ITT: Characters that could only be beat by asspulls
ITT: Characters that could only be beat by asspulls
add gerard there too, and probably askin who had to bomb himself
Forgot about Gerard him too yeah. Askin was strong but I don’t think he was broken on the level as the other two Urahara pretty much had him beat as soon as he used his Bankai.
id say his bankai just forced a stalemate honestly. Urahara looked pretty down and out of cards by the time grimmjow did his thing, and without nel to save them they would have all died there.
> Mayuri is the only one that managed to kill one of the 3 elites
His science became hilariously overpowered in the final arc, he could have taken care of both sniper chicken nigga and gerard.
Why the fuck were quincies on next level shit, what the fuck was Kubo thinking
True, there’s not really much that could be done to prepare for that giant poison ball. How did Askin even survive getting attached by Grimmjow? Didn’t he tear his heart out?
Asking and Gerard weren't beaten by asspulls
Most of the JoJo villains
>How did Askin even survive getting attached by Grimmjow?
He didn't
he was thinking 'this must fit the only storyline i have to use over and over again'
He's probably capable of overpowering Askin's vollstandig as well with his voodoo shit.
Even Mayuri beating Pernida was pretty much a cheat. For the majority of that fight Pernida had the upper hand.
Mayuri was always the only competent Captain
I don’t think he would’ve been able to beat Lille.
I actually really liked the Schutzstafell. They were really broken but in a good way.
Madara Uchiha
>Fight with Griffith and the Band of the Hawk
Was exhausted by the previous fight and outnumbered
>Fight with Griffith
Demonic fuckery
Literal asspulling was involved