The Great Debate

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Other urls found in this thread:

>shit vs turd

Not fair. HxH is classic literature.

Niceu baito user-sama!

here's your (You), buffoon

Im definitely not a HxH fanboy but how does BNHA even come close, that just a made up debate. You wouldnt compare SAO to NGE neither

>how does BNHA even come close
By being a actual manga with actual drawings

huntards are just a bunch of pretentious autistic virgin fedora tippers neckbeards who think that walls of text = good writing.

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>By being a actual manga with actual drawings
Wow what an amazing standard that BNHA has achieved. Truly the pinnacle of modern manga.

BnHA invented drawings and sensitive protagonists

Whomst wore it (moss head) better?

MHA: Revolutionary character design, unique powers
HXH: a a suit.. with a kid... in shorts...all green

>unique powers
Horikoshi writing quirks like;
>"He can punch but like, REALLY hard????"
>"wHeN He ToUcHeS THInGs ThEy ExPlOdE!!!!!?!"
>"He can shoot fire, but get this, get this,.. HE CAN ALSO SHOOT ICE HEUSBRJDBDHE"

Meanwhile, Togashi creating Nen abilities:

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Copying American cape comics is not revolutionary.

>character has a thought
>explain it in tedious, unnecessary detail
>this is good writing
All shounenshit is trash. Hunter Ecks Hunter is just slightly unique trash in that, instead of at least having entertaining designs, characters, or abilities, it has long winded exposition.

>Comparing top tier manga from one of the most influencial jump writers to capeshit rip-off for zoomers about crying imbecile with 7 wishing powers

Gon und Cheadle

Cool bait and all, but if you think that hxh has bad art, you’re cherry picking.

The walls of texts are about maturity. Current arc has shown that pretty well, these characters aren't kids, they're professionals in a setting where mistakes could easily get them killed. They must plan and anticipate most outcomes to their actions. It's not about "I have to punch this guy and this other guy will let my guy go", it's about scheming, and the best use of their skills. Being able to get a grasp of a characters train of thought is something that really helps put things in perspective, stakes are there, if you make a mistake you might die right there or worse. When the setting is truly alive, there is no overexposition. Truly a masterpiece brainlets wouldn't comprehend.

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picture GOOD
reading BAD

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what debate

Haven't read either but I'll go with the left because frogs are always the right choice

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New is BAD
Old is GOOD

Both are anime for beginners. Once you've watched 500 unique shows and educated yourself you are allowed to watch true culture like SnK.

based frogbro

Old is BAD
New is GOOD

go back

you mean copying araki?

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>>"He can shoot fire, but get this, get this,.. HE CAN ALSO SHOOT ICE HEUSBRJDBDHE"
name 1 (one) other superpower series where a character can use fire and ice at the same time

i don't have a part-time job, though.

I dropped Bnha after All Might Vs AFO went down. The series ended there for me.

Yea Forums is GOOD
Yea Forums is BAD

A song of ice and fire

why does this retard always post this thread?


I dunno, and I'm suprised that no one remembers "The Great Debate" threads from months back that was plaguing the catalog

It’s a shitpost template. Next they’ll post HxH with a literally who anime and still say “the great debate”.

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which has better porn?

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Both are shite

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>no one will ever figure out that I just want to see two terrible fanbases shit on each other

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Don't they both mostly inspire gay porn.

why is a good chunk of bnha porn involve genderbent deku?

I'm gonna be honest: I like My Hero Academia. I read it every week. Yes, I enjoy this manga, but even I admit it's EXTREMELY mediocre. Just your average shounen that I hate to love. No way in hell is it better than Hunter x Hunter.

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HxH at least has some thought into their writing. MHA is just a super high school with basic teenage drama and some halfassed forced fights. Nothing deeper than surface level ike HxH

MHA is the most reddit garbage being spammed on the board nowadays, it attracts even bigger retards and casuals than HxH. Probably the kind of people who jizz themselves over capeshit.

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I like’em both, but I think HxH is better overall. BnHA is more consistently high-quality, and has better moment-to-moment illustrations, but HxH has a more interesting world, a few characters with deeper psychological profiles, and is generally more unpredictable and suspenseful. The most recent arc has really encapsulated everything that’s both good and bad about it; interesting premise, suspenseful mind-games, but huge walls of deadpan text, very little information conveyed visually, and drawings that are sometimes distractingly rough-looking. I’m also having a hard time staying as invested as I usually am with both Gon and Killua absent for such long chunks of the narrative.

here's your answer

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stay in reddit fr
only redditors think explaining basic things in long winded ways help anyone
weren't you taught in school to try and keep things simple when explaining?
or at least togashi was taught in school?

lol post the original panel please

daddy Donovan is aroused by your baitthreads

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Daddy guts wants you to kindly leave so he doesn't have to resort to violence in front of the children

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kek a X-Men ripoff

HiatusXHiatus has always been a joke. People really think an unfinished anime actually changed that. Literally the worst most forgettable protagonist of any manga, story is 100% shonen garbage

user please, this is the 587th time you've made this thread. Your family is begging you, take your meds and apply for a job. It's going to be okay, you can make it


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there's a reason 99% of the discussion has to do with the chimera arc, its the only anime arc that did anything of note. Everything else was just generic, mediocre writing. Seriously, who can look at something like the end of the hunter exam and not think togashi is a hack writer?

>Seriously, who can look at something like the end of the hunter exam and not think togashi is a hack writer?
because most of the fans are children that watched it for the first time on netflix

HxH. BNHA is dogshit-tier.

why do you suppose that is?

BnHA. HxH is beyong dogshit. Also hxh current arc is the most boring shit i ever read.


How can BnHA be better than anything when it doesn't even come close to its spinoff manga?

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The Horoikoshi special is presenting an idea or theme, and never bother to explore it.

Thank goodness I watched the 99 version of the Hunter Exams. Or else, my opinion of this series would've been pretty low.

What led to this constant shit flinging contest between these 2 retarded fanbases?
I really am curious.

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99 had kinda of a comfy feeling.

HxH general died and the obsessed fans refused to move on. They started posting in other generals and very obviously move the discussion to HxH. Everyone told them to fuck off so the whole "you're just not smart enough to understand my favorite Chinese cartoon!" meme started and everyone acted ironically retarded to mock them.

The problem is that half of the obsessed fans dont realize they are being mocked and the other half dont care because they are massively starved for attention.

The massive hateboner for mha was just because it got massively popular right as their general died

From my experience, one fanbase just seems to have fun shitposting and the other seems to genuinely seethe. Try and guess which is which.

All because of Togahsi’s constant long haituses and some shit writing here and there

There is a huge portion of fans that genuinely believe hes on hiatus all the time but still working by writing and planning the story every day. Its fucking hilarious

There are many hiatuscucks who thinks that Togashi deserves to take a break for a decade because he works hard.

The former is HxH fanbase and the latter is the MHA fanbase.

Am I right?

>proceeds to pitou spam for 14 hours straight

hiatuscucks have nothing to do other than cope. I tell myself every day that Muira is taking a long break so he can release 140 chapters all at once, hit 500 chapters, and close the story all at once

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I mean you could also do what everyone else without a chromosomal disorder does and move the fuck on to something not on hiatus

But berserk is the best manga of all time, why would I willingly downgrade? and why wouldnt I be able to read other manga while still waiting for berserk?

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unless you spend your time autistically re consuming the same media then you're just sitting there doing nothing. Which is even more autistic

True, but I dont reconsume the same media user. Ive only read berserk once

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Yeah but stop pretending that HxH is a masterpiece. If serie goes on many long haituses and drops only 10 chapters a year then you can’t really call HxH a worthy manga.

How does the current publishing status affect the merit of the previous story ?

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>there's a reason 99% of the discussion has to do with the chimera arc, its the only anime arc that did anything of note.
even that was terrible

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>there's a reason 99% of the discussion has to do with the chimera arc

Yeah, it's like 50% of the story

Did she ever got fucked?

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How does anyone take that shit seriously?

>"He can punch but like, REALLY hard????"
>"wHeN He ToUcHeS THInGs ThEy ExPlOdE!!!!!?!"

based hxh chads


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How did you even came up with that idea?

Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken

It's really not that uncommon

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ben 10


Boy do I have something for you

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how many times are you going to make such
threads op, how many will you make more?
when does it stops?

every character goes 150%

that's actually a pretty damn good page


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>words being written to be read from left to right
what fucking piece of shit tumblr tranny made this?

What debate

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Jesus christ

SnK > shit > HxH > BnHA


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>300k members vs 950k members
Imagine taking mal seriously in the first place

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nice baits, bros
do we have a troll discord?
may I ask for a link so I can join?

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What debate? stick to comparing it to Black Clover
it's on that level.


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With conditions

Imagine not even watching the arc

>Reading a shitty summary of a single chapter devoid of all character and plot understanding and then forming an opinion.
Atleast it's good to know that the people who shitpost about HxH didn't even watch or read it in the first place, says a lot about Yea Forums and how many seething brainlets and faggot falseflaggers plague this place.

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Hisoka will die of old age.

Season 3 Part 2 made me drop that turd of a show.

one pleb filtered, nothing has lost

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Shit taste


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same. It was so god awful

Summerfags want to debate the most generic shounenshit mha vs hxh are yall fucking nuts?

Defend this

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hang u niggerfaggot

I know right? It’s so sad that even a generic shonen manga like mha eclipses hunter x hunter in quality.


Imagine being a fan of mha in the first place and to decide ur shitty body to this generic bullshit. Hang yall shittaste faggots

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Why does 1999 Hisoka sounds like a frog?

Really how so?It has to be from the absolutely brilliant side characters right? or maybe it's the praiseworthy villains. I get what your mean man these hunter plebs can never understand the heart wrenching scene when Ochaco called her parents we all felt the emotion and heart because everyone and I mean everyone! loved how developed and likeable she was.

If Black Clover can have fans, anything can have fans.

Ow! the Edge!

atleast BHNA is progressing the only thing that it has going on

HxH will either be rushed or never finished

Please go back to whatever reddit board you browse.

Just because Hori keeps churning out more shit doesn't mean that's a good thing.
Boku no Pico Academia will never hold a candle to HxH even if HxH is rushed at the end or if it never finishes.

HxH is hardly even a sputter now

HxH finished at the top of the tree with Gon and Ging talking. It will never get a more proper ending than that.

>HiatusXHiatusfags and MHAcucks shit flinging
>they dont realize both series' are shit and haven't moved on to an actual good anime

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atleast BHNA is progressing poorly

He uses a DBS image while calling other series shit.

Top selling manga for the first half of 2018 by volume (Nov 20, 2017 - May 20, 2018)
1) One Piece #88 | 2,283,589
2) Attack on Titan #24 | 1,376,248
3) Attack on Titan #25 | 1,111,591
4) Hunter x Hunter #35 | 981,833
5) Kingdom #49 | 806,986
6) Kingdom #50 | 742,295
>hardly even a sputter now.
It's on very long hiatus but still sells more than your garbage tier shounens, cope.

Good bait XD

Based DBScholar
These dogs don’t understand our intellect
Even the lowest Keklyfag is above them.
Hunterchads, we are open to an alliance though. Just remember who your masters are, pet.

Should have posted the guy he literally copied of instead of Pop, bruh.

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based and DBpilled

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Please wise one tell me the nuances and brilliance of Trunk's spirit bomb sword

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From the book of ToriToyo
>the anime, Dragon Ball Super, is non-canonical

Tell wise one tell me the nuances and brilliance of Goku using Hakai.

Goku has been shown to learn moves almost right after seeing them and used the Kaio-Ken better than its creator.
He had also been training with an Angel and Hakaishin for a few years and only pulled off an incredibly slow form of the technique, while in Perfected Blue

Hunter x Hunter is way better, but I beat off to Endeavor so it's all good

Based Pikuchad

I'm sorry you had to see this, a Jobrendog got out of his kennel again.


The only debate between these two are is HxH will return before MHA stops being shit, but we all know there is 0% chance of either of these things ever happening.

even Dr.Stone is better than the MCU Green Naruto

How was Android 17 able to match Goku

BASED dr flop

How will Isayama asspulls his characters out of death this time?

The bait is strong

I honestly need to confess I fucking dropped both Hunter x Hunter animes because I didn't liked it at all. Yu Yu Hakusho will be always his best work for me.

This is far more based than most are willing to admit

nothing wrong with tvtropes though

inb4 you say you dropped it before Yorknew arc or during the Hunter exam

Two year hiatus between chapters that tend to be just walls of text with enough complexity and information to keep track of that would scare away even adult readers.
I actually get more satisfation from studying for college than this. The anime is really cool tho, precisely because they have to make do without 20 pages of texts in comic format.

Intricate enough at times to call older readers while being a blast superficially nonetheless.
Has more drawings in a page than in 2 to 3 full volumes of HxH. Which is to say it is actually a manga (as in a book with images and text bubbles).

One is great and another is complete waste of time

they both fucking suck

Better written fleshed out power system world building characters. The series pretty much ended when the anime did or when Gon stated that he can no longer use NEN and went back home. Everything else after that is the legendary HiatusxHiatus which became a text dump slower pace fan fic with no ending in sight.
Naruto literally stole its early story concepts from HxH THIS IS NOT A JOKE
Strong start that began to drag by the abrupt defeat of All for One and from then on aside from the endeavor arc had luke warm story arcs where deku slowy became a complete snore to read through and every other side charater had zero agency as the strory progress and are equally bland even Bakugo and zuko was over staying there welcome. Villains are literal retards
[spoilers] O MY SEVEN QUIRKS [/spoilers]

>Villains are literal retards
Have you read the last chapter tho?
Shit was nuts.

>My Reddit Academia

He really should use some new material desu. Something like BnHA vs Kinetsu or BC vs Act-Age!

>So we keep baitin' em bros? Hyhy. We truly are good trolls. And they didn't notice we haven't watch nor read Hunter x Hunter yet we introduce ourselves as HUNTERCHADS.

based frog bro

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real nigga Araki been doing this shit since the 80s baka

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The sad thing is, this is 100% accurate.

Why are BNHA fans so much more faggy? At every con I have gone to at least 50% of the cosplayers
cosplay as something from that godforsaken show, and they always do it so it looks as dykey as possible.
Is there a reason to this??

>tattooing some cringe emotionalpanel on yourself
Deku self-inserters need to be round up and shot in minecraft

Both are garbage if we are being honest but HxH is less garbage and isn't just capeshit in Japanese

I'll choose My Hero Academia, because I still don't know how to say the title of the other one. Is it Hunter BY Hunter, or Hunter ECKS Hunter, or Hunter Times Hunter, or Hunter Hunter?

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Code breaker
Black clover
Nanatsu no Taizai

And now go cry in a corner.

HxH reminds me a lot of the movie Prometheus. When Prometheus first came out, there were tons of people picking apart its symbology and over-examining every line of dialogue trying to crack all the film's hidden messages. Given this, one would logically think that Prometheus was a masterpiece of cinema, right? Well, if you actually sit down and watch the whole thing, it's a pretty standard horror thriller with some annoying plot points and characters that leave you with a film that has little if any lasting impressions.
HxH has a ton put into it, but at the end of the day it's just your standard shounen with terrible pacing, a narrator explaining things that don't need to be or have already been explained, and terrible art and character designs. You can go into it and gush over the symbology and references to classic art and literature that have been shoehorned in, but all of that only serves to distract from the overall package that only sets itself apart with overly convoluted and long-winded exposition.

You know comics and manga are a visual medium, right?

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HxH reminds me a lot of the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. When Space Odyssey first came out critics were harsh, calling it 'style over substance' rubbish. Time passed, and then tons of people started over-examining every line of dialogue trying to crack all the film's hidden messages, getting closer to consensus - 2001: A Space Odyssey is a genre defining masterpiece.

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Meruem scene had some kind of 2001:ASO vibe.

More is BAD
Less is GOOD

based seinenchad

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All Might is a national treasure

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>hurr durr lets compare To Kill A Mockingbird with Hunger Games

>another "The Great Debate" thread
Is OP in depression or something?

>american will never read or watch kino DQ


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Read Dragon Kino instead

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Which series?


Good point fellow DaiChad

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Pop is so badass but why does he still chase after the worst girl when he have a cutie like Merle

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Sounds like Eva if you ask me

That last point was amazing

Yeah? Why is that?

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the only great debate is who can beat One Piece

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Because he wanted Maam goofy it's not about what she wants

>BNHA: deconstruction of the superhero genre
>HxH: literally a generic shonen

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Two pieces


But Alluka is female and male because there's something else inside her, not because she's mentally ill.

BNHA is literal bare bones capeshit
The author confirms this