Could this duck be any cuter?

Could this duck be any cuter?
Say something nice about her.

Attached: 1522611594647.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread:

why do you guys call her a duck?

>second Tanya thread this week
Based and blessed. I started reading her manga and she's so cute there.

Attached: TanyaBike.jpg (736x1057, 190K)

Fucking clown

Attached: ewwn0u6gwt831.png (918x880, 637K)


Is it gay if it's Tanya?


Attached: how_did_you_know_by_kawacy_dbay0fn-fullview.jpg (600x958, 102K)

She's a good soldier.
Also I like her friend.

Attached: sample_0afaaa6a02c0b770d161367d25fe27f7.jpg (850x1086, 85K)

When can i see the movie?

Around December is when the blurays are out

I think US screenings in cinemas just happened aswell. Not looking great for EU screenings.

I want to be Tanya's bicycle!

Attached: 1564780155711.png (582x582, 456K)

quack quack little duck
walk like a duck
talk like a duck
look like a duck
i will fuck this duck

cute CUTE

Yuuki Aoi is a treasure

Attached: 1539186121746.jpg (1706x960, 188K)

will mr salaryman become brainfucked when his girl puberty hormones hit him?

>i will fuck this duck
No. Tanya is my wife.

Attached: 1564510390071.jpg (1034x1500, 175K)

How would Tanya react to getting pregnant?

ofc, won't stop him from rationalizing around it though.


She would see it as a great way to get out of the war


>ywn shout adoration to your mistress while she yells at you from her pedestal while fires burn around you



Look at her resting duck lips.

Attached: 5f35c6d30183b4786fb577e1e167358f.jpg (1104x828, 166K)

>computation orb is just on the clothing
They actually sell Replica Type 95 merch.

This is an illegal cosplay. You will be removed.

So who is better?
Tanya or Visha?

Better at what?

Better at sex.

cannot find the movie, shit sucks

visha, if not drunk

And if she's drunk?

>high-wheel tricycle
Is this even a thing someone tried to build, or just a visual gag about the tsar tank?

The manga comes up with weird stuff to be honest. It's not in the LN so it's probably not an obscure tank joke.

It's been a month. New chapter should be soon.

Attached: 1561675831497.png (1227x471, 428K)

Beautiful artstyle.

Its out aug 23rd

Feels bad desu

>another one of my favorite lolis is voiced by Aoi Yuki

Fucking hell, that woman is everywhere!

Lieutenant Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakov

Attached: MY wife.png (3360x1830, 3.02M)

I want more animated tanya. Anime tanya is cute too.

Have you made love to her yet?

No actually, they were a real thing. One of the earlier cycle designs. No clue what they're called.
I don't know why they decided to include it here. Feels like a reference.

Her mouth looks like an apple slice. Or one of those chocolate oranges.

Those had a single large wheel.

Attached: pennyfarthing.jpg (800x1067, 237K)

Attached: 432654432.png (1920x1080, 987K)

I have no mouth and I must serve the duck

Is she from occupied Poland?

no, she is from Russia, she and her family fled because of the commies

Могу я одолжить эту утку?

Attached: SOON but in red.png (524x608, 133K)

She was nobility before the commies chased her out of Russia.

Attached: Tanya.webm (720x404, 2.84M)


Attached: __tanya_degurechaff_and_viktoriya_ivanovna_serebryakov_nyantype_and_youjo_senki__sample-edc9b305560b (850x1184, 234K)

Я хотел бы купить утку

Attached: SOON.png (524x608, 160K)

Duck butt hair fluff and cute duck lips

Don't you slav at me, commie.

Attached: Catgirls+are+felinids+and+felinids+are+just+another+variety+of+_d9facc5bae1f4e3a28e33647e7acc64a.jpg (540x776, 55K)

How is she evil?

Attached: zqntp766w1531.jpg (940x545, 52K)

rape Tanya

Attached: TanyaBeg.png (759x427, 397K)

освобождать Таня


How would you heal Tanya of her anger?

Everyone go out and buy more copies of the ln and more merch for tanya

Give her lots of headpats, chocolate, cute dresses, and take her to ballet lessons.

Attached: 1495786869881.jpg (1200x1141, 183K)

But I spent most of my neet cash on merch last month

Attached: [email protected] (370x320, 16K)

>not looking great for EU screenings

>just happened
It's been several months.

Find more qt neet user


Attached: ys 4bb7477c960d83999af85eb4b3f3d684.png (716x1011, 555K)

She'd marry me (who did it) and we'll raise a big happy family together away from the war and I'll have her pumping out kids so often that she'll forget what it's like to not be filled with our children. In fact she'll be the mother to so many little Tanyas that she'll be seeping out gallons of milk per day and when she eventually runs out of eggs she'll get withdrawal symptoms from not having a giant pregnant belly and I'll comfort her by inflating her with cum every morning and giving her belly rubs and sucking her nipples to keep her sensitive and lactating and I'll kiss her on her big ol lips every chance I get.

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Attached: 1544147688533.png (716x868, 392K)

I would love to have a drink with Visha.

I'd love to user but that's not a possibility.
Tanya's going to need more loyal followers, or at least one with a day job.

Are you all forgetting that Tanya used to be a man?

And Being X probably incarnated you as a woman last time around. What's your point?

Attached: 1555209228323.jpg (512x512, 75K)

Who gives a shit? She's biologically female and her hormones are busy overriding any masculinity her soul has left.

Attached: 643264426.jpg (495x462, 16K)

Even better!

Thoughts on Isekai Quartet?

Attached: 1557502175303.png (545x724, 378K)

How would she react if Kazuma STEALU her pantsu?

Fun, but a lot of wasted potential. Could've used better character interaction.

Pic related.
I actually agree, every episode was way too short and as a result it felt super ADHD. But whenever something like Tanya thinking Aqua was Being X or Ainz noticing A FUCKING CAR's curse, it was pretty fucking amazing.

Attached: 1557499050389.jpg (919x1018, 211K)

Fun but it feels like they rushed and missed a lot of jokes. Vanir not making others embarrassed, this , Tanya companions not doing much except being perverted like kazuma

Tanya would have been better if she had been reincarnated into a rich family that went bankrupt because of the war, then was forced to sell her body for food because she didnt have OP powers.

Imagine her cursing Being X the whole time while being fucked by clients.

>her underage pussy raped until Tanya loves god
Then Jesus saves her?

You clearly don't understand the grand end game of Being X, for you see their is no greater need for faith then in times of greatest despair, no greater despair then that experienced after a fall, and no greater fall then that pride in one's own hard-earned success and merit.

So what you're saying is that Tanya will have a miscarriage

No, she'll have twins.

She's cute and I want to make a new generation of ubersoldaten with her!

But that's a good thing.
Triplets would be even better.

>Tanya forced to raise triplets
>Visha ensures they have a Christian upbringing

Attached: 1564618092982.png (960x540, 438K)

In that scenario Tanya would experience a fall too.

>she gets born into a rich family and has it all
>thinks shes set for success and Being X screwed up
>then she loses everything and has to sell her body to survive

Hey I drew that

Good. I liked it.

>still no word from NUT on second season
Are we gonna make it, boys?

Attached: 1564619345278.jpg (1040x1200, 196K)

You haven't already seen it three times?
What are you even doing?


Attached: 1563656377972.jpg (640x360, 44K)

Made for BBC

Brutal British Coffee?

I want to make Tanya nut then nut inside her!

Attached: 1564442064033.png (860x640, 655K)

Personally I want Tanya to cum because I nut inside her

I want Tanya nutting to make me nut

Attached: 1514868157337.png (500x463, 189K)

there are some dumb early designs

Attached: 1870s-1880s-manumotive-tricycle.jpg (850x912, 465K)

Not cute.


Attached: 1548418298857.png (1600x2400, 3.26M)

He's a dude.
You want to fuck a dude.

Biologically Tanya's a cute girl.

Wait a minute...

>Being X taunts Salaryman with visions of his wife (Visha) and daughter (Tanya)
>daughter ends up going into the Japanese Self Defense Force
Really makes you think.

Attached: 1512098025527.jpg (1080x1551, 313K)

She's a biological female. Are you one of those tranny apologists who believe in shit like "being born in the wrong body"?

>the life he could have had
Being X really is a cunt.

That daughter looks suspiciously sexy

Yeah. Tanya in a JSDF uniform when?

Attached: __tanya_degurechaff_youjo_senki_drawn_by_bouquetforangel__403b8a6e625bda994e94b058554e7689.png (2247x2524, 3.87M)

>that see through lolibutt.

That's the hem of her pants.

So you're telling me i'm IMAGINING?

I don't know why I love this frame so much. She looks silly from a distance.

Attached: tumblr_pn0lhhV5Lo1xl6rm4o1_500.png (500x248, 179K)

Yes. You are. Now have this image for ants.

Attached: D-CtXNPXoAAPBR9.jpg (341x360, 19K)

try to find it

Going to need a time machine for that.
Couple months one way, or a couple weeks the other.

Attached: ys ticket.jpg (729x1500, 202K)

then i will wait

Attached: [crushing sound].png (1277x772, 1.44M)

That is a cute tanya

Not even her final form.

Attached: Tanya in kimono.jpg (1000x1301, 598K)

I want her to know the pleasure of being a mother.

That's the face she makes when I eat her out under her desk and she's trying to not make it obvious that she's cumming her brains out

hail the duck queen

Attached: rhvlxdv195j21.jpg (1731x2297, 2.22M)

i wanna poke her lips

Attached: 1560825698557.jpg (850x1750, 521K)

Was reading the synopsis, and I'm surprised its an actual movie with new content instead of the generic "summarized 12 episodes" like other hack studios do.

Fixed it. Female surnames with male equivalents that have consonant endings are slightly different than male ones.
In that case Serebryakov but Serebryakova.

Allegedly there's doujin or at least some sort of fanart of this out there. Tanya asking about how to bully ods because Kazuma bullies Aqua and pantsu getting stolen. If anyone can find it, report in.

That's a "penny farthing" bicycle.
As this user pointed out there were other designs.

>tfw a few months ago you were the only Tanya poster
>now a bunch of anons are posting Tanya
I am both very jealous and grateful.
Although still pretty confused

Attached: 150589.jpg (1139x1500, 244K)

Everyone loves Tanya, even if they dont know it yet.

Attached: 1564145128962.jpg (4000x6000, 2.64M)

Merry Christmas, fellow free thinking modern men and women.
Feels like a lot of things set up in previous book didn't paid off. At least, winter march only got covered a little bit, with a little bit game of cat and mouse. Then Ildoa le meme.
Also. Mary Sue a shit. SHIT. s h i t.

Attached: LN-6.jpg (298x447, 42K)

$10 she's got a lugar behind her head to put to your head if you try to pull out.

What's Marys deal in the later books i heard that in the WN she gets offed by her own allies.

Sounds like a good death.

Attached: 1564414954407.jpg (1527x2500, 1.41M)

As if she would let you die, once you get her pregnant, she's out of the military. She'd make sure she was impregnated every 9 months to guarantee her retirement from the service.

What does JK-aged Tanya look like?

>best ending

Attached: 1564401925796.jpg (1566x1200, 309K)


pleb, weve had posters here for years. there was a lull when they stopped translating at skythewood, but the movies success, the legit translation catching up, and isekai quartet has increased the popularity.

Attached: nazi loli.png (904x904, 593K)

Miracle of the Universe

Attached: 1491654320963.webm (1280x720, 1.11M)

She's clearly a nazi

I'm not a leftist but this show was pure Nazi propaganda,or at least pro Nazi, WW1 Germany my ass, once they add Tiger Tanks these no hiding it.

You think this is CAD?

I legitimately believe this is one of the worst character designs in anime. Not in manga, manga is filled with a lot more jank, but in anime this is definitely in the bottom 10%

No lie. I heard that the author of the LNs asked the animators to make her ugly tho. He didnt like the idea of ppl lewding his serious loli character

Attached: 1558070225392.jpg (750x1085, 165K)

He shoulda told the mangaka then, cause the manga has her naked tons of times.

Well he failed spectacularly

Attached: 61061723_p1_master1200.jpg (550x550, 369K)

I've got this image of production stuff that shows the variants, but I can't say iff it's because of something Carlo Zen said or if it really just ended up being a time/production issue to go with the left instead of the right.

Attached: 1564774706329.jpg (1800x903, 451K)

The left looks amazing. What could have been... Where did you even get this pic? Do you have any more?

IT was definitely a stylistic thing, the right and left have a near identical line count so it should be no different for the production.

I just saved it after another user posted it in one of the two Tanya threads we had last week.
There's a lot of stuff anons drop as images or mention off-handedly that I still can't track down, my Japanese hasn't progressed enough to do a lot of digging.

I can see the left looking to mature for them, as it does make her look kind of older. Also the Anime (and Manga) have intentionally made Tanya .. well, more evil. In the LN she's generally less willing to sabotage her own side to protect herself, for example. Also in the LN there's no history of malnourishment, the orphanage was well-supported, but the manga/anime changed that, so maybe that's the case fo a change in physique, too.

I might be talking out my ass, but the left just seems more detailed while still being less over the top. The lefts eyes look like someone pleased that their less than moral plans worked out. The right's eyes remind me of a drug addict.

Attached: 1564406701136.jpg (832x468, 51K)

It has more detail in terms of the nose wrinkles and the hairs on the back of the neck in terms of style. Then some things that may or may not be due to how "finished" they wanted the drawing to be, like the collar or the eyebrows/eyelashes and the shadows cast by the hair.
It's tough to say. Honestly it reminds me of the difference between the LN cover art (which is like left) and the LN interior art (which is more right), still adjusting for her different look in the LN of course.
Left definitely would have looked amazing, but due to stuff like the nose wrinkles might have meant more additional frames of animnation, something you'd do if this was movie only, like Akira. Though having the movie be in the left style would have been nice.

Attached: 042cbf65e403f8671757d8cb14d7d8c1.jpg (1024x576, 53K)

BD PO's state late august

Attached: mfwihavenoface.png (1920x1080, 1.45M)

slay the demiurge

What do she thinks of lolicons?

Spoon feed me links to her shitty LNs or else i wont read them.

they are on the same place you should be getting your anime from

I read the LNs and I can tell you you don't want to read them if you're not an autist. The author himself recommends that if you want the action you should go for the manga/anime.
The LN talks about the Stanford Prison Experiment on page 3, the Chicago School of Economics on page 8, and before you're halfway through the first volume you've hit Rawls' Theory of Justice.
The author is an autist and he knows it.

Yea just looking at it, it felt like it would be too much work to animate for something meant for TV. On that note, is the movie translated yet? Im dying to see what theyll do with her on a movie budget.

Attached: protecc.jpg (998x564, 137K)


Attached: 100 man.jpg (553x379, 93K)

It screened in the US with English Subs recently.

Alternate history where Germany wins both world wars, Tanya becomes Hitler's waifu and indeed was the girl who saved him during that one gas attack during WWi!


>he streams anime
id prefer if you didnt read this

Excellent work Major !
You are now promoted, your new location is directly on the front so you can fully show your love for the country and fight for its people.

Attached: ShieldHero.jpg (1079x916, 235K)

>not a c96 Mauser
For shame user.

A 1908 Luger is way better for Tiny Tanya.

Ive already had this told to me. Stanford experiment is a meme and i actively studied Chicago school. Its probably just a bunch of half truths and common misconceptions (which i am prepared for) although if he is actually well versed in those things it just adds to it. Ill decide if i like when i start reading but for that i need the fucking links.

Boy, I 'aint got time to download all this shit. I used to direct episodes of Oh! My Goddess from FTPs you had to ask people for, with video quality that could be compared to squinting at a Jackson Pollock painting. I can handle a little sub 4k resolution.

>Boy, I 'aint got time to download all this shit.
Then you don't got time to read Youjo Senki. Don't read it.

Attached: 1515607315935.jpg (2908x1920, 1.02M)

there were a thing

Attached: trike.png (235x223, 113K)

Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my darling clementanya.


Thats a lot but then again so is christian imagery in evangelion but it means jack shit. Again, ill know when i read it. Are you actively trying to scare me away from reading it?

No I'm trying to make you buy it so the series gains more value and we get more of it and hopefully season 2 of the anime soon.

Im not sure but I genuinely feel like Carlo Zen is a World War geek that poured that into his work. The Christian imagery in Evangelion kinda seems like shit just thrown in cus they thought it looked cool.

Attached: dontliek.jpg (403x502, 51K)

Carlo Zen is a big fucking nerd about more things than the World War and yes it definitely is that way, and he even knows and acknowledges it in the Afterwords of the LN. Though I'm still curious if he did tell them to make Tanya ugly, because I wouldn't put it past him to have a complex about that, too.

Anno outright said he only used it bc it looks cool. That doesn’t completely exclude the possibility that subtle characters positioning or other things ARENT purposfully related to christian imagery just the obvious stuff isnt.
Its not happening. If i cant read it for free i wont read it at all.

>only Tanya poster

Attached: YSC.jpg (1500x1730, 493K)

nice collection but the ceiling ruins that pic desu

>Its not happening. If i cant read it for free i wont read it at all.
This LN believes in the power of capitalism and the free market, user.

Do what now?

Attached: gaqh76alv7z21.jpg (1000x1414, 661K)

Look I know you from the buyfag thread and already am insanely jealous of you, I didn't need to be reminded here, too.

>If i cant read it for free i wont read it at all.
Ok, bye then.

Then they should do a better job at making it readily available at a decent price where i live.

I've had popcorn ceiling in every house or apartment I've lived in.

Sasuga Tanya-sama

Attached: 1558071603091.png (782x1120, 750K)

The special edition for the BD on AmiAmi ships with all kinds of stuff, including apparently... a new novel?
I can't get it but man, the storyboards and whatever some of the other things turn out to be sure are tempting.

Attached: limbd.jpg (1012x388, 43K)

There's a little bit more.

Does $10 hurt that badly?
And here I am wasting money on books I can't read.

Attached: books.jpg (1199x1199, 1013K)

>There's a little bit more.
No I'd already seen that in buyfag, too. Though the plushies near the ceiling were new to me. Never seen them listed for sale anywhere. Was that that pop-up store too or does an online store actually sell them?

not even. 8.52 for the google books version. though it might be region locked for Israel

Attached: 1534958758993.jpg (540x393, 74K)

>region locked

Got the plushes online a while ago. Don't remember where.
There's also a big version I've seen on Manda more recently.

Attached: hahaha.gif (250x250, 69K)

I want Tanya to dom me for being a pathetic subhuman

Mh, maybe they're unlicensed? I can see a couple on Mandarake now. Mostly big heads, though yours have bodies. Odd that they'd only show up on Manda and not AmiAmi, considering usually AmiAmi has no issue listing even the smallest gimmick stuff.

Posting underappreciated LN version of the red dress from Vol. 2 cover foldout.

Attached: Vol_2_Color_2.png (1296x2400, 3.67M)

I didn't mark where I got them, but they're made by SEGA.
Claw machine prizes.

Yeah, I found them on Manda, but they're all sold out.
I hope all the extra bonus stuff from limited edition BD orders will be scanned in time, too. Seems like there's a little side story novel by Carlo included with some original art aswell and the staff book (which you might already have from seeing it in theatres?) and a bunch of other stuff. Hopefully a Season 2 will keep interest up for it.

Source on that?

you people always make these threads when I'm at work and can't dump my hundreds of shopped lewds I made of her.

When do you get off work?
Or just post some sort of gallery link.

I'm busy for the mext 10 hours at least. One day I'll make a gallery to link to.

We've had 3 of these threads counting this one during the last 7 days, and I think they lasted 24+ hours. Just check more, user.

There are different bonuses from each of the stores that weren't announced until well after sales started.
Fortunately Amiami's is one of the better ones.
There are also some with entry into the lottery for a copy of the signed script.

Attached: script.jpg (1500x1125, 276K)

I've neither a Blu-ray player nor a TV in general, so I'm probably not getting a Limited Edition BD, even though the bonus stuff is tempting, but it would literally be just the bonus stuff. I'm mostly hoping that the art/setting book and all that kind of stuff finds its way onto the internet, even if I can't physically own it.
Also Y.Aoi's signature is adorable.

There's barely any lewd of her

Even harder to get lewd of her as an adult.

>lewd of her as an adult.
What's the point?

Attached: 980469087347.jpg (1024x1280, 775K)

I have one.

Attached: Vol4_Color2.jpg (1600x867, 818K)

prove it

It might be of that weird polish adult Tanya that I still don't fully understand what it is.

Bruh, look at her lips


Attached: 1491533915855.jpg (900x506, 99K)

Attached: 0434.jpg (1248x1620, 232K)

How could one waifu be so based?

Attached: doggo ate chocolate.jpg (800x773, 48K)

dont let your dog eat chocolate you fucking piece of shit

Attached: 1564413495955.jpg (1136x640, 71K)

not my dog wierdo


Attached: 438c5ceba202ede699abbd3f0d83f0be.jpg (715x1000, 422K)

you murdered that dog

Attached: 1564413856781.jpg (722x900, 111K)

L E S S T H A N 3 W E E K S


What are you counting down to exactly

film BD release

Fuck... thats such a long time

Attached: 1564412732584.png (1712x950, 3.15M)

My wife Tanya's due date.

I still don't know if I should order from AmiAmi for the Staff book or just try to get one off Mandarake afterwards.

I remember a scene in the LN in which Tanya encourages Visha to let herself go loose on the communists, since she expected her to be the most resentful towards the Reds for what they did to her family, but she reacts a bit awkwardly instead. Why was that? Was Tanya overestimating the hatred Visha held for the Commies?

I want to buy it, but not even the anime was released here. At least I'm buying the novels.

She was too young to remember the take over

>Japanese + Russian= German
Did we finally crack the code?

Attached: Youjo_senki_volume_5_painting_1.jpg (1600x862, 371K)

I don't consider myself autistic (I'm not diagnosed at the very least), but I enjoy the LNs a ton, specially when they devolve into ramblings. I think the first volume was the most unfocused, however.

Punished Visha

Pretty sure that's Mary Sue.

Attached: MagicVishaImageVol.9.png (289x431, 146K)

Anime for the action
Manga for the comedy
LN for the philosophical rambling

Attached: 1553229859845.png (1000x1400, 1.8M)

I thought that was Mary Sue.

The action is very well portrayed in the anime. Specially that sound design; by God, hearing those explosions pop gives me such a rush.

>no magical girl Tanya spinoff

Attached: 1511625232529.png (1014x1450, 1.54M)

>LN for the philosophical rambling
Nah its more about military autism

Be honest, it's both.
Same way manga is for comedy and nudity.

I'm surprised there aren't more references to the use of Tanya as a propaganda for enlistment. Back in WWI women gave British men who weren't serving in the army white feathers as a way to humiliate them and force them to join the fighting. Imagine plastering Tanya's face all over the capital telling young men everywhere "this little girl has done more for the country that you, you faggots". I'm sure the army would see a boost in participation.

Tanya is projecting a lot when it comes to commies.

Apparently Tanya is some weird not-secret for the Empire. I dunno, the future sections imply she was erased from history.

Making a little girl fight on the frontlines isn't exactly sending the correct image to the homefront.

Yeah, Tanya (more like CZ) likes to go off on a tangent about anything at the first chance. It is genuinely interesting to read her views on something. Hell, Tanya has actually gotten me to take my job more seriously and be more disciplined, trying to establish a "work before playtime" mentality.

I find it kind of funny how after a certain point people just don't bother questioning anymore why an attack helicopter shaped like a little girl has been assigned to their combat zone.

Mostly what said. In the LN a lot of them see the whole "sending a little girl" thing as an issue, including when promoting her. They openly admit it kind of doesn't look great. It's why she gets the equipment testing and instructor unit job at first.
Furthermore, the LN also hints at the fact that Intelligence may have used Tanya in a covert op before she was officially certified as an Officer (i.e. the suicide attack in Norden that got her the Silver Wings) when Rerugen does some digging during a staff meeting.

Tanya x Weiss OTP

Attached: jmhvvhj.png (1019x526, 330K)

That's what I suspected, but I thought there might be more to it. I wonder what triggered the revolution in this timeline, considering that it took three years of carnage to get the people riled up enough for the February Revolution.

Because by then they know the Devil of the Rhine. They might not know what she looks like, but they''ve heard the name and the deeds, and seeing her only makes it worse.

I personally am a bigger fan of Visha X Weiss. She's too much of a woman to handle for that brat Grantz, but Weiss is a real man.

Tanya projects a lot, period. That's why a lot of people react differently than how she thinks they should to what she says. Like Rerugen's shock at her using the term "human resources".

I really love how massively her opinion of the artillery officer that was assigned to her changed after the russian suicide attack.

Tanya x Visha is where it's at.

Attached: devoted_by_kawacy_db7n2bd-fullview.jpg (600x800, 87K)

Is Tanya a sociopath? Her interactions seem very calculated most of the time, but she also seems capable of empathy.

In terms of commies it's just the most obvious.
The scene where she realises the not!Soviet Union isn't motivating their soldiers via communism was my favourite piece of the last novel. Also the Zettour scene it lead to.

Visha can't handle Weiss' sexual harassment.

Rerugen x Tanya x Visha is best.

Attached: 1489289378014.jpg (1080x1551, 400K)

Well, duh. That's the best possible pair.

That's just how people used to hit on each other back then.

Yes, she's a natural born sociopath.

I don't really think she is. She's a borderline personality, maybe. But she's also under a lot of stress. Not just from combat, command, the war, the huge burden she carries for the Empire's success and the combat drugs they make her take, but also she literally met god and got into a fight with him and ended up where she is now, ostensibly in an ongoing bout with god while having her mind controlled and memorys muddled occasionally.

A high functioning sociopath at the very least.

I would actually disagree. Much of the point of the LN is that Tanya is a product of her society.

Even the other male soldiers in the battalion don't want Weiss around because he always takes his sexual harassment too far, especially when he's drunk. It's on such a high level that he even harasses Tanya who just shrugs it off.

I must have missed that part in which he harasses Tanya; it seems very out of character, though. Could you remind me in which volume he does so? Maybe I just haven't gotten there yet.

I think it's a weird situation where Weiss is essentially such a non-threat to her that he figures he can get away with it and she just won't care. Probably he knows that if she ever does he has to cut it out immediately or die.

Her thought process as a little boy gives it away that she's always been like this.
Psychopathy and sociopathy are all part of the antisocial personality disorder.
Satoru Suzuki aka Ainz from Overlord also suffers from it but in his case it's because his grew up in a dystopia.

Can't remember it anymore, but it also came up in the manga.

Haven't read the manga yet.

Are you sure you're not thinking of the manga exclusively? That would be one of the very first LN volumes given how little the manga has covered so far and I don't recall it at all from those.

I do too

That could be, the most I remember from the LNs was him quipping about Tanya not getting into the officer bar

God I wish I could sexually harass Tanya in the pussy and she'd be okay with it

What is she thinking about?

Attached: 1552865169458.jpg (1123x1600, 458K)

Which isn't sexual harrassment, but a remark about her drinking age. Something Tanya herself laments when she organises a reward party after a successful operation and requisitions booze for it.

She's shaking someone's hand and giving a fake smile, user.

That wasn't the question.

She's thinking about me

The problem is that Tanya's thoughts on that are probably a 2 page long rant, user.

I think it differs slightly from the novel but the context should be the same for this scene.

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Yoshikage Tanya just wants a quiet life

Attached: 1563996792072.png (2400x1600, 1.81M)

Can you specify what the operation was or what journey Tanya is going on? I don't really recall this from the LN, beyond some people being slightly wounded once.

Also people seem to bring that up as sexual harrassment and Weiss isn't doing any of it. Somehow people cling to the word "comfort" but it's Tanya that uses it.

Is that a tiny Tanya on the back of that red tank?

No, that's a Rommel cosplayer.

It is.
Visha doesn't ever seem to lose her cool.
Mary gets crazy mad.

Attached: Mary.jpg (1500x1125, 460K)

I wish they'd use Goggles Tanya in the anime more, in the LN she wears them in almost all theatres because wind in the eyes sucks.

There's something about Mary that I find scary by which I'm not usually affected in other characters. I think that her immense, justifiably broken power and her focused one track minded hatred for Tanya makes her a fearsome opponent, specially because she isn't specially smart. Dumb people are impracticable, and considering how Tanya tends to overthink, an enemy that acts without much thought is bound to cause her some serious trouble.
Same. I also would have liked her to wear the helmet; flying around while shooting other mages might call for the use of protective headgear.

If you at least tell me the chapter of the manga I'll find it myself in the LNs.

Mary is an echo of the guy who pushed Tanya in front of the train. She thinks of Tanya as a devil for what she did, even though it was combat between two opposing militaries and her father signed up for it. Likewise, Tanya didn't fire that guy for personal reasons, but out of job performance reasons. Both of them get super emotionally mad at Tanya, and demonize her, and nothing else, not themselves or the circumstances or system, and just go after her.


>Somehow people cling to the word "comfort" but it's Tanya that uses it.
"I'm not going to be popular at the brothels like this. Why not allow me to accompany you on your journey?"
That's a suggestion that Tanya should be the one to take care of his sexual needs, even if it was said in a half-joking manner.

Oh. Too bad. I want a tiny Tanya.

From what I can tell, it transitions immediately from end of Arene to Tanya being on the train to High Command meeting Uger. No Weiss scene.

>That's a suggestion that Tanya should be the one to take care of his sexual needs, even if it was said in a half-joking manner.
That's really forcing a reading. He might just be saying he doesn't have any use for the time off and would rather ingratiate himself to his superior AND High Command, since that's where they're off to, or just show work ethic, essentially.

I never thought about it that way; that's pretty clever and a great interpretation.

>That's really forcing a reading. He might just be saying he doesn't have any use for the time off and would rather ingratiate himself to his superior AND High Command, since that's where they're off to, or just show work ethic, essentially.
Visha blushes and Tanya uses the word 'comfort' in her rebuke. It's clear as hell what Weiss was implying and it's in line with his general sexual harassing nature.

I think the important point to it is that Tanya _doesn't deserve_ having Mary happen to her. She didn't do anything wrong in her capacity as a soldier that would make her deserve it, but Being X is actively interfering again. It might be what you find scary about her, too. That somewhere, someone, can just decide to be that for you, for no good reason or a reason you even think would lead to or justify it.

Visha could be blushing because of the "not popular at brothels" thing just fine, or the "giving headpats" thing. That whole sexually harrassing nature thing is also pretty weak when that scene is what everyone always quotes to establish that he has one and I've seen little evidence of it otherwise.

In every encounter, Tanya is like "wtf is this bitch's problem?"
She's the Empire's Ace-of-aces and has killed A Lot of fathers and sons.

Favorite part of the movie is where Tanya lets Mary's blind rage lead to her own downfall and the immediate follow up.

>Alcohol-Induced Idiocy: In bonus shorts, it's revealed he is a terrible drinker who not only Can't Hold His Liquor but also suffers Personality Inversion that turns him to a Casanova Wannabe

Man, I really need to watch that movie.

>tv tropes

So he does it when it's drunk, but not when he isn't (hence the term "inversion"). Therefore, not being drunk, he would have no reason to make a harrassing remark there.

Well, if there were screenings anywhere near you (none near me), you missed them. So it's waiting time.

There's a second run of smol Tanya for sale now.

Attached: 20190215_211238.jpg (485x863, 221K)

I would have needed to cross the Atlantic to get to a screening, so yeah...
Waiting time indeed; I might even be out of town by the time the BluRay comes out, so I'll definitely have to wait a little longer than you.
But what I wouldn't give to have seen this movie in a theater with actual people.

>I would have needed to cross the Atlantic to get to a screening, so yeah...
There were screenings (probably shouldn't use plural to be honest) in Europe.... exclusively at Animagic in Germany, THIS WEEKEND only, with some of the creators as guests.
But it was too far from where I am to do anything about it. Far as I can tell that's it for anything outside the passed US screenings.
Now I'm wondering if I should pre-order a BD for the bonus material even though I have no use for the disc and the continue to hope for a good upload somewhere.

I ain't watching that shit.

I'm still mad it wasn't at Akiba Pass

If you don't mind me asking, where at?

Oh wait. Do you mean the Nendo? Cuz I already have the Nendo.

I second this

He means the Nendo.
Do it man, post the mug picture.

It's a Nendoroid. GoodSmile makes them, tons of companies will sell and ship them to you even if the order time at GSC themselves has run out. Wander over to the buyfag thread and/or read the guide

>Do it man, post the mug picture.
I think you're confusing me for someone.
I'm just a random user.
Thanks user. I already bought the Nendo when it first dropped.
I'm thinking of buying a Tanya scale tho.

>I'm thinking of buying a Tanya scale tho.
Me too. Figma is already ordered. Was very disappointed there was no update on the bust at WonFes, however.

Which one?

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>I missed the chance to preorder the Tanya figma

Attached: 5c29df4058d97ae4b92d224d326ee6d1.jpg (600x800, 100K)

On GSC maybe, which means no bonus faceplate, you can still get it from the usual suspects.

Aye, I was hoping to get that, but I just ended up forgetting about it. Guess I'll make do without it.

AmiAmi seems to have closed the orders for the scale just hours ago, too.

this so much. REEE:Zero characters' potential was basically wasted, and the Konosuba cast carried them. The Overlord crew and Tanya were great as well. I particularly liked the Aqua vs Ainz bits and the Yunyun bulli, but they wasted the potential for Vanir jokes, Emilia/Megumin meta jokes, etc. Eris/Chris was also kind of just cast to the side.

Wow, this thread got real active. Bump

Shit, I picked a poor time to decide to spend money on it, it seems.

>youjo senki aired 2 and a half years ago
I still remember people shitposting about the artstyle as if it was yesterday

Attached: 1484347804258.png (670x772, 586K)

I was on the fence if I was gonna grab the Nendo off AmiAmi too and have them ship together and missed it too. Was literally gonna make a decision later today, which is why I noticed just now. So now I have to grab the scale from somewhere else for a bit more cash and later delivery and panic ordered the Nendo from AmiAmi, too.
Guess I'm giving up on the BD order, since it was mostly for the staff book, which I'll either have to find nice scans of or hope for some on Manda that aren't scalped.

I like the Anime artstyle more than the Manga artstyle, still.
LN cover art > LN interior art > anime > manga interior > manga cover
Though anime gets credit for Pyjama Tanya, which is the cutest Tanya.

Attached: 8578219.jpg (289x383, 18K)

>that feel when you're too late for all the buyfaggotry you want and have no money right now

Attached: 1487543221675.png (600x816, 169K)

The figma is still easy to get most places. The scale seems to just have become a lot harder, though.

This guy is a faggot, class.

Would it have been worth it to book a flight to watch a movie in Japanese with German subtitles, either of which languages I don't speak? I don't know.

Never thought I'd meet someone I'd agree with in regards to YS's art.

Don't actually know if it was German subs or English subs honestly. As far as the guests it wasn't really the people you'd be excited about. The one that was there I'd be most interested in was the composer (he tweeted a lot about it and also being in Germany in general, lots of pictures) and the music's good, obviously. But no Carlo Zen, no Yuuki Aoi, no Shinotsuki Shinobu.

Good on you for using the comma before the vocative; it drives me insane when people don't do it and it is rare to see it done nowadays.

Hope you do manage to get your hands on it, user.

Carlo Zen seems to be writing a book on Three Kingdoms, specifically Cao Cao, next, by the way. Somehow this makes me feel like Tanya is in no small part similar to him in Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

This thing is seriously ugly. Wtf is wrong with her eyelashes are those supposed to be cute?

Instructions from the author were to give her "dead fish eyes", rather than lively ones.
Descriptions and reactions of people in the LN say that she has a cute face that is almost too doll-like, and several people individually describe her as "like a vampire".

Attached: tumblr_ow0w60M1RQ1ttn322o1_r1_1280.jpg (800x1107, 282K)

>Every time I see her computation jewel

Attached: You can unlock any door if you only have the key.jpg (612x459, 61K)

I'd sturm her gewehr if you know what I mean

Honestly I just want more of Baikoku Kikan

Attached: 215767l.jpg (422x600, 134K)

>tfw Polish translation is actually ahead of the English one
I would translate the Polish chapters to English, but I fear it will be of dubious quality

I want scanlations of the Youjo Senki Gourmet spinoff manga... thing.

Attached: DC_zW0yUwAANTSx.jpg (1200x900, 306K)

It just look like she has squirrel tails around her eyes.

dubious is better than none. you should contact whoever was putting the like 2 english updates and see whats up

squirrel tails are cute as fuck

It's the same group that's doing youjo senki.
They're like half way thorugh four different chapters.

Idk man I look at those pictures and it just looks off, forced and unnecessary. Lowkey triggered by it

Well you can look back on the discussion here

Honestly I feel like official translations of YS are probably held back by the manga, since the same person is translating both the LN and the manga for Yenpress at the same time.

Interesting but then why do they embrace the fuck out of it?

That's just stuff made by SEGA as Anime merch. The LN and Manga have different artstyles. I don't know why the anime ended up the way it did. I guess they could have decided to do the movie differently but then that would have been a bit of a jarring style break.
I feel like the "Carlo Zen told them to make her ugly so she wouldn't get lewded" thing is less and less likely, though. The artist for the LN is literally a self-professed lolicon and touhoufag and the mangaka draws her naked in the manga all the time when she wasn't in the LN. There's even some (non-lewd) stuff going toward the Tanya X Visha ship from the key animator of the anime.
At this point my best guess is that they wanted everyone to immediately be able to tell that there's something wrong with that character.

Attached: tanya5.jpg (700x1117, 172K)

you're gay as fuck and aggressive blonde eyelashes in anime are the cutest.

Honestly, when Tanya is like 14ish in the later LN, I just want her to decide to go full chad on Visha (she obviously finds her attractive) and seduce the hell out of her, and have the whole dominance/superior officer dynamic with her.


>Instructions from the author were to give her "dead fish eyes", rather than lively ones.
Little did he know it would only make me harder.

Attached: peace__by_kawacy_dbcsa7w-fullview.jpg (800x556, 76K)

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I want to snuggle Tanya-chan!
A man of refined tastes.

>I want to snuggle Tanya-chan!
I think there is one (1) daki of her.

It is significantly easier to animate the more simple designs.
Making Visha a moomin is still nonsensical though.

Attached: 1560007040326.jpg (1134x1285, 1.3M)

>the cover I like least

Attached: 90kh21rg0bd31.jpg (1285x2160, 422K)

Some user who presumably knows something about drawing said the linecount for both of the versions posted in those production drafts is about the same, so I don't know, really.

The cover that has me the most hooked on wanting those issues to get translated to be honest, at least the way it falls into sequence with the 2 preceeding ones and the one after.

>I think there is one (1) daki of her.
Yeah. But both sides are lewd, which is kind of unfortunate.

Yeah I also dislike dual lewd.
You need one snuggle side.

stop doing that

Attached: 1564777148639.webm (960x540, 458K)


>a smile worth protecting

Pick one.

In LN Vol 6 she is human piece of shit.
She can't read the atmosphere. She sends literal war victims to Gulag because she thought "They would be happier to live in their homeland than being refugees, right?". She was prepared to turn her hometown into a second Arene- making towns into battlefield and treating civilians as irregular soldiers, at least Tanya is doing it to her enemies. From what I can gather, Mary is a SJW libertarian communist sympathizer who needs to be court marshaled for being a insubordinating revenge boner.
I haven't read the WN, but if she gets shot by her allies, it's fitting honestly.

My god, that thing is horrible!. Why they couldn't just draw a cute girl?

She's just an actual little girl with god powers, not a big brain like Tanya.

She fell for Beria's commie plot hook line and sinker from what I remember in 5

If Mary knew what Beria intends to do to Tanya, do you think she'd hand her in to him?

Depends on if she thinks Tanya living as a sex slave is a worse fate than death.

No, because then she would become sympathetic to the readers for providing them the content they're lusting after.

Well user, hope you're gonna keep your word.

Yes. Even though from an ethnicity standpoint there's no way his biological daughter could look like Tanya, but let's not dwell on that.

Made me chuckle

Attached: 1564782239855.png (634x857, 324K)

Sonzai X is just fucking with him; no need to dwell on that considering his backtrack.

It's always weird to me when people use Sonzai X here, 'cause that's just Carlo Zen's twitter handle.

Nice bait

Made for BBC™️

Big Being X Cock?

Beautiful Bible Chants

Beautiful British Cooperation?

yeah I'm home now. Give me 30 mins.

Big Bellyfull of Cum?

Big Beautiful Cunts?

Thought I'd post the other page of the comic known to me.

Attached: 4d0729027c94eb8f2891cb95041ff808.jpg (601x1199, 111K)

Looks like it's from a different artist. Both going by style and the fact it's not on his deviantart like literally all his other Tanya x Visha ones.

It is. Although made canon by the original artist.

I wonder how much staff would make it canon, too. The mangaka and the key animator for the anime seem to be into Visha x Tanya.

Also, could you please post his deviant art?

He signs all his pieces and its literally just his name.

Attached: cropped-1920-1080-831644.png (1920x1080, 2.72M)

Oh, I'm retarded. Thanks.


Fuck the British; even in CZ's fictional counterpart is scummy.


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you guys have to bump this you know

Adult lewds user never delivered on the other hand.


The bodies mostly dont match the head, I wonder if White datura would have style that fits.

Never had much luck with those. Some of the official art might work with the shading style but her expression rarely matches the pose in that case.

dump's over, go get it

Attached: pulchra.jpg (1000x1399, 319K)

Sex with Tanya is probably like taking orders from her in the field. Very erect atm

not damn soon enough. i read the manga thinking it would cover the movie but it ends right where the movie would've started.

the manga was amazing though so i dont regret it, liked it a lot more than the anime. she is a fucking grade A maniac in the manga.

Attached: ys78.jpg (2160x1525, 1.07M)

Hair turned out better than it looked in the lighting from the official shots. Not sure about the face, especially the eyes though. Probably wouldn't have a chance to look into getting it anymore at this point anyway. Also the sort of dusty sheen on her fatigues is weird.

I want to fill Tanya with half breed children!

Tanya's bloodline will remain pure by breeding with me.

Surprisingly there's an alternate face -

Attached: alt face close.jpg (1513x850, 195K)

- but it doesn't look how I expected it to.

Attached: alt face.jpg (1124x1500, 249K)

That face somehow doesn't look like Tanya at all.
Happy for you that your stuff arrived, though, user.
I'm just kinda skeptical of pulchra. Poses are usually top but faces are usually meh. And that weird dust sheen just bothers me.

I'm not letting this thread die just yet.

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Here's a comfy goodnight picture, Tanya thread. I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully.

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bump best thread of this site.

I love this one so much

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Before it dies tell me where are you reading the manga

She make my peepee hard
Its good shit. Manga will always be better than the anime.

I hope they get scanlations of the Gourmet Restaurant spinoff.

Yeah. Hopefully soon.

They're on there too.
Four chapters.
Look before asking.

Maybe I'm just bad at looking, user.

it got deleted, anyone got it saved?

>no update on the bust at WonFes
Still a little let down.

Attached: Tanya Bust.jpg (1000x1500, 574K)

personally i'm just glad the scale is coming out in three months so the bust can wait

I like how even though Tanya is a demon as a leader, her men respect her.

the chad ride

What manga chapter should I start on if I finished the anime?

Chapter One doofus.

From the first.

The LN tries to sort of spin it a bit in the sense that, because other forces start comitting so much force to try and bring down the Devil, even the people she goes to reinforce get fucked over and essentially destroyed after her passing. But not like that is her fault.

Normally I roll my eyes at this bullshit, but this time it's fucking hilarious, so I'll give it a pass.

haven't watched the anime, but this girls a dude right?
I cant do it.

That scene is also actually them being super facetious. She's giving orders from High Command that are basically annoying to her and to them, but she has to present them in a positive light because it's the higher-ups. So they start sarcastically saying how great it is.
Then you have the whole respecting her thing... Well, she did put them through hell in training, but the thing is, the Elinium Type 95 interferes a lot to make them like her more. From the start when it's just Visha, during training, and later again, the Elinium mind control (which might aswell not be Tanya and her memories of it are muddled or nonexistant) makes her take good care of them, give encouraging speeches, even do something like starting to loudly chant a hymn while flying up to attract all the enemy fire and play decoy for them while they fall back, even though all she wanted to activate the Type 95 for was a speed boost to get the fuck out and safe herself.

No, Tanya is Tanya. Former lifes are former.

She wants to fuck her superiors to get out of the army, the lecherous little traitor duck.

All the nice doujins have pretty poor art, and somehow the rape guro one has fantastic art. It sucks.

Visha is too ready to surrender herself completely to anything Tanya says or does for that ship to ever be remotely interesting. Take it to /u/.

The interesting part would be Tanya. I realize the manga/anime paint her as far less scrupulous, but LN Tanya is actually pretty concerned for Visha and her situation as a woman surrounded by a bunch of big soldier dudes, aswell as respecting and preserving of her innocence and safety.
So the interesting part would be too watch how Tanya asserts herself as actively pursuing Visha (especially to Visha herself) while making it clear that the command structure and general hierarchy isn't involved, while bridging the gap between her previous life and current form and Visha's view on Tanya's current form and all that.
I know it's shocking that the most interesting part would be the internal thoughts of the character whose internal thoughts the entire book is basically built on.