A few days ago, we had a thread with an user asking "how do isekai generally end" with most people in the thread stating how an actual ending is pretty rare, most of them just stop or get cancelled.
In that thread I asked "doesn't that seem like reading isekai is a waste of time, how can people enjoy this and call it good if they know they're likely gonna get blue-balled?" but I didn't really get an answer. Thus I proffer this question to you Yea Forums.
How can people enjoy sitcoms when they never end? How can people enjoy life if it just gets randomly axed at some point regardless of whether the plot elements are all tied up?
William Allen
Because you can have rising action, character development, narrative arcs, and climaxes without reaching a conclusion.
Angel Martinez
The animes don't end because the LNs they're based on haven't ended yet and the anime doesn't even cover close to all of it. It's not that hard to figure out.
Oliver Taylor
I'm talking about the LNs
Justin Sullivan
The Konosuba LN seems to be headed for the whole final confrontation faster than people expected. Others, like Youjo Senki, had an ending in their WN prototype. I guess there's always stuff like Monogatari which the author seems to basically just extend forever, but eventually arcs conclude and give you a conclusion for that, at least. Though it's not like things just possibly never getting an ending is new, just look at Berserk. There's authors that just don't want to or can't get there.
Jaxon Nguyen
Isekai is just wish fulfillment, both one reads it because they are dying to know how it ends. When the protagonist is OP the only way it can end is with a harem and drinking margaritas on the beach
Daniel Turner
the ending is never the good part of anything. also i can't like isekai
Jack Miller
>the ending is never the good part of anything wrong. it's just that trash animes don't have a proper story, and just randomly stagger into shit until everyone is sick of it already, possibly the author himself, because he's a huge fucking faggot for not learning to tell a proper story. fuck em all.
Gabriel Taylor
>the ending is never the good part of anything Endings are hard to swallow but necessary otherwise it will end up like the Simpsons
Landon Rivera
That doesn't make sense. The saying "all good things come to an end" exists for a reason
What isekai really changes about conventional fantasy is that it distorts the MC's inner thought process. Rather than being a natural part of the world and thinking within it, he maintains a detached and somewhat deliberate point of view. Like the way a player character acts in an MMO, from the perspective of the NPCs. This is as expected, since MMORPGs are a major inspiration for the isekai genre.
I know some say that isekai premises quickly lose meaning and the story eventually turns into something virtually identical to if a boy was born in the same world and was chosen by the gods for greatness, but in my opinion that remote isekai POV always sets it apart from conventional fantasy, even if the origin story ceases to be important.
I really don't think isekai is a 'flavor of the month' that will fade like other stuff such as battle harems. Its replacement will be something even more immersive. Rather than reading/watching a story about someone who was transported to another world, you will be made to feel that way yourself. That's the ultimate end that isekai is pointing towards.
Ryder Davis
Some of them do end - Konosuba, Youjo Senki, Kumo (kinda???), and Slime all have endings.
Only Konosuba has good ending though.
Parker Fisher
Because it would be shit as our anime original endings
Nathan Russell
Like one of those Choose Your Own Adventure books?
Brody Johnson
Actually, when I like a thing, I want it to be endless.
Chase Hughes
>How can people enjoy sitcoms? >How can people enjoy life? This is not the place for Metaphysical questions, anom.
Jace White
Yeah but that's 4 titles out of how many hundred isekai?
Oliver Watson
You think that at first. Then The Simpsons happens.
Xavier Garcia
to be fair Konosuba is like 1 year away from finnishing. by now (not including any spin offs or unforseen timeskips) there is about 8 seasons worth of material
There's still more he's missed, like Shield Hero, Mushoku Tensei, Maou-sama Retry, Arifureta and plenty others. Others are just ongoing, and either slowly working towards some end-goal or are basically "MC n friends' happy fun adventures!" which isn't really a symptom of isekai at all, just one of a story without an end goal.
Cameron Gray
End of Eva
Wyatt Martinez
>How can people enjoy isekai? >This is not the place for Metaphysical questions
Caleb Ward
>1337 >he doesn't know about Yea Forums - anime and philosophy
Jason Hughes
Thet gave birth to Sneed, I can't complain.
Henry Perry
Why are you bothered about how people enjoy the time they waste on certain things?
Jonathan Martinez
I enjoy what I see more than what I don't.
Cameron Murphy
its about the journey, not the destination user. This is literally the message of at least 1 arc of every show ever
Cameron Rivera
they're called games you fucking clowns. GAMES.
Wyatt Cox
>How can people enjoy life if it just gets randomly axed at some point regardless of whether the plot elements are all tied up? Because life isn't a choice you get. You can choose death or you can choose to find things to occupy life to make it interesting. Like stories. Stories are designed to simulate life, but in an orderly fashion, where there's a clear hero, a clear villain, a clear plot, and a clear ending. Not that I'm saying you can't mix those up, but let's keep it simple. Why would anyone choose to read a messy story that fumbles every one of those elements and ultimately stops halfway with no satisfying closure when they could read one of the thousands of other stories that does? I don't understand why people use the "Real life is like that too" when things just happen in narratives with no relevance to the established plot, characters, or themes. It's like they're incapable of analyzing those elements and just consume whatever media gets put in front of them.
>how can people enjoy this and call it good if they know they're likely gonna get blue-balled Because isekai is a power fantasy. Self-therapy. Escapism. Overcompensation for all the complexes. Mostly. And that's why it's so fucking awful. Yet, konosuba has a character growth and nice jokes, so it's not as shit as anything else.
Colton Price
Return Of The Jedi ended Star Wars perfectly. Then the sequels came along and single handedly prove why stories-even massively popular ones-need to end, especially in the era they're created by the people who created them.
Unfortunately the anime/manga industry is gripped by the plate spinning attitude of dragging out stories as long as possible to milk all the yen it can from the undiscerning, fiscally irresponsible, and generally tasteless anime fandom.
I guess to be fair, the endings of most isekai wouldn't be interesting or rewarding. Most MCs got to their fantasy worlds by "dying" so they have no connection or drive to get back to their previous lives, and they're generally uninteresting people to begin with so it's not like most isekai are even capable of a satisfying ending. Either the MC goes back to their terrible Earth life, spends all day drinking and sleeping and being bored like level 99 MMO charcaters in real video games, or they become a pathetic aging hero with no adventures to go on while everyone else passes them by like Simon in Gurren Lagann. At best they wind up marrying the authour/fan ship and having some kids, which would be better than a never-ending story but the Called to Adventure-Finish the Adventure-Have Kids story arc was tired and played out by Homer's day.
Ian Carter
>Unfortunately the anime/manga industry is gripped by the plate spinning attitude of dragging out stories as long as possible to milk all the yen it can from the undiscerning, fiscally irresponsible, and generally tasteless anime fandom. how can we stop this fucking faggotry? more fires?
Funny how the image you posted is from a series that got dropped from monetization so hard they never even managed to get a single figurine the announced done. And that's your answer. If it makes money, it gets the treatment. Iunno try to burn down capitalism or something.
Ryan Stewart
>Iunno try to burn down capitalism or something. no. how about we gonna gas all the faggots still playing with literally barbies who are buying all the merchandise crap. gayass niggers.
Anime is not nearly as bad as it could be in that regard, just watch most original Netflix series, like their superhero shit. They clearly have like half the material if not less then they have time alloted for any given series and everything is dragged and stretched out till all that remains is a thin boring slog.
Connor Gonzalez
>wanting it to end so you can go back to your shitty life instead of breeding your loli/elf harem and taking over the world with your OP skills...
Paypigs bank roll animu and mango. Without those people who have rooms stocked full of seasonal waifu garbage we would have nothing.
Hudson Gray
Saying anime is better than Netflix Originals isn't saying much. Netflix Originals are bottom of the barrel content churned out to primarily promote political agendas to the impressionable and average to below average intelligence masses. They barely even try to put up any sort of thinly veiled facade of actually caring about writing interesting, insightful, or inspiring stories.