Was Cossette no Shouzou TOO DEEP for Yea Forums?

Was Cossette no Shouzou TOO DEEP for Yea Forums?

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Yes. Can someone please tell me what the fuck happened in it? Really liked the art so it's sad I'm too dumb to understand it.

I'm pretty sure the anime is a metaphor for the average otaku that becomes obsessed with an object. He becomes reclusive who withdraw from society and seek extreme degrees of isolation and confinement,spending all day worshiping his object.
Kinda like Aku no Hana mc with Baudelaire

I would worship a blonde little girl.

Shinbou at his peak.

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She's CUTE!

Wasn't Madoka better?

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It was too boring for me. Too much Shinbo look-at-these-weird-shots-for-five-minutes bullshit and not enough actually happening, also the cast barely had personalities. It was kind of interesting during the parts when the illusions went full crazy and cool Kajiura music started playing, but that wasn't enough.

Mysterious object that fascinates and obsesses and corrupts people is an age-old concept, I don't think it's any kind of metaphor for otaku.


10/10 anime


I am proud you remembered user.

Top tier visual and music direction.

Are you me user? There were so many theories back then.

Really enjoyed it, but I don't think it was terribly deep or metaphorically obscure.
Just a thriller/horror anime. Pretty good tho.

what? about this shit anime?

It was good but definitely a bit rushed due to only 3 episodes.

but how about the plot?

Alien 9 is more comparable to Madoka. Both are shit though.

where can i find them?

Alien 9 is okay