Say something nice about Rumiko Takahashi

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She's basically a female Akira Toriyama in terms of popularity and success world wide.

this old bitch needs my penis inside of her.

cute grandma

Too bad shit like Sailor Moon gets more attention than Ranma/Inuyasha(or her other works) when they think about female mangaka. Rumiko Takahashi is pretty based in her collections. Inuyasha is especially great as it exposed me to endless amount of ghost stories.


She creates cool settings and neat characters and most of her manga would work great at a shorter length.

Ranma is a blessing on this world. Thank you Takahashi.

Best gender-bender fiction outside of Virginia Wolf

I would do that

Imagine that old chink getting spitroasted by two ch/a/d bulls.

Thanks for creating best girl

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By all accounts, she seems to be a lesbian so you are out of luck. No male love interest has ever been connected to her.

Still pretty hot for a pudgy 60 year old woman. I would.

Check out her battlestation back in the day

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She's one of the best mangaka to ever live and Ranma is a masterpiece.

That's literally every female mangaka minus Arakawa and takeuchi

She never gives up. Right on the heels of finishing Rinne she went right into Mao with barely a break. I wish hiatusfags like Togashi would take some fucking notes.

She looks very dignified for someone who can only make terrible LOL SO WACKY romcoms

I tried to read Urusei Yatsura and Inuyasha, but both were shit. Does she have anything better?

Didn't finish Ranma or Mermaid stories go fuck yourself Oba-san !

She probably turned a whole generation of girls into furries.

her art style is just adorable

You may have mixed opinions on her work. But she's miles ahead of most of us in success.

You really think even a single soul that has ever even visited this site is as rich and influential in any industry as her.

Maison Ikkoku is unironically a masterpiece of romcom

Ranma (female) best second girl.

ranma 1/2 got me into anime/manga. Thanks I guess.

easily my favorite mangaka.

I've lived on her works since I have memory. Currently waiting for Rinne to wrap up in my country and for Mao to release.

UY, Ranma, and Inuyasha are mediocre at best. It's the same running gags over and over with no real character development or progress for anyone. They are worth reading a volume or two each, but don't bother after that, you'll get bored quickly and start to hate how repetitive it all is.

How many female mangaka are gay?

The UY anime was responsible for much of the franchise's huge success, with it's brilliant direct by Oshii (who often improvised extensively on the source material).

Mao already has 11 chapters TL'd on shitstream.

For instance, Oshii added reams of characterization when he chose to make Megane and the rest of the Stormtroopers main characters (they disappeared very quickly in the manga).

orlando fucking sucks

I know, but I buy things I read online once they're officially released.

>writes some of the earliest and most influential (proto)tsunderes
>is going to die alone

If only Miura and Togashi were able to work the 10% of what she does.

It's interesting to speculate. For instance, at 5' 7" pic is taller than the average Japanese man and could be a Takarazuka-esque butch role in a relationship.

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Her current heroine is someone who died and got brought back to life, she's preparing to keep going even after she's dead.

She has created many waifus and she can draw really nice boobs

Nice trophy

Good premises and starts. Cannot wrap a plot satisfactory or not drown it with inconsequential characters.

Maison Ikkoku wrapped up very well, and I dont really remember any inconsequential characters, maybe Nikaido I guess.

It's a very specific kind of cute. I want to pick a fight with this chubby, sour-faced Otako and get invited to her dump apartment to prove how wrong I am about Ultraman Taro.

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I think you're forcing yourself

Os the girl in the TV Lum?
Is she naruto running?

She is kinda hot but she looks just like my mom in the 80's and I don't like that

A repressed lesbian


Multiple hit wonder unlike her lesser and lazy male counterparts.

one of the best of all time

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Oh, really?

Her titties are titties

You just said that your mom in the 80’s was hot my nigga

bro stop my friends used to say this all the time I don't like it

yes you do

She's an absolute work horse. Very few mangaka can even dream as having as many successful series as she has and she keeps working for what can only be absolute love of the art.

Ranma got me into manga. I didn't know comics could be so fun.

She's one of the most influential people in the artform's entire history. She sits at the same table as Toriyama and Tezuka in that regard. Even if you hate every single one of her works (and let's be honest, most of the kiddos here haven't even read one of them), there's a pretty damn good chance that a series you DO love owes its existence to her inspiration.

Side note: In Japan, UY is pervasively popular and well-known to normies even to this day. Most people are at least aware of it. Pic related is from a recent commercial for a natural gas utility provider of all things.

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Most people have at least watched Inuyasha. Despite lasting 3 arcs too long, it was pretty nice.

>expect the same annoying bullshit that's prevalent in all of her other works
>it's actually really down to earth and the characters actually act like people
Was genuinely shocked.

are most female mangaka actually gay or are you just pulling my leg?

You're a pirate after my own heart. Bless you.

Should have had P-chan somewhere in this pic, she admitted Ryoga was her favorite character to write for in Ranma 1/2.

I always wanted her and toriyama to do a collab or a crossover between their works

It's really cute how they give the kid flowers at the end (7:48) to celebrate the shoot being over, I wonder if that's just because he's a cute kid or if that's normal for commercials over there.

As an Urusei Yatsura fan this was incredibly fun to watch

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>She's one of the most influential people in the artform's entire history. She sits at the same table as Toriyama and Tezuka in that regard.
That is absolutely not true. She's got a total of three actual hits. She's high tier, for sure, but she's well below the tip top of the medium. We're talking about guys who had 10+ hits and are so deeply ingrained in manga/Japanese pop culture that they will never be topped.

It really is shocking coming from IY/UY/Ranma

Absolutely genius, god bless her

lol, list the top 10 influential mangaka then O Wise One

>so deeply ingrained in manga/Japanese pop culture that they will never be topped
UY fits that description easily.

Touch has better comedy and romance. And it's not unbelievably frustrating to watch to boot.

She created my waifu. So I own her a lot.

>We're talking about guys who had 10+ hits
Name any popular series by Toriyama outside of DB and Slump.
Name any popular series by Tezuka outside of Astro Boy. Okay fine he has plenty, but the average Japanese normie probably wouldn't know any. The average Japanese normie knows Urusei Yatsura.

>Name any popular series by Toriyama outside of DB and Slump.
Does Dragon Quest count considering he's the sole person responsible for all the art in the series?

Well we're talking about influence in manga/anime, not video games. But sure, DQ/CT I'll give you that on a technicality

Get in line nigga.

You finally get Ranma canon sequel whichwill also features Ryoga x female Ranma pregnancy.
But you necessarily have to become rumiko's boytoy forever, even after her death.


Sure she's an old woman, her relevant hormones are mostly dead now.

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>We're talking about guys who had 10+ hits
>muh number of hits!
No. Number of hits does not linearly correlate with influence in the field of manga, brainlet. Oda has one hit.


Bless your heart.

>She only has three hits!
>lists Akimoto, twice

Pulling your leg.

Arakawa maybe not lesbian, but she is a real faggot for not finishing Silver Spoon

Cool list and I can't deny they're all important (you listed Akimoto twice though). But even everyone in Japan in the manga industry, calls Rumiko the "Queen of manga".

Look at all the pointless harem romcoms we're inundated with today. Rumiko is undeniably one of the roots of this genre.

your AOTY is for sure the MILFsekai isn’t it?

phew i got worried there for a second

The day she and Oda die Japan's GDP takes a dive.

Toriyama also only had one, maybe two.

Well most bitches that do male oriented stuff and do a good job at it are dykes

Even diehard contrarians wouldn't be so stupid as to deny Rumiko's influence, this must be a troll.
>She's got a total of three actual hits
>guys who had 10+ hits
Oh fuck right off.

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>no Leiji Matsumoto
FFS. He touched off the whole 70s space boom that shit like Gundam owes everything to. A near contemporary of Tezuka that is still working (first manga published in 1953). GE999 is VERY well known in Japan.

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Is it her birthday? Happy birthday! Ranma and Inuyasha are huge!

Replace the second Akimoto with Matsumoto but only his anime are famous

Nobody reads his manga, mostly because he is terrible at it

His mecha are first rate, very detailed stuff, Harlock-type men and Maetel/Emeraldas women very's just the potato heads that don't sit well with most. Continuity between it all is nebulous.

i was hoping they were just tomboys and not dykes nooooooooooooooooooo

I would put a deep one in her to be perfectly honest

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Even now

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if she can still give birth then yess

she's 61

>implying not down-low bisexuals

by some stroke of luck she might still be fertile. if not she has missed her time opening to start a familly .

she's old so she'll probably die soon

you shut your filthy whore mouth

>Otaku-ing out over anime laserdiscs with her in the media room she built in that era, flush with $$$ from UY (that CRT projector cost a fortune), then getting hands on
very 80s comfy

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She's Japanese, so could realistically go another 40 years. Maybe another 20 years worth of work left in her too (Matsumoto is in his 80s and still productive, Miyazaki is up there). Losing a few pounds would help.

>so could realistically go to age 101
Get your head out of your ass

Finally Abe some good fuckin-
no deal

Japanese live forever, last I checked. Machiko Kyo, star of Kurosawa movies like Rashomon in 1950, just died at 95.

I kind of wish Inuyasha didn't have the overall goal of the Shikon Jewel. It keeps the group together, but I'd rather it not be around if they were going to do the episodic adventures and dick around a lot for YEARS.

And Olivia de Havilland, who starred in Gone With the Wind in 1939 is still kicking. But that doesn't make it realistic for most people, ya dolt.

If you divide the 100+ group here by the 65-69 group, you come up with a 1.72% chance.

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No, I don't like it at all actually.

Looks like its round 6 for me boys

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How is she still able to draw manga when others have given up on the art chores?

A great businesswoman


Ranma is my all time favorite anime/manga series and something I have yet to tire of so I thank her for that. I generally tend to always like her other works as well. I wish more people liked Rinne since the main pair actually wasn't the typical Takahashi pair (the opposite actually) and was quite amusing. It's a lot closer to Ranma though as it's also a bunch of dumb fun comedy so I can get why people found it boring originally since it had to follow up after Inuyasha.

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>She's got a total of three actual hits.
I mean, that's 2 more than most influential people in the industry

the majority of tomboys are lesbian you know.

It's 8 less, actually.

>Okay fine he has plenty, but the average Japanese normie probably wouldn't know any.
They actually do, if only because they're still childrens staples.

I liked that movie

>Name any popular series by Tezuka outside of Astro Boy. Okay fine he has plenty, but the average Japanese normie probably wouldn't know any
>Shin Takarajima
>Black Jack
>Jungle Emperor
>Message to Adolf
>Princess Knight
>Triton of the Sea
>Wonder Three
At the very least, they're going to know Shin Takarjima, Tetsuwan Atom, Princess Knight and Black Jack.

I like mangakas influenced by Rumiko Takahashi. Can't say the same about Buronson and Tezuka.

Isn't she the richest woman in japan?

Problem is that most of her works ended slow paced and with unsatisfying endings.

She's an absolute legend and manga/anime would not be the same without her influence.

Made for BBC.™️

Can I have Kyoukai no Rinne S4 please.

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You fucking retard.

>Ranma jobbing to Beerus
>Ranma jobbing to Hit
>Ranma jobbing to Zamasu
>Ranma jobbing to Jiren
>Ranma jobbing to Whis
>Ranma jobbing to Fu
Yes please

I like her works but she basically invented the Ranma fanbase aka the OG cancerous and autistic fanbase even worse than Sonic fanbase

That's a lot of hair.

German science can fix that!

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>implying Ranma wouldn't somehow figure out how to gain saiyan powers or otherwise cut off their tails
He's the king of ass pull victories by copying whatever beat him. He may job the first dozen times, but once he figures out the trick to it, he'll use it back on you.

>Def Jam Recordings
You just know she's into that BBC

>anime got axed literally 90% of the way through
Goddamnit, at least they could make an OVA of the final story like they did with UY.

Was it really almost done?

The last story it adapted came from volume 36 out of 40.

She doesn't make lesbians.

Maybe ill just start from there then. Ive been meaning to read it but I had no clue where the anime stopped so i was just going to start from the beginning, but thats too daunting a task so I put it off a long time.

Naoko Takeuchi really hitted the jackpot with Sailor Moon, basically did a Super Sentai but with high school girls.

Once Ichigo gets introduced in volume 32 or so, there isn't really much important stuff left until the last three volumes, where character stories start getting slightly wrapped up (keyword = slightly, it's only a step more conclusive than Ranma).