Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

What was the most pointless Jojo death and why was it Caesar dying?

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Araki loves fucking with his readers to the point of out right bullying.

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What even was the point of that character? There were more than enough main characters. Just have Abdul or Polnareff sacrifice themselves to save the other, having a dog that was barely with the cast at all save Polnareff had pretty much no emotional effect.

Well Polnareff came back later but I doubt Araki planned that in any way.

>Literally made to die
>Has no chemistry with Joseph
>Massive jobber
>Inconsistent morality
>Most contrived reason to fight Wammu

That’s why it was pointless

It was a sad moment, nerd.

Hot Pants. Her death was so anti climatic I thought she was just knocked out until the final chapters.

>>Has no chemistry with Joseph
What the fuck

As in friendship. They’re barely friends and all their friendly interactions are basically Caesar saving Joseph from falling while Joseph tells a witty joke afterwards

Who is the biggest jobber in the history of Jojo? My vote is on kekyoin.

>Made to die
>No chemistry with Joseph
>Massive jobber
>Inconsistent morality
>Most contrived reason to fight Wammu

It's Dire.

The guy who did the cross chop against Dio in part 1 and got turned to ice.


Dire lost to Dio, Kakyoin lost to pretty much everyone he fought

>Dire lost to Dio
Which is literally everyone he fought. Kakyoin at least beat a baby and figured out DIO's ability.

>author thinks killing off a mutt will have any impact on the emotions of the audience

Kakyoin solo battled the Tower of Grey and Death 13. He was also an important contributor to The Lovers and Wheel of Fortune fights.

Dire literally only showed up in the story to be killed by DIO.


dont forget j geil

Okuyasu isn't a jobber because his entire character is being an idiot so nobody expects him to win anyway.

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Dire was based and redpilled. He almost killed Dio.


Death is fine, it's a waste though that he didn't impregnate anyone so his kids could be in later parts

>weak stand that lost to a nigga that can stop time
Um user
I agree. He was shit and Wammu was cooler.

Caesar: I will give my death meaning with the antidote and headband

Joseph: I’m gonna wait until I beat Wamuu

Unironically the most retarded thing I've read in my life.

A.Phex. They job in 6 fucking pages to Josefumi

well, he wasnt an only child anyway. so if Araki really wanted to put a Zepelli in later parts, he would

That just means they aren't buddy-buddy, but they have plenty of chemistry between them.

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>he didn't impregnate anyone so his kids could be in later parts
if araki wants him to have kids then he will say that he impregnated some bitch he used to date , that is what he used with dio

He wanted to make sure he didn't just take the antidote and then get rekt by wammu making caesars sacrifice be even more in vain

everyone but joseph was a jobber in part 2

>ending of Part 4 makes a big deal about the Golden Heart of Morioh
>nearly everyone we see are jackasses, psychopaths, or legitimately insane, even the non-Stand users like the high school girls who ignored a dying bleeding middle-schooler because he looked weird
In short Koichi is the best

Don't take part 4 too seriously. It has no theme, it's just a bunch of retards fucking around in a town.

part 4 was weird, it's like araki just wanted to do a safe shonen part without any stakes

The golden heart of Morioh should have applied to the minor cast desu.

Apparently Araki had no real vision for the part until Kira was introduced though.

>muh shonen
jojo is a shonen series, retard. Go talk about your boogieman in rick x morty

themes make a part shit. Just look at 5

every part has themes you niggertard

Yes. And part 5's suck

Hot Pants death was pretty anti climatic but who the fuck would be alive knocked out of a highspeed train?

We already saw people using their stands for evil in part 3, so I wish part 4 focused more on the good (like Tonio). Then guys like Angelo or Kira would have truly felt like outliers instead of it being just another day in Morioh.

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Besides Koichi and Josuke, none of the cast are particularly good people. Okuyasu, Shigechi, Rohan, Yukako, and all the minor villains turned friends were more than willing to murder innocent people. I guess Hayato, Tonio, Mikitaka, and Reimi also count but they're weirdos. And Jotaro and Joseph don't even give a fuck about a mass murderer that evaded the police for over a decade until they find out he's a Stand user, but they're not from Morioh and probably have bigger fish to deal with so whatever (but fuck Polnareff after he disappeared in Italy for years I guess)


Was better than 4 in almost every aspect.


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Want me to post Killer Queen's debut?

I like Part 4 better too but you can't post Part 5 anime quality in response to someone making fun of Part 4 without expecting to be blown up

They look the same, retard. Only 3 looked good.

Attached: Part 3 Silver Chariot vs Ebony Devil.webm (854x480, 1.91M)

Barely alive

>part 4 looked so shit look at this pic of killer queen
>part 5 looked so shit look at this pic from clash and talkinghead
i hate animetards

Attached: dabolu.jpg (229x222, 14K)

P5 was better overall.

We're forgetting Dire. We got a nice page out of it but his entire character felt pointless.

you say that yet what i posted has better quality than anything in 5. 3 had plenty of these, and characters still looked like themselves from far away most of the time

Even Tonio acted like a weirdo and threw kitchen knives at customers.

I don't really like how it prioritized being funny over being character focused, a fuckton of the characters have cool concepts but Araki didn't really care to flesh them out into actually interesting characters.

Meant better than p4

seethe harder 5tard

>people are currently arguing about the writing in Part 4 and Part 5
>post QUALITY screenshots then proceed to call others animetards when no one was talking about the anime adaptation in the first place
very nice

>good writing
araki was winging it all the way through, just look at gio being dio's son was dropped

it's not

It really is cherrypicking when you post the single bad shot from an episode that had great art otherwise.

What magazine was Jojo in for nearly 2 decades?

It is shonen
The episode was full of these, just look at the backround. you reatards won't say the same about quality queen tough

Part 4 was Araki's little experimental playground

part 5 was araki recycling 3

it's not


That was the only truly bad shot, which is why it’s the only one that you post.

You're acting like an hxhtard. It was published in a shonen magaine untill part 7, it's classified as shonen by everyone in the industry. You're retarded.

mhm, is that why everyone posts only quality queen too?

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The guy always screeches about other parts whenever somebody criticizes the ones he likes.

That isn’t from the same episode.

like everyone on this site
yes, it has plenty of QUALITy throughout

Isn’t that shot from The G in Guts, which literally everyone admits is terrible?

No it's a shot from Clash and talking head, another episode wich evryone admits was terrible. A lot of these for supposedly the highest quality adaptation

I dont want davidpro to animate part 7. It's too good for their QUALITY of work.

No, it’s from G In Guts.

Is it?

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3 of those are me

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Actually, all of those are me.

i admire your hard work and dedication. A toast to your robust self!

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Part 8 > 4

you're a brainlet if you think you can give a good rating to an unfinished part

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Finally a high IQ jojotuber

>high iq
>jojo youtuber

>PART 1-2
yeah high iq , like a 90.

Based. Fuck 5 and 5fags

Bros somebody fixed the beatdown of Diavolo. Its no longer that awkward mess thst it was in the original.

It sounds so much better like this, wtf was davids thinking, just making it silent

Part 4 doesn't apparently

It has themes of being gutter trash

You're actually delusional if you think Part 5 didn't look better than part 4 overall.
>but dude look at this zoomed in background character that isn't as detailed as the foreground characters
The average scene in Part 5 is drawn and animated better than the average scene in Part 4. It doesn't really matter though since 1-3 outshine both of them and sasuga isn't really a common occurrence in any animated part

shitting on 5 is based but all his other opinions about jojo are shit

the guy who made you younger if you touch his shadow stand

>Caesar wants to rush the building while its daytime
>Caesar, the calm strategist, wants to rush a building without a plan
>Joseph & LisaLisa say "no"
>Starts arguing, brings ancestors into this
>Goes to the building alone
>In the span of 1 episode
>Dies in the next episode

It's the fact that he acted out of character and went alone that makes me incredibly angry.

Ceasar was a calm """""strategist""""" for his introductory scene and then immediately turned into a hotheaded retard.

Today I will remind them.

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Yeah part 4 was actually ass when it came to artstyle. Guess the design change from 3 to 4 confused the fuck out of them.

Part 5 is beautiful though.

Narancia and Gyro have the most pointless deaths

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>in short

Part 4 has the best music though

Not true user, you exist

wonder where davidpoo poster is now

Do you mean dire? In some interview with Araki he said Dire was supposed to betray Jonathan and join Dio in that fight but going through tough times Araki coulnt handle the thought of a close friend betraying Jonathan so he had him die trying to fight dio instead

>going through tough times Araki coulnt handle the thought of a close friend betraying
pretty sure that was fugo

Bro what the fuck are you talking about. You mean Fugo and giorno, dipshit

you guys are thick

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Part 5 artstyle is pretty boring. All the noses look weird and faces are stiff.

Attached: reimi.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

most don't look that bad
it's really not that great
>The average scene in Part 5 is drawn and animated better than the average scene in Part 4
Yes, but not a lot. 5 is has the most overrated animation, makes you think they haven't seen 3 or any other decently animated show

Reminder that PHF OVA will never happen

this. What's with all the lines on their noses and lips?

Reimi is so fucking cute compared to Trish...

because trish = trash. there isn't a single frame in part 5 where she look OK, randos on the street and the guys daughter in rolling stones look better. Let's hope they don't fuck up foo

Isn’t that the same as the actual episode but with worse music?

When is Jojo getting a containment board like MLP

>It doesn't really matter though since 1-3 outshine both of them
1 and 2 were a slideshow, and the tv versions of 1 and 2 looked like trash. 3 and 5 are the only Jojo parts to actually look good in the medium of television.

Once it starts being aired alongside Barney.

other than 5 being 3tier i agree

i noticed some people say parts 1 and 2 looked better than they really did. is it because they first watched the BDs or something?

The best of 3 looked better than anything from 5 but I fee like DP did a better job of balancing the quality for 5. The last two episodes of Dio's World were a shitshow.

The lines are what makes JoJo unique. It's just generic boring shit without them. That's why Part 4 looked ass because no one had lines on their lips except for that one rat episode that looked good.

Part 4 in the anime had good adapted designs (except KQ of course), music, and colors, but everything else was really mediocre

I feel like Part 4's mediocrity came from the lack of popularity of the part in Japan prior to the anime and the new artstyle.

I now worry about SO in the anime

it's like two percent less popular than gw iirc

Did you not read when I said "prior to the anime", Part 4 was not really popular in Japan till the anime came along

got a sauce?

I admittedly don't have a sauce but I remember Japan didn't like Part 4 during it's manga run for it's more slice of life tone it had going for it and didn't have a lot of action because of it's publication in Shonen Jump which would prefer stuff like how Part 3 was structured with more fights. It didn't help that Part 4 was the longest arc in the manga at the time with more than 150 chapters.

This also overlaps with how SO is not popular too in Japan as it was not suited for Shonen Jump with it's mostly female cast, overly religious themes, and a lot of dark shit that would've been more suited for Seinen like Parts 7 and 8

Would Diavolo still be alive is Giorno dies?
Diavolo is just trapped by his stand, right?

Credit to him though, it makes sense, all those times he's going full retard its cause of something related to his huge daddy issues.

>Japan didn't like Part 4 during it's manga run for it's more slice of life tone it had going for it and didn't have a lot of action because of it's publication in Shonen Jump which would prefer stuff like how Part 3 was structured with more fights.
Fights with villains who aren’t connected to a main villain are still fights.

There's a fight in nearly every part 4 arc.

To be fair... no fighter had ever escaped the thunder cross split attack

Stand effects only go away on death when its convinient to the plot

T. Chink

As a Caesarfag I gotta say Gyro's death is the most pointless. He made it nearly to the end and still died from gun shots. And then the fucking kid died anyway

Narancia, Caesar and Hot Pants

retarded thirdworlder is retarded wow

The kid still escapes execution. Him dying of a cold later on is out of his obligation, the ball that hits the net

La Squadra

You got pleb filtered, but as you are a Caesarfag you're already a confirmed pleb.

Vanilla Ice

Foo Fighters

>Death 13 kills Kakyoin
>Oh no whodunnit
>Checks his arm wound
>They kill the baby and go on with the journey
>mfw Kakyoin's only good arc would have been dealt with faster if he died

At least Caesar stole the nose ring. What sid Narancia's death accomplish?

Joseph didn't even use the nose ring until after defeating Wammu who would've given it to him after losing anyway.

Realizing that Diavolo is among them

But it motivated him.

Polnareff jobbed in way more fights than Kekyoin. He always had to get rescued by someone else, mostly Jotaro

Joseph already had motivation to defeat Wammu without Caesar being a tard

Narancia's death was way too shit and anyone could see it coming from a mile away
It's astounding how shit 5's writing is coming from this late into the series

>animeonly nigger

Joseph only managed to grab the warhammer because it got caught on the ring. Then he used it to avoid getting run over by Kars' horses.

Also, he used Caesar's bandana to blow up Kars.

>B-But muh manga
The manga was even worse DP made the best out of the adaptation by taking out most of the shit dialogue and they still couldn't save that dumpster fire

>Joseph only managed to grab the warhammer because it got caught on the ring

Literal dumb luck also

>implying Araki wouldn't make some sort of other asspull to get Joseph to get the warhammer

You can deny this but it would be a fact

>Also, he used Caesar's bandanna to blow up Kars.

Nigga he used the red stone you dumb fuck

The anime shat on it by moving the scene of Narancia talking about school to after they shoot Doppio and focusing so much on it, retard.

he obviously meant wamuu not kars you dumbass

>Nigga he used the red stone you dumb fuck
He obviously meant Wammu and you know it, you pedantic fuck

Turns out a shit part will have a shit alteration for people with shit taste

>3 on 1
>still kills 2
>almost kills Polnareff

>Gets killed by Kira
>No one in the crew cares about it or even talks about it afterwards despite witnessing it themselves, unlike Shigechi.

Attached: 2jOfCnL.png (1920x1080, 2.85M)

>dio's best man was the most retarded
how did vanilla ice do it?

He had a very powerfull stand, and being retarded, was very very loyal

Nicuh, very nicuh seizure-chan.

Not it wasnt and no he wasnt. The major plot points were always there in the characters and their motivation , the arrow, chains, and slave theme was also there. Giorno is DIOs son but with morals, he is power hungry and ruthless. You cant have a joestar in the original universe executing rivals to become a crimelord.

>a friend died? let's go play dice

Vanilla Ice was smart

It's almost like Araki went through the list of minor villains in Jojolion and realized only one was left alive. He had to fix that.



Blue Hawaii's user, the guy with the fucked-up arms and legs

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post irl stands

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>What even was the point of that character?
He was The Fool.

Literally it's only purpose was to put Giorno back into his body for the rest of the finale, that is it. Deaths in 5 were the most retarded in general.

Too bad it didn't matter since Bruno undid SCR ability in the end before the actual confrontation

what's his problem?

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why do people watch jojotubers, why is it even a thing

I mean there isn't much of a confrontation left from that point on.

What is a Jojotuber?

a potato that has gained sentience and creates shitty content

Is AltNarancia the trans youtuber who’s chosen female name is Narancia?

hop in dude

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There is no room


Took me a second to get this, pretty good user.

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fucking retard

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there is. sit on their laps

whos the worst jobro and why is it caesar?

I mean he had like 12 siblings. Odds are at least one of them had descendants living in the 80s and onwards

Well Josuke made the city's heart golden by the end of the part. By punching everyone until they either died, turned good, or got fused to inanimate objects.
Part 4 is just one group of friends turning their town into a better place

hermes, shes gone for a third of the part

>still image medium vs still images from a moving medium

>Part 4 is basically A Clockwork Orange

Truly the best of parts


Behold! It is I, the worst JoJo!

Attached: jotaro_kujo_anime.png (330x462, 264K)

Shit, wrong image

Attached: giorno-giovanna-28516.jpg (350x490, 50K)

He’s my favorite.


You mean best Jojo?


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Best JoJo in concept, worst in execution.

Giorno is nothing like Yuya but otherwise this is disturbingly accurate. Wait, while Giorno and Yuya's mannerisms are nothing alike, they both intend to reshape their surroundings to fit their ideals (good mafia and smiles). Shit. Yusaku is nothing like Jolyne though.

Good thing “Yusaku = Jolyne” didn’t appear in the pic at all.
The only draw I can find between Yuya and Giorno is that they share a VA.

Kaiba is literally Speedwagon.
Thoughts on this epic jojo room?

This is why She at least had some great fights and was only gone through the worst third

Ah, shit. Accidentally removed Gyro while fiddling with the order, but you're right.

Different user, but to answer your questions on behalf

>Araki literally wrote Caesar to die given his family name as a way he felt to rectify a Zeppeli compared to Part 1
>All of his interactions with Joseph are the same and he is just Joseph without his comedic traits
>Doesn't fight and his only fight was one where he lost
>"MUH ZEPPELI'S HONOR THEIR FAMILIES" while both his father and grandfather fucked off to fight vampires
>Literally sperged out for no reason and went to fight Wammu alone and brought up their ancestors for no reason

For some reason I spent nearly the whole of part three thinking that this was Lisa Lisa. I just totally forgot Suzie Q existed.

Attached: Old_Suzi_Q.png (692x827, 978K)

What the fuck was Lisa Lisa doing in part 3 anyway? Was she dead?

She was alive but she'd be useless during Part 3 since there were like only three vampires and two of them were unknown to the Part 3 gang

He's already fought Wham once and had the floor mopped with his face, he had no Idea if he'd actually beat Wham after training knowing Caesar fought him with the Advantage and still lost. He wanted the Victory against Wham to actually matter and so he abstained until he bested him.

I think teaching all the stardust crusaders hamon would’ve significantly increased their chances against DIO.

They were on a time limit though, it wouldn't have been feasible.

You thought that Joseph married his own mother?

Joesph was on a time limit due to heart ring poison when he was learning from her, so I think it’s still valid.

Stands can make hamon worthless and most of DIO's minions were humans

The world couldn’t even touch hermit purple because it was channeling hamon, imagine if star platinum had hamon in its punches while fighting DIO.

That would just give DIO the incentive to stop time and just kill Jotaro right away. Also the gang didn't even know what type of stand DIO would have so it could've been a long range stand for all they know

Joseph was already a hamon user and he didn't have to travel anywhere far because Lisa Lisa's training facility was already in Italy.

How do we know that every stand is capable of hamon transmission?

She'd be 100 years old at the time if she was still alive.

>The world couldn’t even touch hermit purple because it was channeling hamon
You missed the point. Dio didn't know if The World touching Hamon would fuck him up, but he wasn't willing to test it because Dio is scared shitless of the Joestars. That's why when he finds out Jotaro can move in stopped time he freaks out and tries experimenting to find his limits, and handles his "corpse" so carefully, rather than rushing him and tearing him apart ASAP.

>Jonathan = Yugi
Little Yugi or Yami/Atem? Who am I kidding, Johnathan a good boy, he’s nothing like Atem.

It's never implied that they aren't

>and most of DIO's minions were humans

Attached: x11.jpg (780x1200, 738K)

It's never implied that they are.

Hermit purple.

Hermit Purple
The World

And that's why you read and watch and don't pick one like an autist.

>Comparing normal humans to stand user humans

That's its special power.
>The World

Being a stand user doesn't magically make you immune to hamon

>That's its special power.

When DIO was fighting Joseph. He couldn't punch Joseph with The World because the hamon would have damaged him.

No but stands would counter that shit

Also in The Empress fight. Joseph tries to use hamon on her and she tells him that it doesn't work because she's attached to his arm. This implies that it would work on a stand not attached to his arm.


Hermit Purple was designed to be a stand for hamon users.

Why the fuck did ceasar have to die?

In that case it doesn't matter if they are humans or not. DIO was a vampire and he could still protect himself from hamon using his stand.

He didn't know for sure, but he didn't want to risk it.
Emperess was literally part of Joseph's body, making it physical.

Tell me where it is implied that Hermit Purple is the only stand that can transmit hamon.

>Emperess was literally part of Joseph's body, making it physical.


Tell me where it's implied that other stands can.
Most Stands aren't physical.

Stardust Crusaders Volume 15 Chapter 142 DIO's World Part 9

>DIO literally used timestop to throw knives at Joseph who was using hamon on himself.


>Lovers would get Joseph killed if he used hamon on him
>Long range stands like the Emperor could attack hamon users from afar
>Empress fight
>Death 13 would nullify hamon

>Death 13 would nullify hamon
How? Death 13 can't even appear in the real world. Literally just zap the baby.

None of that implies that stands are immune to hamon.

Hermit Purple is a stand. Hamon travels through Hermit Purple. It is never implied that Hermit Purple is different from every other stand. Therefore, we can assume that hamon can travel through stands.

Considering how the Death 13 fight went, none of them believed Kakyoin in regards to the baby and if hamon isn't activated during sleep then no one would have it in the dream world.

Never said they'd be immune but they could counter hamon attacks

If they aren’t immune then they wouldn’t be a counter.

This is a 10/10 shitpost video.

what do you mean by pointless? Do you mean unnecessary? Or a death that has no impact on the overall plot? Or do you mean the character who died carried no weight in the story?

Because the answer to all of the questions is Josuke's grandfather

So he doesn't nullify it.

>>DIO literally used timestop to throw knives at Joseph who was using hamon on himself.
>Never said they'd be immune but they could counter hamon attacks

So you admit it doesn't matter if they are human or vampires.

It's a shame that the best part had the worst adaptation

Hermit Purple is meant to be the stand of hamon, so it would make sense that it's the only stand that can transmit hamon.

It making sense to you isn't a compelling argument for whether or not it was implied in the material.

>hermit purple is the stand of hamon
*breaths in* SOURCE?

The entirety of part 6

It seems more reasonable than assuming that every stand can do it.
> when I thought about putting Joseph back in the story, I needed to decide how I would visualize Ripple as a Stand. Ripple is life energy that travels through the entire body through a special breathing method. Therefore, a concrete visualization of it would be some sort of wire wrapped around the entire body, like a vine.

user, Araki is talking about the visual design of Hermit Purple there. Not the way that its powers function in universe.

Not really. If hamon can't spread from Hermit Purple to another stand then it's kind of pointless. That would be like Magician's Red not being able to burn stands with its fire.

He designed Hermit Purple to be the hamon stand because that's what it is.

I've been begging for an answer for months, someone please explain to me the cioccolatta/bullet/beetle thing Giorno did.

I thought the pullet split into two
He said there were two pieces and one piece stayed in his head, it lured the BEETLE back which returned to being a bullet? Is this just a bad translation or something?


I've already seen it.

It’s the hamon stand? I thought it was the Joesph Joestar stand, my mistake.

Then you realize that you are wrong

Shit taste. She accomplished more than Ceasar, Will or Okuyasu.

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Abbachio. He died to get a clue on Diavolo's identity just to have Polnareff appear right after that and directly tell them everything. Pissed me off.

Isn't Fun Fun Fun a much worse version of Justice?

Vanilla ice did 3 v 1 and offed 2 main characters. Illuso did a 3 v 1, got no kills, and died horribly.


How can either of us be right or wrong when we're speculating about an unanswered question?

It's not speculation to explain that Araki was talking about Hermit Purple's design in that sentence.

He saved their lives a couple of times. That's gotta count for something.

Dire, butif we're talking part 3 it's AVUDURUUU

It is speculation to say whether or not all stands can transmit hamon.

>How do we know that every stand is capable of hamon transmission?
Because The World couldn't touch it. Sunlight Hamon shouldn't do anything to The World itself, but it couldn't touch Hermit Purple infused in Hamon because then it'd be transmitted to Dio.

Fuck I need to stop reading these threads.


she looked cute here since she wasn't full autism anymore

Attached: happytrishacute.png (1920x1080, 2.54M)

But you are wrong to bring up that quote from Araki to explain how Hermit Purple's abilities work, because he was talking about the visual design.

Jotaro wasn’t involved in the fights with ebony devil or vanilla ice.

He's the guy who believes that DIO was only being paranoid and that attacking Joseph wouldn't have done anything to him.


>hamon can travel through certain things
>hermit purple is a stand
>hermit purple can transmit hamon
>all stands are made of the same things
>therefore hamon can travel through all stands, since they’re all made of the same thing

Why would he tie the visual design to hamon if it doesn't have hamon abilities?

The bug confused the green cornrows for grass.

>all stands are made of the same things
>therefor all stands have the same ability

Because Joseph has hamon abilities and he wanted the design to match the user

You are assuming that transmitting hamon is an ability

Hermit Purple has the most unconventional design out of all early stands, and you're telling me that it has nothing to do with it's abilities?

Hol horse

You're assuming that it's something that all stands can do.

>the manga, so full of QUALITY shit art even when it's still images
>better than the anime

Attached: Screenshot_20190802-214158~2.jpg (1882x789, 278K)

>It's the Stand of the previous part's main character, so I wanted a departure from the humanoid appearance. Ultimately, it got more scenes to show off, but I was trying to make a Stand that wasn't very combat-oriented.
>Hirohiko Araki, JOJOVELLER Stand Guide page 18

And the fact that its design is linked to hamon means nothing at all?

diego and funny valentine

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Not in terms of its actual in-universe abilities, no. There is no reason to believe that Hermit Purple is the only stand capable of channeling hamon.

It makes sense if it was, but we'll never know anyway.

It wouldn't make sense. How would he attack other stands if the hamon doesn't transfer?

We don't know if he can attack other stands with hamon.

goblin narancia...

Diego is literally a dinosaur and Valentine was seconds away from not transferring D4C in time

Araki brought it up as a possibility in the manga and never gave us a reason to think it couldn't happen

It's ultimately an unanswered question.

It's not really a question at all. Nobody ever wondered whether or not it could happen. They just assumed it would happen.

One character did.

Can you show me?

Dio didn't want to risk seeing whether or not hamon would effect his stand.

He said that?

During the final battle.

Show me.

Which page does DIO ask whether or not hamon will affect his stand?

He doesn't ask, he just decides not to take the risk.

So you lied to me earlier


Narancia should've died after he cut out his tongue
Giorno should've died of blood loss after having both of his hands violently cut off
Josuke should've died from the amount of shrapnel lodged in vital parts of his body during the final battle
Gappy should've died after he got impaled in the back of the head during Born This Way
It's fiction it can be a little unrealistic

You said earlier that one character wondered whether or not it would happen, and that DIO said it during the final battle. But all you were able to show me was a scene of DIO refusing to attack Joseph because he knew the hamon would damage him.

wekapipo didnt need to die

I wasn't trying to quote Dio word for word.

It's not an issue of whether you got the quote right or not, he didn't ever say anything like what you claimed. He actually implies the opposite of what you're trying to claim.

The opposite?

Diavolo, after the first one. Dude didn't really deserve eternal punishment for being a ruthless mob boss.
Outside of that, probably COLD BOY from part 7, who only died to give the readers a kick in the nuts.
honorable mentions to tasty baby, a bunch of german soldiers, senator philips, panty wierdo, the gay ice cream duo, blind sniper and door henchman, who died to show us the villain is ruthless

Magenta magenta (kinda)

DIO asserts that the hamon is in fact protecting Joseph with 100% certainty. He never questions whether or not it would happen.

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He would have no way of knowing with absolute certainty. How about we stop arguing over something with no answer that will likely never be answered?

Left: soul
Right: soulless

You claimed that he was unsure and that he questioned it during the battle.

Because he logically wouldn't have a way of knowing with certainty.

Who else has this crackpot theory that star platinum is Jonathan's ghost

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But he didn't ever say anything like that, did he?

I'm going to stop replying to you if you're going to continue nitpicking without making actual points.

just go to bed already

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I think I made my point pretty clear. None of the characters in the manga question hamon's ability to affect stands through Hermit Purple. Therefore we have no reason to question it either. You tried to refute this by lying to me about the contents of the story. It's not "nitpicking" to point out that you were wrong in your attempt to correct me.

>None of the characters in the manga question hamon's ability to affect stands through Hermit Purple.
Because the possibility is only brought up once by a character who has no way of knowing for sure whether or not it would work.
>You tried to refute this by lying to me about the contents of the story.
Since we've already been over this, you can stop being an over dramatic baby.

based and bloodpilled

What the fuck is the meaning of this

Araki wrote the story and he made DIO say that the hamon was protecting Joseph. He didn't write anything else that would imply that DIO was wrong or unsure. There's no reason to assume that DIO was wrong.

Why can't you just accept it?

Why can't you just accept that this is an unanswered question? This is my last reply to you.

what is even the point of jojo itself

Because the question IS answered, by DIO, in the manga. You should have stopped replying when I proved you wrong ages ago, but I guess late is better than never.

definition of a jobber

That's a fact, though

Not me, I actually watch Jojo so I know that Star Platinum is Jotaro's stand.

Hey chris

The only good answer. For everyone else look up what a jobber is. It's not just "guy die xd"

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There isn't a single attractive female after part 4. You'd think with everyone being more feminine looking, the women would become more attractive, right? Yet, the women are actually uglier than ever from part 5 onward.

Araki hates animals and likes to draw bad things happening to them.

This. It was clearly a character brought in for the sole purpose of putting over the heel, but he didn't want to have to get a main character beat to do it. So they hire the guy on for a night just to make Dio look good. Literally doing the job.

They were in a rush to catch up to Kira, so they couldn't waste time yet. And did anybody except Yukako and Koichi even know who she was?

Guido Mista

Wrong. It's the spirit of Bruford from Part 1.

Why is Araki such a cock tease?

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Hol Horse

>Giorno is also a Son of DIO, but then, why is he not drawn to the priest as well?
It's quite simple. Most of DIO's sons were fucking losers. Speaking plainly, they didn't have anything worth staying attached to for a prolonged period of time and only had value in their DNA, whereas Giorno had become the boss of a huge crime syndicate. Why would a mob boss be drawn to some faggot prison priest?

Ojiro was Risotto'd, honestly fine, cause Araki shut the "muh time based stand" fags up.

>Why would a mob boss be drawn to some faggot prison priest?
Uh, fate?

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>Weak-willed barely-functioning faggots are subjected to to the fate of a gay priest
>A person that literally has the power to overrule fate and made something of himself isn't
It's not hard

And Giorno's retarded stand is literally "FUCK FATE" the stand.

Alas, poor Tom

youre fucking autistic

Is Akefu an actual Japanese word? What does it mean? It sounds off to me.

It’s been hours since those two stopped arguing.

This is one of the very few moments where she is happy instead of serious or with fear

F.F. deserved to live a long life and learn more about humanity and the outside world.

Polnareff only contacted them because they were using the clue only Abbacchio could provide.

We all agree Wamuu is the coolest pillar guy, right?

That's not how you spell Eisidisi

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Animeonly here and I finally got around to watching the last couple episodes of Part 5. Now that it's over I thought the part was good overall especially considering everyone was saying Part 5 was bad before the anime started airing, but goddamn I don't think it's even possible to defend basically everything after the body switching takes place. The ending is complete shit, you guys weren't fucking joking.

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What is the best Stand to kill yourself with in a painless way?

Highway to hell and a gun.

Isn't Yo-Yo Ma's acid painless?
Killer Queen and The Hand are also good candidates.

all three are painful

Gas yourself with Weather Report

Literally its only function.

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Did they actually say it was painless? I thought it was just preferable to jump down and crush all your bones at once rather than slowly wait for your legs to deteriorate.

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>It is able to melt whole chunks of flesh without causing bleeding or pain as the dissolution can go unnoticed from some time.
Also swiping away someone's head with The Hand would probably kill them fast enough that they wouldn't feel pain. Kira can kill in an instant with KQ as well.

The World crushing your head into pieces during time stop

Just put a pair of scissors in your brainstem with Metallica

>Uh, gravity
Fixed that for your heathenish ass.

Bad answer, no one would ever commit a suicide if they had an awesome Stand like Metallica.

Very true, but if they were retarded enough to want to, Metallica could do the job.

So sad we have to wait 2 years for the 2nd worst part of JoJo.

6 might not be the strongest part story and pacing wise, but it has a lot of cool visuals and locations that I am excited to see animated.

if she was alive then she probably awakened her stand power and she would be useful in fights speaking of stand power didn't joseph's daughter suffer from it at the beginning of SC , why didn't trish and all the other stand users suffer from it when they waked their stands

I want to cum inside Jolyne

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his fight against red hot chillipepper was kino though

4fags btfo

Part 4 Morioh was a "cool on paper, poor in execution" deal.

>there will never be another requiem stand again
I don't even want to see a fight, I just want to see what kind of crazy OP ability Araki can come up with