
Thoughts on Part Skipping?

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I don't skip in series I like because I like to know everything that happened in the universe.

Skip Part 1

I got to the guitarist guy arc in part 4 and was done. Just boring as fuck with shitty characters. Skipped to the next part with no regrets.

>Skipping the best part


These threads still exist?
Anyways don't skip parts but I don't care if someone doesn't perceive the LNs and the extra stuff as non canon because it is.

Is watching the first and last few episodes of part 3 considered skipping it?

Skip everything after part 2. Seriously, the series peaked with Joseph.

Don't skip but fast forward, only part 3 has parts that should be skip for how long winded it is.

I forgive episode/chapter skipping in for example part 3 since it drags at some points but part skipping is retarded.

Skipping part 6 is alright. It's not that good and having a female lead make it harder to like


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Skip SO like a true VAchad

Why does the father look like Miki's dad? Why does Jonathan look like Akira and why does Dio look like Ryo? Hmmmmm something is fishy here.

I honestly don't understand why people throw such an autistic shit fit about part skipping. A huge amount of the fanbase started on part 3 then watched/read the rest if they were more interested. That's kind of the entire benefit of the part structure.

I want part 7 too, user, but skipping is for bitches.

There is a special place in hell for part skippers.

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How does it feel to be among the bottom level of the human race

What would you gain from shortening your experience with the biggest meme generator since Sponge Bob?

>skipping any part
fucking plebs I swear

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>Part 2
You literally gotta go back

You should've just watched the OVAs instead if you were going to do that

Hating on the best part? No dignity

the only case it is ok is say if you watch the anime up to the current season [5 now] and then go hey I really liked that I want to read the anime and you "skip" to part six of the manga because you allready saw the anime
people that do that are cool with me but any other form of skiping is wrong

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I really really like that image

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Have another.

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>pleb status: filtered

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what kind of pleb skips parts in anime or manga? i'll never get this bait, no matter how many reposts.

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Skip part 5

It's not as bad as people say it is. There are plenty of anime and manga that I've only seen certain bits of because the rest didn't interest me. Why waste my own limited lifespan watching something I don't enjoy just to appease the arbitrary rules of some autists who I've never met?

Because one of the greater joys from Araki's work is watch his style grow and develop with time with each part he starts.

You choice. You are just cutting out boring stuff along with half the enjoyment.

>Dio Brando is the best villain according to this ESL retard

Yoshikage Kira.
that is all I have to say

Might as well just start watching or reading something else

part 5 is the only part you can and should skip

>skip pt 5

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Skip yourself

That's the whole point of skipping something. So you can go do something else.

everyone on Yea Forums knows you dont skip, if they say otherwise they just want you triggered.

no one skips

Skipping parts is fine if they're unbearable to you. Just read or watch a recap of the part if you're confused. Jojo fags will go fucking rapid if you even think about part skipping but it's not that big a deal

Part 5 started off strong but the last third was a trainwreck. It got worse the longer it went, especially the "final battle" (lmao). Kind of the opposite of Part 3 funny enough. Both had unlikeable protagonists so they have that in common.

Part 5 is literally about why skipping is bad. Did you miss the message about how taking shortcuts and only caring about the results ultimately destroys you?

It's kind of a meme that got out of control, but I honestly think that every Part kinda changes the tone, but progressively, and if you skip a part you end up getting an abrupt change.

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Imagine wanting to enjoy LESS of a series, nu JoJo fans are fucking spoiled. DiU anime ruined everything.

Don't know about story but the first half of part 3 was kind of week and the beginning of part 4 weren't very good. Both are a bit of a grind to get into but finish strong.

Part 4 is a masterpiece from beginning to end. Dont ever compare the shit that is part 3 with it

Nice joke. Part 4 is barely above part 1.

Holy shit, get away from me Youtube Anime Community, you died fucking years ago and lost all 3 movies you made.

I skipped parts 5-6, and read SBR and jojolion. eat my ass btw

No skipping allowed. You are required to read the shitty Nisio Isin book as well.

This is the best course of action

I don't encourage it. But if you skip part 5 you don't miss anything relevant story wise. So if you wanna skip worst part, I can forgive.

Jojolion is turning out to be shit, such a letdown. Araki style is becoming hideous to look at too.

That is literally worse than rape

Pretty retarded desu senpai. It's inoffensive at the end of the day, but you'll miss out on some context, references, and going back will be less fun if you decide to overall.

Also, skipping parts pretty much denies you from experiencing Part 7 to the fullest. I highly suggest against it.

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I should’ve skipped Part 5

i watched one season and can see a reason to never watch it again, it was fucking trash that couldn't even be bothered to do a single thing right.

it already was hideous.

Don't do it
It's the last of the worst part of Part 4. It only gets better.

I skipped golden wind and jojolion
and read SBR

Don’t skip if you don’t wanna remain a virgin

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