason Barnes
Whatever happened to being happy with just your quint.
Jayden Watson
Chrysanthemum, in Japan it means loyalty. Maruo is loyal to Rena/he didn't looking for a replacement.
Kayden Sullivan
I hope we get a few flashback panels to see her ask him out and his reaction
Hunter Baker
>Resorts to imagespamming
Its fully because I was just gonna mention that
Sebastian Phillips
Calm down, Shaft
Andrew Price
Just how afraid is Yea Forums of Nino. A simple Father-daughter bonding moment is being spammed as a shipping moment. It seems Yea Forums really does fear that Nino is going to win.
Owen Barnes
Which ones?
Brandon Walker
Thanks ishigami.
Jason Kelly
Starts with a N and ends with ino
Kevin Rodriguez
With this chapter we've had flashbacks explaining 1245 current selfs, only 3 is left
Jason Hernandez
Apparently, Fuutarou accepted the invitation so sorry user
Aiden Gonzalez
Your cope levels are over 9000
Adrian Morgan
Shes a monster size queen after all.
Thomas Myers
I think Nino is my favorite daughterwife now.
Alexander Gonzalez
Kinda wholesome when I think about it. Shes the most motherly out of the quint after all.
Angel Wright
Ninofag tears are so good
Cameron Phillips
I wish Fuutarou and Maruo talked about stuffs that happened six years ago.
Sebastian Robinson
Nobody fears your irrelevant quint, sorry
Tyler Richardson
What will other quints call her if she marries Maruo?
Bentley Evans
Where did she ask him?
Adrian Hughes
The the same user, but she was always the one I was hoping would win, even if I didn't believed it could happen until the very end.
Joshua Martin
Nino Mama Nee!
Adam Bell
Angel Wood
Muh croissant: the arc
Isaiah Rivera
Ichika x Fuutarou
Nino x Maruo
Miku x Takeda
Yotsuba x Maradona
Itsuki x Raiha
There you go, I fixed the endgame.
Jose Wood
>Miku 2nd date
>Pancake was because of Fuutarou's mom once again
Negi please. Are you literally transferring Nino's Red Herring crown to Miku?
Lincoln Diaz
Honestly, I dont even hate Nino and I agree with this
Daniel Nelson
>push Nino x Maruo hard
>haha 3x chapters
You'd think if Nino is really out like they believe, otherfags would leave her alone like Ichika now.
Colton Davis
>He thinks ded mom is a red herring
You dont read enough mangoes user
Landon Peterson
>waaahh help they're bullying my wife!
Pathetic. Just like Mikufags crying about the Takeda jokes
Jayden Evans
Negi makes unnecessarily properly designed side characters
It's both a good and bad thing
Isaiah Long
Laughing at Ninofags misery is a joy
Mason Carter
>Thinks Ichika is out
Opinion discarded. IF you want to say something next time, try not to act braindead
Noah Sanchez
I hope some random girl just steals futarou away
Aiden Morales
You're seething hard, user.
Ayden Adams
Brandon Young
>This week is Nino haters are on maximum coping with their collective denial
>Nino haters since Ch 60: "Go ahead, kill yourself & DIE in hell! Because you're already dead to me!"
The actual reason behind Nino haters' mundane sarcasm of "X chapters of irrelevance"
Dominic Martinez
its her time
Luis Morales
>takeda jokes
We all know thats a last resort for Mikushitters when they got nothing
Mason Wright
Doesn't seem like that to me but believe what you want.
Joshua Adams
>Fuutarou face when hearing Nino likes other guy than him
Bentley Sanders
>mentions chapter 60
wow, you are retarded, even for a Ninofag.
Juan Baker
Nino is a side character with a shit design
Isaiah Brooks
The problem I have is that its simply too obvious for Miku to win. Nino on the other hand had so much implications from before. It's as if we're at homestretch right now.
Anthony Cruz
Fuutarou: I wish I had a BBC like Jamal-kun
Juan Mitchell
Flirting with Nino!
Inviting Nino out for dinner!
Getting to know Nino!
Walking Nino home!
Lending Nino my coat to keep her warm!
Comforting Nino over her family issues!
Holding hands with Nino!
Kissing Nino on the cheek!
Saying goodnight to Nino!
Walking around the back of Nino's apartment!
Waiting three hours behind Nino's apartment!
Climbing up to Nino's balcony!
Cracking open the window of Nino's apartment and climbing in!
Sneaking up to Nino's bedside while she is asleep!
Covering Nino's mouth!
Taping Nino's mouth shut!
Holding down Nino!
Slipping my hand up Nino's skirt!
Punching Nino to stop her squirming!
Grabbing Nino's ass!
Slipping my hand under Nino's pantsu!
Fingering Nino's pussy!
Pulling up Nino's skirt!
Kissing and licking Nino's tummy!
Sucking Nino's perky pink nipples on her bountiful breasts!
Licking Nino's armpits!
Ripping off Nino's pantsu!
Pulling Nino's legs apart!
Sliding my cock into Nino!
Fucking Nino in the pussy and then the asshole!
Cumming inside of Nino multiple times!
Wiping away Nino's tears!
Wrapping my hands around Nino's throat!
Strangling Nino until she stops breathing!
Carrying Nino out the window!
Tossing Nino in my car's trunk!
Driving home with Nino!
Putting Nino in my garage!
Noticing Nino is still alive!
Stabbing Nino with my kitchen knife 35 times!
Disemboweling Nino!
Spilling Nino's blood all over the floor!
Cutting Nino's body into various chunks!
Burying chunks of Nino in a shallow ditch!
Helping Itsuki search for Nino a week later!
Comforting Itsuki and assuring her Nino is just fine!
Flirting with Itsuki!
Brandon Parker
>The problem I have is that its simply too obvious for Miku to win.
Carter Ross
Is that Maruo's hand?
Ian Hill
Lincoln Hall
Whether or not you're one of the two previous KRanon, appreciate it man
Luke Rogers
She already have someone though. Takebayashi showing up and btfoing the quints will hype me up for this manga again
Kayden Scott
Tyler Barnes
oh the right, here
Charles Morgan
Maruo is the final boss Fuutarou will have to face to marry the bride.
This chapter makes it obvious that Nino id endgame, hence desperate shitpostong
Nicholas Powell
Dominic Phillips
That's not the right one.
Ayden Foster
I've only seen Fuutarou's hand there
Oliver Nelson
Ninofags are by fat the most intelligent posters, 34fags are drooling imbeciles and the other 2 are irrelivent
Ryan Campbell
It's because Yea Forums loves being a contrarian. Nino was Yea Forums's most loved quint at one point, what happened was that reddit started liking her. And now that she's Reddit's favourite, Yea Forums hates her just like they hated Miku when she was popular with Reddit. Now everyone's a stealth Ichikafag because she's the most contrarian choice.
Andrew Rogers
Too black and muscular to be Fuutarou
Colton Rodriguez
Ok, that turns bloody interesting really fast.
Leo Morgan
This, but the other way around
Josiah Brown
This and based Ninobro Negibro
Luke Kelly
Dub Trips of holy truth
Parker Jenkins
Chase Gonzalez
>Anyone I disagree with is Mikuj
Just say the damn word already.
Charles Allen
ching chong to you too
Gabriel Perez
It depends on the daughter.
John Wilson
I want to suck on my wife Nino's toes so bad
John Nguyen
I wasnt there since the beginning but I knew it was her ever since she revealed that she liked him from the beginning without a goddess. She was one of the ones who forgot the kiss and still liked him. Shes also the only one he showed that kind of regret for. The entire time travel arc never should have happened
Zachary Barnes
Did Miku really choose to go to culinary college just because of Fuutarou's dead mom's bread?
I can't really see her losing if this is true.
Michael Reyes
>Fear Nino
>0 fucking development while Miku gets do a lot of things for herself
Keep dreaming retard.
Henry Bailey
>randomly attacking other fans
The sad state of Ninofags
Ethan Barnes
At the end, win or lose, Nino will bring the maximum meltdown here.
Angel Green
Wyatt Gutierrez
Case in point
Isaiah Johnson
Don't speedread too much.
Cameron Smith
Ian Garcia
James King
So it comes down to this. Some elite Yea Forumsfags are hypocrites to the core with their fucked up contrarian beliefs. Seriously, why so mindlessly obsessed of warring against reddit when they currently love Nino just as much as Yea Forums? I don't see a point doing this.
Nino shippers vs Miku shippers in the nutshell
>cue those girls behind Miku got poor tastes, blinded by their jealousy
Elijah White
Charles Hernandez
I like Nino because she makes the low iq faggots seethe.
Asher Murphy
Nigletfags be like
>muh parallels
>muh screentime
>muh confession
Then they don't realize Negi has already written. Her out of the story , they cling go irrelevant meta statistics to feel better about their losing quint
Joshua Scott
>do a lot of things for herself and for her sisters
Jace Diaz
You are the low IQ faggot, not us
Christopher Miller
Haters already having a meltdown which is hilarious.
Dylan Martin
Luke Robinson
high IQ people avoid gay posts like . I'm talking a bullet for you all here
Charles Sullivan
James Brooks
They fear this cutie.
Christopher Johnson
Of course, the ONORE salts generated from Nino haters will be glorious
Samuel Gutierrez
>they cling go irrelevant meta statistics
That's 45fags.
Brandon Rogers
When Ichika semi dropped out of the bowl and Miku vs Nino is not really a good rivalry since Nino has no relevant development at all. Also, Yotsuba still nowhere.
Samuel Parker
Lincoln Flores
>most liked quint
>basic tsundere bitch
Ah shit I got baited so hard. 10/10.
Jose Gray
>thank you for the free rent in your brain user-kun.
>maybe someday, there will be a girl that will like you even if you're disgusting
Caleb Gray
On the contrary, this cemented Miku’s loss. She has no personality outside of liking Fuutarou and following his past. She needs to be rejected to grow as her own person.
Jonathan Edwards
miku low iq
yotsuba dude low iq bitch iq bitch
bitch bitchtsuba
Juan Morales
I honestly don't understand why certain fags choose to ignore chapter 93. Sure it's not much, but nino did succeed in triggering a reaction with Fuuts.
Levi Stewart
There's like 3 ichikafags around. No one really likes Ichika desu.
Jonathan Bennett
Now Nino haters are reaching their new low
>resorting to project daddy issue & Nino x Maruo
Nino's issue with Papakano got nothing with her love life, you shit! Even though she literally took the mantra of being the mom figure for the quints
Stop making obscene shits up about her! You're just making yourself look worse, not better
Chase Sanders
Low IQ and also an ESL
Xavier Cooper
I want to use Nino's butt as a pillow!
Gabriel Mitchell
More devoted than the 2 pathetic Ninofags who change their fav quint every week
Henry Lewis
You mean like when he reacted to other quints when he thinks their relationship is deterioting? Sure is unique!
Isaiah Allen
No surprise there.
Lucas Anderson
>otherfags would leave her alone like Ichika now.
>Ichika not relevant
>Why aren't people shitposting about her
>Is one of the fags trying to convince himself that she is out
Brandon Reyes
>chapter 1xx Fuutarou actually chooses Nino
>haha xx chapters!
Camden Rogers
Shitposters just want to shitpost. Retards kept getting baited, so they keep using the same bait
Josiah Perry
Pathetic ad hominem response, as expected of a Ninofag
Jose Stewart
>why yes I like getting cucked all the time by Nino
Christian Bailey
Miku made a lot of failure foods throughout the manga. It bothered her that F avoided her cooking, so she wanted to improve. When she lost to Nino for the cake shop job, she said she realized she liked making things, and F wasn't her aim. When F ate the croissant with a smile on his face, it gave her a positive feedback, enough to consider going down with the culinary path. I mean, if it would be something else, F would directly influence her path, while with this, he indirectly did it.
Benjamin Morgan
Such a long time I saw this fear.
Christian Nelson
Mikufags are seething hard. The only thing left for them is falseflagging and samefagging. Pay them no mind.
Colton Rodriguez
You being a pathetic, sperging out chink make Ninofags looks even worse.
Fuck off to tieba and stay there
Asher Garcia
That's what Ninofags do, look at reality
Michael Evans
Okay buddy, don't pop a vein
James Perez
So, are you saying that miku will become mikudera and will bake the bread?
Benjamin Taylor
>Find in page
>Nino = 201
Will this continue to the next thread?
Leo Reyes
Yotsuba praised her croissant to high heavens multiple chapters before Fuutarou even looked at it. Miku didn't care.
Face it, it's just because it was Fuutarou
Alexander Garcia
its already happening in all threads
Cooper Reyes
Obviously. Mikufags can't contain the salt anymore. It's so fun to watch
Jeremiah Rogers
They seethe whenever they see this image of a cute, innocent girl.
Grayson Adams
Its expected. Making fun of Ninofags is so fun and entertaining
Bentley Peterson
>37 motherfucking chapters
Jeremiah Thompson
No. I'm saying that there is nothing wrong with her choice, no matter how otherfags force the orbiting aspect or anything else. She is the smartest among them, but despite this she is not aiming for going to college with F, even when she has probably the best chance among the quints getting into the same uni as him.
Dominic Carter
Yotsuba's going to win, mark my words.
Kayden Gutierrez
>Miku and Fuu go out on a date
>one of the mean girls sees them together
>girls accuse Fuu in front of the class of trying to date Nino and Miku at the same time
>tell him to choose one
>Fuu no way fag them
>he's the deciding vote on what the stall will sell
>realizes his vote will be seen as he choosing one over the other
Robert Jones
No I mean, your chapter count means the number of chapters of nino being unable to progress, is it?
Chapter 93 is progress, unless you're saying none of the quints progressed at all by your standard.
That was not my intention, I'd rather not point fingers.
James Sanchez
That's cool, but you don't have to shitpost to counter their shitposting.
The only way to make them stop is to ignore them.
Be better.
Colton Russell
Wow so irrelevant. What about the other quints?
Xavier Sullivan
How can you even live with that amount of cope? Ninofag samefag for almost 2 years
Alexander Richardson
are you new? because they have been doing this for a few months
Daniel Miller
Yotsuba only said it was "Yummy", no high praises. Then in the next chapter you saw how the whole improvement process went, but it was still not a croissant that they could sell. After Kyoto, she can now even teach newbies to make it, and the manager is happy.
Connor Kelly
>mikufag calling someone out for samefagging
Oh the irony...
Colton Hernandez
We're just happy for Nino. Maruo will treat her well.
Adam Kelly
1345fags can seethe all they want. Fuutaro wont choose such a weird way to defend Nino by saying she loves him unless he feels something. Hell, "be nice with her" is better than 90% words Fuutaro ever said about other quints
Asher Cruz
>people massively hating on Nino = relevant
AHAHAHAHA, You dumb fucks can't even see mass mockery and despised, what a laugh
Justin Brown
>she can now even teach newbies to make it
Please user do you really think Miku is at a level where she can teach? it was just a way to show her interacting with Fuutarou.
Lucas Watson
If you say it like that, then miku will choose her career over F. F will become her inspiration.
Nathaniel Moore
Nice headcanon, but whats Fuutarou gonna say when he finds out Nino loves him as a replacement for her dad? Huh? Fuutarou isn't into cuckshit
Ryan Flores
user, saying things you don't actually believe is not healthy.
Parker Hughes
Damn, gib me more content of Maruo x Nino x Itsuki! Images or text, whatever!
Cooper Cook
>when he finds out Nino loves him as a replacement for her dad?
This is such bullshit. Stop doing this.
Josiah Myers
>37 chaahhahahhaahahaha
Landon Sanchez
>Fuutarou isn't into cuckshit
How do you know?
Angel Gutierrez
It's literally what's going on
Kayden Phillips
>cute Nino spread
>Fuutarou saying that Nino loves him
>cute dorky Itsuki
>miku irrelevant for the 97th chapter
>mikufags seething like never before
All is well in the world.
Nathaniel Hernandez
Jaxson Harris
That's why i said Nino-hater reach new low here.
oh well hater gonna hate
Brandon Carter
Are you in denial? This chapter literally spells it out so obviously.
Jacob Flores
if she weren't, than the manager clearly wouldn't have let her. "That Miku-chan teaches the newbie" implies she has come a long way. It's not my fault you try to shit on her on every ocassion.
Ian Ross
Cute headcanon
Carter Perez
he has the point. Miku's like an orbit traveling around Fuutaro. Who wants an ending with a orbit? Even in a harem manga, female character should have sth else outside of sucking MC dick. Ichika and Itsuki have their future career. Nino has daddy issue. Yotsuba had identical crisis even before she met Fuu. Miku? Last time she did sth unrelated to Fuu is when she convinced Nino in 7gbs
William Scott
Isaiah Ortiz
Miku a hungry bitch, like your typical harem anime/manga, hungry bitches never win
Joshua Bailey
Absolutely seething
Kayden Wright
She can have both. It's naive to think that different career pathes will be obstacles to whoever ends up being the winner. Realistically, if F aims for the best of the best unis, none of the quints should have any chance getting into it, considering more than half a years ago they couldn't even reach 50% of the total score.
Levi Bennett
>Nino being the focal point just before break
Man, I am reeeeally looking forward to the threads in these two weeks.
Brody Bell
>37 chapters
The magic word, instant Ninofag seethe
Noah Hernandez
>break next week
>This is what these chapters will become for the next 2 weeks
It's time to evacuate
Brandon Mitchell
desu she was always the vocal point of every thread even without focus on her
Camden Ortiz
Your memory is clearly wrong. She just recently helped him with the Ichika situation, but once again it's something the haters refuse to accept, cause the evil Miku didn't try to secretely steal F, when Ichicute was leaving.
Colton Hill
This. two threads ago someone asked why a miku end would be bad. The replies were pretty much spot on.
James Sanders
I'm going to love all the new doujinshi starring nino and maruo.
Caleb Smith
exactly, it's not like Miku has been irrelevant since the first chapter. KEK
Ryan Wright
Mikuj spamming. Just look at this thread. It's absolute cancer. He spams the same shitposts over and over. He makes up these fake arguments that literally make no sense and he just spams them ad infinitum. He'll get reported, get banned and then he'll just evade the ban to do it all over again. He's been doing this all summer because he's "bored because school is out". He literally admitted that he just does it for the (You)s and because he loves Miku/hates Nino.
Jacob Allen
Nervous anons keep telling themselves this just to get a good sleep.
Levi Diaz
This. it's amazing just how butthurt he gets from a Nino chapter.
Ian Mitchell
Jaxson Martin
Thomas Collins
want me to link it to you? I'm just saying that a Miku end is now one of the most unpopular ending.
Benjamin Murphy
As a Ichikafag I'm glad that she's only in focus when there's something important. I hope she gets a stealth but reasonable win like Chihiro so that I don't have to visit these threads ever again.
Joseph Russell
If Nino is well drawn, then I don't care who's fucking her
Parker Sanders
She has a higher chance than Shitno but nowhere close to Miku or Itsuki
Landon Hernandez
Miku is really going all out now.
Wyatt Robinson
Ninofags are cucks
Oh nonononono
Ethan Gomez
Yeah, she even called a delivery boy to carry her to her date!
Joseph Parker
No one gives a shit about proxy polls, chink polls or some random twitter mooks making a poll.
Nathaniel Miller
It finally makes sense why Nino and Yotsuba have almost no interaction. Yotsuba understands Maruo since they both share the bond of loving someone they never had a chance with. Nino is jealous of this bond Yotsuba and Maruo have together. Even in this chapter Yotsuba understands why Maruo is the way he is, while Nino can't stand it. Nino resents Yotsuba because Maruo and Yotsuba are two peas in a pod. So it makes sense that Maruo didn't go to the wedding now, since the one who is getting married to Fuutarou was/is the only daughter who understood his pain.
Nathan Diaz
no one talked about polls.
Asher Johnson
It's not Futarou?
Robert Bailey
You're motherfucking insane. Seek help
Samuel Green
>hey both share the bond of loving someone they never had a chance with. Nino is jealous of this bond Yotsuba and Maruo have together.
Excepted Rena's reaction to Maruo pretty much confirms that she loved him. And Maruo is interacting with Itsuki. When Maruo praised Lolitsuba she wasn't satisfied.
Jack Murphy
>MuH boogeyman
Imagine being this schizo
Carter Jackson
Some anons' opinions are the same. They hate on popularity, that's their major reason, while blowing everything out of proportion just to convince themselves that the Miku end is terrible.
Jeremiah Ross
Nobody should fall this low
Mason Long
>if she marries Maruo
Nino wishes, but it's never going to happen.
Carter Bennett
Ninofags fall even lower all the time and they're proud of it
Caleb Reed
Never had a chance with meaning he never had a chance to be with her because she died pretty quickly.
Gavin Green
We are winning this Ichikabro.
Julian Torres
Who else but cucks would like abusive, druggie bitches?
Camden Fisher
nino a shit
Landon Sanders
If you think that's the opinion of just a few fags then I suggest you lurk in 2ch threads. Not everyone shits on miku just for the sake of shitposting, there are a lot of people like me who are simply tired of her flipflopping so much.
Hudson Wright
Why is Nino. Even popular? Literally awful character that constantly makes trouble for NO REASON.
Even without the drug shit its like she enjoys making others suffer
Levi Stewart
>post mentioning mikuj gets deleted
>the dozen+ posts spamming >37 are untouched
Alexander Baker
Would you look at that. Another mikufag banned.
Matthew Collins
I said "some". Nips are tired of 45 not getting their chances.
Justin Cruz
Please. I was here when it was wojakspamming which frankly was more annoying. Just wondering if he's capable of forming a cohesive argument or it's just mindless spamming as usual.
Tyler Wood
Alexander Perez
Liam Smith
>trying to pin Ninofag shitposts on Mikufag
Liam Adams
Cute. His eyes may be cold, but his heart isn't, clearly. Only sad because of Rena's pass.
Benjamin Jones
>Paranoid Mikuj spammer gets banned
>still blames Mikufags
wew lad
Christian Reyes
Because since she confessed she became deredere and people love basic cute shit. Why do you think Miku is so popular? Because she is moe.
Jace Lopez
>Fuuts looking pissed that they're saying Nino's into another guy
Justin Perry
That's a Nino fan you absolute brainlet
Aaron Harris
Yeah the wojakposting were shit, i thought you were new since he has been spamming the numbers in every thread while replying the same thing at himself
Michael Sullivan
Leave Futarou to me.
Jayden Russell
I thought Nino hated Maruo. More forced development from Negi?
Ian Flores
do you really think lying thru your teeth is going to convince anyone?
>telling to cope to anyone who says mikufags are seething
>says all the spamming is from a ninofag
>says Ninofags are the worst cancer
>seeethe harder to a yotsufag
Yeah.... I'm sure it must be a ninofag.
Josiah Baker
Negi skipped it because he don't care about it
Jonathan Torres
What's this, Juliet?
Ethan Allen
Nice fan fiction, seek medical help
Henry Roberts
>can't refute the truth
Jason Adams
>I thought Nino hated Maruo.
You thought wrong.
Ayden Allen
>>Ninos friends aren't at the wedding
>Nino isn't the bride
Pic related
Xavier Hall
You should speedread less
Dominic Carter
Stop speedreading
Juan Nguyen
Goug out your eyes and you might see they're completely unrelated
Charles Parker
>mfw am just lurking and an user gets banned because of me without me even posting a single reply
I love these threads desu.
Michael Rodriguez
She doesn't. Itsuki being surprisingly perceptive about Maruo is the real surprise here & she might also understand the meaning behind the flower at the tombstone.
Camden Torres
>Can't understand how tsundere works
Is it your first romcom?
Luis Williams
Noah Cook
Imagine if the one who ends up cucking them is Miku and not Nino. Takedachads rise up!
Ryan Garcia
So, Takeda is popular with girls?
Kevin Gray
>just lurking
>no new ip
way to out yourself, retard.
Carter Miller
>come in
>seething over Nino
Of course. What else would I have expected from these threads?
Mason Turner
>if that guy is Yuuske
I can't believe someone actually has crush for Takeda.
Levi Watson
>no new IP
user....Thats not how this shit works
Ayden Baker
I can't wait for Nino to win. The salt from Mikufags will be glorious.
Chase Evans
Its worse than usual since its a nino chapter
Grayson Russell
You wish. All of Yea Forums is laughing at Ninofags and their attempts at drying to deflect the deathflags
Hunter Lee
Remember: He's a boogeyman but he's here and he hasn't been posting but the IP count hasn't changed and Ninofags are shitposters but every shitpost ITT is anti-Nino. Makes perfect sense.
Nathan Bell
>doesn't even know about X
typical from a redditard.
Gavin Sanders
I'm just happy to see 24 together ~
Jacob Collins
Not him, but you must be retarded. If you're lurking that means you haven't posted. If you hadn't posted before , then that means the IP count would increase. IP count is based on IPs that have posted. Please stop being a retard and please stop shitposting. You're killing these threads.
Grayson Foster
Wrong. I saw the IP increase after his post
Brody Reed
Oh God hahahahaha you're seriously that new?
Jacob Perry
>retard trying to damage control
Jace Powell
The irony. Anyways, I'm not here to shitpost, I got a promise to hold. I'll be lurking, anons! Also, Mr. Mikuj _fan I hope you dont IP jump after accusing me of doing so, you would just make yourself look pathetic in your own eyes. Tata!~
Jason Richardson
Nice damage control.
Samuel Bell
Grayson Scott
>>>I hate it.
>>>I hate doing something secretly, hiding others' sight.
Nino have her big secret "kiss". It's over Nino is the kisser.!!!!!
Jason Carter
The anime was a mistake
Carson Hill
You're obsessed and mental, bordering on insanity.
I'm 100% seriously advising you to seek medical help, this is extremely dangerous for you and others around you
Nicholas Adams
Guys, Guys Fine. I admit it, I wasnt TOTALLY lurking. But I did not shitpost, and that counts as lurking for a shitposter like myself. Stop it with the newfag accusations. Youre embarrassing me here
Mason Flores
This is the villain of 5toubun threads.
Justin Garcia
>being this retarded
Justin Smith
Not me BTW. You need to be careful there user, dont wanna ruin other peoples reputation like that.
Parker Sanchez
Luis Harris
>look mom I can post on TWO devices
Aiden Lewis
What is happening here?
Chase Anderson
The usual Miku shitposter got found out again
Jack Butler
Hey man, I try and I fail. Now I'm stronger.
Elijah Davis
Ninofags lashing out.
Colton Taylor
Are you sure you should be posting here Applenoods?
Eli Martinez
Fiiiiine MOM, I'm going back to my corner. I dont wanna shit up the threads any more than I already have. My mistake for being too smug.
Jordan Wright
Reddit shitposter gets exposed but still insists that he's a boogeyman, it's all paranoia and that it's he hasn't been posting but the IP count remains the same.
Hudson Jenkins
That's why the kisser was sad fuck retard
Landon Carter
Um, I have several questions. Who? How? Why? and since when?
Luis Russell
>it's a newfag shitposter outing himself
This is embarassing.
Jonathan Jenkins
Doesn't surprise me. He had a fucking meltdown during the spoiler thread.
Wyatt Cooper
More like La Prima
Brandon Hernandez
It's gotten worse in general. Even if a new chapter isn't a Nino focused chapter, the shitposting about Nino stands out more than the actual discussion that I actually see in spoiler threads.
Juan White
Aww come on man, I just wanted to be a little smug. Its true that an user got banned because of me without me being involved tho.
Evan Sullivan
The kisser is sad because she kisses him while being disguised. Do you think any of them would be smug about it? Think a little.
Jaxson Brown
Oh yeah sure! I totally believe you! It's not like you admitted in the past of using multiple devices and phone data to ban evade...
Ryder Gonzalez
Fuck back to ledd!t. Your level of retard just screams shame for Mikufags.
Nathan Carter
It sure is embarrassing, but live and learn I guess.
Well, here we go again with the accusations. I'm gonna go walk my dog or something. Sorry for totally unintentionally disturbing the non existent peace in these threads toubunbros
Lincoln Green
I'm pretty sure that information came from your ass user. Because I've never phoneposted.
Noah Martin
>2vs4 soon
Aaron Moore
You're pathetic just like Miku.
>I'm gonna walk my dog
>implying a neet like yourself manages to get out of his room.
Parker Thomas
>Because I've never phoneposted.
Ahahahahahahahaha. Just like you were just lurking? Or just like you were supposed to go away from the threads?
Henry Morales
4 isn't going to fight anyone.
Jeremiah Sanders
user, If you want to make me feel bad just mention my blunders, calling me names only makes you yourself look bad. Oh, right. I was gonna go walk my dog. Thanks for reminding me brotha. Also, I'm gonna enjoy the Miku-Fuutarou date chapter next week just as much as you will.
Gabriel Anderson
>>Don't be delusional.
>>That delusion makes Nino pitiful...
>>No, it's real...
>>>As I thought...
>>>Y, yeah.
>>>If that boy is Yuuske...
>>>Fighting against Nino...
>>>I can't win that...
This fight between Nino and the 3 girls is not over. I hope they don't do something bad to her in the festival
Joseph Watson
It's a simple fact that the biggest shitposters on Yea Forums are tourists from other websites. They unironically think Yea Forums is that place where you just relentlessly troll and shit.
Case in point
Carson Bell
This is why I avoid lying, one lie is all it takes to make you a constant liar. I swear, on my good name, that this shall be the one and only time I have lie don these threads! Oh, and I'm pretty sure you should have posted a non existent proof there. Would do more damage to me.
Ethan Johnson
Jaxon Anderson
OOI, I am capable of making posts that arent shitposts user, rude much? Or should I take that as a compliment. Bottom line is, I dont use !eddit. Now if you'll excuse me
Leo Parker
Xavier Young
>>Loves m...
>>So stay friendly with her.
>>Nino, sorry...
>>Uesugi kun...
> #
>>Don't be delusional.
>>That delusion makes Nino pitiful...
>>No, it's real...
Oh fuck next step
>Fuutarou will play Nino boyfriend to convince them that Nino love him
Nolan Hill
Alright looks like we're back /5toubun/!!! How would this general look with the break coming soon?
Michael Gonzalez
I would like to remind everyone that the best approach to such pathetic individuals like this tourist shitposter is to report and ignore.
Chase James
But you came from AS is pretty much same shithole
Kevin Turner
Yotsuba is cute too
Noah Reed
>>A date with...
I can smell the rejection coming soon
Hunter Brown
Seeing Yotsuba besides that failure that is Miku is always so sad.
Adrian Rodriguez
Nino's rejection.
Carson Nelson
>>The class representative didn't vote for neither side.
>>What do you mean!
>>That's irrelevant to this issue!
Kek I bet Fuutarou will choose Nino again
Dominic Bennett
Sorry to hear that, user.
Aaron Kelly
Nino protect her sister cute
Owen Phillips
Either Ichika will arrive at the last minute and break the tie or Nino will change sides
Colton White
Delaying fate.
Gavin Morgan
He'll reply to himself anyway.
Jordan Green
Hinata: N-Naruto-kun
Onodera: I-Ichijou-kun
Mehku: Fuutarooo
Nips really like their beta orbiters, huh,
Carson Miller
>>Don't be delusional.
>>That delusion makes Nino pitiful...
>>No, it's real...
>>Fine, I'll introduce a good girl for you
Poor Fuutarou, his sad face .But the girls have right Nino is too good for him.
Ayden Martinez
Zachary Walker
It seems to me that this was one of those mid-arc filler chapters. The kind that give the characters something to do but not terrifically important by itself. It also established Nino's and Miku's minor roles.
Landon Green
Of course. We're all bros here, even mikufags. Or some of them anyways.
Jason Hill
How can you people defend Nino after all the mental and physical abuse she gave Fuutarou? I'm honestly appalled anyone can support such a unhealthy relationship
Jeremiah Morris
I wouldn't count that as progress but rather reaffirmation. Miku on the other hand is actually doing what she said. To learn more about Futarou. Now wether, Fuutarou will learn more about Miku entirely depends on how Fuutarou reacts.
Adam Cruz
Bad news for Miku, she gives this important information to the bride
Brayden Wilson
Done try to reason with shitposters, they'll just y
Tell you how you can support a orbiter dog like that's supposed to answer anything
Adrian Turner
ib4 the girls try to ship him with Miku to get his vote for the pancakes
Xavier Adams
If anything it's Miku who has an unhealthy obsession with Fuutarou
Tyler Ramirez
>It's not an actual date. Miku just called it an date because she's an shy autist.
Poor Miku when she will understand that Fuutarou don't see it like a date. He don't see her like romantic interest..
Ayden Peterson
Noah Garcia
>banned again
Lol. It just shows that the faggot saying Mikuj really samefags all by himself. This is why its retarded to discuss anything in these threads.
Angel Morris
>On one hand, it can mean that Nino is definitely not the kisser but on the other hand, it could explain why she hasn't taught him about it if she was the one
It could explain the sad face of the kisser
Cooper Scott
Last for NIno a shit
Joshua Kelly
I love ninofags!
Adrian Gomez
Cameron Kelly
Everyone does.
Isaac Lewis
Aiden Carter
Jannies are fucked up. They haven't even touched the >37 literal spam because they delete a post for mentioning Miku*
Asher Peterson
And Nino is hot girl
Elijah Flores
Noah Adams
They are fun to bully.
Asher Lee
Leo Campbell