Banana Fish

Why's the Banana Fish anime not being talked about that much?

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it's gay

It's gay and anti-gay.

Eji a shit.

I was enjoying the show till Arthur died, from that point the show felt very boring.

Because it’s over.

cuz its gay and gays are lame

Anime is crap, manga is better.

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I liked it until someone pointed out how the series is just "Ash gets kidnapped * infinity

Goodnight sweet prince.

Cute shit

It's good until Arthur gets killed like this user said

I hope Papa Dino will meet Papa Gregu in the afterlife

Dino met Ash again in Hell.

Filthy lies. 300IQ toilets don't end up in hell

They should made a Greg, Dino and Bunta crossover
It would be like Isekai Quartet but for old rapists

Would they start raping each other once they notice shotas were not invited

Because the manga is superior.

Utsumi on action-packed shows was a mistake, she ruined the BF experience for anime only who will never pick up the manga. She should only direct anime with fujo fanservice.

I don't understand the decision to hire her, she is good at SoL and comedy, but she's never written or directed an action show.

The production committee probably hired her with the purpose of revamping the manga, because unlike the old extinguished BF readership, modern fujos are allergic to any resemblance of a plot that requires thinking, it's an hindrance to the boys sharing cute moments together. You can tell by how much they lingered on Ash and Eiji's scenes at the expense of action, and cut equally important characters' screen time (a case in point Dino being a shallow villain in the anime). 2 cours didn't help to, but more episodes would have made it an irredeemable trainwreck.

>modern fujos are allergic to any resemblance of a plot that requires thinking
N-no! I refuse to believe this. It's true what they say - moefags and comfyfags ruin everything.

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The second half was incredibly repetitive but I liked the characters enough to at least finish it

It wasn´t great. The original source also wasn´t great

But it was fun and engaging, though pulpy.

Imagine the smell

Imagine your smell

The biggest sin the adaptation committed was changing the original early 80's setting

Pretty much. I was so hyped for cheesy synthpop and funky fashion. What a letdown.

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It's not just that. The story screams 80s. You can't just change Vietnam with Iraq and call it a day.

Yeah, and the silly shit like 'Ash escaping from a tight-security facility' can't be pulled off today, in the age of mass surveillance.

Ash is a leet haxxor, PhD level biochemist, Rambo, Solid Snake motherfucker with an IQ of 200, he can pull anything except survive

The stupidest way to lose plot armour.

>IQ 200
>His Dad said: make them pay for it, son!
>actually started to ask money for his raping instead of revenging
this guy

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But that was actually the wisest things to do. Money is power.

Your average IQ brain will never understand, user

>not being talked about that much
I guess you missed the fun while it was airing.