Just finished 5 Centimeters Per Second. A cartoon has never made me hurt on the inside like this before. What do i do?

Just finished 5 Centimeters Per Second. A cartoon has never made me hurt on the inside like this before. What do i do?

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Commit solo death,
Alternately live with sad days ahead

Just watch Your Name, it's like a scene by scene refutation of it.

yeah just that it requires magic to work
5cm per second is cold harsh reality

>5cm per second

>a chain of short stories about their DISTANCE.
Lovefags BTFO.

>yeah just that it requires magic to work
It doesn't, the magic only allows for the reset point; everything in response to 5cm is contingent on the same things - even the train separation.

I watched this and I felt like I had no idea what the fuck was going on the whole time.

Am I retarded?

>Am I retarded?
No, you just never really loved anyone

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>What do i do?
Get over her.

Sometime you have to let things go and move on because it was not mean to work. The ending isn't that sad.

Now you can read the manga which has more details and there is an extra chapter after. The final chapter takes place just after the movie ending

grow a pair

kill yourself

what happened?

Double murder suicide.

You know whats also a cold harsh reality user?
The high rates of infidelity in Japan.

Things will be alright, Takaki cucks Akari's husband and Akari gives birth to Takaki's child and her husband is none the wiser. Takaki spends the night banging Akari while her husband slowly dies in his wageslave job.

This wasn't sad. I never had a female friend before.

i don't understand takaki guy at all
he is hot so he can just find a new gf

Will Shinkai ever top this or is he just gonna keep making YA fantasy romance stuff forever?

Nice blog

I've had a platonic female friend, who's hot. And it hurts a little bit knowing she's moved to another town and is married.

I wouldn't be able imagine what it would feel like if i liked her.

He already made a high budget Garden of Words.
Soon he'll adapt a high budget version of this
just that somebody close to him needs to leave

shit ass boring movie. everyone talked this shit up to no end, i watched it, was bored out of my skull, and was left unfulfilled in the end. shit ending. why would i want to watch a movie with such a shit ending? i could just reflect on my own life if i wanted that. garbage story, garbage pacing, garbage character decisions. pretty visuals for the time though.

>It didn't have an explicitly happy ending for the MC so it is bad!!!!

Underage. Leave Yea Forums.

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The guy was pretty pathetic until the end of the movie.

Ive read the book, and it really stuck with me. Its not a happy story, not a sad story, no humor, barely any drama, long, a bit too descriptive at time and doesnt fit any of my usual tastes when reading books at all. But somehow the story just really stood out. Especially the bittersweet ending (which the movie didnt manage to capture), i still remember every little part of it.