ITT: you're in charge of writing the rest of Naruto starting after he defeats Pain

ITT: you're in charge of writing the rest of Naruto starting after he defeats Pain

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i would end the series

It ends.

Rewrite the series in exactly the same way but with subliminal messaging for more seasons of my favorite shows.

Rest of the series is 500 chapters of Naruto smoking blunts with Killer Bee

Fuck off with your shitty fanfiction, Narutard

He tranforms in 9 tails and kills himself in order to defeat Pain and series ends

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i'd rather rewrite the series starting at the beginning and making sauske a girl

I write everything the same way, except I ensure that Boruto has several panels spread throughout the series that imply, but do not flat-out state that the spinoff is an Infinite tsukuyomi dream to troll the fans. It is, but there's also evidence implying the contrary just to fuck with them

>defeat pain
>finds a jutsu which allows him to go back in time
>rewrite Naruto from the start
I'd still keep the Uchiha massacre though. Shit was funny.

>Read book
>lol sorry bout killing your village let me revive everyone and off myself. btw Konan will conveniently get herself killed too. No loose ends on this part.
Pain's defeat wasn't that good.

4 of the final 10 chapters progressively lose more and more of the black and gray tones until it's mostly just lineart, until Naruto momentarily breaks out of the infinite tsukuyomi via Minato's intervention to find that he's been partially transformed into a White Zetsu. The last six chapters are him regaining control of his body and soul to fight Madara with Hashirama's cells to regenerate him, on top of the Uchiha/Tailed Beast/Sage Mode combo (the last being amplified by the Hashirama cells) alongside Sasuke, who's able to fully awaken both Rinnegan eyes due to the partial transformation. Lukewarm ending where they save the day but humanity is mutated due to them saving the day too little, too late

There's also a brief Epilogue arc where they deal with the aftermath of the tsukuyomi, spanning about the length of one or two volumes

Right it exactly the way it was already written so that I don't have to think but still get paid for it.

Remember when Narutards were banned?

They would not exist. After Obito's 'death' the series only gets worst.

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It gets cancelled from lack of popularity because no one here knows how to write

>here's how sakura can still win!

changes his mind after pain revives everyone and comes to the realization that pain was right, single handedly murders everyone in the leaf that he's ever cared about except the women who he finds attractive, which he subjugates into a harem of sex slaves

he tortures sakura to death cause she's the worst character, subjugates the akatsuki and becomes their leader

the tobi/madara thing never happens, sasuke finds out what naruto did and tries to become his underling, but naruto kills him by gouging his eyes out like the mountain in game of thrones

he has the rest of the askatsuki take beast chakra into them, they start cleansing the ninja world of people who disagree with them and unite the world under one banner by force

the frogs and ninja villages disagree with him, but he slaughters them all in a one sided massacre, he then genocides entire villages just to prove a point and make further subjugation easier as more and more villages surrender when they hear how ruthlessly he murdered previous villages

naruto becomes emperor of the world, not just hokage, pain was right all along, naruto was the hero jariya envisioned and united the ninja world under his thumb

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This honestly, Pain's defeat was a real low point and a retarded way to end the series. And what kind of idiot thinks "Naruto is the strongest" means he's achieved his goals? He wasn't even ready to become Hokage 200 chapters later how would his dumb ass be "the greatest Hokage" after beating Pain?
>what's your answer
>lol i dunno just keep believing dattebayo
>somebody get this man a hokage hat

Kill pinkshit

>dead leaf niggers stays dead
>obito was dead the entire time and tobi was actually really madara who is trying to give everyone a vr headset
>destruction of most of Konoha spreads fear of more terrorism and power vacuum left by Konoha attacts other foreign powers
>as the hero of the hidden leaf village naruto and his squad has to go around as emissaries in order to prevent an all out ninja ww3
>meanwhile madara replenishes his members who dwindled down while slowly destabilize other foreign powers through coups, flaseflagging, civil war
>all of this was done in an effort to use the ensuring chaos to abduct killer bee and naruto who is running around fixing problems
>meanwhile naruto and co had some mixed success but war seems inevitable
>find out that atasuki was pulling the strings but cannot point it out due to lack of evidence
>during a mission sasuke who is a new akatsuki member at this point approaches them and tells them that killer bee was being ambushed
>naruto intercepts in time, shark guy dies but tobi got away with a piece of 8 tails
>this is solid evidence of akatsuki involvement and a emergency meeting was held in the land of the samurais like in the manga
>madara tries to kill all the leaders there but fails, reveals his face and announces another world war to buy time
>at this point everyone knows he would be targetting naruto so he looks up necromancy in order to get the 9 tais power from the two brothers instead of fighting naruto head on
>kabuto approaches madara after noticing he is snooping around orochimaru's old haunts, agrees to give him a zombie army and the brothers in trade for sasuke who he knows has betrayed him
The rest follows the original relatively the same, except no more zombie jobbing, hokage 1st to 4th fights against the alliance leaders while madara personally handles naruto and is defeated by him and sasuke after getting his shit kicked in by Guy.

Give Lee the fight that Guy had. Or had him involved in some way. Prove that the next generation could actually handle itself. I don't remember anyone from Naruto's generation getting a decent fight. The Cloud People I think? Gaara did something. Everything else was old people. Neji fucking died as a body shield after doing nothing from his Spider Man fight.

Make Danzo main villain instead
create Leaf Civil war, where Danzo win, force Naruto and friend to hide in Sand village, reveal the entire thing that Danzo is Obito, and entire a thing about Akatsuki, is to create never ending war
Make WW that actually like a war, and not a childlish fight
Now, Naruto, along with Sand village, will try to stop the war

Why don’t you rewrite that shit arc first?

naruto become hokage marry with hinata have sex and had boruto but the madara&obito saga happened during boruto's generation

sasuke kabuto and obito are still alive


Get rid of Sakura, she absolutely presents nothing to the plot and can be replaced by any other girl and her screen time totally gives nothing of value.
No black people not because I hate them but I'm tired of seeing A huge black dick on my Naruto's porn
Make Sasuke less edgy than before.
Don't kill neji and make him lead the hyuga and change their system in the end.
Give shino more screen time.
Guy should have died and madara should have received huge damage that will make it easier to defeat him later so guy's death wouldn't be for nothing.
Obito isn't the coolest guy.
No next generation just show Naruto becoming hokage and marrying hinata and shikamaru dating temari.

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Sasuke kills Danzo and gets his revenge then him and Naruto fight it out realize friendship is what matters or some bullshit then they kill whichever bad guys are left over (NO FUCKING WAR ARC) then it ends fuck you.

Crash the series with no survivors

Everything is the same except Madara lives in his jinchuuriki form and is an immortal god, also becomes mentor to Salad.

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How does naruto even defeat this??? lol

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Basically just have it end with an epic fight against Madara, without stupid aliens being introduced

This, the ayys are fine, but save them for Boruto

Good thing itachi killed the uchihas because those eye hax are stupidly op

revive tobirama and get rid of the uchiha

i would scrap everything after the chuunin exams and hokage battles.
have orochimaru killed instead of having his hands disabled and end the series there.

>becomes the hero of the village
>realizes being a hero requires sacrifice
>Madera, Obito and Sasuke team up to destroy the ninja world
>similar ending for Obito, he betrays Madara and sacrifices himself to kill him
>Naruto tries one last time to convince Sasuke but fails
>Naruto wins but just barely killing Sasuke but becoming extremely wounded
>Naruto gets better and everybody expects him to become the next Hokage but he decides to travel the world and become a sage teaching young ninjas about how fucked up the Shinobi world is

This reads like that copypasta about Madara Uchiha, the most powerful character in fiction

>Jiraya kills Orochimaru
>Naruto and Jiraya still leave to find Tsunade
>Tsunade becomes Hokage
>Jiraya and Tsunade mourn their team mate and sensei
>Both take Naruto under their wings and put him on the path to become hokage

OMG that frog is crossing its hands

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I will make Naruto answer Hinata's confession first desu.

Fuck off back to

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Sasuke realizes what a whiny shitbag he is, gives a heartfelt apology for all the bullshit he's pulled, then heroically sacrifices himself (and STAYS dead)

okay, how about this:
>Sasuke after killing Itachi realizes the futility of all his efforts and basically gives up on doing anything with his life, wanders the wilderness for the rest of his days
>Kabuto dies of snake aids
>Obito and Kakashi maybe fight still, either that or just write Obito out somehow
>Naruto is finally accepted by the village for his heroic deeds and becomes hokage, end story
The acceptance part basically happens already during the Pain invasion of the village where we see the members of the leaf village have grown to be compassionate enough towards Naruto that they are actually willing to die to keep him safe and prevent Pain from learning his whereabouts, the arc was the culmination of Naruto's character arc and goals that had been set out since the first chapter (village hates him, he seeks attention/approval but most of all: love), it would be a great place to end the series
Naruto fought for the people he cared about and succeeded, Sasuke gave up on the people that cared about him out of a lust for vengeance and in the end was left a husk of a person

i won't write your fanfiction for you

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Sasuke puts Itachi eyes willingly, and after killing Danzo goes back to the village to kill the elders.
Naruto tries to stop him with Kurama+Sage mode.
He befriended Kurama after being at the chibaku tensei instead of having his father come and reseal him.
Half of the village actually died.
At the end Itachi's eyes resonate with Sasuke, and agrees to help restore Konoha.
After having Jugo and Orochimaru sage cells a rinnegan awakens on Sasuke after fighting with Naruto and emptying its chakra.
War starts against rock and leaf village for the biju, but Madara is the final boss.
Naruto and Sasuke equals to the force of Madara and fight to draw, except 2 were better than one.
We get an actual sequel to naruto with the ootsuki trying to get back all biju with Naruto as leader of a shinobi alliance after the indecent with Madara, Shikamaru as hokage.

Naruto makes up with its lack of ninjutsu with tons of chakra from nature and kurama

This is wrong, though. The Pain arc inherently requires continuation to work; rather than just a boy that wants to be accepted, Naruto has become a man that has inherited his master's and Nagato's mission to bring peace to the shinobi world. Although the arc ended up being a mess, I do agree with Kishimoto's notion that, after the Pain arc, Naruto needed to experience war first hand. Only then would he have earned his victory over Nagato, and come to understand Itachi, and save Sasuke--which is also something that has to happen, because his core strength that separates him from the rest is that he never gives up once he's committed to something.

Wind beats lightning.

No one asked you.

That would leave quite a bit of unfinished business for our main cast.

Better yet, let Obito be the final villain, instead of pussifying him and replacing him with Madara.

Fuck YOU, I don't want either that shitty job or that shitty series. I'm taking the money and going home, the narduturds can all commit suicide.

>naruto and sasuke team up and beat obito
>naruto then fights sasuke and is forced to kill him
The end, no characters are revived either

The only thing I would change is Madara being final boss instead of whatever random girl appeared.

>Dont drag out the war
>Have no Obito redemption of any kind
>Madara is final boss, have him sealed or something
>Naruto and Sasuke arent actual reincarnations but just inheritors of ideals
>Sasuke is flat out banished
>Kaguya is The Last Final boss if you're hard up on keeping her in
>No Boruto series

Everyone stays dead and there in no pain reset button. Characters are forced to grow with their losses.

End it after they beat Obito and use Talk No Jutsu the first time. It's a strong thematic part to end the story and it keeps Obito and his whole character and purpose from jobbing to Madara.

The biggest change I'd do is merge the two Madara and Obito-Sasuke, into one:
Obito was found by Madara just the same but after the Rin incident, he took his sharingan and killed him. After that Madara never died, he never needed to be revived, he really is just really weak and Hasirama's cells are barely keeping him together. The kamui has no time limit, he just can't teleport away from the statue for more than 5 minutes, because he would die. That's why he would need the akatsuki in the first place.
Madara would be Sasuke's evil mentor just like when he joined the akatsuki, but Sasuke wouldn't leave. He would take Obito's place in the story and walk down a dark path orchestrated by Madara, ultimately redeemed by Naruto's talk no jutsu and with only his help would it be possible to defeat the final villain Madara (no Kaguya bullshit). Sasuke would only go really crazy because of Madara's corruption, not entirely out of his own choice. So his redemption is a little more believable.

I like Obito, but he just breaks the story more ways than one:
He could have just left with the 9 tails after he extracted it from Kushina, no rampage, no Naruto, no Sasuke.
Even after that, he never needed the akatsuki, he could have just teleported in and out like he did so many times, grabbed them from 1-9 and leave completing the 10 tails in a matter of hours.
>no pointless infiltration of his own organization
>no Kabuto
>no revived Madara
Honestly, Madara and Obito saved the late story for me, but merging them would fix a lot. Would it be worth losing the two best characters? I'm not sure.

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Pretty much all of these ideas suck. Looks like it was a good thing Kishimoto was the one to write the story.

I change the manga into a hentai starring the Raikage, he goes around and fucks all the girls.

>any ayy shit after Madara is out entirely, as well as pretty much everything relating to the "origin" of chakra
>Sasuke is being used by Obito who is being used by Madara, as before, but Madara ends up being used by Sasuke due to a weakness he has towards Sasuke for his resemblance to Madara's little brother
>nine tails is extracted from Naruto and he has an epic battle with it at full power -- the battle signifies Naruto's ultimate transcendence beyond the beast
>the nine tails is killed, the good inside it latches onto Naruto while the raw evil vanishes to respawn later (and become a weapon of Madara's)
>the next world war is secretly orchestrated by the Uchihas but is fought between the villages in order to weaken them
>villages get nuked and shit
>Naruto and the gang fight the Uchihas, Obito and Kakashi kill each other
>Madara kicks everyone's ass as per usual
>Madara is backstabbed similar to how it happened in canon. Sasuke plunges his hand through Madara's heart (symbolic of Sasuke using Madara's compassion (his heart) to end him)
>final battle Naruto v Sausage, Sasuke is defeated and forced to see the error of his ways
>similar to the way it actually ended just without the lolsorandumb cosmic alien garbage, and Sasuke is not let off easy
>Naruto trains a team of his own following the war, the finale is his welcoming as Hokage

Keep things mainly the same until kaguya. The problem with the war arc was less content and themes explored than really fucking bad execution.

Kaguya is no longer the big bad, just have madara be the final villain and team 7 take him down. do naruto sasuke final fight and continue from there

Remember when people argued that Naruto shouldn't be allowed on an ANIME board despite it being an ANIME show

And sasuke???

Pain does not resurrect Konohagakure's casualties.

Hinata survives though, along with Sakura, and a select few other characters. Naruto migrates to Kumogakure to train with Killer B. He will restore Konohagakure another way, but will not bring the casualties back to life.

Naruto realizes that Konoha is responsible for basically everything shitty that ever happened after it was founded and destroys it.

Everything goes the same except Might Guy kills Madara and then Naruto Fights Sasuke. No alien dimensions or sage of six paths shit.


ok . summons no longer talk and appear only as pure energy like narutos nine tails form version 1 (bubbly transparent energy) or version 2 streaky stuff

all deaths are final. no resurrection jutsu. the fight with madara and obito is not a display of no names abilities its just a slaughter and only named characters stand a chance and no standing around waiting to die bullshit its a 12 episode fight and only 12 episode fight and only has 12 sentences said during the entire thing. think the last 3 episodes before shippuden following the manga. the sasuke vs naruto fight pretty much but with less inner thought and almost nothing said

when its over the leafs have to rebuild canada again and naruto is hokage and there is another time skip so nobody has to watch the rebuilding and nobody has to watch the next generation grow up. tsunada dies and so does kabuto and orochi in the 12 episode fight

All of the H-doujins that I like happens, then the series ends.

>to save humanity, Naruto uses the sexy jutsu to turn into a girl, which would alllow Sasuke to impregnate him so that they could repopulate the world
It's kino, I would read it

But he didn't job. He defied death like 10 times and still embarrasses six paths Madara 2-3 times while on the absolute brink of death.
Naruto extracted all nine bijuu. Kurama explained that he won't die so long as the gedo mazo remains but that Hagoromo himself couldn't move for months when this happened. Then 30 seconds later he performs rinne tensei which killed Nagato to use, and 30 seconds after that the only thing keeping him alive, the gedo mazo, is extracted. 15 minutes later he's on his feet and defying Madara. Madara's like "lmao you can only snatch the 1 and 8 tails chakra?" and he's like "hehe that's all I'm gonna need". Then he recalls the time Madara explained only both eyes together unlock true power and Madara's like "so gimme the rinnegan then" and he's like "hehe it's not the rinnegan you should be worried about". Not to mention later Madara succumbs to the juubi's influence which he previously resisted after being stabbed in the heart by chidori.

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