like if genos was the main character and fubuki or sonic was his girlfriend, literally anything other than what it is would be better
One punch man would be a lot better without saitama
Other urls found in this thread:
This really doesn't make any sense. Saitama is barely in it anyways.
Garou is the MC
the point.
kill yourself shonentrash
you missed the point.
>not sageing
Objectively speaking OPM is a good manga but it manages to be pretty boring to me
In what ways is it boring? The Saitama punchline got old?
fuck this guy. Get Yea Forums, user.
Even if OP missed the point, he's right. The premise does not lend itself to anything, a but few chapters long manga. Saitma is not a character, he's a plot device, and that's why he's barely present even though he's the MC. You can't have tension and conflict if the character is invincible. The only problems he can have are social ones, and even then, realistically speaking, he has the power to reshape society, so it's still not believable. The only restraint is his own moral compass. Genos should have been the main character, and Saitma should get EVEN LESS screentime.
>Saitama should get even less screentime
He barely appears anyway in the manga
>Genos should be the MC
Lmao no
The webcomic is great, the manga is shallow and boring.
If I wanted pretty pictures I might as well reread berserk, at least it is interesting on top of being beautiful, not some wannabe dragon ball trash.
---> the point
pretty much
so what's the point
>Get Yea Forums, user
that place terrifies me.
>the only problems he can have are social ones
Literally what is wrong with this? It's interesting and different. I'd watch a series about Saitama just interacting with other heroes with no overarching threat--everyone did. It's called Season 1.
People seem to assume that because OPM has fighting and monsters in it, it has to really be about those things. But until the MA arc, it wasn't at all. It was about Saitama wondering what the fuck to do with himself and effortlessly dispatching monsters as a gag in between.
That absolute strength doesn't make you happy or help you fit into society.
Shit, that'd make me happy. Imagine a Yea Forums poster with absolute strength.
One Punch Man without Saitama would be generic as fuck, kill yourself.
>user with Saitama’s strength
We’d either end with a rapist nobody can catch or a full autismo powertrip fag
One Punch Man is what happens when you insert yourself into a fictional world.
Sometimes its just better to watch.
This is what catering to the tastes of the common man, the layman, get you.
"Why is this thing different from the other stufd I'm used to? Why can't it be the same? Why can't everything be the same?? Why do things have to be different?"
One Punch Man is what it is because what is it isn't what all the other battle centric are.
Whether or not that makes it good or palatable to you is immaterial. The attempt is to make a comedic series about a man who beats enemies in single punches. The conflict arrises in the aftermath of the completionist's goal. OPM essentially begins where other manga ends: the goal he set out for has been achieved and now he has to find new meaning or live with the consequences of breaking his own boundaries.
But without Saitama, Sonic wouldn't have a reason to become stronger.
Which he'll would make a good dad? Would Zombieman be a good father?
No wait that would be traumatizing
>It was about Saitama wondering what the fuck to do with himself and effortlessly dispatching monsters as a gag in between.
Not true, if this was the case Saitama's character would have developed way more. He's still basically the same as always.
that its a comedy manga and you should not take it seriously
ps. have sex
True saitama sucks
If there was no saitama then it wouldn't be a parody anime anymore.
one punch man would be better if it only had double digit chapters
Saitama is more like a reference point than a character. He's representing a human being who succeeded the goal of his life.
So when it comes to side characters, you cannot really show how fun it is to become stronger/better in something without Saitama being bored on the background
How could you not understand that this was all about mocking all the tropes of shounen? Are you that dense? Is it cause of the super sweious art style of the manga that you buy into all the power level faggotry ... demon class dragon class, who would win orochi or.. are you assuming garou can't....? You're literally missing the point, just go watch dbz.
>and fubuki or sonic was his girlfriend
Kill yourself
>The only problems he can have are social ones, and even then, realistically speaking, he has the power to reshape society, so it's still not believable.
What is he going to do, punch people's heads off? The fact that his moral compass and ego are so at odds with everyone else's is what makes the narrative fun and interesting. If Saitama weren't around and Genos were the main character, it would be just another cookie-cutter shonen battle anime.
Genos is a cocksucker and 10 times dumber than Saitama. Worst suggestion ever, get fucked.
>new opm thread
>op is a faggot
Way to miss the point.
Genos only sucks Saitama's dick, so without him he'd be straight.
Without him he'd be even gayer since he'd suck Kuseno's dick 24/7.
Sucking dick for upgrades isn't gay, it's just how one survives.
I kek'd. It's been like this for months now though.
>it's just how one survives.
That's exactly what every cocksucker in Berlin park says.
Excuse me, they have a healthy father-son relationship
>cuts the guys dick off, pulls his organs and limbs out and replaces it with junk
Wow what a healthy and loving relationship.
Like you wouldn't have loved it as a kid if your dad made you into a sick-ass cyborg.
From what we know Genos could have had barely been alive by the time kuseno found him
Wtf user grow up
Have seethe dilate.
I equate Saitama's dilemma with my recent acquisition of faster internet. When i only had 6MB/s, I felt more satisfied when downloads of large files (games, movies, youtube etc.) complete upon waiting for hours to days on end. Now I have 50MB/s. To some this may not be fast, but this is faster than most people are subscribed to on this side of the planet. The feeling of getting what you want faster feels apparently more unsatisfactory. No more anticipation, no more excitement. Everything you want, in an instant, from this perspective. You also realize that most of the things you do with the internet sum up to so little when you can do all of them in such a short time.
There's no reason to downgrade, but you just want to feel that anticipation again. Someone out there can relate, I hope.
Kys tranny
I remember playing a hentai quiz game on newgrounds and after answering everything right it rewarded me with a shitty doujin, that doujin felt extremely sweet and satisfying. When I go read better doujins regularly It's still nice but doesn't give you that feeling of satisfaction. I think this way of thinking and feeling is part of being human. That's why money brings happiness but after a certain point more money stops making you happier.
I get the same feeling for masturbating. I've masturbated so much that it's no longer fun. I still do it of course, but I'll never get the same satisfaction as I once did
How often do you do it?
This. Wish Saitama had developed more, but he's essentially the same person as he was in the beginning and that's despite having two best bros to hang out with and a potential love interest.
>1st world problems
kys my man
He doesn't really have the power to reshape society. Hell his involvement in fights barely fix the problems of monsters being around as they increase each day.
Wrong Garou and Genos need to fuck off to make it great
That's gay. You're gay.
I'm afraid you're missing the point, OP. The whole manga is about making fun of generic tropes you find in your average shounen manga and making fun of your typical shounen hero by letting one boring bald dude one punch every foe they struggle to defeat.
Fubuki is the most beautiful character ever designed
>Potential love interest
After three people it counts as Harem
There is no potential love interest. One and Murata already confirmed he doesn't like either Fubuki or tatsumaki.
>uses awful picture of fubuki
Murata's Psykos looks like she'll be better anyway
Saitama knows to not stick your dick in crazy
all pictures of her are awful so it doesn't matter
Shipperfags are absolute cancer. Fuck off
The point is that you missed it so get with it or go away.
This is now a Fubuki thread
Older sister is much better
Imagine having that opinion
Imagine being too stupid for fucking One Punch Man.
Yea imagine
Is this muratas work? I never saw it before
>this is now a jobber thread*
Fixed it for you
>sageing a good thread
Actually the only confirmed thing is that he doesn't give a fuck about Fubuki in any way. Tatsumaki did however spark his interest in that, unlike with Fubuki, he made the first move and wanted to get to know her. He initiated a more indepth conversation and was interested in her life and motivations, something he rearely does with anybody. If she hadn't insulted him to the point of him wasnting to die he would have definetely asked her out on a date, just look at his happy little dork face.
She's not crazy just really arrogant and only cares to use his power for her own benefit
should I read its manga or webcomic?
which is canon?
and where to start reading if I finished its anime?
Read the webcomic first and then the manga
Both are canon and the details that were changed for the manga are now considered canon since they were written by ONE. The parts that haven't jet been convered by the manga are still canon in the wc until changed.
Not even. Sparked interest sure but not romantically. He has no romantic inteeste on anyone or anything.
from the very beginning
>muh dick
>much squishy insides
Retarded meatbag
that specific image is a fan colouring of this illustration from volume 15
Not jet he doesn't. The fact he was interested in Tatsumaki at all, and moreso tried to self-insert with her by comparing her motives with his own, means he is more likely to fall for her than her sister if they were to bond in any way.
Again he doesn't have any romantic feelings or ever will. All he was interested was seeing if she was find since she was bleeding and all. He already put off king suggesting to meet new people or date.
>or ever will
And why might that be user? You talk as if you know what ONE has in mind.
t. Puri's vibrator
From how the series has been and saitama as a character there has been no romantic interest or subtext plus the fact saitama already shown no willingness to try to get with anyone. Hell the only romance in this series has been Puri puri and his boyfriend. No one else.
ONE is a homo so he won't ever write a heterosexual relationship well. That's why he brought Murata on, to cover it up with fanservice.
That's wasn't romance, that was a traditional japanese homobashing comedy. Romance is something else.
And while I think Saitama is a flacid cuck I really wouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly. Saitama still needs to locate his dick and he's already complaining about losing his passion so he might just find that extra spark by getting his dick wet on accident.
How dumb do you have to be to not realice that the entire point is that Saitama doesn't fit into to hero world.
His only passion is fighting. Its the only thing he's really good at. Its also his main problem since he's never proactive to try anything else or any other hobbies or goals.
There is nothing homosexual about the way ONE writes whatsoever. Plus he finds gayness comical to the point that he makes Puri into the most absurd and perverse stereotype there is.
I'd be more worried about Murata being gay considering how he draws male pinups and even earlier in the manga there were so many croch and ass shots that it really makes you wonder.
Im actually pretty sure the manga is a slice of life
Yeah great user. Now how exactly does that exclude any possiblity of him getting passionate with the opposite sex? It's doesn't. How about you stop assuming you know the limitations of a character when you don't know shit.
The only confirmed thing is that he doesn't give a blasted fuck about Fubuki. The other confirmed this is he is not interested in men. That makes him heterosexual and capable of romance. Wether it'll happen or not we don't konw but your bullshit about it not being possible is your own gay agenda against heterosexuality.
Murata is married though he does have tendency to do male pinups and stuff like that. He even admitted previously he planned to draw Gatling more feminine looking
Just because someone is capable doesn't mean they want to. Also again saitama also doesn't really care about tatsumaki either.
If he was from /pol/ we'd have world peace and no more niggers or jews
I really really need to see an anime in which world the jewish conspiracy is true and mc is a nazi
Uh user, have you lost your composure?
>Murata is married
That doesn't prove shit buddy. Most faggots are married, the gayest people in this world have wives with a vago and indulge in their other passions on the side. Wellcome to planet Earth. I'm not saying Murata is gay, i'm just telling you he has 10 times more change of being gay that ONE who never showed any gayness in his stories or artstyle. It's just the headcannon of homos and trannies in these threads.
Stop masturbating if you dont want autogynephilia
OPM's conflicts are philosophical and ultimately cannot be resolved through violence. Saitama presents an impossible obstacle for any character who tries to forcibly impose their ideology onto the world. The most dangerous villain in the series would be one who could talk Saitama out of interfering.
>sonic was his girlfriend
More importantly OPM is a sexless manga. Nobody is in a relationship. Nobody is fucking. The characters only perceive each other in terms of battle power, all of their interactions are based on that.
A lot of people for some reason like the idea of sonic pairingneoth saitama or being female and doing so.
>nobody is in a relationship
Puripuri has a boyfriend
Some people want to fuck Sonic without admitting to being faggots.
Psykos made those monsters fuck eachother and if Do-S doesn't have sex every week then I don't know who does. The thing is OPM just doesn't deal with relationship in their main cast at this point. I'm not too sure it will stay like that forever though.
Puri's sexuality is an inferred attribute that isn't actually shown on panel.
Do-S is a sadist. Don't let her visual design throw you off, she doesn't DO anything sexual.
I am happy trash like you were not involved in making this story.
Who would she even be fucking, the only other humanoid monsters are either disgusting or only care about doing weird ninja shit in the woods.
Doesn't he have a lot of "boyfriends?" Honestly puri is worse than do-s, at least her slaves are probably unaware. He just rapes dudes til they're shells of their former selves.
Kek my sides! Ok pope Francis, I believe you.
>And while I think Saitama is a flacid cuck I really wouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly
Saitama already said "he doesn't play on this team" when asked that a guy wanted his body
he outright said he wasn't into dudes, you just read a shit translation
user I already said he's hetero, he just isn't fapping to boobies at the moment due to his current hero faggotry. Just wait till he gets flashed with a nice little pair one day.
>he outright said he wasn't into dudes, you just read a shit translation
It's not my fault brazilians have a superior language for comedy, if anything the "wrong" translation made it better
who knew a comment could be so wrong
>he just isn't fapping to boobies at the moment due to his current hero faggotry
Fapping is for beta cucks and faggots, neither of which saitama is
Shut up Pablo. Your weed sucks and I hope you overdose one day.
That explains a lot.
Implying the art of the manga doesn't add to the joke
He'll treat it like everything else..with annoyance or nonchalant.
He did have many until he killed most of them. Now there is only one.
>Shut up Pablo
We're not mexicans, most common names here are biblical
Of course a secular fag like you wouldn't understand the biblical chad culture
I said "little pair".
>a secular fag
Nigger unless you took your priestly vows you're secular too you imbecile. Don't you know what secular means?
not all dominas always fuck their clients and there were probably some monsters who were grossed out by the mating process
>Mating? NOPE, nope! I am out! I am leav- oh no please don't choke me with psychic powers I'll do it I do it!
here is the one guy who keeps supplying him with hand knitted sweaters
>just caught up to the manga
>this is the thread that's up
what a gay post
>live in the murder capital of the world
>give your child a biblical name
It really is the India of the western hemisphere
it's usually not like this. most of the time if a thread like this is made another actual thread is made and this one dies
except Genos is fodder and shit
Same way again
Yes he does
He could just raid the Hero Association and one punch every single one of the S class heroes present, then make Sitch/the executives his bitches and tell them to announce the world's new boss
Anyone who is powerful enough to one punch Tatsumaki or Blast is powerful enough to make the Hero Association work for him
but he won't, he doesn't have the motivation for it
Just saw the awakened Garou fight. Holy shit Garou is such a kino character. His point totally makes sense.
His last speech was epic. His final arc is gonna be amazing. I was always scared of how to finish him off, since garou right now has very basic motivations. But what he preaches is surprisingly deep, and tho its very edgy it fits him.
Now that I've caught up on the webcomic, he is the best character, and I'm happy hes meditating.
Saitama is wrong. He couldn't stop all the evil in the world by playing hero. His whole argument against Garou is...blah blah stop talking im stronger. And when he does respond, he ends it with 'youll never beat me tho'.
peace will never be achieved unless we fight a constant evil, and only then do we unite. heroes are fake and let people feel security to do lesser evils that the heroes dont care about.
but you said he didn't have the power, fuck you for writing it wrong then, not having a reason is completely different from not being capable
I am not that user who wrote that
so what was the point of you answering? he said Saitama couldn't do it and when I proved otherwise you said he doesn't want to
This. Saitama didn't know how to respond to Garou's questions, his outlook is simple and unthought through. The point was Saitama just wanted to good fight whereas Garou wanted to make a change in the world.
So just become a tyrant? Even if he did take over the association they aren't the ruling government of the world. Plus that's not solving anything at all.
Garou's speech about uniting against evil sounds like what a boomer would write about World War 2 while all the PTSD ridden veterans wish he'd shut up so they could go back to thinking about their dead comrades.
Then it's just a standard battle shonen you dumbfuck.
He could rule through fear and make all humans unite against him, which is exactly what Garou planned to do
They aren't ruling the world but the world would be fucked without it, which is basically the same thing
very few battle shounens don't impose repetitive combat mechanics on their characters
there is no fucking ki/chakra/stand/mana or something default to all characters that are strong (like being a heroic spirit)
Just here to remind you that tyranny is a legit and functionable ruling system that gave genuine results and progress in history. And I'm not talking about any modern pseudotyrants or nazi horseshit but ancient class based societies. So yeah, it would solve quite a lot actually.
I never said they rule the world, they just have a large reach and there is no reason for them to not make an announcement if Saitama just says he is going to explode the world otherwise
>make the world unite against him
That's a problem since saitama is virtually unbeatable with no one on the world to compete so that plan is shot. Also that's not solving problems especially when the main problem i. The OPM world is monsters and not the hero association and heroes despite its fuck ups and mismanagement.
They do mention ki once in the web to explain how saitama is resistant to psychic powers and Boros himself sees Saitama's energy. Though you are right its not a constant mainstay or focus to why people have powers or are strong.
>watering the animals
I'm saying what good is it to be a tyrant of an organization that doesn't have power in government or many affairs except with dealing with heroes.
One punch man would be a lot better if I were Genos and Fubuki was my girlfriend
>wanting to self insert as a jobber
I can't help but think Boros was speaking out of his ass and didn't see shit and just wanted to praise Saitama
OP is such a fucking faggot this thread actually makes me mad.
>makes Fubuki his girlfriend
>chooses to be the only character that doesn't have a real dick to use on her
do you like to be tortured?
Dr Kuseno made him able to taste stuff and eat human food
but hasn't given him a dick
Why would he? He has no reason too especially when he never talked pit of his ass explaining how the fuck his power work. The only time he ever did was thinking he did any real damageon saitama or that they were equal. Even then at the end of it all he realized he fucked up thinking the battle was fair and even.
With all the damage Geno's takes why would he need one?
why would he? why would he fucking not? Boros is a fucking lunatic dude
>I'm all powerful and never got beat and I own a shit ton of spaceships and whores and fortune
>let's go find someone who can beat me just for the lulz
>still no Mask x DO-S or Genos x Mosquito Girl doujins
Where's the damn monster girl hatefucking
>but hasn't given him a dick
Dude it's right there
Kuseno tries really hard to not let Genos' lack of a normal human body get in the way of enjoying life
he probably would built him a really nice functional human body if he wouldn't be all about fighting and revenge for his village that was destroyed by the mad cyborg years ago
No it would have been bland shonen trash. It's bad enough that it has turned into that already with the alien invasion arc and went full garbage with Garou.
Garou next chapter, you hype? At least all these gay threads will be done with.
He's a lunatic sure but that doesn't make him automatically a liar or even an intentional one. He didn't even belittle saitama despite his looks and was just excited to even get something to do. Hes not like frieza who constantly tlak put his ass non stop. Though he does hype his abilties a lot. Also later on Fubuki mentions about ki and saitama having it.
Both Saitama and Garou literally derive their power from their conviction, and Garou started depowering near the end when it became evident that he didn't actually believe in what he was doing.
Why is this series so popular with normalfags?
My older brother who's a married normalfag kept texting me about how great this series is, this is the first and only anime he has ever watched.
>at least the gay threads will be done with
you keep believing that
You can't seriously argue with someone that possesses such a childlike and obsolete worldview. The world had already united in fear against monsters long before Garou started larping. What purpose does Garou actually serve? Crippling heroes doesn't really unite humanity against monsters, it just makes them pissed and want to kill Garou. Saitama's rebuttal of never losing is the ultimate retort, because it is the one thing that would make it impossible for Garou to even begin his inevitably failing idea.
I recognize that art style
First of all, the first season looked goddamn amazing
Secondly, for normalfags that have been fed shonenshit their whole life the appeal of having a show where the MC is the strongest from the get-go is enticing, and they can drool over how powerful and cool saitama is spoiler: they're missing the point, which is both hilarious and frustrating because he can beat up anyone else
Lastly there's the appeal of the exotic, in this case anime/manga. Most westerners won't ever consider shows they've seen when they were younger as anime, calling them cartoons instead. OPM was a viral hit and didn't go through the outdated media channels, forcing normalfags to recognize it's origins as a japanese-produced story, giving them the fuzzy feeling of being special for knowing about something that most of their peers wouldn't
>Most westerners won't ever consider shows they've seen when they were younger as anime, calling them cartoons instead. OPM was a viral hit and didn't go through the outdated media channels, forcing normalfags to recognize it's origins as a japanese-produced story,
I can attest to this
When I was a young kid I watched Beyblade, but I've never really considered that an anime, more just a Saturday morning cartoon like you said.
OPM was the first anime I ever actually sat down and watched all the way through as an adult, and I fucking loved it.
I think it was because I was aware of all the Shonen tropes through osmosis from just spending time on Yea Forums, so understanding the irony made it all that much better.
Saitama called him out for being full of shit. Garou himself didn't even truly believe the things he himself was saying.
But that's just not true
Every time we see him as a child, he's rooting for the monster and talking about how much heroes suck ass
The joke is good and normals miss the entire point of it.
Only because he sees them as the underdogs. When he's an adult we only ever see him killing monsters no matter how much the heroes antagonize him.
Imagine doesnt do it for me anymore
>1st world
I'm Southeast Asian, dummy
And yet he kills monsters all the time while sparing heroes. He even gets upset when Saitama doesn't remember him after nearly killing him because it contradicts his image of a hero.
Garou works like Raid on gays. It will be patrician threads only.
Garou is literally the second biggest faggot magnet after Sonic in this series.
Garou calls Saitama out on being full of shit too, Saitama gets triggered and responds with frustration. It's not as black and white as you think, the only real point is that Saitama wanted a good fight without other issues involved while Garou fought for higher goals.
I never claimed Saitama had some noble goal when he was fighting Garou. I simply said that even Garou himself didn't believe the shit he was spouting.
then there'd be no more paki's or muslims, then no more asians, and it would keep going until there'd be nothing left.
Couldn't be more wrong, Garou is second biggest faggot repellent after Tatsumaki's ass shots.
You poor son of a bitch
He believed and still believes everything he said, stop making shit up.
Anyone would rightfully be frustrated by Garou's "worldview". Imagine if someone seriously argued that crime is bad, therefore we need to start breaking cop kneecaps with pipes to encourage cops to stop being corrupt so that they can better stop crime. It is absolutely bizarre and nonsensical; it wouldn't even be worth responding to if the deranged guy with the pipe wasn't actually a superpowered borderline retarded monster human.
I hope you're not being serious.
That's a misrepresentation
It'd be like breaking cop"s kneecaps and killing thieving niggers at the same time
He wanted to frighten everyone so badly that they would understand the only way to survive would be to join together no matter their differences against him
Criminals would team up with cops out if a mutual fear of Garou
>herp derp character development means change.
Character development means more is added to the character. You LEARN more about the character. The characters do NOT need to change, and this is a fucking retarded bullshit thing that's been perpetuated and I don't know why.
Since when the fuck did character development get mistaken for a changing character?
Saitama is a static character, not a dynamic one.
He wasn't frustrated with Garou's worldview you speedreader. He was frustrated over Garou not understanding that "it's just a hobby" for him/Saitama. Again, stop forcing your headcanon.
Please kys and stop shitposting already.
In other words people confuse character growth with development.
Im only a faggot in conduct. Its pretty straight for me to find sonic attractive since hes a male.
>You can't seriously argue with someone that possesses such a childlike and obsolete worldview
I've learned that the people who shitpost on behalf of Garou are either immature themselves or seriously out of touch with reality.
Making no sence - The post
No need to get so upset, user. One day you'll improve your reading comprehension and actually understand Garou. I believe in you!
I thought they were all being ironic, like the "hitler did nothing wrong XD" people.
>he thinks /pol/ is ironic
Way to out yourself as a retard
>being this gay
Ok OP, next time you start a full on gay thread try to not make 60% of all the posts in the thread (You)rs.
I don't go to /pol/ my only experience with them is the imbeciles that trickle out of that board.
Because he didn't truly knew monsters when he was a kid
Then shut the fuck up and stop using things you don't know about to back up a point you simultaneously are too stupid to understand.
Garou makes sense, whether you like it or not.
Ive theorized at least one of the regular garoufags is mentally ill.
>Garou makes sense
Garou makes sense in that he's an idiot who uses a juvenile mindset to take out his childhood frustrations on people completely unrelated to him.
>juvenile mindset
>hitler did nothing wrong XD
>are either immature themselves
>branding an issue, character or side and arguing with strawmen in order to avoid any argumentative or logic based response
If you're all done being a pathetic hopeless faggot you can either kill yourself or start arguing like an adult rational person with actual arguments.
Garou is a manchild who doesn't understand why villains are hated, and it's really basic; they fucking cause trouble for literally everyone.
>who uses a juvenile mindset to take out his childhood frustrations on people completely unrelated to him
Amazing to see that you still miss the fucking point
How many times does this need to be explained to you before you get it?
Sup tranny.
>they fucking cause trouble for literally everyone
he wanted to cause trouble for everyone so they wouldn't cause trouble for each other
And you REALLY don't see what's so fucking stupid about that?
Enlighten me
>samefagging and strawman intensifies
Even during a crisis the story shows people were still fighting among each other. Garou wouldnt change that and inevitably make things worse by also removing heroes from the streets as well as any other resistances and policing forces.
How are you this retarded?
There's never any justification for causing trouble for people, especially when it comes down to violence and murder. You become an amoral piece of shit no longer fit for society and you need to be removed.
You can say "that's the point!" all you want but it doesn't change the fact Garou flipped the fuck out because everyone likes heroes more than villains and he got angry like the manbaby he is.
but thats why we SUPPORT GAROU.
Hes not really any trouble at all. He hasnt killed a soul, he just likes fightan', and busting the heroes asses.
he just wants to be feared like an ultimate evil but the truth is, he's harmless. His solution would've worked. He'd just be the worlds uncontrollable asshole who beats their heroes up.
If he stayed there, people would be fear and would unite.
Nice reddit spacing
What he's doing is removing Heroes that have the potential to save more people. He's giving evil and opportunity to win by being a fucking nuisance.
He's literally retarded.
but hes our retard
But I thought you were our retard, user.
The fuck
>failing at irony this hard
Now that you samefagged, strawmanned, famalamed, reditted and exhausted every form of faggotry imaginable, will you finally kys?
what heroes? he pratically only beat fodder from A/B/C classes who make no difference to real threats
But they could make a difference to lower threats of which there are plenty.
>Tanktopmaster will remember that
btw he saved Metal Bat, he would get fucking chewed if he kept fighting Elder Centipede
They don't only fight monsters but also help with evacuations. Also even if they don't always beat the monster they at least by time until the s class or good a classes arrive to clean up. The fact is the HA doesn't even have enough heroes to cover the entire continent and Garou made that situation even worse by incapacitating over a 100 of those fuckers along with the Ma and its numbers.
normal civilians can make a difference to lower threats
they just need to git gud
OPM's world population is way too lazy
These are some incredible mental gymnastics you're pulling.
No wonder you love garou so much, you're retarded too.
And he saved Zenko
thank god, finally some sense in this thread
Pretty sure you were responding to an ironic faggot poster like yourself.
>this monster is going to kill us
>let's just die quiet and not even try to scratch it
opm civilians are just too fucking useless and cowards
hes right, people need to change. garou is right.
saitama is lazy as fuck, and not every body is as good a person as he is. people suck and garou tried to change that.
what has saitama done? nothing. i hope saitama rages about how useless he is.
>le it's funny because its PARODY xDD
>le you don't understand because ur not an intellectual like me!
Fuck off, being a comedy/"""""gag""""" manga doesn't make it good.
Yeah, what's Saitama done besides save the world countless times
I agree, but Saitama isn't lazy, he busted his ass until he got strong even when he had nothing to make him believe he was going to get anywhere close to where he is today
Is it just my imagination or are these threads getting worse by the day?
made the world impaired.
you know this is gonna be a big theme later. blast left the hero work, just because he notices how weak he made the world by being invincible.
saitama is spoonfeeding the world protection. At least garou notices the issue, though his perspective is somewhat skewed.
>saitama is spoonfeeding the world protection
idk about that
it's not like he takes care of every single threat, only the ones that threaten to end most/all life on earth
one-sama, you bless us with your presence.
>Amazing to see that you still miss the fucking point
The point that as a kid Garou took to associating his dislike of popular kids who bullied him with television heroes? And that he also began to empathize with television monsters? And that as a teenager he took these two ideas and decided that he would become a so-called "human monster" and fight the heroes from an organization that wasn't even around when he was a kid for his insane ideal of world peace?
Garou isn't a complicated, his hatred stems from his childhood even though he's painted over it. Otherwise why would he bother pretending to be a monster and fighting heroes?
>just because he notices how weak he made the world by being invincible.
Humanity is too weak so the only option against god threats is for overpowered individuals to save the day. Blast's absence improves nothing.
>every civilian gets entitled to protection against dangerous beasts
>do nothing but waveslave their lives away
>get mad at heroes when they can't do shit (DSK)
>mfw Hero Association is holding back humanity's evolution
>let them sort themselves out
>anarchy in the streets
>only the strong shall survive
Think nothing of it. Until you gaijintards finally show you understand what my manga has been about this whole time, I'm not updating shit.
the real One Punch Man was the friends we made along the way?
>drops manga
Good point it would've been better if Boros just blew earth the fuck up right?
>>get mad at heroes when they can't do shit (DSK)
Only a litteral NEET was fucking around shitposting, the rest were thankful.
> One Punch Man would be better if it lost all of its identity and became a generic Super-Hero / Shonen series
I swear its like this board is literally causing me Brain Damage at this point.
please one-sama dont be so harsh. its our translators, they come from reddit and defile your work with their politics. but its all we have.
Those 30ish monsters are about tiger threats from what it looked like. So it's like if Zombieman is pretty much soloing an equivalent of 30 A class heroes, which is near the amount of available ones in the series.
nope they weren't, they started to agree with him
even when Saitama's punch stopped the fucking rain, they refused to use common sense and assume he was just a hero who's power got unrecognized
>get mad at heroes when they can't do shit (DSK)
that made me rage unironically
>we can't do shit about this monster
>let's shit on everyone trying because it's their job lul
Then learn nippon you gaijin pig.
And what-of the old-translator that transcripted on this site? I admired his work.
Genos would be dead
Not as long as sonic is there, he is not
>they started to agree with him
post full one
>source: my ass
Retard fubuki will end with Saitama
>They hated him because he told the truth.jpg
manga to anime inconsistency, in the anime they all started to act confused/in doubt when he mentioned that they were funded by donations
>denying how she's acquaintance zoned
This whole encounter makes no sense to me
She acts like she's literally never met him before, when it's established multiple times that she's quite familiar with Saitama.
She doesn't like him very much, but she knows who he is.
> remove all the heroes besides the baldy
> DSK has all the time he wants to go to the bunker, massacre all the citizens, then go to another city
> meanwhile the baldy is still aimlessly moving around trying to find him
she never met him before with Fubuki.
Better than being little kid zoned. And we have to wait and see if ONE changes anything during the redraw
>"I bet you'll use her and end it..."
She can't even imagine how many people would want to use Fubuki, fking thick
Holy shit I didn't even realize in the manga he was that close to the bunker. Also dude is not completely wrong.
>she never met him before with Fubuki.
Are you saying she never saw the two of them together?
I don't care really on either and I doubt One will have saitama end up with anybody in the end. At best increase his circle of heroes he encounters but otherwise a long life partner.. Impossible especially between a midget and an acquaintance.She hasn't shes met saitama on mutiple occasions but never him with Fubuki.
>recognizes critical content value over delivery style
>knows how to detect the author's messages
This guy gets it. Not all of you are hopeless, I will continue updating then.
>goes around walking to look for trouble
>can just jump really high and use his reflexes and eyesight to locate it instead
why is the all powerful hero such a stupid and basic dude? what the fuck man
Was expecting an edit some time but not this fast.
This is the same man who he speed enough to run around the city and its outskirts in a day(not full speed mind you) yet he chooses to walk to mostly every battle. Also he ran fast as fuck in seocnds from being blasted by Orochi to another part of the city.
post more ONE photos
he cute
I think Japan might do it. They're down with the Nazis
it hasn't been that long since Saitama got stupidly strong so he isn't used yet to all the shit he can do with it. That's why he still acts like an everyday man, it's the basis of his character.
user, this is zombieman, you can run, you can hide but you could never outlast him
>She hasn't shes met saitama on mutiple occasions but never him with Fubuki.
Okay I getcha
You're right about that, but she still behaves like she has no idea who he is when she tries to kill him
Does Zombieman have above human durability? It makes no sense to me that he can even remain in one piece being blasted by Homeless Emperor who can probably level multiple city blocks effortlessly
Somewhat but its really as King said also Saitama is not really proactive in being a hero or at the best he can be. Saitama is always late, only receives news of danger from one channel, also only goes when he thinks its an opportunity that benefits him or it coincidentally happens at the time of a sale.
I get what you mean. Looking back when she glares at him she wonders who he is even though now we know they've met multiple occasions
Its most likely his regen is so op that it covers up as he takes damage. Though he might also have some better durability along with his strength.
Your taste is trash and your IQ is below room temperature. Without Saitama OPM is literally every other Shounen series on the planet.
>abducted as a little girl, experimented on
>has no right to be as nice as she is and heroic as she does
>does it anyway
>only mildly annoying, but has a heart of gold
>cares for her little sister deeply
>whole character: jealous of her sister
>every actions she does, is for her benefit
>continues hating her sister, for the little-est misdeeds against her
>bosses other heroes around, and if it werent for her body and pretty face, she is pretty much a total bitch
tatsumaki seems bratty, but shes really a caring girl. fubuki is the brat, fubuki is the bitch. I'm not wrong in the slightest.
he has stamina and endurance and the will to fuck up anyone who shall get in the way of the HA
and he can regenerate, only really stopping if he's turned into mincemeat
he's the mai-chan of the opm world
>oh god that was probably Genus' true goal
>but instead of a cute zombiemaid he got undead John Constantine
You're right
Tatsumaki is someone who was able to overcome everything place in front of her and wants nothing more out of life than to make sure her sister is safe.
She's a bit misguided in her methods, but she means well.
Fubuki is a classic case of standing in the shadow of greatness. Nothing terribly special about her, characterwise.
I don't think I can fit such large bait in my fishing gear
Well he was part of the immortality project genus was researching and probably expected a mindless drone with regen and not a DC character.
he's objectively correct though
>cute zombie maid who does everything you say
>undead detective out to kill you and take revenge
>child bearing
They bear her child body
> >continues hating her sister, for the little-est misdeeds against her
She really hated her to the max in highschool when she was emo mode, but it calmed down since then. She's still frustrated at her when Tatsumaki doesn't accept her, which is normal.
>Its most likely his regen is so op that it covers up as he takes damage
Probably this
Makes me want to see Saitama punching him lol
>tfw Boros would kill him just by standing close amidst Meteoric Burst
but that's what I mean, HE should be very capable of bursting him into mincemeat if he is just a human with absurd regeneration
What if he is perfectly bisected?
>a hero whose whole gimmick is playing around his undying body
>can't regenerate from a drop of blood
what a letdown
it's like flipping a coin,
if the left side regenerates I win, if its the right side you lose
we can even use the y-incision from his autopsy as a marker to check where to cut
Why is she so beautiful user?
Reality is often disappointing. I'm guessing that's why he switched to just making himself young and having replaceable clones instead.
Hell probably take one pinch but his regen won't be as fast to tank the damage or cover up unlike how Boros could.>expecting Buu levels of regen
there is absolutely no problem with this level of regen if his strength is balanced (which it is, he is piss weak when it comes to combat)
Gouketsu probably can't kill Zombieman, but Zombieman probably can't even damage him and he can just kick Zombieman's body to the other side of town and chill out
OPM is the Don Quixote of superhero comics.
Yeah his regen is balanced by his abover average strength and his tactics of how he wins battles (usually through pure attrition.) Unlike Buu who just had broken regen stacked on broken abilities.
Is this achievable natty?
Why did Gyrogyro tell Homeless Emperor to fight Zombieman when he is the worst matchup for him?
I really love tired-looking men. They're my type.
Huh? He's probably the best matchup, he could easily have just sniped Zombieman with ki blasts if he didn't start monologuing and if Tatsumaki didn't flip the base.
She probably didn't think his regen would keep him alive due to how destructive Emperor's blast are. Also she's not wrong in a sense as Homeless can keep him at constant distance or blast him non stop if he wanted to. It took a distraction just for zombie man to even get close to the man.Hmmmmmmmmmm
what would you consider being a good matchup, then? Hobo can spam powerful blasts with seemingly no limit, he likely have some of the highest firepower among the dragons.
It's not just guys.
wasn't the first guy he fought Vampire?
I just realized that Pureblood probably wasn't set up by Psykos but the monsters just wanted to get rid of that rich upper-class asshole who constantly used them as blood-reserves
ZM wasn't far from Zombieman's road, so he probably still was intended to fight him. Not like Psykos must have had much hope that the demons would win, but Pureblood also had good endurance.
This looks like Hurricane’s style
yeah wow weird right? haha
it is
Saitama moments are complete hype. The only thing better might be the hype in kengan ashura.
He wasn't he was basically an coincidence as the monsters requested zombie to kill him.
woah, it's almost as if it, crazy isn't it.
Next chapter when?
What is this from?
Did All-Back Man survive? I liked him.
> I'm the one and only true monster
There does is another monster that could be natural, elder centipede (and following that, senior and junior too). Junior said he came from a cave, and more importantly, the statue of the underground king had centipedes around him.
Not a single hero has ever died.
He survived but also quit after the arc.
>still no webcomic update
He more less mean he's a monster like the traditional werewolf, zombies and vampires. His family line must have been belmonted to death
also birdpeople, those weird tree guys, and the fishpeople
some monsters were born monsters
if hate can turn you into a montser could pure love turn a natural monster into a human
>little mermaid style
Glad he's alive at least. He was a true hero, trying to help even when pissing his pants.
>Not a single hero has ever died.
So what happened with Drive Knight?
Didn't the seaking literally punch straight through a guy's torso?
Yeah but he was a cyborg iirc, so he's fine.
this guy is litterally part of the support team.
I don't really like how saitama fights. usually he just takes the hits, and then one-punches them. And that's the end. That's such a boring fight.
Not to suggest all his fights have been boring. But, more often than not, he just takes the hits, and then the fight finishes as soon as he lands a punch. I do like seeing him do special moves though. They're not even moves, but just high-speed or high-power regular things. That's funny.
Boros took a few punches
People like you are why we can't have manga that's remotely interesting or challenging.
H8 sonic falseflagger but respect their dumbass hustle
Why did Saitama back off here?
Did Suiryu actually scare him a bit?
only if you're committed and intensely autistic
he didn't want to kill a man.
He almost went for the punch.
didn't want to end the fight too early.
Season 1 disagrees.
>ike if genos was the main character
Genos only works as a side character because he's as bland and generic as they come. He's basically designed to be the average "cool" shonen protag, yet subverted because he keeps getting his shit kicked in and is almost relegated to a comedic role in OPM.
He was going to go for a punch, like he ends up doing to end the fight, but he backs off at the last second after reading what Suiryu was going to do.
it was because the kick was going to knock his wig off you mooks
Saitama doesn't read his opponents, he just didn't want to end the fight since his goal was to experience martial arts.
That makes the most sense
He LITTERALLY said he was once again about to end the fight early. It wasn't about his wig.
He meant "i almost ended the fight again" in reference to every other fight he'd already had, not about
If Saitama pulled through with the punch Suiryu couldn't have kicked him anyway. He backed off so the fight could go on.
that was in reference to the punch he literally just threw you absolute brainlet, not the punch he was thinking of throwing 1 minute ago. if you just reread that part of the fight you can tell he's only worried about his wig coming off.
Why didn't he just punch him then if it was just about the wig? Suiryu can't counter him.
>OPM is a shounen parody
what drives retards to this statement? Do they even watch/read it?
> I almost did again
He said both time "that was close", too. Retard.
>Suiryu can't counter him.
eeehhhh idk about that
it would have been the most telegraphed thing ever, saitama already has no technique whatsoever then you add on him already being in the stance to throw the easily readable punch and suiryu literally asking him to throw it and being fully ready for it
Nobody but Monster Garou have the stats a,d skills to counter Saitama’s punch.
the "again" is referring to all his fights that he finishes too quickly. and if you think him saying "that was close" the first time was in reference to him ending the match you're just retarded. he wouldn't have had that look on his face or have been visibly sweating and worried if that were that case.
It doesn't matter how telegraphed it is if his punches are simply too fast for anyone to dodge. Suiryu isn't Awakened Garou.
But that's wrong you fucking retard
ONE made him say "that was close" so that people can understand, but looks like this is still too much for brainlets. Punching him wouldn’t have removed his wig since it didn’t when he punched litterally everyone else in the tournament. And as he said at the start of the fight, he doesn’t want to punch him right away since it’s the finals.
That’s litterally what differenciates Garou from the rest and makes his feats of dodging Saitama incredible.
>Punching him wouldn’t have removed his wig
Suiryu's counter might have.
Can Saitama age?
Suiryu is NOWHERE near fast enough to pull a counter. Why do you think he just stood there in this part, retard?
Does he need to eat or drink or does he just like to?
He wasn't ready for it
>muh shounen deconstruction genre parody! s-saitama is a symbol...
>Manga proceeds to unironically become what it was supposed to be a parody of, except with the existence of saitama removing all tension, turning almost every major arc into "when does saitama get here"
Yeah, epic deconstruction, very post-post modern
I highly doubt Saitama got immortality, just invincibility. I wouldn't even be surprised if he could get sick, as long as it wasn't able to kill him.
You sound like a salty DBZ fanboy
If Garou dies I will most likely drop this. Too invested in him to be wiped out
>pesudointellectuals said this show is a deconstruction therefore it is
>too low IQ to understand what that means
>too low IQ to understand manga is going through an arc that's not over but never falls into "what it was supposed to parody"
>too low IQ to understand this isn't a parody
>Dosen't understand what postmodern is
How can a person be this retarded?
GOD gave murata a vision
>Serious Series: Serious Table Flip
Philosophy? Saitma? What does he believe anyway? The only thing properly established is that he used to be really passionate about his hobby and got too strong and now dosen't take anyone or anything seriously anymore, be it in a battle of strength or ideology.
he just takes a long cold shower under a waterfall after this is over and thinks very hard about what he's done
In the span of an entire year, the manga has around adapted 6 chapters of the webcomic (59-65). That means there are 59 chapters left to be adapted until we get to the point the webcomic is currently at. Even if we discount the fact that a fairly large chunk of this time was devoted to two non webcomic fights (Saitama v Orochi and CE vs Dragon PM) I can only come to one conclusion:
Unless Murata clones himself this shit will never be adapted to completion.
OPM with Saitama = a battle shonen parody
OPM without Saitama = a generic battle shonen
The world without OPM = a lot better
MP100 without sakuga = a boring slice of life
ONE is a overrated writer = the truth
You = brainlet with little penis
Is she Class A material?
I think she got the 3rd highest score from Rhino Wrestler out of everyone so probably
Why dont we talk about twintail? Do we hate clowns?
Why does Orochi’s final form look so stupid and lame?
Why is his head so tiny?
Heroic proportions
>Superheroes are often drawn with smaller heads than normal
He's not black
That's actually interesting, didn't know that
superalloy black luster is not black??
Read the webcomic
What would Saitama's children be like?
He's supposed to look punchable, not scary. Saitama felt an impulse to punch Suiryu which startled him, because he knows that one of his punches will fucking kill him.
I think he stopped aging as soon as he achieved becoming all powerful.
One Punch Man would be better if it solely focused on Genos and Saitama slice of life
Mob is the child of Saitama and Tatsumaki
He was adopted by his "parents" shortly after birth
Why do you think there are so many OPM references in MP100?
By the time of Mob's birth, Saitama was globally recognized as the ultimate hero and became a pop culture icon.
There's a reason when describing psychic powers, they showed tatsumaki.
Its actually one of the reasons Mass Effect Andromeda looks so silly (other than the bad animations). Everyone is like 5 foot 8 in that game but in the previous trilogy everyone is nearly 7 feet tall. So when you put the protagonists of each game right next to each other the new one looks like a child
I hate this and I hate you.
Search your feelings.
You KNOW it to be true.
Yeah, the superhero satire/slice of life mashup of the first season was really nice. I get that ONE wanted to tell a story with Garou but his inclusion really changed the direction of the whole story because he's the one who got the whole hero's journey development.
This is confirmed Canon and nothing will ever tell me otherwise
It's 100% bull testicles.
One Punch Man would be better if it had a proper goal to the series.
One Punch Man's joke got old fast, they should have use it to craft a story instead of doing garbage lol so random storytelling.
It sucks mostly because i cannot stand garou at all.
You literally have no evidence to the contrary.
They have Saitama on their fucking food.
It's obvious he is well known in their world.
But on a much simpler level, think about how both Mob and Saitama have the exact same face.
have sex
Does that mean they are related to watchdog man?
The webcomic is better. Muruta’s run basically turned it into DBZ
>shitposting an easy-to-spot troll
>people actually fall for it
>you literally don't need to do anything else except read the title of the show to spot a troll
well done op. seems like people just can't help themselves
He has a very basic face, but the eyes are entirely different.
I fail to see how pic related tears apart the fact that Saitama is Mob's dad.
thats why the first few posts saged until people stopped sageing
Don't know. I think its fine but it definitely is not as cool as the first form he had or his second one.
but it is pretty funny at times and also the fights are neat, nobody is actually watching anime for some deep story bullshit unless theyre a colossal faggot
He ages none of his physical change affects his aging at all.
Sales have drop for a good reason, people figured out it's not that good.
>he doesn't know
He's taking after Murata and redrawing last chapter so Flash doesn't job as hard.
Gums would be the optimal match up honestly
I think he is really the only one no hero can lose to, or he is going to surely die
You can't tell a Superhero story without having a literal Superman user, and Saitama is the only character that fits that role.
Why nobody talks about Saitama having a smooth skin regardless of tanking absurd shit all day?
Does he feel soft to touch?
How can you know this, breaking his limiter could mean he has become an eternal undying hero for justice.
Agreed, he is probably strong enough to lock him down and probably has some broken digestion
except any actual canon facts
Show me a canon fact against that theory right now
show any canon fact for it, oh wait you can't. it's all just headcanon, retard.
Okay, in S2E4 Saitama is literally on-screen keeping an eye on Mob.
This LITERALLY CONFIRMS they're in the same universe.
If you want more proof, I can show you when Puri Puri Prisoner shows up in S1.
For one mob's earth is normal earth while saitama's world is a super continent.
Another thing saitama has no feelings for for any ofhatsoever.
as i said, headcanon
>he takes anime and manga seriously
As long as we're discussing MP100 being the continuation of OPM, I might as well share my headcanon.
I think the god-level threat Shibabawa and Psykos saw was God releasing the spirits of the dead upon the earth.
He arrives, Saitama fights God and before it's over, God unleashes the spirits.
I've never seen that before!
Mob's parents were in the series, unless ONE says something like he was adopted you can't claim anything.
Keep crying about it
So far I'm the only guy with any evidence on my side, you two just complain and show nothing to back your claims up
how convenient that you ignored this post lol
Read the words I wrote again. Every antagonist in OPM relies on brute force to bring about whatever change they wish to see in society, even if it's something as pointlessly petty as getting away with being a public menace. But they all eventually face Saitama, who cannot be defeated by brute force. The antagonists who face Saitama only have three options:
A) crash and burn
B) try to convince Saitama that they are right
C) realise they're fools and seek greater wisdom
You literally have no evidence they're not the same earth.
We've only ever seen one side of the globe in OPM.
Literallyjust references and nothing more.
>Taking cute tongue in cheek background references as hard evidence for shipping canon.
Delusion at it's peak.
imagine coping this hard
How? we seen a map of the world of OPM and its not ours. Mob is set in japan, OPm set in a super continent of the prefecture of saitama. Also no explanation to no monsters or mention of them and also the expansion of espers at this point I believe your just trolling to end the thread.Coping for what? They aren't the same.
You're an idiot but I admire your tenacity
It's not about a ship, I'm trying to prove to a bunch of retards that Mob Psycho is in the same timeline as OPM.
We've seen a partial map of the one supercontinent
genos is a bottom.
How? we seen the whole supercontinent on the map during the metoer arc.
Can we talk about one punch man now?
Well we'll need another thread soon since this one is near its limit
seeing the ass from the front is truly the only thing that keeps me alive.
If this wasn't a blue board I could post some stuff that would really make your life worth living.
Based and checked
I'm working on it right now. Taking a break every 3 minutes to shitpost here though, hope you don't mind.
Did anyone else realize that Drive Knight is Machine God?
>and thinks very hard about what he's done
No need to add your fanfiction to the post faggot.
Why is there so little high quality fanart?
99% of everything looks nothing like Murata.
Is he just that talented?
you know the answer to that
lol theres only a few great parody animus. OPM is one of them. what are you hating on?
m100 would have been 1000x better if Sho really did murder Mob's family. otherwise its just a happy ending nonsense middle-school the-one generic shit-anime.
the only fun thing about M100 is watching how one piece came about. someone must have said how mob beats all enemies after one punch... then you have the 'claw association' with its meeting rooms full of monsters who dont like to work together...
hahaha its just one punch man really. even the MC is a generic face kid with no emotions (saitama = mob).
They aren't in the same universe because monsters don't attack regularly or in any way for that matter in the Mob universe, there's no danger zones and no siren alarms for evacuations user. The Mob universe is only ridden with ghosts, demons and urband legend creatures that are paranormal in nature even when in physical form. What you're noticing is a completely normal visual reference habit both in anime and manga, artists naturally reference characters from their other works as similar sidecharacters or even from mangas of other authors. It's not even a direct character reference but purposefull design input,if you drew a manga you'd do it spontaneously as well.
someone needs to edit a space marine in here
>saitama marries this
lucky guy
>playing games
>she falls asleep in his arms
>he fucks her
>he throws her away
Did I miss anything?
congratulations, you're not blind
What? He's the best part of OPM.
Watching him not giving a fuck regardless of the situation is the funniest shit ever.
Most MC aren't as ruthless as Genos.
I-I dontu finished it yetu. Sowwy. Prease be patiento, I willu do my besto. Sankyu.
Are you deliberately misunderstanding that panel? She tries to kill him immediately after while his guard is down.
It”s called Shingeki no Kyojin
It wasn't about the panel but the overall interaction and his behavior around her. The content of the post described events far after that panel, you're an idiot.
Well said.
I heard the mc got his head shot off in that one.
Absolutely true. Hell, not a single named character's parents or children have been introduced. It is blindingly obvious that there will be no romantic relationships in this manga, unless you're a total retard. It's amazing how many total retards there are in this thread.
>We're not mexicans, most common names here are biblical
While you're right that Pablo is not a Brazilian/Portuguese name, most Spanish names are also biblical:
Pablo: Paul
Juan: John
Pedro: Peter
Miguel: Michael
Jesus: Jesus
You are a very stupid person.