Where does Yea Forums stand on this series?
Who was the best girl?
Did you approve of the ending?
How do you feel about Closing Chapter and Coda?
Where does Yea Forums stand on this series?
Who was the best girl?
Did you approve of the ending?
How do you feel about Closing Chapter and Coda?
What is this show and VN even about? All Yea Forums ever mentions about it is NTR and that scene where the brunette can barely walk after dicking.
It's a love triangle story played straight, and generally considered to be among the better anime romances of the last 6 years.
People screaming NTR are just underage. This was nothing compared to Kimi ga Nozomu Eien back in the day.
Kazusa a best
Setsuna a shit
t. brainlet
>and generally considered to be among the better anime romances of the last 6 years.
The bar is really that low?
It's probably far better than your favorite anime of the last 6 years, that's for sure.
Left or right?
Objectively left.
easily left
Coda when
It’s an actual love triangle where it all goes wrong and people get hurt, which is pretty unique for the medium.
Could you be any more soi?
It's a love triangle where the MC goes through a window at the 3rd floor to meet someone in a room with only one door.
Mari best girl
Unironically my anime of the decade. Rewatching now for like the 4th time around and it's still just as great.
Haruki x Kazusa is best and canon. They love each other more than anything.
Haruki did fall in love with Setsuna, but only because he was a pushover and Kazusa refused to betray her friend. Setsuna exploited that and made them both suffer because she couldn't bear to be 3rd wheel to their relationship.
Thankfully it all worked out in end. I don't blame Setsuna for trying though. All's fair in love and war.
Did anyone on Yea Forums even read Closing Chapter?
Is the story concluded in the anime? I though its not. I remember reading something that made me drop it before watching. Should i pick it up?
Yea Forums lead me to believe Kazusa would be best girl when I started watching this, but then she turned out to be shit.
Setsuna is best girl and deserved to be happy.
WA2 is a 3 game series.
The anime covers the canonical route of the 1st game.
Setsuna was a terrible friend who acted incredibly selfishly. On the surface she's cute and nice though so it makes sense that you liked her.
Now that it's been translated, I'm sure there are a lot of people who read it.
Kazusa and kazusa true end is best ending
>Haruki did fall in love with Setsuna, but only because he was a pushover and Kazusa refused to betray her friend
Wasn't because Setsuna was hot? Kazusa was a nerd that spent highschool studying and being a responsable kid, obviously he'd jump to the chance of fucking a hot chick. To be fair, this is aimed to aspies terrified of sex
He was already in love with Kazusa and Setsuna knew that. Setsuna also knew Haruki was a pushover who wouldn't be able to reject her.
The series is about friends being put in an unwinnable situation due to a love triangle. They all hurt each other and betray each other for understandable reasons and at the core of it all is a deep love competing against a beautiful friendship.
Your buzz words are nice though. Use some more of them next time.
I was talking about the underline reasons. I know it's about friendship and yada yada but this is the typical idealized seishun shit that nips love so much. Give the characters some humanity instead of moe traits
>still being a retard after all this time
Is this better than Saekano?
Setsuna > Touma
Setsuna > Piano-playing machine with a pussy made of heroin. But Haruki x Touma is the "best" couple. The two pieces of shit belong to each other.
Fuck you
why are literal fags allowed into these threads
pussy made of bestgirl
took me a minute
Touma > Ogiso
To be brutally honest: yes
I thought the anime was great. I did want to read or play closing chapter and coda for the closure, but not sure where to get or do either.
why is she so perfect bros?
Tsundere done right
FYI, you can watch WA2 independently of WA1, it's a separate story.
It's my gold standard for tragic romance; short and "sweet" and really well-done. It took me a couple years to stop thinking back on it with sadness, so I'm looking forward to reading the VN with a mix of anticipation and fear. Currently a short ways into IC.
>Kazusa was a nerd that spent highschool studying and being a responsable kid, obviously he'd jump to the chance of fucking a hot chick.
Haruki, you mean Haruki.
yeah honestly can't think of a better "romance" anime, even though it's completely different than much of the genre
Out of curiosity, what do you expect from the closing chapter?
Kazusa best and cutest girl!!
Kazusa is more like a kuudere. Being cool and calm is her facade before that's melted away and she's a crying mess.
The Piano + Guitar cover still gets me.
Best song
As a song it may be better, but the duet carries so much more emotion because of its context within the story.
true true
>will literally and unironically always love you no matter what you do to her
>idol appearance
>wife qualities
Piano girl (cant compete with her mom) barely had a chance
>unironically will always love you no matter what
I honestly see this as somewhat of a downside. Feels like she should have some more self respect.
She allowed the cheating to happen because she felt responsible for it
But yeah, she should let the other bastards cheat on each other freely while she dates with me
Pursue your dreams user, don't let anyone stop you.
Theres plenty of Kasuzas out in this world, but not a single Setsuna to be found
I fucking wish. Not that a healthy relationship is easy with someone with that little in the way of social/life skills.
Obviously the worst Beatles album
Aside from finding out how Haruki and Setsuna make up, it should be interesting to see what the other girls are all about, and how they measure up.
Mediocre at best.
Maruto is god
as far as advertisements go its okay
It had one of the best 1st eps I have ever seen
Not even a fucking contest. Saekano was literally Maruto selling out
Me on the left
Last ep pace still disturbs me, every character were normal HS kids and then suddenly they all become wicked
The black haired girl had sex with MC not the brunette, retard.
>Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
Which VN a better chance of getting an anime CC & Coda or Muv-Luv
Are there reasons there hasn't been a Muv-Luv one yet?
Yes. But I didn't get far into coda cause I'm bad at nip.
Are you literally new?
t. brainlet
I remember when we had good threads about this. It was one of the better romance/dramas that year and the dumbfucks that didn't enjoy it didn't get further in their interpretation than "lol these kids are stupid"
Who was the best girl in CC?
Not Kohaku that's for sure
I want to cum inside Setsuna!
How stupid are you?
Reminder that this is official art
The more I look at it the more I miss that artstyle
Setsuna best girl and one of the best written female characters alongside major and Eva Heinemann in Japanese fiction. Truly the MVP of closing chapter. Heard Haruki's VA also preferred Setsuna, is it true? What about the other staff?
Thread still up? Nice job WA2bros
Does anyone even care about the other girls in CC?
Choose one.
Was the yuri bait in the last ep necessary? It felt really odd to hear such dirty words coming from little Setsuna
You are stupid.
Reminder that this is not Touma
Only thing I didn't like about Setsuna was that she was the only one with a Disney-like happy ending.
In the Kazusa route all the characters (including Kazusa herself) talk a lot about how much of a good girl Setsuna is and what a horrible choice you're making by not choosing her...
It just felt kinda unfair
That's basically why I prefer the kazusa true ending. Seems like it fits more thematically. But then again, having both ends be "canon" is what really makes it work, since someone always has to be hurt.
Which version of Sound of Destiny is the best in your opinion?
AKKO (Rina Ogata) 1998:
Nana Mizuki (Rina Ogata) 2009:
Madoka Yonezawa (Setsuna):
Hitomi Nabatame (Kazusa):
They weren't exactly subtle about Kazusa being the true route. They only play the series finale song "Closing" at the end of her route.
Akko, by virtue of being an actual singer.
god i hated the mari route
Right is the best.
Setsuna deserves all the happiness possible in this world you weirdo
Is it bad that I want to fuck both of them, at the same time?
I haven't played the game or watched anime yet, but I fell in love with their character designs.
I heard the WA2 VN english translation was quite bad. Is it true guys ?
the bar for anime romance is lower than dirt
Only in the early stages. It's fine now.
You can't appreciate muv-luv unlimited and alternative enough until you go through 30 excruciating hours of cliche romcom.
but honestly it's probably a mix of not wanting to ruin their magnum opus and an unwillingness to put a large enough budget for a proper adaption
I don't think any progress has been made with english translation since CC released. Could be wrong though.
Kazusa best girl.
Why do people like this song?
Closing as the song of the real ending
muh nigga
You cant do that Haruki
Yes you can haruki. Don't listen to the fag on your other shoulder.
as long as he leaves kazusa to me