ITT:Unpopular opinions
If Sasuke had died against Haku, it would have set a much better tone for the rest of the series and it would have made Naruto one of the most kino shonens ever made.
ITT:Unpopular opinions
If Sasuke had died against Haku, it would have set a much better tone for the rest of the series and it would have made Naruto one of the most kino shonens ever made.
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Kill yourself you toxic Naurtard.
he's already have storyline about revenge
sakura, or kakashi, on the other hand...
Nah, he should have died vs. Orochimaru or vs. Naruto in that fight on the Lake.
Fuck off back to Narutard
actual good opinion, always thought there were some really prime moments in early naruto that could've made the world a bit darker. still love the original naruto vs shippuden
If Sasuke was killed early on, Naruto would've been axed before chapter 100.
Naruto should have been about child soldiers coping with the realities of war not turn into dbz-lite
Editor meddling forced there to be a Sasuke in the first place, he could never be killed in chapter 27.
Sasuke should've died vs. Killer Bee
>not OP
Pic one.
Nonsense. Naruto is fine as is and the only people who say it went downhill are shonentards and weekly readers. Naruto is a solid shonen and your nonsense opinions of what should have happened would not have created the result you expected. Go binge read all of Naruto and see for yourself how well it actually hold up, faggot.
Fuck off Narutard
What if I say no?
Naruto was kino until shippuden
Stop samefagging your shit thread, Yea Forumsfag.
As expected of a Narutard who regularly posts on /trash/'s /dft/ - Discord Fapping Thread.
Not only are you a cancerous Narutard but you are a Discord user as well.
Nah i prefer the "if Sasuke was a girl..." variant.
I mean, I'm not actually this person and the fact that you would go this far out of your way to try and spite me reeks of a particularly strong shade of autism. I'm just here trying to spread the gospel that shonentard's have the worst opinions in the world and Naruto is actually a fine manga. I don't see how that's supposed to be cancer, but maybe I should just lurk more, who knows.
Nice denial, Narutard
I never watched Naruto but I refuse to believe it got that bad.
Now that we're on it, does this one bring up interesting results? I don't know where these images come from(I think I got them from /c/ or something), but I do like them. Do you know if there are any more of them?
Boku no hero should've been axed on the first chapter.
Hori is a retard. Nobody can beat Oda.
well it was never any good to begin with.
Why? As someone who hates Sasuke I can say he's pretty useful to the plot, part of Naruto learning how to break the cycle of hatred was learning how to settle differences and not make the same mistakes as Hashirama and other hokages before him. If Haku had killed Sasuke Naruto would have never forgiven Haku, therefore he would've never felt sympathy towards him and Zabuza, and would've just carried around the same attitude and hatred for all his enemies that any average shinobi does instead of evolving his ideology and wanting to be a hokage/save people for more reasons than wanting to be acknowledged. This was all an important part in Naruto's growth as a character and I can't imagine how the series would be better off for it aside from keeping the series tonally dark.
Why do you think this is a good idea, OP? Just curious.