Only 5 more years until the best part

>only 5 more years until the best part

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It's already available, you shitter. READ IT.

CGI horses

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But Part 7 is shit user


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>7fags are from tumblr

>5 more years until part 6

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>At least 7 years until best boy
I doubt Jojolion will even be finished in a mere 7 years honestly

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>facebook tier meme
You two can fuck off together.

I doubt Jojolion will be over 160 chapters.

>doesn’t know that google images frequently show pictures from tumblr
>doesn’t know that tumblr is dead and all the sjw land whales who were the main reason why Yea Forums hated tumblr emigrated to twitter

God I wanna see this part animated so badly

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I love DP and Part 7 is easily my favorite part. Taut said, I have very very little confidence any animation studio can really do the part justice. With the monthly schedule, and the beautiful setting, so many panels in the part are nothing short of breathtaking. The sheer quality and polish of the art, with an artstyle often seen as having more muted, realistic colors is a huge challenge to put into motion. The part is more than just the art, yes, but no one can deny the impact it makes not only on the emotional crescendoes, but the soft beauty in the downtime chapters. While part 5 was being animated, it was the first time I honestly felt like the anime was simply a worse, but better marketed version of the manga. I invite more fans and discussion of Part 7, but I find it very hard to get any excitement from the prospect of an anime. At this point the animes literal only advantage is music, but I'm also worried it's gonna be more generic stuff. I really don't know, guys.

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They also went to 4channel.

>only 5 more years until best part

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Except it's never going to be adapted because it would be too much expensive.

The JoJo anime soundtrack is alright, but I felt like it reached its peak in Part 2 already (not the rest aren't good, just not as great).

I can't really imagine a Part 7 anime doing a better job than the manga, especially considering how I feel it's where Araki's post-Part 3 style really bloomed.

Didn't people say the same about part 4 and 5?

I'll give you Part 5 but the Part 4 anime was mostly carried by the story though.

we got a dreamer here

Meaning 6 years until Part 7 ends, and 8 years until Part 8 begins.

Will Araki have started Part 9 by then?

>part 4

Honestly Pucci is probably the most well developed villain in the entire series, more so than Valentine, I can't wait to see part 6 animated.

You mangafags are the most cancerous fuckers on the internet. You treat manga like it's the only way to enjoy the fucking story. I don't mind suggestions telling me to try reading the source material. But some of you faggots act like wanting to wait for an anime adaptation is a god damned crime. MAYBE I FUCKING WANT TO SEE SHIT ANIMATED, WITH VOICEWORK AND SICK MUSIC IN THE BACKGROUND TO MAKE ME FEEL SOME FUCKING EMOTION. LET PEOPLE ENJOY THINGS AND JERK OFF TO STILL PANELS LIKE THEY'RE A BIBLE UNTIL YOU SKIN YOUR FLACCID 3-INCHER. KYS.

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shut the fuck up ADHD retard who cant read

>AAAAH fuck I can't see what I wrote plain as day. I don't remember what I meant BUT HE DOES. I have to call him a retard AAA FUCK YOU user AAA

I repeat. Kys.

I'm less critical of DP's adaptations than some people but it does suffer a lot from lack of animation. There's some good animation here and there but you also get literal still frames being panned over, some of which make it harder to understand what's happening than how it's presented in the manga. The idea of actively waiting over a decade for an anime adaptation of something that you could just read the manga for (especially when all of the adaptations have had similar problems including the still frame thing I mentioned above) has never made sense to me. But I've been reading manga since I was a kid so I guess that's influenced my thinking.

Manga has an even bigger problem with lack of animation.

illiterate retard lol

pucci is a one note dio fan

But manga isn't animated so it isn't really a problem. The flow comes from how the panels are done. The anime is supposed to be animated so just panning over still frames is more of a problem. Especially when DP filters the hell out of the still frame so you can barely see what's supposed to be going on in it when it's on screen for a second or two. You might as well criticize a book for not having good directing if someone points out how poorly directed the movie adaptation is.

lq b8

Part 5 fags get out

I heard that animating horses is really difficult and will make 7 much more demanding to work on since horse racing is such a central component

I just realized, that's the flag, isn't it?

You dont have to be a part 5 fag to recognize Pucci is lacking.