Tenki no Ko

Novel sells 96K in its 2nd week (22 - 28 July), ranks 1st again.
OST (CD + digital) rises from 2nd to 1st place in its 2nd week.
Movie wins its 3rd weekend in a row. Tops 6B yen over the weekend. New video released.
Doing okay.

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That's great. Tell me when I can watch it.

Right at this very moment if you live in Japan.

Why do people care about Shinkai films considering how trash they are?

Why are you a virgin? Don't you have a studio to shill for... oh yeah, they got burned to the ground.

I hate KyoAni as well.

I'm afraid that the trailer basically showed the whole plot of the movie, especially with the other 2 trailers.

Not really. Maybe if you catch on to all the details.

It doesn't reveal as much as you think.

Saw it just last week. Probably Shinkai's weakest film, but a solid watch. Not worth Japan's $18 movie tickets.

Thanks anons, I’m kind of relieved now.

It's good but will never surpass Shinkai's magnum opus, the cougar feet movie.

Then let's celebrate together.

>21 August in Indonesia
I guess being a SEAfag has its plus sometimes.

Where did you get the info?

Encore Films Facebook page.

I see it write 12 September on Singapore

Also, no one will bring Seishun Buta Yarou outside japan?

Yeah we're getting it sooner than SG. I think Phillipines premiere is also 21 August.

Seeing it Sept 12 in Taiwan. Hopefully there is an English sub showing because I didn't pay attention in Chinese school

When's it releasing in China? Didn't Kimi no Na wa make like 90 million dollars in China? I imagine they're going after that money again.

It was his best, but the last third felt super rushed. He's absurdly overrated. Great director, one-dimensional writer.

And? What do you hope to achieve by rubbing it in other people's face, shincel?

>no one will bring Seishun Buta Yarou outside japan?
The movie aired in france

Gonna see it on the 22nd in Australia , madman are doing a super early wide release with subs only

Why is he wearing girlish cloths? X-Dresser? LGBT?

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Also top #21 on MAL and it was released 1 month ago.


>Le anti-MAL maymay

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It's a pink shirt. There's also cosplay. Are you retarded?

>subs only
good, english dubs are too cringy

Thanks normies for being such "fans" of anime. Have you bought the latest funko pop releases?

Is there some MV out?

It's in the OP. Not a MV. That doesn't come out until at least 2 months after the movie's release, at least it was like that for Kimi no Na wa.

MAL is pretty poo poo my dude

Have you?

Stop being such a newfag maybe.

>MFW Shinkaki's doing worst than some chink anime.
Also, To The Moon anime when?

Love you too.

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ayy same mate. hope it’s in perth

Not in this decade.

I read that Tenki no Ko defeated Endgame in Japan. I'm not a Shinkaifag but I fucking hate the MCU

The kinda look like Pokemon characters

Endgame is easy to overcome in Japan
Even Conan beat it.

Pokemon movies make a lot of money and the TV show is always on the top ten of anime ratings every week. It's the best choice

Disney/Marvel's monopolistic practices only work in the land of the free. Even China told them to fuck off recently and that's why Endgame struggled for so long to "beat" Avatar

Looks like China's telling everyone to fuck off at the moment
So is S.Korea.
This movie will feel the effect.

How does it hold up compared to Kimi no Na wa.?

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A re-release of Spirited Way destroyed Toy Story 4 in the box office. Not sure about worst Korea but nobody cares for worst Korea

Saleswise it won't break the record
Storywise is a tossup based on who you ask
Ranging from "better than YN" to "same cookie cutter garbage"
Artwise better than YN
Animationwise above average aside from some noticeable CG

Visually I think this one was better. Storywise it was pretty bland.

Hina > Mitsuha