Was Zero no Tsukaima the pioneer for the isekai genre?

Was Zero no Tsukaima the pioneer for the isekai genre?

15 years later, I still want to FUCK Louise!

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Halo invented FPS games.

It's not what got it exploding, hell .hack came before that.

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No, but that desire is correct.

>What is Dante's Inferno?

are you guys crazy? She is only for protecting and maybe some hand holding and cuddling.

Handholding and cuddling are important, but it's best broken up occasionally by sex. The same as Tabitha.

i want to CUM INSIDE louise, badly

Louise straight up doms Saito with a whip get this protecc and cuddle garbage outta here.

Tabitha was better

god, i wish that was me

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Familiar of Zero also brought the idea of cuckolding into the mainstream fetish dialogue.

Louise literally had to watch Satou rail the Queen.

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I like them both about the same, but Louise has much more official art and wish Tabitha has just as much like it. She should have been able to go to Earth too, and join them in bed.

Queen must win in that night. Saito was a faggot.

imagine being between her thighs

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That's not the way I prefer imagining it.

I love the two first seasons of this show, both perfect in my opinnion. Too bad it went downhill pretty fast from the third season onwards

Get in line.

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I wish we could have a remake, with a few corrections.

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do you think louise smells like sweat and dried period blood because it's a magical isekai world in a medieval setting and bathing wasn't a cultural norm yet?

femdom is the most cucked fetish next to actual NTR

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Naice baito, user-san!

It's a very long line.

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Is Louise a good tsundere characterwise?

It had influence over Konosuba and Re:zero

The rest of the isekai genre is mostly power fantasies like SAO.

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Is it worth picking back up? Stopped watching halfway through the first episode

This is the only true pioneer of the isekai genre

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It's the Peanuts of anime it's literally a classic it's a modern day timeless masterpiece that influenced everyone who watched it while they were young and its nuance is lost to the masses who only vaguely remember it.

As far as capturing the magic of 90s fantasy anime, it's nearly at slayers level.

Character development is usually sacrificed for the sake of pacing, but the characters are all pretty stock so it was the right decision.

god that doujin was cringe
such a blatant self insert, almost as bad as that satania one

Not that this came out in the 90s, it just feels like it did.

peanuts is the peanuts of anime

Peanuts is better than most anime. EVAtards can suck my ass if they think that garbage is even half as introspective as Charlie Brown and his continuous misery. Charlie is a more well developed character with more realistic depictions of apathetic grief and the tragedy of human nature than any anime or manga.

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Peanuts

Childhood is idolizing Calvin & Hobbes.
Adulthood is realizing that Peanuts is the superior intellectual strip.

Aren’t all doujins self insert?

i want to send her back to her land as a single mom!

>send her back
Why would anyone want to do that?

what kind of nigger translates the tittle?

Why do you want to fuck a kid?

why is her anime design so timeless? it doesnt look outdated at all. unlike some haruhi, fullmetal jacket and clannad artwork

> Was Zero no Tsukaima the pioneer for the isekai genre?

fuck no. There's much older isekai shit like Magic Knight Rayearth and more.

Louise is for savage ravishing.

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I forced myself to sit through the entire first season of an MC with a legitimate case of Stockholm Syndrome who consistenly rebuffs nice girls for the sake of a bratty little shit. Don't make the same mistake I did, it only gets worse from there.

That should have remained just as see-through at the top as the bottom. She didn't need panties either, her hand is more than enough.

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Why didn't he fuck the blue girl?

because she'd just lie there, completely emotionless, the whole time.

True, true. Doesn't sound very pleasant desu

sounds hot

If ZnT was released today would Kirche be the main heroine instead to join the gyaru wave?

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I would literally never stop trying to impregnate Louise. Every day I would wake her up by coming in her and every night I would cum in her right before going to sleep, which I would do with my dick stuck insider her. I would take some viagra before bed just to maintain my erection so that she'll be ready in the morning when I thrust into her like an animal and slather her in kisses. Part of our wedding vows would be to have as many children as physically possible. I wouldn't even care if she's already pregnant, I'll fuck her while she's pregnant and she'll get double pregnant. I'll fill her with so much cum every day that she'll look pregnant even when she isn't (which she'll never be after we're married) I would do everything in my power to make Louise as fertile as possible. I'd give her fertility drugs, I'd give her uterus massages, breast massages, I wouldn't let her go 5 hours without at least one spastic orgasm. I'll even bake her home made lactation inducing biscuits to help her get to a point of hyperlactation syndrome so that she'll be seeping out multiple quarts of milk per day. Which I will save and drink just so that I can tell her how delicious it is. I'll make her so fertile that triplets will be the minimum number she's carrying at any given time. I would literally never stop doting on her, I would respond to her every beck and call and I would cum inside her again each time she asks for something. She would be so pregnant all the time that she would literally not be able to stand up straight anymore even after menopause. Her spine would be permanently bent out of shape to accommodate a pregnant belly. Even after she can't get pregnant anymore I would just keep putting more eggs into her. I would clone her purely so that I can put fresh eggs from the clone inside her after she runs out of them. She would have so much progesterone running through her veins at any given time that even the thought of not being pregnant would seem alien to her.

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Are you somehow implying that gyarus can ever hope to come close to peak tsunderies?

What peak? Louise is a flat plain.

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what do you think louise smells like?

Literally strawberry and vanilla.

It's one of the biggest flaws. He didn't need a large harem, but Tabitha needed to be fucked too.

Not completely, and getting some emotion out of her would be part of the fun.

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semen when I am done with her.

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she will be pregnant with decuplets when I am done as well.

do you think louise shaves her poosy, or is it a pink jungle down there?

I'm in love with Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière!

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I wish we had some official art that could tell us for sure.

She doesn't grow any hair down there so she doesn't need to.

>Ever being done

So you know I would never ever pull my dick out of her and keep thrusting even when she is pregnant

But how will she piss?

more like how will she give birth, because I won't pull out and will keep fucking her even while she is in labor.

I wanna give this queen a dozen princes/princesses!

No (at most the pioneer of the "insert generic male into harem" isekai) and Jessica was better.

>but Louise was hot and adorable

I wish the anime would have let her move it, and show us her nipples.

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Disgusting and Repulsive Shit Taste, Fuck You and Die Louise-Tards

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ironic shitpost is still shitposting.

Ayy it's ESL back at it again.

Louise might be a jealous bitch, but Saito is a fucking Nimrod who needs those beatings to keep him in line. Otherwise he'd be off fucking the princess or elf without even thinking about the consequences

The one where Satania was already friends with some random guy and just enters his bathroom like no big deal? I didn't enjoy that either. Wasn't in character for Satania and makes no sense.

She isn't as bad in the LN. He didn't need to fuck ones like the elf, but Tabitha needed to be.

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16 year old me had such a crush on Kitchen. I was let down that she was pushed to the side so hard since she was one of the first to go after Saito. However I was happy to see her get together with the teacher and be happy.

Thanks auto correct

she's a fully grown woman who's ready to be bred, i bet it's hairy down there

>loli body is fully grown
man you pubeflossers are so retarded i bet you'd get turned on by blowjobs if the chick is sporting a beard

If there isn't going to be a harem end, it's generally better to give the other girls someone else early instead of making it seem like they just settled for someone else at the end, or no one at all.

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Ponytail Louise is a sexual beast and I will have rough fuck with her until she cums hard enough to not stand

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Didn't the author die before the series was finished and it was just not finished?

He died after the final season of the anime aired, but before he could finish the novels.
The last 2 novel volumes where released with another author using the real author's notes, outlines, and the stuff he had finished for them already to fill in the blanks and complete the story.

How the fuck did it end exactly?

saito went to kiss louise but actually groped the maids tits and she got mad at punched him and called him a dog, then the screen panned upwards to the sky

Are you talking about the anime or the novel?

the novel, the author wrote that down in his notes just before dying

Louise got married, had sex, and went to Japan. There were too many blanks in certain parts.

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Saito gets depressed and is very torn between staying in helkegenia or going back home.
He marries Louise, and on their wedding night she walks in in him crying really hard and she tells him to return home, because she can tell he misses his parents deeply.
He says his good-byes to everyone, and Louise opens a portal to Earth, but at the last second, she goes with him.
We don't get to see them play around on Earth like in the anime, and the novel makes it seem like there really is no way to return whatsoever.

Well, he got to marry, fuck, and likely impregnate, the FFFFLLLAATTTTT.

He won it all.

reminder that we will never get to see:
>Louise exploring Tokyo
>louise meeting saito's parents
>louise as a 9 months pregnant housewife.

It still could have been better, some of it might have been improved if the author didn't die first.

They shouldn't need the author to make an anime sequel for that, but original content can't advertise a LN.


No, but it set several standards and popularized many tropes that persist throughout the genre even today. Much Like ZnT did for fantasy isekai.

the only thing Halo invented was FPS on the console
ZnT didnt invent anything

Halo set the standard for scarcity in the ayer arsenal by limiting the number of guns you cpuld carry to 2 at a time.
Before that it was just infinite guns in games like doom.
Also, I didn't use the word "invented". Halo wasn't the first FPS to have vehi9l, for example, but it integrated them seamlessly into its level design in a way no FPS before it had before. It was also the game that made online MP for consoles popular (with Halo 2).
ZnT didn't invent things, but it was the first and arguably most popular in a looong line of tsundere fantasy series and isekai to follow. And many series today even borrow ideas from it.
Megumin from Konosuba being a flat explosion mage is not something that the author could have done without at least having louise cross his mind at some point, for example.

>the only thing Halo invented was FPS on the console
Did you forget Goldeneye 64?

Megumin is Lina, not Louise, you uncultured pleb
I'm pretty sure there were fantasy isekai before ZnT, there were definitely tsundere harems

if a girl gets cucked by the queen, does that make her a cuckquean?

Again, I never said it invented the tropes it utilizes. But it definitely popularized them.
Louise set the violebt tsundere trnd in the mid 2000's. And she was the first of the Kugirie tsunderes. Saito also set the "isekai protagonist where's a track top" fad.

>Louise set the violebt tsundere trnd in the mid 2000's
No that was Love Hina
You'r probably right about the track top though

Louise is a bigger slut than Queen Medb

>only ever interested in one man
>saves herself for marriage and loses hee virginity to her husband on their wedding night
She's a good Christian girl

Saito should have at least accepted her offer to help him out with what her naked body did to him. He didn't have to put it inside her for that.

You mean she's a good christian baby factory

I doubt Saito had any way to prevent a possible pregnancy the first time. We will never know if he managed to get her pregnant that quickly.

Louise is a good girl, Saito is the manslut.

It sure was ahead of its time
I can't believe all the shitty isekai nowadays makes it look like a masterpiece

You're forgetting that Saito's powers grant him mastery over any weapon he wields.

>But a dick is only considered a concealed weapon when it has certain characteristics, such as: length, typically over four inches laws
Don't worry about that, he doesn't qualify.

Someone confirm if I'm remembering correctly or not. In one episode, after Saito's usual shenanigans, Louise makes Saito promise he won't grope large breasts ever again, and later in the episode he gropes Tabitha.

>he gropes Tabitha.
God I wish that were me

>he won't grope large breasts ever again
I guess this means Louise stays a chestlet forever or that when she grows honkers like her sisters Saito will never get to touch them.

Tabitha needed more groping.

This too.

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>you'll never be transported to another world
why even live?

Why are you jerks having a ZnT thread without me?

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I remember how sad Yea Forums got when the author died. I SAY YES

Imagine the hot sexy moans she lets out while she takes a bit shit

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Fuushigi Yuugi came out several years before that OP, and there were other isekai series before that as well.

Louise awakens a primal desire in me to sexually manhandle her

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Louise is literally perfect.

I want her to violate me with her riding crop!

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>ywn have small, cute, submissive french wife

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It's shit in case of a heroine, but on the other hand it's surprisingly BASED in case of a femMC.

Is Louise a boomer tier waifu?

I want Louise to dominate me. While she is stepping on my balls with her high heels, she will force me to take out her bloody tampon using only my teeth. She will then get fucked by 3 black guys while she forces me to watch. Her moans and pleasure will get me me aroused but I can't get a boner (because she put a tiny cage around my cock). The black men will laugh and humiliate me because I was forced to crossdress while all this occurs. After the black men have unleashed their loads inside Louise, she will walk up to me and force me to lick the cum out of her vagoo. The black men's cum starts dribbling down my face and onto my dress as I am licking Louise's swollen pussy like the dog I am. Afterwards she will beat the shit out of me for not adequately satisfying her. After a long night of being degraded, humiliated, and tortured I will be forced to sleep on the ground; in the nude. I will be cold, tired, and hungry but I don't care because I love Louise.

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Did they end up finishing the novel? The last I remembered, I read up till Vol 19/20/21(?) or so, and heard that the editors were using the dead author's notes to end the series.
Please. I need to know whether to give up or not. I need closure.


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Thanks. I guess I'll reread everything from 18/19 onwards.

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I want to drink her bath water

Louise is at her best when she is being submissive.

why the fruit?

How about no.

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How can one small girl like her be so sexual?

There's nothing I wouldn't do to her

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It's the lewd pink.

I'd spend days eating her asshole out

It is best when she thinks she can dom, only to become submissive the moment things get hot.

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She's only submissive when getting blacked. Even then it's only when the BBC is entirely inside her.

I want to be whipped by Louise-sama!

Wow fat.

How big is Louise?

Taller and has bigger tits than the other 2 Rie characters of that era

She is a huge slut!

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If you think about it, any story that involves a Greek deity coming down to earth is basically an Isekai, with the Gods being the equivalent of Normal Japanese Teens with cheat skirru.

I think the first season's worth viewing. It really depends on why you stopped watching.

That scene where he rushes through the enemy with his sword and then is lying in the grass and screams her name

God damn what a scene

The second season is alright
Mixed feelings on the ending though.

What a faggot

What do you mean? The finale of season 2 was probably the best one in the whole series

I miss this show

i wish louise was my slave!

At least one of them didn't need to be there.

Nah, you are just a pedo

Came here to post this.
Maybe only the harem QUALITY op MC.
The last ep of S2 is the only part I still cherish.

>What is hack
>What is escaflowne

Get the fuck out this board

Fushigi Yuugi, senpai.
Juuni Koukuki is still the best Isekai. I hear it's getting another season.

Big enough.

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I'd rather just be in the bath with her.

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>When you make a series so terrible God himself punishes you with Stage 4

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So why exactly why Saito not able to cast magic if his power lets him fly a plane no problem? A wand should classify as a weapon.

Louise had me IMAGINING before I knew I could imagine.

>Last season was Basically Saito getting cockblocked by other girls the moment he and Louise was about to fuck

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>15 years later

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>the Peanuts of anime
You mean that thing that bores you as a kid but your parents have you watch it with them, and then you grow up and it becomes nostalgic so you bore your kids by having them watch it with you?

Probably because they didn't want to have him fuck her before marriage, but then they should have had a sex scene then.

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That's not how it worked. Firstly, it applies to things that can actually be used as weapons, not metaphorical "weapons." You could use magic cast with a wand to kill people, but that doesn't make the wand itself a weapon. That'd be like arguing "The pen is mightier than the sword" would allow him to become a powerful politician or literally genius by picking one up.
More importantly, a big part of the ZnT universe is that magical ability is something you're born with. People born with magical ability can practiced and improve their skills, but non-mages can't become mages (this is why they're nobles). Even if Saito were to gain master-level knowledge of how to use a wand upon picking it up, he can't channel magical spells through the wand because he's not a mage, and his power doesn't make him one either. He's able to fly a modern plane because that is mostly knowledge, skill, and physical ability, which its stated his powers do grant him.

hack was so bad though it discouraged isekai

>He's able to fly a modern plane because that is mostly knowledge, skill, and physical ability, which its stated his powers do grant him.
I thought it was becasue the plane he was in was made to be a weapon?

Yes, I already mentioned that.
>Firstly, it applies to things that can actually be used as weapons, not metaphorical "weapons."


And ZnT was good?

No, it was great.

The anime is pretty bad, go read the novels.

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Louise is for rape and forced impregnate and rape during pregnancy.

Tabitha's position must have made the nude filters too difficult to show as much of her as Louise.

>Ko-ko-kono! Baka Inu!!!!!
I miss that. Can't find the ED with that anywhere and i won't bother downloading anything. It's a shame The Rie aged so fucking badly but i still love her.

you all are indeed consistent

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I want to fuck Louise too
though I was disappointed that Saito didn't go full Marxist

i want to make louise give birth to half breed children!

Those opening songs were top notch.

I can't comprehend how cheesy pop songs make the anime

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Imagine someone willingly saving Yea Forums shit on their computer just to bait on Yea Forums.

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I Say Yes is the best.

My nigga. I'd say it goes:
I Say Yes > I'll be There for You > First Kiss = You're the One

>he doesn't like girls with beards and ball sacks
what a fucking faggot

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If I remember right, wasn't Inuyasha pretty much was the turning point this type of anime, young adult goes back to a fantasy realm, encounters or comes with their love interest, and progressively becomes more adept in combat.

Inuyasha was certainly quite popular, but there are earlier anime which hit those points, such as El-Hazard, Fushigi Yugi, Magic Knight Rayearth, and Aura Battler Dunbine.

>Louise thread is still alive

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Doesn't even need to be by the queen

One of the worst things about the anime being over is no more art official showing how much Louise wants to be ravaged.

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J.C Staff.
Yeah while Inuyasha was a sort of bridge for the genre into the turn of the millennium. Not to say it was particularly needed, though it didn't fail to keep this type of narrative in people's imagination.

What did Louise mean by this?

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>J.C Staff.
They knew what they were doing.

So does she.

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>15 years later, I still want to FUCK Louise!
What's that have to do with the isekai genre?

Well, no. There's also El Hazard, Escaflowne, 12 Kingdoms, Fushigi Yugi, Rayearth, and probably a bunch more I'm forgetting....


Imagine eating her ass for five, maybe six hours.

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12 Kingdoms. Also, this made me realize that most pre-2010 isekai, except for znt and El Hazard, were mostly shoujo

>Saito could've fucked a queen
>Saito could've fucked TWO queens
>he doesn't do either despite the fact he's a cheating hazard

Saito should have fucked Tabitha too and brought her home along with Louise. What happens to her country isn't her problem.

This shit actually does isekai right i.e. the fact he comes from a different world has actual impact on the story.

>Imagine eating her ass for five, maybe six hours.
God I wish I could do that

Imagine eating her pussy for 20 minutes

The joke is she was playing "Crawling" by Linkin Park, right?

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Wait what? I don't remember this. I thought the queen fucked off?

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she is 17

>lawful wife
>live in concubines
>occasional consensual and tender sex
>Louise's busty sister
That's how it should have ended. He's the familiar of two of them, as for Tabitha her life was so fucked up it's doubtful she could connect to another boy the way she did with him. And these 3 could reasonably be expected to not kill each others. I can even see them teaming up to fight off invading thots like the maid or the queen.

There's a doujin with her about something like that.

Boy, was this show fucking overrated and shit.
Season 1 was sort of passable, but after that it takes a big fucking nosedive.

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Series was garbage. All those hot sexy big titty girls lusting for the MC's dick and he goes for the pre pubescent looking Loli who beats and tortures him for having a dick. Hate it. Cucked series for KEKOLDS.


She’s going to be a teen mom

>not wanting a loli to beat you and give you pity sex

Facts. Keeping around designated losers is shitty for everyone involved. Either go for a harem end or don't make your audience get invested in a relationship that will never happen.

Louise! Louise! Louise! Louiseeeeeeaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!
Ahhhhh… aa… a, aahhh! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Louise Louise Louiseeeeuuuuuuwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Ah Kunkakunka! Kunkakunka! SuuHaa! SuuHaa! Good smell…Kunkun
Nhaah! I wanna Kunkakunka Louise Francoise-tan's pink blond hair! Kunkakunka!AhaA!
Mistook! I wanna mofmof! Mofmof! Mofmof! Hair hair Mofmof! Karikarimofmof! Cuincuin
Louise on novel volume 12 was Cuuuutteeee! AaaAA!…AAA…AhAaAAAA!FaaAAAnnn!!
Congratulation 2nd season was on air! Louise-tan! AaAAAAA! Cute! Louise-tan! Cute! AhAAaAA!
Comic volume 2nd was sold and I'm happ… NooOOOOO!!! NyaaAAAAAAAN! GyaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA(Aaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh)!!!
GahhhaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAA! Comic is not real! Oh…novels and anime is too…
L o u i s e I s N o t R e a l? NyaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! UwaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA!
GetchaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA!!! Noooooooo! HaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAn! Uwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
This! Fxxk! I give up! I give up such a reallife…te…what? Look? Illustlated Louise-tan is looking at me?
Illustlated Louise-tan is looking at me ! Louise-tan is watching me! Illustlated Louise-tan is looking at me !
Louise-tan on anime is watching me! I feel relieved… The world is not that bad!
Iyahhoooooooooooooo!!! Louise is with me! I did it, Kety! I can do it!
oh, comic's Louise-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAaaaaaaaNnnn!!! NooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
AhAnAAhAAna, Ms Ann!!!! Si, Siestaaaaaaaaaaaa! HenriettaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! TabathaaaaaAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!
UUtUuuUUU!!! May my wish to Louise! To Louise on Halkeginia!

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Tabitha was the only concubine needed.

how do you think he feels knowing his gf is a literal GYARU slut?

he seems okay with it, but is he really?

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Did he really have any chance for someone else?

>im going out with friends again tonight, dont wait up.
>*hands her some condoms*

why was she so suddenly interested in him?

all trashy sluts like bald old men

he saved her life so now he gets free pussy

Saito really wasted a lot of opportunities.

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Literally me.


Because the author need to sideline her to give Louise a chance to win.

but would you fuck Louise (3D)

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Louise would always win. She needed to share with Tabitha, and Saito made a mistake by not including her.

Zero no Tsukaima is a shit anime. It completely misses the point of the LN and converts Louise into a walking stereotype. Definetly one of the worst adaptations there are.

Familiars are cursed to love and be completely faithful to their magicians. Saito is obsessed with Louise most of the time.

By the time the curse is broken, Saito realizes he's actually in love with her and proposes marriage. However, it's never clear if those are his actual feelings, or if the feelings caused by the curse had been imprinted in his brain (he could weild a sword and fly a plane even after he lost the mark after all.)

>he never went for this
Saito is hitting Shirou levels of autism

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>Familiars are cursed to love and be completely faithful to their magicians. Saito is obsessed with Louise most of the time.
No, it rids them of their homesickness, which is why he's not too cut up about being snatched away to another world.

And even with that, it's been forever since it's actually been used on another human. On top of that, Saito still tries to go home via the Eclipse, and changes his mind to save everyone.

Maybe the most Louise could tolerate with Henrietta is if she was just being given an heir, but only after Louise was first. Tabitha doesn't seem like as much of a threat to her.

Tabitha was already facing enough political pressure when she assumed the throne, intimately consorting with a low-ranking foreigner (Saito's granted title is hardly impressive) would surely lead to a coup or rebellion.

That shouldn't be her problem, she should have left that country to itself and spent more time in bed with Saito.

You'd think pasta this old would've gotten cold by now, but it's still hot as hell.

cope shirou is the biggest chad

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You guys forget, there's a difference from the climax (Saito going to fight off the army) and from the actual ending (Hahah, back to typical harem hijinx!)

I love the climax.
I don't like the ending, because it's a typical "Hahaha, back to the status quo! Time to end of the same joke we've been doing all season!"

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This post is older than many current posters, think about it.

That it's not true?

>15 years later
I thought this would be a comfy isekai thread. Instead I get reminded how old I am.

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>posting young eleonor

at least her background make her a bit realistic

>the way of windstone crisis ended
that explain why was so shit

>Queen Medb
fucking who?


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isn't hack more akin to sao?


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>she should have left that country to itself
she did

that's true too

>tfw I made that webm
Still such a nice Louise scene

If she would have to care about political pressure, she hasn't abandoned it enough. She didn't need a throne, all she needed was Saito's lap.

What season is that from?

Fuck if I know m8, but I still have it all downloaded

Attached: [Doki] Zero no Tsukaima - Futatsuki no Kishi - 11 (1280x720 HEVC BD FLAC) [669B0117].mkv_snapshot_15 (1280x720, 101K)


Best theme song

Attached: [Doki] Zero no Tsukaima - Princess no Rondo - BD Menu A (1280x720 HEVC BD FLAC) [C31A58DE].mkv_snaps (1280x720, 88K)


At least that top should have come off.

Attached: [SS-Eclipse] Zero no Tsukaima - Princess no Rondo - 11 (1280x720 h264) [0B8B84FA].mkv_snapshot_07.33 (1280x720, 868K)

Is this the best release for the show at this point?

Found it

Attached: [Doki] Zero no Tsukaima - F - 04 (1280x720 HEVC BD FLAC) [A981FF76].mkv_snapshot_11.18_[2019.08.06_1 (1280x720, 92K)

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I consider it to be the only true isekai show.

Where's Tohsaka?

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Too busy pleasing old men for money.

Wrong in so many levels

Learn to read user-kun. Shirou is still an autistic moral fag. He gets some and that's undeniable but he has mega autism

Honestly, going back to Earth would be some sort of nightmare future.

Dude was a kid, who just VANISHED one day, then suddenly shows up however long later, claims to be married, and has no real explanation of what happened.

If he told anyone they would all think hes a loon, Louise probably wouldn't get to stay with him for any number of reason(not to mention she couldn't do shit in that world since she has no birth certificate or any sort of identifying papers)

Everyone would think hes gone crazy, and that Louise was dragged with him into some sort of child trafficking operation or something. Not to mention all the school he missed out on and they would probably make him go and do.

I love Louise but what about the other best girls like Siesta, Montmorency, Kirche, and Agnes?

i must've killed a billion unborn children to louise

i feel bad that none of them were able to be inside louise

I want a harem with Louise, Siesta, and Henrietta. I'll have lots of beautiful royal children.

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christ, those panties on louise

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Can we get a chart for danderes, kuuderes, and yanderes as well? Although, the latter will be shit.

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Louise should have tried this sometime.

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.hack predates ZnT by like two years.

And even back in the '90s you had Fushigi Yugi, El Hazard, Magic Knight Rayearth, and Escaflowne, among others.

delicious tsundere naizuri

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Or double naizuri with Tabitha too.

I don't know if a man can physically handle that kind of pleasure.

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Already done in Oh my balls.

OP there's a huge piece of this you're missing.
Zero no Tsukaima didn't spawn out of nowhere, it was part of a mid-00s trend of otaku being horny for Emma Watson's Hermione (and mind you, this is like book 2 Hermi with the cat ears and shit).

Hogwarts is a progenitor of the modern isekai boom, and western fantasy that inspired it as well. Think about that!

Isekai predates Harry Potter, user. Go watch Escaflowne.

>it was part of a mid-00s trend of otaku being horny for Emma Watson's Hermione (and mind you, this is like book 2 Hermi with the cat ears and shit).
>this is like book 2 Hermi with the cat ears and shit).
You're god-damn right.

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No I know, I'm not saying it's a contemporary invention. I'm saying if we can say ZnT helped spur the isekai LN movement, we can say the same about its inspiration.
There's also an old Type-Moon interview where they rib Takeuchi for being horny for Hermione. And then Strike Witches has obvious Hermione influenced chars like Perrine and Fernandia.

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Wait hold up.
I don't remember any scene in the anime showing he fucked Louise. Did i miss something?

The anime didn't show it at all, but there was a brief one with little detail at the end of the LN.

If you look up Ginmaku Shoujo Foreign Side on sadpanda you get a collab doujin hosted by the tsukuyomi mangaka about tons of western film girls. It opens up with Tom Riddle's diary possessing Ginny and she rapes Hermione. Great stuff.

SW creator Shimada Fumikane drew a scene from The People Under the Stairs which I had to look up. Goddamn perverts.

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I never finished the LN but I remember being pretty moved by that scene where Saito receives an email from his mom. You don't get that type of emotion in isekai nowadays.


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>book 2 Hermi with the cat ears and shit


At least that image should have been animated, even if we didn't get some sort of censored sex scene.

She fucks up when illegally brewing a potion that lets one change his appearance into someone else's by drinking his hair, among other things, and turns into an abominable furry because a cat's hair was accidentally dropped into her cauldron.

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I want to lick the entire lower half of her body.

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What was the point of the LN?

to be a pretty good book

The politics and religion of the other world were a bug part of the LN. With conspiracies, treason, wars and a lot of Christian/Muslim imagery.

Louise had reasons to be such a bitch at first, but she mellows out as the story progresses. Salto gradually becomes an excellent and very responsible Knight. Most of the secondary characters played a big role in the story.

The anime is a generic ecchi with some battle elements. All the characters (especially Louise) are turned into anime stereotypes with no development whatsoever and the other world is barely explored.

And yet the anime is fairly decent

ZnT: Brotherhood when?

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yes but only because I can't get enough of Louise and I want to see her get more merch to buy

Same, I want more of her

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Why do mangaka and LN authors I like die so often? ZnT guy, KnS guy, Shindere Shoujo guy, Cocoa Fujiwara. There's more but I can't remember I'm drunk.

There's tons of stress from working in the industry; a lot of them work themselves so hard they end up hospitalized or worse.


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Recommend me some Kugimiya Rie

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Been listening to this on loop for a couple of hours now

ZnT guy had a bad break, though. He had brain cancer. I don't think there was anything that could alter his course.
But it seemingly happens a lot with literary types. Philospher Kierkegard died a young celibate (voluntary, literally had a qt wanting to marry him). Then there's that one guy who shot himself. Nietzsche died of syphilis, etc.

>59+ hours thread
So this is the power of a pink semen demon loli tsundere.

For recent stuff? Honkai Impact 3, especially God Kiana. Also Granblue's Vania.

Let's try stuff I can actually do, fuck gacha games

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She's still in Gintama

does gintama even have anime anymore?

God I want to fuck Louise!

Didn't scroll through the thread, but did someone mention Louise is literally meant for anal sex?

i wish that were true user, i wish arena fps games were still popular

What is this THK meme I keep seeing?

Seems like nah. Okay, remember that Louise is meant for anal.

Is it weird that I only like the part of the series where Louise treated Saito like a slave?

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Dude, Louise is very sexual.

>such a crush on Kitchen.
Was it the sexy tiles?

And more official art.

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