ShingeKI NO Kyojin

Spoilers soon

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Other urls found in this thread:

What's even the point when every thread gets hijacked by false flagging discord scum? Why is SnK targeted for faggification of all things? Why do people want to make everything awful?

So when the fujos disappeared EHfags took over the threads again. Fuckin' nice, I like it.

I miss Yumiru

At this time SnK threads are pretty comfy.

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Is the Manga good? I only watched the anime like when it first released and got turned off by the fags shilling it left and right. I've finally decided to come back and see if its actually worth getting into.

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We know, Porco

Zeke what are you doing!?

why are the path loli's clothes so skimpy

We know, Hisu

It gets really bad. the survey corps infiltrate the ghettos and if this next chapter doesn't have some major twist it's going to be the 13th straight of them trying to help muh oppressed eldians overthrow the marleyan government to give equal rights to all.
literally no titans outside of flashbacks


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Who's the guy standing behind Annie?

Aw, I wanted to see a second Titan War.

Japanese count it as 10 actually.



spoilers? today?

>murrican education

This implies that Zeke is farmer-kun, but that would also mean that Zeke is a breeder. Hmm.

Why are they laughing so maliciously?

I want to fuck Mikasa.


>It's a Hansi chapter

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Why not try it and see for yourself?

They knew that Zeke would see Eren's memories when they touched, so they wanted to play a funny by having sex and smiling for the memory afterwords. What they didn't know about was protection and that's why Historia is pregnant.

I am, I'm already on volume 5. I started this evening.

Will they ever show us what was eren's plan

>literally no titans outside of flashbacks
But that's wrong you retard. Pic related just happened last chapter

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I genuinely like it and it is still quite popular, so go ahead and try it for yourself. The threads can be fun as well.

He wasn't in Marley for ten months, why do people still think this?

They saw HoAD

Historia LOVES Farmer cock.

>Nile is a 3m class titan

10 in Japan and everywhere in Asia. Because 40 weeks.

>it's going to be the 13th straight of them trying to help muh oppressed eldians overthrow the marleyan government to give equal rights to all.
Way to go speedreader.


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As expected of a pair of retards

This makes me fear for nip intelligence. If they count pregnancies as 10 months, then why did the westerners come up with the father theory first?

You mean Falco

I love Eren!

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>trying to help muh oppressed eldians
they have a funny way of going about it

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Any chance for spoilers today?

When is the official release date again? I forgot.


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Fujos are sleeping
We should have the magazine cover in a few hours

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We know Mrs. Yeager aka Historia

I can't fucking wait. Shit.

I'm going to post the spoilers in exactly 8 hours and 47 minutes from now. Sceencap this post.


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So what was his doing by himself before that then?

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We didn't
But Mikasa is EMA so she and eren are a must

Please be good. Please be good.

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Nips are generally retarded when it comes to predicting twists and plot points because theorycrafting/analysis is not a thing they actually indulge nearly as much as western readers do save for a few exceptions.

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Was this after erens attack on marley? I dont remember this

He wasn't by himself then yet.

it would be disrespectful to mankasa


It's literally in the season 3 end credits.

The chapter

Who broke her fingers?

I think mango and anime are simply more mainstream in Japan which means all the normies ruin the discussion
We are seeing it happen here as well, once Reddit started getting into anime they have been shitting up all discussions and coming up with insane stupid theories that make no sense and turn other people away from theory crafting because every time they try to discuss a theory they get bombarded with ''WOAH DUDE WHAT IF IT'S ALL A FAKE MEMORY! WAIT YELENA IS CREEPY, SHE IS THE DEVIL!!!''

Grandparents soon

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He was, it was stated by Pixis he took independent action 10 months ago meaning he went off to do something separate from the rest of the people like a sheep who split off from the herd.

Why is Isayama insulting his japanese readers, meaning all of his readers?
I though he was smart
dumb fuck

Dude the fake memories was almost one month ago, the most voted theory is Eren regenerating or dying and resurrecting.

Her abusive husband, Eren.

is this true?

elevens will drop the series as soon as eh gets confirmed?

That's because the redditards are a minority. Sooner or later they will become a majority as anime gets more and more mainstream until you will not be able to sift trough the bullshit. If Yea Forums was majority redditards, they would still be talking about fake memories and missing pants.

its the scene where reiner insists they have to counterattack as soon as possible, it's the only bit of post-reminder aftermath we see unfortunately.

That was referencing his solo talks with Yelena. Him meeting her alone to exchange information would be seen as breaking his orders to do something independently. He may have also started ignoring the military in favor of leaving his assigned posts to go and do whatever he wanted.

You fuckers lied to me and said Historia won. I wasted my time reading 70 chapters of this shit just to end on a bullshit cliffhanger.

Eren going full chad was nice though.

>Chapter 108 was one year ago
Uh oh

I had seen 5ch EH thread and they theorized the same fucking things as we do. So no.

Nips are mainly EM, but they have been opening up to the father theory recently. Also, they love SnK, I doubt they'd drop it over Eren being confirmed as the father.

>Nips are mainly EM
No wonder shounen is so popular there, fucking christ.

DAMN that's a long wait

I had a dream in which a man and a woman time travelled and saved the world of SnK by fixing stuff in the timeline

Based yumikuri

For what happened in the cave, i would think she is the abusive one in their relationship.

Yeah, I can't find the EH thread anymore but I remember some of them theorizing about pic related over there.

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It means nothing, there's no symbolism in SnK.

But muh dinosaurs

But then what do the flowers mean?

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Any hope of spoilers leaking today?
I don't want to spend any more time in this AIDS infested shit hole than strictly necessary. These threads are cancer incarnate in the pre-release period.

Do you have concrete proof of this? I don’t recall it ever saying exactly how long Eren was in Marley for.
inb4 “He only started acting on his own 10 months ago.” It never said he did or didn’t leave to Marley.

No it wasn't Pixis mentioned it in the context of Eren taking independent action right around when Yelena claimed to have met with him
>He may have also started ignoring the military in favor of leaving his assigned posts to go and do whatever he wanted.
Nice headcanon if he did that he would instantly be put under house arrest. He only got to meet Yelena because they got close enough to where he was so that he could sneak off and come back without it looking suspicious. If they actually noticed him doing any suspicious activity, he would be instantly put under house arrest and interrogated given national security on the line.

>Any hope of spoilers leaking today?

now this is bait.

EHfags are vastly superior to fujos.

But muh fruit.

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The first image is an atomic bomb, the second one I don't know.

>Eren's hand
>Historia's garden
what's the symbolism here?


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That’s what you get for believing anything anyone here says.


How soon is soon?

It doesn't really seem like he was there for nearly a year, he infiltrated a return transport of soldiers, and then from what we saw - spent maybe a few weeks stalking Reiner and playing baseball with Bro.

What is the drop of blood referring to?

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They are becoming equally retarded. No wonder some fujos like and draw art for it

Historia's blood

Nah even fujoshits are better than you braindead losers


Eren's semen

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Huh, that's pretty obvious now that you point that out - the central """"cloud"""" knocked the other clouds aside.

EMtard seething

Eren had a lot of meetings with the volunteers. He didn't just go to marley immediately after the first meeting with Yelena ten months ago.

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I'm not even an EHfag but have you been to the 2-3 thread before this? Fujos are absolutely shitting up the threads with their faggotry.

I’d think Eren would go right away since he’s always been the jump in head first type. Besides, he’s infiltrating a whole country on guard across a rather large body of water. Even with Yelena’s help, there’s a lot of having to sneak around so Marley doesn’t get suspicious. It’s going to take a while.
That’s my thought process at least.

The second one is maybe the crater it lefts behind.
My theory is that it symbolizes the apex of freedom seeking, that is that at some point, you will end up destroying everything in your path to achieve it.
But you shouldn't let that discourage you

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I guess that user missed the EArfag infestation on a recent thread.

I have been avoiding the threads entirely because of them.

What have you been snorting?

Breaking a hymen.

Then you should know that fujos are far worse, spamming half the thread with constant bl shit, the other half talking about anal sex. Shit's ridiculous.

Also, is it even possible for him to infiltrate alone? He probably went to marley together with the scouts and then ran away after some times. That's why he knows where to send his letters.

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Someone's is kill

wrong hole

At least the fujos take a break. There’s EHfags shitting up every single SnK thread.


Everyone’s dead.

>implying he didn't just put 'secret scout base' on the envelope and let the postal service figure it out
neither wind nor rain buddy

I thought EHfags were the fujos though, does this mean they never take breaks?

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I know it. Fuck those fags

Is this real?

Are fujos jealous of men?

Based mailman.

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You'd know if you weren't a dumb speedreader

Are you a speedseeingmangapager?

Top right corner looks weird

Implying femals are coming on degenerates places like Yea Forums.

If you're a brainlet.

Bros, I don't want Eren to die

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No, it's literally the same fucking panel.

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Is dialogue still the same?

Abe won't allow that.

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Fuck off. I know you are the one who made that thread.

You don't even need to go that far. The cover hasn't been leaked yet, so any spoiler that comes out now is fake.

millions of Historia's eggs fertilized by Eren will be implanted via PATHS to all females of the planet, that's what it means

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It literally isn't though.


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How will Abe save Eren?

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quality post EH ledditor

Nice breeding hips

Is this one fake too?

It's redrawn, big deal.
What's actually important are the Pieck panels taken from GR2.0 - she has her mobile fortress on her back, not the fuck off cannon.

>number and shape of the shifter marks is different, plus no line midway through
>hair falls further forward on the face rather than to the sides
>shape of the brows is different, left brow is further tilted up and right brow is further tilted down, left brow also doesn't curve down on it's left side
>shape of the eyes and eyelids are different, corners of the left eye are more pointed down, right eye isn't circular
>nose curves differently
>different shading that covers more of the face
You're retarded bro.



I still fail to see how they are shitting up. Does it really affect you that much one rumoured character between two characters?

I'm sure that Pieck is from this page.

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I wanna fuck Zeke so bad!!!!!!!!

Ameritards education, seeing two possible characters being together affects them to the point they think they need to "fight" against it sinking those posts with falseflags.
Go to europe forums, they have less autism than here

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Doesn't make you any less wrong about the face my blind nigger.

how do you know it's nile?

Fujos even fight between them, they insulted one REfujo for admitting she liking RE but thinking the same as many, that Eren is the father.

We know that the LH ship song is Coldplay - The Scientist.

But what about EH and FG, the two other canon ships?

it literally is
they just cropped pieck from here and rotated it

Also Pieck's titan is found in this page. Why are these faggots so stupid?

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filler and not canon

Say what now?

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Like the anime director said that those were just random shots he liked.

Zeke’s pubes are nice.

But Eren is mind controlled by Zeke/Eren Sr. He wants to exterminate all Eldians and he hates the cattle queen Historia also.

And that's exactly why Eren is The Father.
Not some insipid shipping, but because it's a thematic choice that fits the narrative and drives another point of contrast between their ideologies.

Can Eren theoritically impregnate every Eldian qt on the planet with his seed if he used FT?

>reduce and die out
>prosper and multiply
It's a great page honestly.

He could even impregnate Eldian men

Zackley tells AM in 110 that he's been having concealed meetings with volunteers starting from ten months ago, which pretty much implies he didn't actually fuck off ten months ago.

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I agree. I don't give a shit about which character has sex with which, but I am convinced Eren is the father because of what you said.

>he creampied? Terminate the zygote

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Based brothers.

>the shingeki no kyojin was inside you all along eren
and gigcuck said it the best manga/anime unironically

>terminate the zygote

pieck deserves to die. Fucking camping headshoting bitch.

Brainlet here. Why didn't Zeke side with Marley instead? Aren't they much more likely to agree with the sterilization plan and might even prefer it to a full-blown war?

I want to die.

No can do reiner


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They wanted the resources found on Paradis immediately, as the technology of other nations was going to beat out titan warfare. Also he didn't want Eldians to suffer which is weird because he seemed to be having fun killing the SC but I chalked it up to him not being sane or trying to trick Pieck.

Marely’s just going to steal the coordinate Titan to buy a couple more decades of being a super power before technology surpasses the Titans. Zeke straight up confessed that he hates war and doesn’t want to see his people help Marely wage war as their mindless play things

>Fujos are sleeping
Not anymore

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He views killing people as freeing them and all their descendants from suffering.

>which is weird because he seemed to be having fun killing the SC
To me it seemed like a coping method

That "R-right, Eren?" part makes it even better
Zeke's deluding himself

So what's going to happen to this manlet now?

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That literally has nothing to do with the story...

Zekechads are you ready to support Zeke? PROTECT HIS SMILE

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True Zekechads want to see him cry

I'm ready Zekechad, we won't allow the bullying
Some Zekechads are weak because Zeke looks so vulnerable and cute when he is crying

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>a zekefag thought this proved the euthanasia plan right

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>kill yourself, breeder.

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Yes my fellow Zekechads. We will protect and love Zeke with all our hearts.

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These ''people'' are mentally ill. These ''people'' are too dumb to comprehend there's more to life than muh pleasure and muh pain. They're braindead hedonists.

Uhh sauce for this cropped cunny my man?

this picture is funny and cute

Not an argument

Deflowering. There, I said it.

Eren takes Historia's virginity.

nvm found it

ETA - Soon!

I said bar a few exceptions, not that it never happened. I know there are even one or two blogs out there for chap analysis, but it's not as ingrained in their way of discussing chapters as it is for us, that's all I was saying. Check general threads (not shipping/character ones) to see for yourself.

Sex with Mikasa.

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Better not be lying tripfag or so goddamn help me...

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He's lying, magazine cover isn't out


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What lies beyond? What decision did Eren take? Reminder this autism will be streetched till september

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Dunno, he was memeing baseball on the outside, but his internal monologue was the very definition of seething, directed at the futility of it all.

>red vs blue
It really is Paradis vs humanity huh

He clearly was forcing himself to have fun. His whole monologue was just anger and frustration, followed by pity when he thought he'd finally killed all of them.


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cute and canon

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The fuck? this is fan-art right?

It's a comic drawn by ACWNR's mangaka

I want to see Eren breaking down in tears and Historia patting his head saying that everything will be daijobu.

Nice, thanks user. Got a link or name?

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Sorry for the dumblr link.

Thanks bro

He could've killed mike? painlessly but instead let him got eaten alive by mindless titans.

Why can't EHfags make their own threads and let the people who actually care about the plot discuss in here

I love Erwin so fucking much.

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Zeke is just a psycho, and it's all Grisha's fault

I unironically think that's something that happened. Eren is dying worrying to leave Paradis vulnerable, and the girl who forgave his life will have a shitty life. I think Eren found a mew meaning in Historia, leading to the baby plot. Erwin sacrificed friends and comrades just for his dreams, Eren chose the Devil route to protect Paradis and his own blood who will be born soon


Marley would most likely want to use the power of titans for some years before they transition fully into using more advanced technology, and Zeke, who is himself a key component of the euthanasia plan, has less than a year left to live at this point.
Also, Marley might prefer wiping out Eldians over a full-blown war but they wouldn't be forced to choose between war and sterilizarion if there wasn't a tangible threat of war that might actually end in Marley's defeat. That threat appeared because of Zeke's involvement (egging officers on to seize the FT on the Marleyan side and making the plan to attack Liberio on the Paradisian side).
So on paper it would make some sense for Marley to agree with Zeke's plan in their current situation, but only because they're in deep shit because of Zeke's betrayal.

>leading to the baby plot
It was an accident bro

To be fair discussing about Eren's motives can lead to the pregnancy. Not everyone spergs just because the mother happens to be Historia


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>Pieck is dead

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Spoilers when

What was the ending audio, anyway?

Pieck adds nothing to be honest, warriors are kind of a filler

Most "EHfags" are plotfags, NOT shiptards tho.
It comes out of nowhere, but makes thematic and narrative sense to a scary degree. Especially considering Zeke's raging, anti-natalist boner and all the kino imagery contrasting them, like points out.
Every plotfag has accepted it as a most likely outcome ever since that chapter, it's just the redditors and tumblertrannies that start REEEEeeing and shitting up the threads, whenever Historia's name comes up.

Not today

h-historia!!! marry me!!!

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mikasa looks so cute with her new haircut

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Explosions, screaming, ayyyylmaos and "EREN!"

This, it's hard as fuck to avoid the topic. It doesn't help you have hans/manlet disappeared, Kiyomi disappeared and AJC being the same as always (Mikasa FINALLY is having some development but who cares when her relationship with Eren was ignored for so long)

So just Marley arc shit? Sad

>it's a cuckgath chapter

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Even worse, Eren completely tricked him into believing they were on the same side by using the exact words he wanted to hear (the "isn't that right, nii-san?" was totally the finishing blow). It's even sadder when you realize that Eren actually could've ended up like Zeke if it weren't for some key people giving him support when he was at his lowest.

I'm going to laugh if the accident meme becomes true

>shitren will live

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Wait isn't Magath dead? Is he going to be saved by an asspull?

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>they are coming

>it's a no spoilers chapter
The worst

Nah, the cabin on the opposite side of the Giant Fuck Off Cannon was blown up. You can even see a tiny, ant Maggath in the visor on the opposite side.

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will history remember him as a hero or a villain?

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What if they are being extra careful to not leak anything because something HUGE(father reveal) is going to happen?

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the winners write history

Depends if he wins

There will be nobody around to remember anything

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ASSPULL INCOMING IN..... 5... 4... 3.... 2... 1....

As a devil.

History wont remember him at all

stop crying shitbifag

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History is written by the victors.

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Historia will, though.

If he loses he will be remembered as a terrorist
If he wins people will remember him as a genocide unless Eren mindwipes them

hisu feet are...

Attached: hisu feet.jpg (1280x720, 225K)

He will be quickly forgotten

no historians write history

Eren is a hero. He is a good titan who uses his power to fight to protect everyone. Historia-sensei said so.

>it's a GODmin chapter

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are you 5?

Very arousing.
Not a feetfag though, I'm more of an armpit/assfag.

Then why the nazi was the bad guy? Checkmate christcuck

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Because characters in snk don't mourn that long for the dead

no, "history is written by the victors" is a huge meme, look it up if your small brain can't understand why

I'm very sad because Eren will never have a happy and nice life!

Please respond?

>the relationship of historia and eren is not a plot point!
Your coping mechanisms really are something

lmao, you are little more than cattle, the ideal citizen

Perfect jawline.

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one can only hope

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>that pic
The absolute state of armongfags

>look it up
what does this even mean? check snopes?
Retard that doesnt do the slight bit of investigation and just blindly believes everything confirmed.
Jesus this is such a basic concept, that Isayama integrated into the story, but I guess you can lead the donkey to the water but you cant force it to drink.
If you literally believe that everything we have is factual or has never been twisted to the interests of some then you are beyond naive

It's going to be a nothing happens: the chapter. Screencap this.


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But Eren is the one who is closer to Erwin.

>If you literally believe that everything we have is factual or has never been twisted to the interests of some then you are beyond naive
nah, I just think it's pretty obvious that the power to twist history and push a narrative diminishes over time and that the losing side in some cases has as much sway over historical opinion than their opposition, see historical texts on vikings in general

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Kill all m*Rley dogs, h*Zuru leeches, peacecucks, race traitors, and everyone else outside Paradis

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How? Their motivations are different and so are their methods.

Armin shares exactly 0 (zero) similarities with Erwin.
Is right, Eren has lived a similar life to Erwin.

Armin reminds me of the typical director forcing his nephew in the show and making all characters suck his cock.

Don't compare the rageturd with 3/10 wits to Erwin

Try to argue like a human being next time.

Armin a cutie

gas all anti-hypefags

That rageturd continued The Devil's path, manipulated his own people for something selfish and made a gamble in Marley.
Eren is closer to Erwin than Armin

>check /snk/
>still no spoilers
Ok ok ok now post some cute EHpics so I can make my visit worthwhile..................

Not him but if you go read that page Hange is telling Armin that his plan sucks

Not in the general ideology behind the methods, Erwin is just smarter so he doesn't do it like a retard, Eren and Kruger are very similar to him.

sure thing bro

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Even Eren has people because of his own charisma. Dont get me wrong Erwin was the best but comparing him to Armin is almost offensive

uh oh
Piiku oof

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The only thing they really have in common is their extreme methods and the selfishness at the core of their respective motives.

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She's alive ? Maybe?

>EHfujo banned
Good thread.

And? That's already closer than Erwin-Armin

Oh I'm not denying that. I just don't really see Eren as an Erwin 2.0 either.

Don’t look good

Fake, magazine cover isn’t even out.

I need the spoilers.

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>Eren survives


>Eren dies


not mutually exclusive.
and you cant say that every point in human existence each group had the same reach. god you are dumb

Shit Kaguya got spoilers first

I will hate Isayama a lot if there's no Historia this month.

Maybe, but even if it's a fake, it's very well done, much better than the other fake we had before.

Yeah, Erwin can't be replaced in that we agree

Hours away from a confirmation of the Warriors' victory

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Wasn’t there a thread about this and it got debunked? Those panels of pieck are from the Grim Reminder 2.0 in Marley.

That's normal though. Kaguya spoilers are always out around this time.

the idiom is faulty, get over it

>It's a "Manlet and hange somehow arrive at Historia's farm and she tells them Eren's plan and intentions and the last panel is he surviving" chapter

The Exbition lasts till september, watch it to drag things a lot

I was hoping we would get spoilers today :-(

Armin was gonna be a great character during uprising, but then Isayama forgot about the whole character development thing and made him the same weak willed bastard again. Eren was right, he didn't use to be like this.

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Is in the same magazine?

moving the goalpost, I see

Nope, kaguya is in weekly young jump

Extinguishing evil for the sake of justice.

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We could still get spoilers today though.

Because he is Isayama's favorite character but he is embarrassed to admit it. He tried to protect the character so much the character stopped being interesting. He should have died or became the dictator.
The its Bert's fault comment is fucking hilarious considering we spent one fucking year with the warriors

I think the chapter is shit that's why nobody cared enough to leak it

I think that's just supposed to be Bert's influence

That or they haven’t got the chapter yet.

Yeah, Bert always was a little bitch that could only struggle to pretend he wasn't sometimes.

>he is Isayama's favorite character
Not since the timeskip

It's not even from the same publisher.

this this

>it's a good chapter



what would be a good gift for Eren's birthday?

Or whatever happened shattered their fucking minds.
Attention whores were completely silent back when Manlet got BTFO, no leaks at all, complete radio silence, then suddenly flying fucking Giblet.

Or maybe the contents of the chapter have nothing to do with when it's leaked and they simply don't have it yet

>Zeke hugs Eren's head. Last pages are Mikasa in shock watching the scene. She approaches Zeke and hugs the head too.
>Zeke smiles. Then he grabs Mikasa's sword and open his own belly: he introduces Eren's head inside. Zeke is going to give birth to Eren
>Last page is Mikasa laughing like a psycho

Yeah they’re not bad for fake spoilers, when I first looked at them I got excited for a few seconds but then the quality is so shit and of course the cover isn’t out.

>it's a manletoid, hongoloid, and borestoria chapter

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SPOILERS on twitter!!!

GODsyama has given us another great chapter!!!

First leaks:

Historia is cute!

That would unironically be Kino.
Especially a batshit Mankasa going full yandere.

Maybe you're right, i just checked the archive and the first leaks for ch 114 were on the 6th

Don’t worry guys! I’ll keep you updated!! I follow Hist2506 on twitter and have tweet notifications turned on! :)

Now that's some bullshit

But we already know that Historia is always cute

>Zeke and Mikasa interaction
>Crazy Mikasa
See? That's how you make Mikasa interesting


I don't want to get spoiled this month desu. I got a feeling that this chapter is going to be big. So I'm going to leave the thread once the magazine cover is out.

Here are the first text spoilers:


>Liner is very gay, likes Ellen, has homosexual sex and sucks many penis

That'd be just amazing.

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It's 45 pages of Manlet and Hans having sex in a cave
Trust me I'm Isayama

That would be too based for Isayama

I think they will attention whore whatever it is though, everyone is desperate to see what happened to Eren decapitación

Wish this was real.

>It's an "Ayy lmaos were behind everything the entire time" chapter

>Zeke is going to give birth to Eren
Now that would be a sight to see

Good luck bro, don’t how you do it. I’m desperate for spoilers.

And a new trauma for Gabo

the only ones who have a chance of getting a sex scene are Eren and Hisu.


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ZM when


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This is better than whatever Hackyama has come up with for 120.

His character came full circle in RtS when he decided to sacrifice his own life (as opposed to his humanity) and leave his dreams to Eren. Obviously that all fell flat when he came back, and we're yet to see a payoff for his survival since the only thing we got from it was the deterioration of his bond with Eren and the implosion of EMA in 112.

In the trees in the jungle where you belong



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Their paradise

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Did the drawfag finish this?

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t. shitren uchihafag

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>120: メモリー

why eren's siblings want to fuck him, again?

U r Badass !!!!

why does this manga attract so many fags?

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I thought spoilers would be out by now.

This chapter sucks

I was expecting the magazine cover to be out, but who knows spoilers might come on the 6th

New thread in 4

>10 packs
>10 months

the hot dudes probably

>shitrenfags are newfags

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When is the official release?

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Stop using Reiner roastie

Because Isayama said he knows what fujos like


No I haven't, most of it just adding details, colors and cleaning up but since I'm getting busier with irl stuffs, I'm just going to post it.

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Why are you speaking to yourself?

On 9

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>Zeke Mpreg Kino
>Mikasa Yandere Kino
Shame isayama is too much of a normie.

>THAT baby face
KEK based drawchad


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What the fuck happened to Eren?

I really love this deadpan baby meme.

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Holy based

Aside from Eren and *maybe* Jean I don't see who.


Beautiful, take your time drawfag, we are already lucky enough to have you

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Kek, deadpan EH baby will never not be funny. Based veteran grandparents.

What does the text say?

thanks also that's a cute AM

Attached: am.png (1280x857, 693K)


Isayama said he goes to the internet in his free time, really hope he saw the bored baby meme

>That baby
Based drawbro.


Finally a decent poster

Yes, user.
I'll marry you!

>Hange: Uhh… from time to time I black out from getting hit, then when I become conscious again I would get splashed at and somehow… it’s like having a bath.

>J: It is… done by force, isn’t it?

>Hange: That, perhaps, is more like cleaning than having a bath! I think he planned it all out with my subordinates, but because I lost consciousness I can’t be sure.

>J: During the interview with squad leader Hanji, they mentioned that they were attacked by Captain Levi. And by the time they woke up, they seemed to have had a shower.

>L: Ah… That stinky four eyes. We don’t discuss the filthiness at work, but you definitely don’t want to be near Hanji during off-days. So I gathered off-duty subordinates and did some “cleaning up.”
Get the stinky tranny and thuggish manlet away from the 3.5 wits baby

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Man you are disgusting and rude

He is right and based

Trannies go to the furnace head first

Hange a lil THICC over there

Dumb ErwLmod, leave the LHdrawfag alone

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Looking forward to the finished version, take your time bro.

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I probably missed something but why did Zeke first agree to trash liberio, let the warhammer titan be stolen, go back to paradis and then go through with the sterilization plan, instead of just doing it while in liberio with eren?


Because the plan required the constant protection of the rumbling and he had no time left

I'm gonna sound like a waifufaggot but I really just want Historia.

45 pages of grieving Zeke and Mikasa comforting eachother sexually


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They cucked us

Who did...?

Look at that fat baby already suffering from being born. I feel so bad for whoever the father is. Luckily my otouto is pure, right Eren?

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The leakers

Chapter opens with Eren in the paths desert, 2 pages, no dialogue, he looks confused at first but has a grim realization on second page.

Back to real world, head misses Zeke, he can't move, Reiner goes after body but is blown away but JC, Mikasa and Armin blow up Pieck, she doesn't appear for the rest of the chapter.

Zeke monologue, losing consciousness, apparently he knew Eren was using him but he put faith in his plan regardless, didn't know if his own plan was right or wrong (or something like that). Screams and orders titans to eat Eren's body, passes out.

Mikasa realizes, in shock, doesn't seem sad, just broken, Armin sheds some tears but comes back to it when he sees massive wave of titans coming towards them and Eren, fighting ensues, more cuts to Eldians vs Marley too. Gabi trying to wake Falco up, coming out of the titan.

Cut to Hange dragging Levi out of the water, "I think we lost them" (I think the guys following them on horses). Final page of her checking if he's breathing and saying his name, what appears to be a cabin in the distance (Historia's house maybe?)

Chapter end.

Yeah but I still need to draw the FH pic too and since I'm using a mouse to draw, it gonna take quite some time
>Yahooo!! This is the best horsey
>Hey damn four eyes! don't let go of the brat!

Based and fake

I should probably reread a volume or two.

What do you ship?

Too good to be true

The eyebrows Zeke, the eyebrows...

I swear to God if the actual chapter ends up being this much of a tease I'll ducking lose it. I've struggled through weeks of faggot trannies and definitely not lesbian mods and it sure as hell wasn't to get YET ANOTHER CHAPTER WITH NO ANSWERS

shittiest fake spoilers. kys


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Honestly can happen. Well done user I will screencap this.

>last page
>bunch of stuff that happens after last page

good one retard

Why can't Levi ignore her during off days? She's busy in her lab and not bothering anyone, so why care?

Nice fanfic :)

Levi will fuck the baby.

sooo... official leaks tomorrow then?

Say it

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>Hange gets knocked out so Levi can give her a bath
>Levi gets knocked out and the first thing Hange does is give him a bath
Oh Isayama, you're such a poet.

Dunno user. We still haven't seen the cover.


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yeah, too late for today then, isn't it?

We got too cocky EHbros

B-But EHbros told me Isayama wanted to forget about Ymir

I fear we will have to wait for the official release.

They even did such presentation of how to completely destroy character development in female character?
Damn, that is so cold.

Hehe, historia only role left in the story from yuribait character, to the important queen and then to side benched preggo woman who looks unhappy.

EH ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED. Ymir=farmer, confirmed.

Based YHbros.

Attached: images (29).jpg (264x191, 7K)

Well, I was called as LHmoonfag before but to be fair a LHbro got the dubs first so it was just as if the planets were aligned.

Ymir has been dead for years
cope hard trannyfag

>Then puppet ruler
>Then literal incubator
Lesbians eternally BTFO

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Lesbian, Queen, Mother.
Superb combination.

Manlet is a tsundere

>LHfag who likes FH

Have sex Zeke, like your little brother


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Flochebros pull for LH, user, chill. It's just good fun.

Woah based Ubisoft.

I can't believe there are people here who still believe YH won't happen. Isayama is a hella progressive writer. He's not a coward like Araki, who ruined Jolyne and caved in to shonen pressure and whitewashed her lesbian relationship with Eremes and instead made her end up with Annasui.

EH would be literally the same case - Isayama refusing to fight against the shonen comic producer pressure, and having a hella lesbian character like Historia end up with a feminine looking dude.

Have some fake ones

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Guess I will play that DLC just with the male route

Don't worry, their CEO announced that they're patching that bug out ASAP.

>series about a guy saving his people
>biggest fujobait and feminist girl comes to her senses and becomes a good little stay-at-home babymaker
Based Isayama

kill yourself


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Why do they keep paying attention when they don't even buy games


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Will they really change it? At least then I can play it with both female and male route

Yaas, destroy them yhbro

Eren fucked Historia and he doesn't love Mankasa.

>Don't worry, their CEO announced that they're patching that bug out ASAP
More like they're patching a bunch of bugs into the game

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They changed the achievement's name.

I thought that was jean?

Na matter what happen, EH is the cutest.

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>Pack it up boys, it seems we have lost

So you are still forced to have a kid in the female route? Guess I will just play the dlc with the guy then

He's talked about Jean, Ymir, Reiner and even Historia as part of his favorites. He used to think he related to Armin the most but later realised that it was Eren after all (although you could already tell while reading one of his blogposts about how Armin reminded him of his childhood friend who kept his old dreams while he himself felt jaded and empty like Eren).


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Add one more stroke to FH and you might get more mad at me.

You know the most comical thing about this is they could easily just add alien artifact to buy from the store which would create a baby from both parties donated blood, voila, I saved Ubisoft milion of dollars of embarrassments.
Then in DLC the player could choose for either male or female with who he/she wants to have a kid and it would fit the AC heir story.

Isayama is a Eren self-inserter lol

More like he loves to self-insert as Armin because he wants to be like Armin ("when I think I'm Armin I feel like I'm capable of anything") but he sees himself more like Eren and he isn't satisfied with it.

thanks for the clarification.
really, its normal that many a character share some personality traits with the author

Just by changing the achievement they didn't really fix anything. Sounds pretty dumb, if you played as a dyke or faggot, unless it happened via donation or some shit like that


Sorry if this has been asked before but I'm a newfag here, in how many hours are spoilers dropping? Ty guys

That's the fujo trying to create controversy, ignore it

5 minutes


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I'm not gonna get into the self-insert argument because I think it's a pretty retarded meme for the most part, I'm just sticking to what Isayama actually said on the topic of how he views his own characters which is always more reliable than our own possibly faulty interpretation of that aspect of his work.
>-- During the drawing process, do you feel emotionally invested in characters?
>Isayama: No matter the character, I always insert varied parts of myself, so I possess different types of emotional investment towards each one. But while drawing, the character is still him or herself only and completely detached from me. If I don't do this, I might encounter situations where the dialogue does not match up with the countenance.

And also he said that he loved to pretend to be Armin and it made him feel like he's capable of anything. So I don't get your point.

Way to miss the point of his post

I don't think the magazine cover even came out ffs

this is dreadful
where are the spoilers
c'mon just a page


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uh, oh bump limit reached


This is the most POWERFUL post in this thread.

The founder and attack titan will transfer to Eren's child.

That baby is fucking useless it can’t do anything shit it’s not even born

Not to mention the kid would get possessed by the will of the 145th King anyway. No idea why people are forcing this meme about him inheriting anything when it's supposed to be born and live free.

He didn't leave 10 months ago you fucking moron even some of the events state the battle of Slava was 1 month before Eren reached it.
Cope and deal with it you deluded EMfag

eren is alive if digts
isameme told me so

I think pre-timeskip Reiner is hot, but I'm a fag, not a fujo

I was gonna agree with you but
That's unusual.

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Fucking E*doids.

I've always gone for the clean-cut, strong-jaw, confident fellas. Utgard Castle Reiner was my type.

Attached: Ymir_and_Reiner.jpg (1920x1080, 832K)

The absolute chad Reiner, for a bit there.

Attached: Reiner_tells_Eren_the_truth.jpg (1920x1080, 1011K)

Timeskip/post timeskip Eren completely dropping the tough act like the total desperation he displayed after Zeke got sniped is orgasmic. Considering how secretive and close to himself he's become over the last four years, it would definitely be great to see him actually allowing himself to be more honest and show vulnerability to a character who's on his side.


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Lmao I remember this. It was called "growing up" or some shit and a bunch of degenerates threw a fit because of it.

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He acted strong and capable during that arc and that did it for I just want him to be happy. Poor guy.

The only way he'll ever be happy is by dying.

I know, and I want his suffering to end.

I want to die. plz add me on steam if you like SnK

>Eren in titan form bursting out of Zeke.

I know some of you degenerates play Dota and actually trade mmr at rank 500 you fucking loser.