Say it with me... "Vinland Saga is AOTS"
Say it with me... "Vinland Saga is AOTS"
flop of the season
some of the scenery this episode
It’s amazing!!! WiT studio delivering a masterpiece once again
>posting the low-quality version
What the fuck. Vinland Saga's trailers made the anime seem so dull visually. Is it worth watching?
It's the Grimgar of the year, easily. Catch up, you won't regret it.
Definitely. First 4 eps were average-ish story-wise for me but Ep.5 really sold me on the series.
no contest
fuck off chibi
No,it's worth Experiencing. This is peak anime of not just this year but the whole decade.
>expect realistic viking stuff
>its shonenshit tier with everyone throwing everyone 50 meters in to the air
All right, I'll try to say it... "Danmachi is AOTS" Sorry, guess I couldn't say such an obvious lie...
It's quite all right if you only watch and read it for the medieval setting.
Also I highly recommend staying clear of the threads, as they contain high levels of newfaggotry.
Watch it.
Was this all in the manga? I don't even fucking remember anymore
Nope. All anime original (except the ylva scene).
No, this is the new Planetes.
Does this show have cute lolis and fan service? If not, then it's trash
Yes. Soon.
Can't wait.
Why can’t berserk be like this
It is the usual normalfag hype anime. Good production quality, very basic themes and the anime doesn't have giant flaws anyone directly spots.
Also, Director-kun is clearly upset that he didn't get to direct an original as shown by this episode.
Yeah because other manga like berserk are grounded in reality with a man wielding a 600 lb. sword
What does berserk have to do with this? Berserk isn't meant to be realistic you absolute retard
>canon episodes were average and the anime-only filler episode was good
Who says this is meant to be realistic retard.
This episode had a fucking good script. Better than some western tv series.
But it was literally just Thorfinn fucking around in a forest and getting kicked around twice with very little dialogue
I say Vinland Saga, you say AOTS
Vinland Saga
>Grimgar of the year
That bad?
EXACTLY why the script is so fucking good. You nailed it user.
>Its like he only cares about the pretty colors
the show takes place where there was no electricity and houses didn't have windows and etc. it only has nature, the sun, the moon, so obviously it would look kind of dull, but it's refreshing too see a more realistically depicted anime.
What went wrong?
what went wrooooong?
The backgrounds make me want to have sex with autumn
shingeki no kyojin is the same but doesn't look drab
it actually does, the last season had lots of dull blue scenes from what I remember.
Too bad Vinland Saga jumps the shark when they introduce the valhalla zombie invaders
I wonder what animeonlies will think
That's a dream dude
the OP is actually so fucking hype
Snk looks like ass
They could've at least included some magic and adventurer's guilds
Again, what does berserk have to do with being realistic? I don't know why you even started with berserk, you fucking moron
We'll have to see what Fall brings though.
boku no hero will win easy
Win what, the prize for the most generic anime of the year?
>boku no budget absorbed by MP100
But Vinland does?
Looks like this will be the inevitable halfway point
>realistic meme
Go out and get shot.
what chapter is it in the manga?
nah that will go to a random moe anime thats why they took a year off. and thats a good thing
Early twenties
that young? fuck.
If only Berserk was given a good anime adaptation...
Why must we live in such hell?
>Þorfinnr pronounced "Toorfihn" instead of Thorfinn
>black haired, black eyed Icelanders
>lol it's another seething berserkfag
It's a series that has been going on for 30 years and hasn't had a real story progression in over a decade and will never be finished because the author is an old man who lost his passion for the series long ago.
No studio with any common sense would touch it with a ten foot pole.
til the end of my days
sasuga, studio Wit
Thorfin is such a shit tier character, I get physical pain from listening to him talk
"....damn it!
Damn it!.....damn it!"
idk if it's good or bad voice acting shits just mad annoying.
The sad part is, his stays this 1 dimensional for the entire good part of the story, he only gets a shred of personality after farmland, and then the story goes to shit.
The edgelord revenge stuff only works because he becomes stoic and silent, but if he were to continuously verbalize his one track mind like he does in this anime original shit i don't think i'd make it far into the manga.
Luckily the good parts about vinland saga don't bank on thofin being a interesting character who isn't 1 dimentional.
but, I appreciate that this isn't written as if the audience is completely retarded.
I caught up on kimetsu and the writing is so bad, so much internal monologging over explaining every little thing that happens.
Like if they where to write this episode, we would get thorfin explaining that he can't drink the sea water in the bucket, and that he needs to find fresh water, and so on for every damn thing.
We would've had a "Oh, I can throw this knife!", instead of him just doing it and having his face glow to signify his realization to the audience.
I think it's battle shounen shit in general that just feels the need to over explain every minute detail, so it's a nice change of pace for those thorfin scenes to have no dialogue at all.
Thats just the power of a good script.
>get shot
>assuming everyone is a fat Murican like him
See you in Vinland thread next week.
monkey paw
Topical and epic.
Dont worry, with the way its going Vinland will end up in limbo like berserk.
Vinland saga has strong source material but it's a shit adaptation.
I thought this was actually based on thorfin's saga?
fire force is better
ED of the fucking century
Aimer is overrated, so no.
why does thorfinn have wingspan of an orangutan?
>good thing?
>no, good thing actually bad thing
The combat is a little less unrealistic in the manga, but it really doesn't matter: this is a drama with some action in it, not an action anime with some drama.
Farmland was awesome. The manga takes a nosedive once Hild is introduced.
More like AOTY
>prefect pacing
>great animation
seriously, this is too damn good and I'm genuinely surprised that they didn't fuck this up
AOTS 100%
This is literally just a bad nightmare.
>He fell for the Yea Forums negativity.
Cmon dude, the trailer looked good and the anime is delivering
>this episode was totally filler
Couldn't even tell. Hell, I thought it was better than some of the previous episodes honestly. Lot of great visual storytelling.
I guess they talking about the Throfinn scenes. The stuff with Ylva and Helga happened in the manga.
Ah, well that was still the majority. Kind of surprised this wasn't in the manga.
I hope they add some scenes for Askeladd's backstory too
am i the only one who noticed those long arms?
Grimgar was boring as shit.
No U
It's a bait. This is a series about pacifism, farming and boats.
And crossbows. But not killing people with crossbows, the mechanics and engineering behind them.
Soulless flop of the season. Even chinese xianxia cartoons are better.
WIT finds a way.
>all the people who are being baited by the prologue
It actually is troll OP or not, I've been really enjoying it I just wish Thors stayed alive longer.
I bet you also think that Canute is actually cursed and haunted by a literal floating head
who are you quoting?
I feel you, man. Made the mistake of reading this years ago.
Not better then Dr. Stone.
Its far more grounded then alot of shounen out there. Try again shit poster.
well the author is a feminist, only makes sense that the series turns to shit the moment he introduces a female party member
The Ylva scenes were completely pointless and didn't fit the rest of the episode. Nothing interesting even happend, it was just the most cliche grieving scene they could have done.
It was a side story for her character.
Imagine being this retarded.
Have a (You), loser.
I can't say it made me understand or appreciate her character any more.
Viking sagas are kind of like that. It's called "vinland saga" not "vinland chronicle" after all.
>Senku, a highly intelligent, knowledgeable, and cunning teen who has no match to his intellect
>Shishio, figures out Senku's plans and knows just as much as Senku
Shishio is too efficient as an antagonist for the story to be compelling. Senku: Lets run away to this Particular Area that should have all the ingredients for black powder. Shishio: Hmmm, Senku is going to make guns to defeat me, all the ingredients are at Particular Location *starts running*
Well that's your problem,not the writers.
No, the problem is that it didn't add anything. Nothing in that scene contributed to her character.
The point was to show how, compared to Thorfinn, Ylfa copes with the death of their father.
that's sort of its signature
i unironically wish it looked much worse
Really? Nothing? Nothing at all? Did you watch this episode with half of your brain? This whole episode was to show how different people like Thorfinn and Ylva cope with loss. Ylva doesn't let herself lose her composure and wont let her mother grief,Thorfinn wants revenge. Jesus even a middle schooler could see this stuff. Are you legit trying to be stupid?
I see, so you're a middle schooler
The point is that it is such a trite way of showing it that they didn't need to show it, because I have seen it 100 times before.
Show me those 100's of times where they do this,name 100's of show or movies where this happens.If you can't you lose this argument.
Yeah, sure. That is how arguments work.
How would you have handled it, screenwriter-user?
It is. How am to believe that there are 100s of media's where this portrayal of grief is shown if you can't show me the evidence? Name like 10 shows atleast.
I would either just not have had the scene at all or just remove the last part of it, to not make it so heavy handed.
It's a good thing you're not a writer.
I do not have an encyclopedic knowledge of all the things I've watched and read, I just know I have seen it multiple times before and I am tired of it.
There are elements in storytelling that appear everywhere. You could just say we're recycling the same 5 greek stories over and over with a different look. Why even bother watching or reading any media if you hate tropes? There is not a single piece of media that doesn't have 100s of cliches or tropes. But for some reason you are asshurt of this one fucking scene of Ylva coping with grief. Give me a fucking break.
My main problem with it is that it could just as well not have existed. If they were going to do it they could have done something interesting with it, but they played it completely straight. It doesn't give us any new insight into her character, or tell us where her character is going.
As opposed to Thorfinn's scenes, which has also been done plenty before. But they are obviously a set up for the rest of his character and showing us his tenacity and dedication. Alongside some good pacing, directing and art.
Ylva's scenes were just a montage of her working hard then she starts to cry.
>character has not been exposed to loss at any point in the story
>suddenly is, and their reaction is shown
>this does not give insight into their character
Neverminding the fact that the scene also shows us how she has had to take full responsibility of the family duties in the absence of the men, and tells us something about the mother by her reaction to Ylva's reaction too. You might have had a point about it being generic but you don't even know what you're trying to say. Back to your creative writing 101 class.
It's just some simple character stuff I don't know why you focus on such a small scene.
It just stood out in an otherwise great episode.
No it didn't. You are just autistic.
There is something off about seeing them both at the same time, and I don't know what it is.
good ep
Could be their nose and mouths?
I saw one Youtube reactor say that Helga is the "girl" in the OP with the long hair and helmet and she's taking revenge against Askeladd. Kek,if only he knew.
to be fair he is supposed to look like a girl
The faces might be copypasted, shape and mouth position look the same.
Grimgar was absolute shit with literally autistic characters.
I just caught up with the latest chapter, who is she? Was she mentioned before, since when do they have multible wives?
> who is she?
It's literally on that page,she's Sigurd's wife.
But Gudrid was going to be his wife...
The way I saw it, Senku has incredible intelligence as opposed to Shishio's strength but they both have this sorta equal amount of cunning and wisdom that allows them to constantly predict and foil each other.
Read the Iceland part again
Well sorry.
I'm not shipping it just felt like drill hair came out of nowhere. But reading an arc stretch over years makes me forget things.
>It came out of nowhere
did you even read what I said?
Alright then.
Since this is on amazon prime... Have any of you seen the boys? It's pretty good.
She bitchslapped Gudrig after that one cut her hair right before the wedding.
not anime or manga, fuck off Yea Forums shitter
you turned your own board into Yea Forumslite, now go lie in it
why does this manga/anime portray canute as a trap twink?
Shameless marketeer, I hope they fire you soon. Fuck off
Unironically fuck off
Because Makato wanted it so.
why not? skandinavians are the original bishonen
griffith expy
Why is Yea Forums so easy to troll LMAO.
at least they're all white unlike anything western media woulda made.
when the coolest character in the series turned out to be the final cuck
Haha got you my reply was actually a troll post LMAO
pretty pathetic right
>Ylva's breakdown
that was sad lads
I copy.
Sad kino
>what went wrooooong?
it's the blonde eyelashes.
They're japs, idiot. They can't even pronounce "green tea" correctly.
planetes is fucking boring and now that moot is gone I can say it all I want without being banned
It was, though. And it all amounted to nothing. An isekai that forgets it's an isekai altogether, and then doesn't even advance the plot a little except for a bit of character development. How are you remembering Grimgar fondly, exactly?
ADHD zoom zoom
The acting sucked there. It's like Ylva's actress or the director didn't understand how human beings work. I get that she withdraws to all the work she needs to get done, but her tone of "Oh well, got some sheep to take care of" was silly as hell
Thors has recessive blonde hair/clear eyed genes. That's why both his children are blonde.
How is that bad acting?
>the clean rainwater in the vat was too bad for my taste so i'll just drink from this deer piss filled puddle with gut worm eggs and who knows what
I think it was supposed to be sea water he tried drinking on the ship
>It's slow and uneventful that means it's frickken superior!
get out
>Dad Is dead and my babby brother's missing? Oh well, those sheep aren't gonna herd themselves!
She sounded cheery as fuck. I get that she's trying to detach from the whole thing but the way Ylva expressed everything was almost autistic.
Also when she finally caves in it looks like she doesn't even understand why she's crying. It's ridiculous.
I still dont see how thats bad acting when its supposed to be that way. Are you genuinely autistic?
It's called slice of life, an Yea Forumsnon should know. And it's not the slice of life or pacing that makes it "superior". For me personally it was the cool semi-futuristic setting and how the series made use of it in all the character stories. You rarely get grounded scifi that doesn't resort to light sabers and laser wars, and instead focuses on science and exploration itself.
>it's called slice of life
I've seen many slice of life shows and none of them were boring enough to make me drop them on them a halfway through
People try and bury trauma by overworking themselves, this isn't a new fad. She's surprised because the emotional pain she was holding back was breaking through without her noticing.
>be unstoppable character
>dies because muh pacifism
too bad it had this forced drama in it
Ylva has always been pretty callous/emotionally weird. Like when the slave died, while other character might have been at least a little bit reverent (although maybe not heartbroken, of course, slavery isn't uncommon in this time period), Ylva was loudly bitching about Thors' giving away the ewes. Or when Thorfinn returns home, she apes out and begins hitting him, asking him where he's been all this time.
Face it, she has autism.
as unstoppable as they made him out to be he had no chance of surviving that ambush anyway
He sacrificed himself to save his son. If he fought back they would have killed Thorfinn.
Precisely. The point of the duel was to save Thorfinn's life, he knew they'd all be slaughtered/sold as slaves had they attempted to fight.
nothing stopped them from doing that after they killed him
I know that. It's just that the way it was portrayed felt almost robotic. As I said, I get the idea, but I wasn't convinced with the way it was delivered. Maybe in the manga she was acting just as weird, but that's something either the script, the directing or the voice acting could have improved.
I get that he's a pacifist and maybe if he killed Askeladd the other guys would have chimped out like Bjorn and attacked and killed some if not all the kids. But the whole situation felt linda forced
This, they already showed they weren't going to fight fair, why the fuck would he believe them?
Honour between warriors.
WIT will find a way to shit the bed
they always do
How do I become a chad like this
Become a slave farmer and stop having enemies.
Yeah, it's pretty fucking amazing thus far. I've been reading the manga for... what? A decade now? More? Shit, I forgot. Regardless, even though I already know all the plot, this shit's really well done and it's really enjoyable to watch. It's also very consistent in quality through the few released episodes. If it continues like this until the end, it may very well become a must watch anime for just about everyone. Hopefully it won't become too mainstream or anything. I wouldn't like seeing it bastardized by the west. Then again, I doubt that it has such potential in the first place. But I digress. Great show. There's no bullshit. There are no waifus or fanservice. The animation and stills are all beautiful. Voice acting is good/great. And it's all about the plot. Pure fighting and plot. No other nonsense. Watch it.
Read the description of Egil Skallagrimsson.
I miss this hair cut and his beard.
Farmfinn with his hair down is the best look. Viking Kurt Cobain.
No. Anime of the Year.
Of the decade*
is slave farmer the same as a plantation owner?
Because Berserk has not been good in more than a decade. Vinland saga kind of sucks now, but it was great before and still has more plot development than Berserk. Even Vagabond and HxH have had more plot development over the last decade than Berserk.
god i wish that were me
>god i wish that were me
t. Einar
Canute the cute is coming, expect beach episode next season
Fuck off
Based CanuteBeachepisodeposter
The real Canute was supposed to be quite the bishounen too
Well excuse us,mr gucci loafers.
No matter what Thors did there he was more than likely going to die trying to protect his son and the kids, even if he killed Askeladd and won the duel the archers would have fired, Askeladd made it plainly obvious that he didn't care how the duel ended and his men wouldn't obey his orders after death.
>Say it with me... "Vinland Saga is AOTS"
Not saying much since this season is pretty weak.
You say this every season.
>Ylva's actress
No, last season had KnY and SnK which are acceptable (if we're talking stuff in the vein of Vinland Saga).
What is OP competing with this season? Trainwrecks like Fire force and Dr stone.
a slave who farms
Fire Force is good. You have no idea what trainwreck means.
I also have faith in Granbelm.
Björn is cute.
Fuck Hild. Cause of that dumb hoe he still won't kill. When is thorfinn finally grow a pair and stop being gandhi?
when uranium is discovered
You'll get plenty of that in the anime pretty soon,calm down.
>from shitty boring episode 1 to this kino
damn hows the manga?
Fire Force is dogshit that people only even pretend is good because of the titties
I want grown up thorfin. His saint routine is pissing me off so much. When is he finally act normal again.
I unironically prefer the anime so far.
t.Read the manga
It's good if it's your first battle shonen
If I think the mango is boring shit will I enjoy the anime? Mind that I've read all the chapters available 2 yrs ago.
Being a bloodthirsty barbarian is normal? Fucking danish scum,kys.
the anime is going to end before the pleb filter so probably
spear guy seems to have given him some growth in the right direction but he'll always be violence=bad because that whole philosophy of the manga
If more battle shounen was like Fire Force I would actually watch them.
every battle shonen is like Fire Force
I'm not saying he should be thorkell but defending yourself and the ones you love using lethal force is normal. Hell his father even told him to use the daggers to defend himself.
I haven't read the manga, but no other battle shounen I've seen goes for the same pace, tone and themes as Fire Force.
I hope. Thankfully there is still plenty of fighting. Will be interesting to see how he thinks he can create a kingdom without any fights.
Not with that mediocre as fuck revenge plot.
Why cant they think about something more original?
you should watch more than one anime before posting on Yea Forums
Just watch till the final episode.
At worst my post could mean that I've seen too few battle shounen, but that is hardly a crime.
But even that isn't true.
If you know a battle shounen that's like Fire Force but better, I would love to hear it.
Fairy tail
Soul Eater
the 2003 version of FMA (Brotherhood is also better but it's not edgy enough to be similar to Fire Force)
Hunter x Hunter
not everyone has weak ass ancestors like you
This Thorfinn from the OP is the one we're getting on ep6. He should be like 12 or something here.
>even when in hell Askeladd is based enough to chill on a pillar and not fucking deal with this shit
man, Thorfinn's imagination is something
Let me guess: the kid doesn't kill the guy, even though he spent years preparing himself for that moment?
Seriously, it's not hard to guess from revenge plots like this.
So far I've enjoyed the first 4 episode of Fire Force more than any of the entirety of those shows. Though I dropped FMA pretty early.
I didn't even think Grimgar was bad but what the fuck are you saying?
Do you want a fucking medal,mr.Einstein ? You are like that one retard friend who I used to watch movies with who kept trying to guess every plotpoint that happened throughout the film and kept going "BRO I CALLED IT" and "Man this movie is so predictable" while being on his phone during the whole thing. Fucking scum of the earth.
>beautiful animation and backgrounds
>great OST
>comfiest threads on Yea Forums
Not exactly rocket science, bro.
big spoiler kill gets stolen and Thorfinn becomes completely despondent for a few years as he lives on a farm as a slave
By getting triggered like that I'm guessing I got it right?
If so then fuck it's worse than I thought.
>user thinks he's smart because he got a 50/50 guess right
Yeah, but it's not his choice, he gets cockblocked out of his revenge, and is left with literally nothing
Grimgar had nice weight to its animation starting out but it tanked hard after a few episodes.
In this context, that literally just translates to 'it's popular so I can't like it, even if it's good.'
FUCK OFF,you are actually pissing me off.
He got a hotter blonde childhood friend wife,hardly JUST.
Does it?
I mean the entire premise of the manga is that Thorfinn will make the expedition to America, so this entire story is him getting a motley crew of weirdoes to take on that voyage. Anyone could have seen it from the start.
Yilva has a rounder chin and slightly bigger jawline (either hasnt finished puberty or gar troll genes)
Ylva's hair reminds me of Thorkell
this. Drills is hot tier
Drills is for mating press
it takes a nosedive cause that cunt means he will not kill till she either changes her mind or dies. This is going to take forever. Fuck her
think about all those long cold winters with nothing to do but curl up in bed
and he's a pacifist anyway with a strict no kill or fight policy
It was a simpler time. I want to go back and die of some stupid disease
Most kino scene of the episode.
Fuck him and his gandhi bullshit. Hope somebody rapes his waifu in front of him so he grows some balls again.
Based pleb filter.
probs talking about the scenery bruh
>Strict no kill or fight policy
While that's all good, I can't help but see a ton of future asspulls as the gang sails down to Constantinople. I didn't sign up for wacky "get out of violent situation through hijinks" adventures. Baltic War was barely believable.
I enjoy it and read the manga twice over the years but it just rubs me the wrong way that even when his companions lives are at stake he still wont pick up a sword.
Boring as hell. Its shounen garbage. It better pick up the pace the next 5 episodes.
You can easily get out of bad situations by wits.
Because its true
He don't neet a sword, guy is like Jack Chan.
What makes you think it's shounen garbage? It's not like a shounen at all.
So all anime is shit? What are you doing here?
I've always wondered about this series, why is it called "Vinland"? Can't help but think of Finland, so is this like some fantasy version of it? Does it have anything based in the actual reality of Finnish history?
I tend to want to jump in and read manga when an anime piques my interest, and Vinland's adaptation apparently rearranging events has me pretty interested. However for whatever reason I'm resisting the urge a bit here, partly because the anime's pacing has been so good.
Vinland was the Norse name for North America (specifically Newfoundland.) Going there is the end game of the series
Fire Force is okay. If nothing else it makes me appreciate shows that have both good presentation and good writing more, since it's carried entirely by the former.
>ever making it to vinland
Oh he will get there it will just take another 20 years or so
>Never go to Vinland
also this fucking show
>I have so many people around me I need to protect
>So I'm just going to punch them instead of killing them
>Oh look one of the bandits I punched and didn't kill has my son hostage
They had archers on the cliffs. They were dead either way.
Literally just raise your fucking shields and hold together
Greatest montage scene of the year.
Look at these small shield. They can just shot where they are not covered.
How many have there been?
that doesn't work with small shields and when they have ranged units above and behind you, and melee units in front of you
you literally have nowhere to go but the water (which is balls fucking cold), where you're even easier to pick off
the only possible way out of any of them except the troll was a single combat/duel betting on the honor of the enemy
Idk probably but they must've been rather unmemorable.
My wife Ylva is so brave for trying to keep the atmosphere at home safe and relaxed because the men are gone but she still is human so the tears will come out.
>have to devote 2 hours to an anime before it even gets good
no thanks
its good from ep1 onwards
Did you just base the quality of all those episodes on that one faggots comment? Are you an actual sheep?
If you like a good story and you're in it for the journey, then you'll enjoy it. If you're an impatient shounen fan who needs rushed action then no.
>This is also the first episode away from Iceland and the cold, rocky scenery that has made up the setting thus far gives way to the brilliant tones of autumn further south. The general peace and prosperity of rich farmland shattered when Askeladd’s men storm the village raping and pillaging, setting up shop and waiting to get paid. The contrast between the idyllic, painterly countryside and the actions of the creatures inhabiting it is stark. Yet the scenery remains exquisite. Every single shot is candy for the eyes, and it really gives you a sense of place. Many anime happen to linger over natural beauty and to see a setting outside of Japan be given this attention to detail really appealing.
This review put together well what I really like about this episode and this adaptation in general. The pretty and colorful background shots aren't there for just for show but they fit the themes of the series with how nature is beautiful and peaceful but the humans inhabiting it are doing everything opposite.
>Inb4 shill
wait... wait fucking what?
Just reading and the viking adventure, the combat and grittyness
It's gunna still happen right? This is just bullshit? It's not going to become fucking sterotypical shounen right?
Forgot pic
Where is this from?
>she doesn't know
Watch all the interviews from the staff of the show. Its really amazing how much passion and love they have for it.
Thanks mate
you got filtered
Son of a bitch
If you want an MC who thinks everything would be solved with killing everybody,the snk threads might be for you.
>Fucking Vikings
>Solving problems without fighting
I see I should have known
snowniggers were a mistake
>Is retarded
Cutenut when?
Its a fucking miracle this anime even exists in this age of Isekai and fanservice-ridden garbage.
Best Canute
>tfw I voted for VS on that one AnimeJapan poll years ago and I'm still in shock it exists now
I mean I know that poll probably doesn't mean much of anything but it's still nice if they do pay attention to those. It's not all isekai and fanservice stuff on there either.
I liked him better as a twink. I cant beat my meat to CHADnute. I used to have so many rape fantasies of him getting kidnapped and sold as a sex slave to an ugly bastard.
Best way to suppport this show would be on amazon. Call me a shill all you want but this wont getting that much of an audience in Japan so the staff really are betting that the western audience likes it.
Vinland Saga is what Berserk should've been.
I actually watch it on Amazon Prime so that's something. It's also really nice to watch it on a large TV.
Why the in fuck was Berserk even adopted by the studio that made fucking Teekyuu? How in the fuck did Miura even allow that?
Needs more rape, the whole Viking vibe is kinda weak
Was Goblin slayer your first anime?
Teekyu i s a fuckng masterpiece
I have amazon and watch it pirated... it's cool right?
*sigh* Meant for
Which part are you looking most forward to in the anime?
If that isnt pure evil I dont know what is.
They probably coersed Miura with idol shit, he couldn't say no
I don't even get why it isn't the same studio that made the Golden Age trilogy... As much shit people give them because they don't understand a movie can't put every fucking thing, especially when we have the old anime for that shit and that the animation was really nice and only got better with film.
Last or second last episode with "That scene" of Askeladd. You know what Im talking about.
calm down
No, it wasn't actually. I don't think next episode is either.
I hope after episode 7 it picks up the pace if they want to nicely adapt the first 24 chapters or so (before Farmland)
I'm holding myself not watching the latest episode so I can watch both at once but you guys are making it really hard.
That's the dir
is this some hallucination or they get supernatural shit?
It's a dream while he is knocked out
>>black haired, black eyed Icelanders
Not all of them are blue eyed blonds retard
>watching dubbed and complaining about voices or dialogue
stfu you don't care retard
It's a show about Vikings so I guess yeah?
Maybe it's a confusion in trasnlation, but "saga" generally means either a individ's life story in best bits, or a family history, or as you mainlanders call it, "dynasty history" or other gay shit.
Anime is heading the right way. But then i read in other manga threads that MC is still important
Then animeonlys impressions will remain the same, is that guy mentally disabled?
There will be more time skips so ii'm sure it's going to be a story of thorfin and his buddies over a couple of decades
Its gonna be asspulls. The problem is that now Yukimura has to write a hell of a lot smarter to try and make these things quasi-believable now that we're going full pacifist.
>black haired, black eyed Icelanders
You're funny retard, thanks for the laugh
What the hell was it?
>Sagas are stories mostly about ancient Nordic and Germanic history, early Viking voyages, the battles that took place during the voyages, and migration to Iceland and of feuds between Icelandic families. They were written in the Old Norse language, mainly in Iceland.
>a medieval Icelandic or Norse prose narrative of achievements and events in the history of a personage, family, etc.
>any narrative or legend of heroic exploits.
Also called saga novel. a form of the novel in which the members or generations of a family or social group are chronicled in a long and leisurely narrative.
>a dramatic history of a group, place, industry, etc.: the saga of the transcontinental railroad.
any very long story with dramatic events or parts, for example: the sad saga of her life in poverty.
SHitpost to watch "the boys" on amazon prime
>The term saga originates from the Norse saga (pl. sögur), and refers to "what is said, a statement" or "story, tale, history". It is cognate with the English word saw (as in old saw), and the German Sage. Icelandic sagas are based on oral traditions and much research has focused on what is real and what is fiction within each tale. The accuracy of the sagas is often hotly disputed. Most of the manuscripts in which the sagas are preserved were taken to Denmark and Sweden in the 17th century, but later returned to Iceland. Classic sagas were composed in the 13th century. Scholars once believed that these sagas were transmitted orally from generation to generation until scribes wrote them down in the 13th century. However, most scholars now believe the sagas were conscious artistic creations, based on both oral and written tradition. A study focusing on the description of the items of clothing mentioned in the sagas concludes that the authors attempted to create a historic "feel" to the story, by dressing the characters in what was at the time thought to be "old fashioned clothing". However, this clothing is not contemporary with the events of the saga as it is a closer match to the clothing worn in the 12th century.
There are plenty of tales of kings (e.g. Heimskringla), everyday people (e.g. Bandamanna saga) and larger than life characters (e.g. Egils saga). The sagas describe a part of the history of some of the Nordic countries (e.g. the last chapter of Hervarar saga). The British Isles, northern France and North America are also mentioned. It was only recently (start of 20th century) that the tales of the voyages to North America (modern day Canada) were authenticated.
Good show,Homelander is based.
And yes, of course the MC is important, the whole "Saga" that the manga is based on is about Thorfinn and his wife traveling to Vinland. Manga has not reached that point yet.
Bet you hated the last ten years of anime music when it was hype and now can't stop sucking the dick of Kanno/Sawano/Kajiura.
Kaos is AOTC
Contiecuck don't tell me about my history, I know my shit, i sacrifice to elves. So don't give me that angloid version
The sagas care more about the heroic lines than faggy maybe's
You think Redbeard or Fairhair give a shit??
Anime of the C? W-What does the C stand for?
what did he mean by this?
you don't need to be a fucking Einstein to know that you need sulfur to make gunpowder, you literally just need to be born as a jap to know where your fucking onsens and the sulfur are, don't be a fag.
As has already been explained by Lief, Greenland is facing very hard times due to poor farming output. He's got plenty of potential pilgrims close to home, so he certainly doesn't need some random Swedish hunter for his mission, nor does it really make any sense for her to join him in settling an unexplored continent. She's also a terrible amalgam of cliches: child genius, tomboy supported by her dad but a worry to her mom, novel weapon designer, becomes a stoic badass after being (literally) scarred by childhood trauma, deeply distrusts the kind-hearted hero trying to change his ways but is giving him a reluctant chance, etc. All she ever does is go "Thorfinn, I would have/will kill you if I see you take a misstep". She's been a tiresome, one note character. Luckily Sigurd and palls have somewhat counter-balanced her obnoxious presence.
>Leif: your pa'/hubby is ded
>Ylfa and Hild: Cool
>And now the show go back to Eren and his eternal rage and revenge and we never see the bitches again.
Not everything is character building in a story, is always good to at least have a fucking note on what the fuck happened to others characters, even if they're just secondaries
Alcoholic priest best character.
Good to know you hate cliches, (while at this point in human history almost everything in storytelling is easily a cliche) I don't hate them, but please, be my guest and keep bitching about how your expectations are fucking huge in terms of originality.
>someone has a different opinion then my own that makes me so ANGRY.
>I will not show evidence, I just know
Ok, this is the level of the argument, go fuck yourself
My parents told me not to lie
>Jobs to a fish
Is there anything Gohan can do?
>Joke's on them, I was only pretending to be retard.
Have ever tried to finger your anus? could be more productive for you.
Was Boku no Pico your first anime faggot?
that's Canute? woah, time to beat my mead
Nah, it's decent nothing really hooks you in. It also sounds like American Acoustic Band #879456123.
Askeladd was a true bastard, but he was capable of respecting other people. Besides, from Thors perspective, even if it increases the chance of the others making it out alive by a few percentage points it's better than nothing.
He doesn't want to make a kingdom, and frankly a place where fighting is pretty uncommon already exists and he's been there. Iceland, since its founding, has never had a king and has seen very little warfare.
but user you're in a thread about it right now
the man was asking about Berserk
You don't get points because you guessed a 50/50 question right.