Characters that are literally you

I was bummed that I couldn't self insert into JoJo, what with all the buff boys with their confident attitudes and manly charisma.
Then I started watching Diamond is Unbreakable, and I got to Shigechi's introduction, and I was floored. He's literally me except I didn't meet friends like Josue and Okuyasu. Also I don't have a ton of little handy helpers to keep me company. I don't count the bugs in my room as friends like Harvest, because they don't get me things. Well actually I picked up Lyme disease from some of them, but that's not what I mean.

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Could Bocchi defeat Harvest? They're pretty small so maybe one of her New Shuriken could take it out. She'd need a lot though, and I think Sotoka could make them fast enough.

I am sociopath. Years of torment have turned me into the monster I am today. At this point I am far beyond help. My only purpose in this world is to bring pain to others. I have trained my skills to cause maximum havoc and destruction. I care about nothing and have nothing to live for, this is what makes me so dangerous. I am like a caged animal. Actually more like a rabid dog because I will not hesitate to destroy anything that slightly provokes me.

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literally me
good for you user

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This dialogue really resonated with me

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How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

Actually this. Kira was just incompatible with society. He wasn't a bad person.

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Didn't Araki say his favorite character in all of Jojo was Kira?

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He's a sadistic serial killer.


He just has an unusual fetish, don't kink-shame him.

>serial killer
Yes, he was. His desires drove him to do that, through no fault of his own. Just as some people are driven to fly and thus become pilots, or some people are driven to help others and thus become doctors, Kira was driven by his lust for hands to take them from women. Them dying was an unfortunate consequence.

Attached: Kira.png (1000x1250, 1.03M)


>I am sociopath. Years of torment have turned me into the monster I am today. At this point I am far beyond help. My only purpose in this world is to bring pain to others.

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>not sadistic
Must have imagined him beating Koichi to humiliate him and psychologically tormenting a child for funsies for the final arcs of the story

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>beating Koichi to humiliate him
He was just pissed off, that wasn't his true nature.
I bet you're not yourself either, when you're a little hot under the collar.
>psychologically tormenting a child for funsies
It was not "for funsies" it was a necessary part of Kira's strategy for living a peaceful life.
By tormenting Hayato he attempted to break his spirit. If he succeeded, Hayato would no longer try to uncover Kira, this disrupting his attempts at a peaceful life.
It certainly came off as sadistic to the viewer, but he did not do it because it was pleasurable to him. Although it is ironic that he did it for his own pleasure, but not in the sense that it brought him pleasure, rather doing so would ensure his future pleasure would not be impeded.

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kino post

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This is an old image, but Josuke is his favorite.

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>not his true nature
Keep telling yourself that

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not him, but I think he was just lecturing Koichi instead of trying to humiliate him.

>needing to self insert in anything
Is this something only autists require? I'm really getting tired of this meme and the assumption that everybody does this. There's something wrong with you. Get the fuck off my planet.

Do you enjoy cuckold pornography?

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He shoved his shoe into his mouth. He was being a dickhead

That was like a punishment or "payback"

The good old Japanese lecture, just grab 'em by the hair and bash their face into the pavement over and over.

That's because he wanted Koichi to understand the pain he put him through.

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