*adjusts glasses*

>*adjusts glasses*
>schrodingers cat

Attached: 8504c37f8404a55efa57b47da1e4f68b.png (900x1200, 573K)

Futaba a cute

>*sips tea*
>laplace's demon

Futaba a best. A BEST.

Attached: 1564179583919.jpg (2115x3036, 1M)

>Not raprassu

>*zips out dick
>mating press

Futaba a shit. A SHIT.

Futaba a best
Tomoe and Kaede a second best
Mai a shit

Attached: 1542231278145.png (1200x1697, 1.72M)



Attached: Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 05_040.jpg (1920x1080, 255K)

>*adjusts balls*
>schrodingers dingdong


This really, really annoys me
It feels so forced and pseudointellectual bullshit

>not Mai
>shitty megane disability fetish
No one cares.

Gay maishitters

Attached: 1541017373381.jpg (1920x1080, 115K)


What series am I not reading that features Schrodinger's Cat? Was it in Steins Gate or did I forget about it there?

Please keep your terrible taste to yourself.

>*adjusts cat*
>schrodingers glasses

>tfw you'll never blackmail futaba to hold your hand

Attached: [qcc] Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei - 12 (BD 720p h264 AAC) [1B06902C].mkv_snapshot_03.04_[2019.08.05 (1920x1080, 317K)

>Swishes labcoat
Schrodinger's PANTSUUUU

Attached: Schrodinger's pants.jpg (1280x720, 366K)

God those technobabble scenes were so fucking boring. They're only like 2-3 minutes per episode yet they always feel like 10-20 minutes long.

Her entire arc was about hating people because they only cared about her body.
>she takes lewd pictures
>falls for the best looking fit man in school
Fuck, I hate women.

shortstack megane > *

more like schlong ding dong, amirite

Attached: 318.jpg (775x1800, 296K)

>shurodingersu neko

What interests me is the number of people that don't really get that she's not actually meant to be an expert on anything. This isn't Kurisu in Steins;Gate where you're meant to accept a character's an expert on a fictional field and take their word accordingly within the setting. It's a nerdy highschool girl throwing out big words that sound vaguely relevant. She's talking out of her ass.

>people praise the show all the time when it airs
>same people instantly forgets it when it stops airing
This shit is eternal circle.

That's the joke, user.

Most people here don't seem to understand the point of her "scientific explanations". Which is funny, considering I know actual children that do.

>*sends you a lewd selfie*
Shureedinga no neko

Attached: 1561498127940.jpg (1920x1080, 274K)

I'd adjust those titties

time flop

>Lewd selfie.
Yeah, no. My dad has send me photos more lewd than this.

>Tanezaki Atsumi
Why does her voice immediately spark an erection bros?